Devoted Mamas

Devoted Mamas

We help moms minimize the impact of pregnancy & birth on their bodies, become stronger postpartum th


Pregnant moms! Come join me + Dr. Alicia Ferriere, Pelvic PT in a workshop @ Montclair B.A.B.Y.

How to Maintain Core & Pelvic Floor Strength During Pregnancy

Saturday, May 11th 4:30pm - 6:30pm

In this workshop you'll learn the essential techniques to keep your core and pelvic floor (safely) strong all the way to 40 weeks.

Plus, have a clear picture of the role your core and pelvic floor play during pregnancy.

From keeping you feeling ‘connected’ your entire pregnancy, to minimizing back pain, having a more efficient labor AND setting a great foundation for a smooth postpartum recovery, this opportunity is not to be missed!

- Learn about Diastasis Recti and how to minimize it starting in pregnancy
- Correctly & efficiently keep your core and pelvic floor muscles awake and strong during each trimester
- Integrate this core and pelvic floor engagement into your prenatal workouts (and life!)
- Learn the important role your core and pelvic floor muscles play in birth
- Train your core and pelvic floor muscles to help with the pushing phase of labor (and the early days of postpartum recovery!)

Can’t make it live? The recording is available to all attendees with 24/7 unlimited access for 30 days. Submit your questions ahead of time.

Register here:


💡Workshop happening WEDNESDAY night!! 💡

This one is for ALL the friends (not just pregnant or postpartum people with whom I usually work.)


The posture you find yourself holding today is a reflection of life lived - from the repetitive day to day movements you make year after year, to things that happen to you in life, like injuries, surgery or pregnancy. Your personal body structure and composition matters too, making posture uniquely individual.

In this interactive workshop with me and Alicia Ferriere, Doctor of Physical Therapy, you’ll learn

✨ what posture looks like in your body
✨ what has contributed to your body’s posture
✨ how it is affecting your movement
✨ mobility strategies and strength techniques to help you unravel posture patterns that no longer serve you
✨ apply all that you learn to a 20-minute corrective-exercise based movement practice designed to help you release tension and help you move with more efficiency.

At the end of this workshop, you’ll be on your way to shifting your own posture for the better!


Register here:


💡New workshop alert! 💡

This one is for ALL the friends (not just pregnant or postpartum people!)


The posture you find yourself holding today is a reflection of life lived - from the repetitive day to day movements you make year after year, to things that happen to you in life, like injuries, surgery or pregnancy. Your personal body structure and composition matters too, making posture uniquely individual.

In this interactive workshop with me and Alicia Ferriere, Doctor of Physical Therapy, you’ll learn

✨ what posture looks like in your body
✨ what has contributed to your body’s posture
✨ how it is affecting your movement
✨ mobility strategies and strength techniques to help you unravel ✨ posture patterns that no longer serve you
✨ apply all that you learn to a 20-minute corrective-exercise based movement practice designed to help you release tension and help you move with more efficiency.

At the end of this workshop, you’ll be on your way to shifting your own posture for the better!


Register here:


Pregnant moms! Come join me + Dr. Alicia Ferriere, Pelvic PT in a workshop @ Montclair BABY

How to Maintain Core & Pelvic Floor Strength During Pregnancy
Saturday, May 11th 4:30pm - 6:30pm

💎Only TWO spots left!!💎

In this workshop you'll learn the essential techniques to keep your core and pelvic floor (safely) strong all the way to 40 weeks.
Plus, have a clear picture of the role your core and pelvic floor play during pregnancy.

From keeping you feeling ‘connected’ your entire pregnancy, to minimizing back pain, having a more efficient labor AND setting a great foundation for a smooth postpartum recovery, this opportunity is not to be missed!

Learn about Diastasis Recti and how to minimize it starting in pregnancy
Correctly & efficiently keep your core and pelvic floor muscles awake and strong during each trimester
Integrate this core and pelvic floor engagement into your prenatal workouts (and life!)
Learn the important role your core and pelvic floor muscles play in birth
Train your core and pelvic floor muscles to help with the pushing phase of labor (and the early days of postpartum recovery!)

Can’t make it live? The recording is available to all attendees with 24/7 unlimited access for 30 days. Submit your questions ahead of time.

Register here:


The Postpartum & