Plantiful Nutrition

Plantiful Nutrition

All things plant based Welcome to Plantiful Nutrition! I'm a nutritional therapist consulting clients online and in Cirencester Ashcroft Practice. Ask me.

I provide individual support and advice about diet and healthy lifestyle. I specialize in plant based diets, so if you're a vegetarian/vegan interested in improving your health or a concerned parent of a veggie child, I can help. If you're willing to transition into a plant based lifestyle or considering a raw food diet, again, let me know. Or do you simply want to eat healthily but don't know whe

Over 90% of sampled salt brands globally found to contain microplastics - Greenpeace International 17/10/2018

Microplastics are everywhere and we should all be concerned about them.

Over 90% of sampled salt brands globally found to contain microplastics - Greenpeace International “Recent studies have found plastics in seafood, wildlife, tap water, and now in salt. It’s clear that there is no escape from this plastics crisis."

Aphrodisiac plants 09/02/2018

The Valentine's day is approaching... We're so used to chocolates and sweets being shared that we forget all the aphrodisiac plants that might be savoury! Check out this list

Aphrodisiac plants

Why Food Forests? 12/08/2017

Intensive agriculture impacts negatively on our environment but also on our health. It's not just pesticides and chemicals used but poor quality of nutrients present in foods grown this way. Wild foods can be much higher in minerals (and phytochemicals), so why can't we grow most of our produce in a way nature intended, aka in food forests? Permaculture suggests that we can.

Why Food Forests? Image source: Permaculture a Beginner’s Guide, by Graham Burnett We’re all familiar with the concept of forests — lush, abundant expanses of...

10+ Terrifying Pics Show What Happens When Fruits And Veggies Start Sprouting Early 04/08/2017

I had to share! (Sometimes sprouted seeds aren't very edible)

10+ Terrifying Pics Show What Happens When Fruits And Veggies Start Sprouting Early Just like humans, fruits and vegetables also have a cycle of life, filled with constant growth and changes. And, just like humans, their...

Sedentary lifestyle appears to increase risk for both kidney and bladder cancer 02/08/2017

They say that not exercising is as bad as smoking... There might be some truth in it.

Sedentary lifestyle appears to increase risk for both kidney and bladder cancer A connection between a sedentary lifestyle and risk of developing kidney or bladder cancer has been established by scientists.

Most People Throw Away Avocado Pits, But This Artist Carves Them Into Magical Forest Creatures 21/07/2017

Imagine that!

Most People Throw Away Avocado Pits, But This Artist Carves Them Into Magical Forest Creatures Jan Campbell was preparing an avocado for lunch one day when she was struck by the beauty of the pit inside, an object most people throw away...


If you feel like you need some raw fruit and veg in you (or even a "detox"), check it out: you could win a ticket to the Fruit Fest!

People taking heartburn drugs could have higher risk of death, study claims 11/07/2017

All drugs have side effects, sadly some of them can be increased risk of death. Problems lik heartburn can usually be managed with diet and lifestyle. If you can do things naturally, look into your options, you may not need to take a drug...

People taking heartburn drugs could have higher risk of death, study claims Research suggests people on proton pump inhibitors are more likely to die than those taking different antacid or none at all

Let’s talk chocolate cake! – Plantiful Nutrition 07/07/2017

Who's up for some easy/healthy/tasty chocolate treat? I don't make many desserts but this cake is so simple & quick! Check it out on my blog

Let’s talk chocolate cake! – Plantiful Nutrition If you’re looking for an easy, tasty and healthy chocolate-banana treat, look no further! This brownie-style cake/dessert is sweet, rich, creamy...

Timeline photos 04/07/2017

Soaking and sprouting can improve the digestion of certain seeds and may even increase certain nutrient content. And they seem to be having such a good time!

Soaking💧and Sprouting 🌱 is a simple practice that has huge nutritional benefits, here are some of them. You can do this with grains, seeds, legumes, or nuts.
For more illustrated plant-based tips and facts, visit
Oh, and you know what the bubbles in the whirlpool bath are 🙊

How San Francisco is leading the way out of bottled water culture 02/07/2017

How San Francisco is leading the way out of bottled water culture The city is not just restricting sales but working to ensure people have access to safe high-quality tap water


Congratulations Meg, you get the Magnesium from the previous post! Generated randomly by Will get in touch!

Food-Grown® Magnesium 22/06/2017

So I've been given a bottle of Wild Nutrition food grown Magnesium and am very happy to pass it on to someone who'd like some extra Magnesium! I can't emphasize enough the importance of this mineral, how easily it's used up in the body and how unreliable its dietary sources are. As to the company, Wild Nutrition specializes in food grown nutrients that are more bioavailable to our bodies than your general supplements.

I am happy to post this product within UK, all you need to do is to show interest by liking Plantiful Nutrition page (if you haven't already) and liking or commenting on this post. I'll randomly pick a winner on Monday 26th June, so you have time until Sunday night!

Food-Grown® Magnesium Our Food-Grown® Magnesium is for all the family, providing 80mg (in two capsules) of elemental Magnesium to support energy and the nervous system...

Eating fried potatoes linked to higher risk of death, study says 19/06/2017

Please notice it's not the potatoes in general that are linked to increased risk of death but only fried potatoes.

Eating fried potatoes linked to higher risk of death, study says People who eat fried potatoes two or more times a week double their risk of an early death compared to those who don't, a new study found.

What is obesity? You asked Google – here’s the answer | Thomas Barber 14/06/2017

DId you know that BMI is not an ideal measurement? It's an interesting article on obesity and stigma around it. We don't have to be skinny, we should be healthy!

