Relieve stress for more Energy, Better Sleep and improved mood.

Relieve stress for more Energy, Better Sleep and improved mood.

Feeling tired or lacking energy? Or suffering with poor quality sleep? Is chronic inflammation wreak

For Goodness Sake, Let go of Control 05/12/2019

One thing you need to do to relieve your stress is to Let Go Of the Need to Control Everything!!!
This podcast episode is brilliant for helping you shift your mindset....

For Goodness Sake, Let go of Control, please check it out.

For Goodness Sake, Let go of Control How often do you catch yourself trying to control every aspect of your life? How much stress, anxiety & fear does this cause... but here's the thing...trying to control everything in your life stems from fear...but there is a better way to approach life and when you learn to let go and make decision...

Nrf2 Science LifeVantage 30/10/2019

This is a brilliant video to explain what Nrf2 Activation is...

Nrf2 Science LifeVantage Activate the power of your own nrf2! For information on how to get started with nrf2 activation contact me on: Email: [email protected] Website: lisa...


Did you know that by naturally activating the nrf2 pathway in our body, we are able to reduce oxidative stress? There is an American Research Paper which demonstrates a reduction of oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days through nrf2 THAT is POWERFUL!!


Oregon State University has also been researching nrf2 activation and found evidence that it could help slow age related issues in the body - see below...


Nrf2 activation is a powerful way to naturally protect the body against oxidative stress and the damaging effects that high levels of oxidative stress can have....
In fact,
Washington State University researched Nrf2 Activation and came to this amazing conclusion;


For anyone in the Brisbane area... would love to see you there!

Home - PubMed - NCBI 15/10/2019

💥💥💥Can you believe this? 💥💥💥

5 years ago, when I first searched ‘Oxidative Stress’ on 🔬(the national institute of health’s research database) there were approx 78,000 research papers 📋listed in the search results.


That was a huge number, even back then, especially when you take into account that the average cost 💰of a research paper (pending many variables) is around $50k per paper!!


Fast forward to today - and that exact same search 🔬 in yields 217,517 results! 📋

That’s an increase of more than 139,000 research papers 📖!!

Now think about this.... that’s an incredible amount of $$💵 being spent researching oxidative stress - and why do you think this is? ❓

Would it be because scientists 👩‍🔬 and researchers👨🏼‍🔬 KNOW that high levels of oxidative stress are directly linked with everthing you don’t want⁉️

Our world 🌎 is changing rapidly and we are facing higher and higher exposure to agents 🧬 which increase oxidative stress in the body. It’s not a case of IF it will affect you and your family, it’s a case of WHEN.

Education 📖 makes sense - because there is a way to protect your body against oxidative stress AND it’s natural 🍃 - which is super important!

For more information on oxidative stress and how to be protected against it, Private Message me OR leave a comment below 👇🏻

Home - PubMed - NCBI PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.


Our good health is our greatest wealth


4 years ago I took a leap of faith.
I made a decision to align with a company and products which change lives for the better. I knew the company was backed by incredible science 🧪 and that it was at the forefront of study in the field of Nutrigenomics Research 🔬and while this concept was exciting - it was also scary....

As a nurse I was wary of representing products, especially ones sold through network marketing, but you see, I had done extensive research 🔬and I knew we had something special in our hands - I just didn’t understand why they were in a network marketing model....but what I found out was that the products and company had been around for years before they were put into this model and this was done because there is a story to tell. We are dealing with concepts so new to most people’s understanding that it needs to be explained person to person.

My first year in the business was a, seriously....I had to learn what network marketing was and what it wasn’t....I had to learn NOT to speak science 🧬 to every person I met.....and I had to learn to change limiting belief patterns and my mindset....but I wouldn’t change any of those experiences because during that time, I got to see first hand the power of nutrigenomics and here I am, 4 years later with a huge smile on my face.

I am grateful.

