Promoting Sustainable, healthy, tasty food, preserved and stored for year round locally grown eating
Eating at SAP
A little early for garden pics. I mean, you've all seen dandelions... tonight I made tacos from locally sourced and organic ingredients. Anyone local wanting grass fed and pastured beef hit me up. My farmer has a few extra quarters. We'll discuss a finder's fee. Won't cost you a penny.
Compost swamp. What a weird spring.
So, due to weather and an out of state vacation (mostly weather, also I'm kinda lazy) my beds are a good month behind. Here's where my thistles and garlic mustard said they would conquer me. At least the bleeding hearts and currants are doing well. Next few days will be digging and planting. From seed, what will grow. has no interest in helping, except to defend me from fallen branches. Although, he may be right.
Garlic is finally coming up!
Not the best shot, but guess who has a fig tree in their yard? Actually at least two. Who knew they would survive Wisconsin winters? It started as a houseplant and I took it outside suspecting it was causing my dogs allergies. Fell off the porch in the snow and voila!
It's been a long time since I picked tomatoes in October. Perhaps the last pull from the garden this year. Tomatoes, basil, beans, and some peppers.
From shirt basket to curried lentils, etc.
Salsa! Yeah, I can what I can. 16 pints for batch #1.
Garluc chive flowers at night. 2021, the year of wild overgrowth! BTW, what is the singular of chives? Chife? 🙄
Peppers are a bit like me, sweet or spicy 🤣. First the spicy, then the gloves come off! Soon for the horrible dad jokes
More shirtbasket.
Mer basil harvested and dried. Woot!
Carrots don't do so great here, but their greens help make excellent stock
Time to chop and freeze the hot ones!
Shirt basket again. My garden is a month behind...
Shirt basket!
When you're gone for 5 days and your picklers become slicers. Hope the grandson likes cakes as much as his dad.
And so it begins...
My garden is almost a month late this year due to a heightened work schedule and weather. First few pints of pickles in the canner right now. Also, I spilled my compost bucket on the ground when trying to get the lid off. It warped and I will be needing a new one. Any suggestions? #🤮
Nash loves the new raised beds.
Finally got the new raised beds in! I am a little behind this year due to my very worthwhile vacation in early May.
On vacation I found a "marimba" at a petting zoo. Not really a but still. I feel I should stick to strings and frets
Good thing I didn't transplant any seedlings! Two weeks from May and we get a dusting of snow!
And so it begins...
Interested in eating what the Earth has to offer; locally, organically, sustainably. Eat or die.