Amanda's Cbd Shop

Amanda's Cbd Shop

Wife, Mom wanting to help people get their life back the all natural way. Helping people get their life back the all natural way! Today, I ONLY USE CBD.

My name is Amanda and I used to think cannabis was "bad." I didn't even experiment with it until now.. It treats my DEPRESSION and ANXIETY. For years I took pharmaceuticals, but the side effects were almost as bad as the disease. Cannabis doesn't leave me feeling lethargic or unmotivated. It is all I need to keep myself sane and happy! :)

My Story

I fell in love with all these products so I decided I needed to join and share my love with everyone! Our health is not an expense it’s an investment! Wouldn’t you want to give something a try if you had the option of feeling better?? Would you want to try a product that could help you with your life that has so many benefits and could possibly give you the chance to be you again?? Are YOU worth it?!

Here is our story..... I use to think cannabis was “bad” I didn’t experiment with it until recently. I was tired of feeling exhausted, jumbled minded, constantly getting my meds changed for my anxiety and depression. I came across a post and said why not, what do I honestly have to lose.... Cbd has not only helped me with my anxiety and depression it has helped my stepson, my pets my family. I’m more clear headed, and it doesn’t leave me feeling unmotivated like the pharmaceuticals did.... Don’t get me started on all the terrible side effects that are also associated with taking them.I give to my pets to help with their arthritis and other issues such as anxiety all of them are doing way better. They are back to being playful like when they were young, mind you one dog is 13 and one is almost 9. My one cat that is super skiddish and hides from everyone that comes into our home is now running around the house and playing with the other pets. She now also stays out when we have company. You wouldn’t believe how many times I am asked did you get a new cat, nope we have had her for 7 years lol cause they have never seen her. Now my stepson where shall I begin.... he suffers from add/adhd and has been on quite a few different pharmaceuticals over the years, he was lethargic, unmotivated, didn’t cooperate with anyone it”s always a battle with him daily, had nightmares, hard time interacting with other kids, couldn’t get along with friends or siblings, hard time concentrating in school,whispered? talked softly, hard time in school everyday was a fight with him! So what the heck why not try this instead of uping his dose or changing his script again what do we have to lose right? Well 30 min. after taking mind you I only gave him 4 drops he was talkative, active, playful,helpful,no arguing, no fighting and I get a huge hug thanking me that he feels in his words (normal) again!! He has completely changed!! He is doing wonderful now daily and excelling in everyday life!! I’m not saying he wasn’t good by all means, I’m simply saying everyday life for him/us is not a battle any more and he’s not struggling. He is back to his normal 10 year old self! I’m thankful to see him excelling and giving his full potential that we all knew he had in him and his smile and laughter he is constantly wearing now! Cbd is all myself and family needed! So all I’m saying is what do you have to lose, life is not an expense it’s an investment.... I’m beyond grateful to have given it a try as i was very skeptical but it has been the best decision ever that we did. No I am not making medical claims I am just simplying saying what it has done for my family and in all reality what do you have to lose, isn’t it worth giving it a shot to try and get your life back??

I am a Wife, Stepmom making your #life easier with #affordable #amazing and great quality #cbd products at your finger tips and shipped straight to you! ! #Cbd #oils, #edibles #products #h**p #healthy #h**plife #canibinoids


cbd oil