Grateful to my little sister for persistently and lovingly following up. Grateful for our team who united allows us to touch so many more lives than we could individually. Grateful to have found this opportunity when we did and grateful for the strength to step out of my comfort zone and take that leap of faith.

As each year progresses, more and more people are discovering the power of Nutrigenomics. The company is growing rapidly and attracting investors like Renaissance Technologies LLC and BlackRock Fund Advisors (for anyone who knows much about the share market you’ll understand that these guys are seriously experienced investors!!)

I travelled to Kansas City Missouri last month for a company event where Erin Brockovich was introduced as our newest member on the Board of Directors!


Erin Brockovich is most well known for her legal prowess, her determination to dig deep and find the truth and her passion to fight for the rights of all. She told the audience

“This is a company I have admired at arms length for some time. It’s a company with strong momentum - not just in the U.S. - but globally. In today’s world, actively managing our health has never been so vital.”

At that same event, I attended a meeting for the health professionals involved with the company and the group membership number those health professionals, is now over 1200 (globally) - this is huge!

Not only are these professionals able to read and interpret the science, but they see the power and the potential to help others and they join the business because of that....they stay in the business, like I have, because of what they see first hand themselves....

Nrf2 activation and Nutrigenomics has a massive role to play in health and wellness not only right now but that role will increase exponentially into the future...

I am so grateful I said yes and took that leap of faith....

I would love to speak to anyone who wants to know more, reach out via the comments below or PM me for more info on how you can take a leap of faith and change your life for the better!

Photos from Relieve stress for more Energy, Better Sleep and improved mood.'s post 20/02/2019

ADHD and Activation.

Do you know anyone with ADHD - if so I have a 15 minute video that will blow their mind 🤯 keep reading.....

I KNEW activation of the body was super powerful but 😲wow wow wow 😲 look at the proof in this 🧠brain mapping that one of our neuroscientists spoke about after having these ADHD kids on nrf1 and nrf2 activation after 2 WEEKS

I’m totally freaking mind blown myself 😳😳😳

This new health technology 🔬is so incredibly powerful and completely changing the health and lives of so many. You are completely insane 🙀 if you don’t learn about it!!

Being a working mum is hard enough, being a working mum dealing with ADHD is even harder.

This is a complete game changer for struggling families.

If you know anyone who can benefit from this information,

Reach out if you and I’ll send you a copy of that video


💥💥💥 Dr Josh Axe 💥💥💥
He's totally trending right now 😍☝ Check out this 👇 from one of HIS blog posts! Take the time to educate yourself and read this. It's YOUR HEALTH 😳

"....Free radicals ultimately harm and age the body over time because they damage DNA, cellular membranes, lipids (fats) stored within blood vessels and enzymes. Normally, free radicals — or as they’re also commonly referred to, reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species — live in balance with antioxidants in the body. It’s when this balance is disturbed, due to low intake of antioxidants and accumulation of free radicals, that accelerated aging occurs.

The damage done by free radicals in the body is known as OXIDATION.

Oxidation is the same process that browns an apple 🍎or rusts metal. Rampaging free radicals react with compounds in the body and oxidize them. The AMOUNT of oxidation in the BODY is a measure of OXIDATIVE STRESS.

High levels of oxidative stress affect EVERY organ and system in the body and have been linked with everything from Alzheimer's
disease 😵, arteriosclerosis 😮, cancer 😩, and heart disease 😧 to accelerated aging, asthma, diabetes and leaky gut syndrome. Oxidative stress is believed to lead to the development of the most prevalent chronic diseases and disorders killing adults today, especially heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Oxidation lays the foundation for the proliferation of free radicals and damage to cells, muscles, tissue, organs, etc.

Antioxidants counteract free radicals because they’re essentially “self-sacrificing soldiers.” As Byrnes explains, they donate an electron to free radicals to “calm” them down and are consumed in the process.

Our bodies use antioxidants to lessen the impact of free radicals, and our diets give us the tools to do so. GLUTATHIONE is considered the MOST important “master” antioxidant and is the LIVER's major weapon. It’s created from the amino acids cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid....."