What is obesity? You asked Google – here’s the answer | Thomas Barber Every day millions of internet users ask Google life’s most difficult questions, big and small. Our writers answer some of the commonest queries

Teenagers' sleep quality and mental health at risk over late-night mobile phone use 01/06/2017

Many of us are guilty of that! To have proper sleep we should limit our screen (mobile phone and computer) exposure before bedtime.

Teenagers' sleep quality and mental health at risk over late-night mobile phone use Researchers advise ‘physical boundaries’ over devices in bedrooms after study finds poor sleep associated with phone use linked to depressed moods

Beautiful Broccoli Carvings By Daniele Barresi 27/05/2017

Check out these broccoli carvings! Pretty healthy!

Beautiful Broccoli Carvings By Daniele Barresi When I go to the shops, I try to find the most desirable fruits and vegetables to carve up.
This time I found some beautiful green broccoli. They...


Long commutes are not great for us, and not just for being boring...

Avocado hand: why the fruit has become a health hazard 15/05/2017

Who's heard of 'Avocado hand'?

Avocado hand: why the fruit has become a health hazard There’s a new kitchen scourge as people keep badly cutting themselves while attempting to remove the stone from avocados. Now doctors are calling...

Our Products | Nush 09/05/2017

For those on dairy free diets and bored by soya or coconut yoghurts: there's now almond (and apparently cashew!) yoghurt available in UK (I once made it myself but wasn't very successful)! It has a lot of organic ingredients and actually tastes quite nice. And it's the good bacteria that matter! It's called Nush. And just to be clear, I'm not sponsored by them (sadly!)

Our Products | Nush Delicious, rich and creamy Almond Milk Dairy Free Yoghurt made from our own artisan almond milk, freshly prepared each day in our factory.

What To Take Before A Colonoscopy | Care2 Healthy Living 03/05/2017

Any spasms in your digestive tract? Peppermint oil might be helpful (with other IBS symptoms too). As well as before the colonoscopy if you're going for one...

What To Take Before A Colonoscopy | Care2 Healthy Living Peppermint oil can reduce the pain and discomfort of colonoscopies for the patient.

Aurelija's £1 for a billion | 22/04/2017

My £1 a day challenge is finished... However, there's still time to win lots of great prizes in my charity raffle for, which we're drawing tomorrow! Very grateful to all the supporters.

Aurelija's £1 for a billion | 9-15th April I'm doing a challenge of living off £1 a day for a week. Please support me and the work of by donating. Many thanks!

Timeline photos 13/04/2017

A few days into my living off £1 a day challenge... I've been on restrictive diets before but this one is quite sad. It makes me really empathise with people who can't afford much. Having constant thoughts of food that I could be having (and that my cupboards are actually full of). To make snack times a bit more bearable I made oat bars - using porridge oats, blended soaked sultanas and bananas.
I really appreciate your support! By donating, you're helping make a difference in children's lives! You could also be entered into our raffle and win a Headspace app lifetime membership to get that peace of mind whenever you need it (so grateful for their contribution)!

Timeline photos 12/04/2017

£1 a day challenge goes on... I've been making my own bread from Chapatti flour that I managed to get at a very discounted price (I've made chapattis as well!), and trying to save on yeast I left it fermenting overnight. Quite popular in our household, and we do need to get enough calories... Please support my challenge by donating on my fundraising page I really appreciate it! And in return you could win lots of great prizes, including Poco Culina dinner voucher!

Timeline photos 10/04/2017

Nettle soup for lunch while on £1 a day challenge for It's actually quite challenging and time consuming finding budget food that would be filling, nutritious and have enough calories! That's why wild foods can be really handy.

If you'd like to support me on my challenge, check out my fundraising page You could win a £70 voucher from Wild Food UK and learn all about wild edible foods. There are lots of other prizes and rewards (including a consultation from me)!

Which Are Better: Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds? | 08/04/2017

Interesting comparison between flax and chia seeds! Don't forget the mineral content though (and I vote for both!)

Which Are Better: Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds? | What effect do chia seeds have on weight loss, blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation?

Plantiful Nutrition on £1 a day – Plantiful Nutrition 04/04/2017

Check out my new blog post on the £1 a day challenge that I'll be doing for By donating, you can win great prizes and help this charity do its amazing work with children in Africa!

Plantiful Nutrition on £1 a day – Plantiful Nutrition Just before Easter for one week I will be living off £1 a day. Why? Because over 1 billion people on Earth have to survive off this little (or...

Eight Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure 31/03/2017

Eight Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure Share these tips with your doctor at your next visit.

Stay Calm Every Day with These Anti-Stress Foods 22/03/2017

Stress is often used but a widely misunderstood word. What is it, that mysterious stress? It's our hormones, influencing all sorts of processes in our bodies, which are released because of some triggers that are perceived as threats. Short term stress is actually good for us - it alerts us in different life situations, but when it becomes chronic, it can really cause damage to our health.

Because we're all unique, our stress threshold also differs. You can reduce your stress levels though by adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising moderately and focusing on stress-fighting foods.

Stay Calm Every Day with These Anti-Stress Foods Feeling stressed? Try eating these 7 healthy foods to help your body deal with stress.…

Laughter As Medicine | Care2 Healthy Living 14/03/2017

Real emotions and human touch are good for our health!

Laughter As Medicine | Care2 Healthy Living What effect does laughing, crying, kissing, cuddling, and s*x have on immune function and allergic responses?