💥💥💥OH MY GOODNESS!!! 💥💥💥

For real guys, you can activate your body with nrf2 which is SCIENTIFICALLY proven to reduce oxidative stress in ALL MAMMALS by 40% in 30 days!! It also UP regulates your GLUTATHIONE production by 300% NATURALLY. There isn't a glutathione "supplement" hidden in it - it's all about the synergy of these herbs that is making this pill change THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of lives.

Don't you think it's time to evolve from supplements to & !? 💖

Photos from Relieve stress for more Energy, Better Sleep and improved mood.'s post 13/01/2019

We live so differently to how our parents & grandparents did.

We’ve seen massive/rapid technological 🖥 advances happen in all areas of life and while many of these advances save us time 🕰, increase efficiency and open doors 🚪to opportunites once only dreamt of.....

Very few people take time to consider the impact these have on our body 👨🏼‍⚕️. Research 🧪has been and is being conducted which clearly shows a link between high exposure to these things and high levels of Oxidative stress (cellular damage) in the body. High levels of cellular damage is linked with everything you don’t want ...You need to know about it.

If you look at the photos attached, you can clearly see the rapid progress 💥of technology - and each and every one of these advances bring new challenges, new exposures to unnatural elements which can negatively impact our bodies.

It’s easy to close your mind and reject the unknown - yet often - it’s those who are open to new ideas and concepts who are in the right place, at the right time to capitalise 💰on those ideas. In this case, we aren’t referring to capitalise in just a $$ capacity, but also in terms of quality of life.

For the last 4 years, I’ve kept an open mind! I embraced a new form of health technology 🔬which I’ve now personally seen benefit hundreds of lives and I know, without doubt - that it is one of the most important health advances 💫 we’ve seen throughout history.

We’re talking about Nutrigenomics 🧬- activating our body to protect itself from oxidative stress (cellular damage). In the world 🌏 we live in, this has never been more important!

If you have an open mind. If you are searching for a better quality of health 🍏; more energy, better sleep, improved moods and so much more. If you are actively looking for a way to generate additional income 💶. If any, all or just one of these apply to you, send me a PM and I’ll gladly share more info ♥️


Prevention is better than cure!


Oxidative Stress = Cellular Damage.
High levels of Cellular Damage lead to rapid aging, malfunction and the development of disease -

We have a way to protect the body against oxidative stress - naturally.

Gain An Edge With Biohacking Your Body 19/10/2018

What is biohacking?

Gain An Edge With Biohacking Your Body Any biohacker knows that to truly take control of your body’s output, you need to first control what is input - beginning with what nutrients it receives. Th...


What protecting your body against oxidative allowed it to heal the way it was always meant to?

You can....


What would more energy and better sleep mean do for you?

Don’t wonder, find out. Contact me for more info at [email protected]


Did you know that laughing and patting animals are great stress relievers?


Antioxidants are a powerful and natural way to protect and support our bodies....but did you realise that direct antioxidants (any antioxidant that you take or administer through the digestive system) aren’t enough.

Direct Antioxidants neutralise free-radicals on a ratio of 1:1

On any given day, our modern lifestyle exposes us to more free radicals than direct antioxidants can neutralise which is why we end up with high levels of oxidative stress (cellular damage)

Our body makes antioxidant enzymes (part of our natural defence system) and these enzymes neutralise free-radicals on a ratio of 1: 1 000,000 per second that they’re active in the body.

This is a massive difference and far more effective in protection against oxidative stress!

Boosting these enzymes naturally is the key to optimal health.


Here’s a powerful customer experience 🙂

Thank you Diane Stone H for this beautiful testimonial💙!

My entire life, I’ve struggled with chronic health issues (daily headaches and debilitating migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, thyroid malfunction…the list goes on and on!) Over the years, I have seen numerous Doctors, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, etc…following their exact protocols, all with minimal success or benefit!

I was often bedridden and unable to work consistently, which put a tremendous amount of stress upon my husband, who has supported our family solely for the majority of our marriage. I was starting to lose faith that I would ever have a “normal” life. Bottom line…I was literally sick and tired of being sick and tired!

It was May of 2017 when I watched the ABC Primetime Investigative Report and was first introduced to Nrf2 Activation…something that has literally changed my life!

After a few months, subtle changes turned into major changes! I no longer have daily headaches OR debilitating migraines! My pain is lessening every day and I haven’t had a flare up since starting this protocol! I’m sleeping better and am FINALLY able to keep up with the kids! I’m not struggling with crippling anxiety or depression, like I was!

For the first time in my life, my body is finally able to do what it was designed to do, and HEAL ITSELF!

I am no longer defined by my health issues! My life finally has purpose…meaning…direction!

I am a LIFER…I will never stop taking these products! I am a better wife…a better Mama…a better me…all because of the crazy products and INCREDIBLE COMPANY! 💙💜

**we do not claim to treat, prevent, cure or mitigate disease. We have a natural product which activates our body, a powerful tool that protects against oxidative stress and allows the body to do what it is naturally designed to do**


The future of health and wellness....

You’ve found this page, you’ve discovered this product and there is a massive opportunity for you to benefit your life, your health as well as your finances and share those benefits with those around you.....

The national Institute of health’s database for peer-reviewed research. Check out the number of research papers published on oxidative stress 🤔

Three years ago....when I started with this company, there were only 78,000 research forward to now and there are over 192,000.

Does anyone know the average cost of research? That is a heck of a lot of $$$ being spent researching oxidative stress!


Because there is a strong link between high oxidative stress and over 200 different disease states within the body.

Go do your own research on


Say WHAT?????

A natural Branded supplement was featured in the American Heart 💕Associations Journal - Circulation!!!!👨🏼‍⚕️

Hmmmm, that never that has my attention 🤔


The Modern World is damaging your Body!!!!

Think of the way we’re living life these days. Then think back to the way our parents and grandparents lived their lives.

Grossly Different!!!

They ate cleaner, more nutrient dense food, consumed less chemicals (artificial colours, flavours and preservatives), breathed cleaner air and were exposed to virtually no electromagnetic radiation or wi-fi frequencies......

Scientific research demonstrates that our exposure to these causes damage to the cells of our body - resulting in high levels of oxidative stress.

Why do you care??

Well, if you don’t care about your health and the health of your family, you won’t care.....BUT.....

If you do care about your health and the health of your family, you should know that high levels of oxidative stress or cellular damage is not good for the body, in fact, look up high levels of oxidative stress AND (insert ________; think anything bad that you don’t want) and you’ll see there is a strong and direct link between the two.

It makes sense.

Our body needs sleep to recover, rejuvenate and repair.

The cells of our body are the building blocks in this process.

Would you rather use, strong, functional cells OR damaged, weak and nonfunctional cells?

Which cells would assist optimal health?

In this modern world, we cannot escape or effectively protect our body from exposure to these negative elements.


We can protect our bodies against oxidative stress by using a natural product, 1 tablet, once a day - clinically proven.

It works by activating our bodies ability to neutralise these negative elements BEFORE they can damage our cells.

What does this mean?

It means that while we cannot do much about the current and future technological advances, we CAN utilise the power of nutrigenomics to naturally boost our defense against it and therefore see improvement in our energy levels, our sleep quality, our moods, metabolism and our immune system.

This is new health technology which has been heralded in a peer reviewed research paper as “the most extraordinary therapeutic and preventative breakthrough in the history of medicine”

It provides powerful protection and maximum benefits for optimal health and wellness.

Request more information in the comments below or alternatively via messenger.

Photos from Relieve stress for more Energy, Better Sleep and improved mood.'s post 26/06/2018

What a brilliant article.....
There is a product that naturally activates the nrf2 pathway and protects against oxidative stress, want to know more?
Reach out via message or comment in the post below.
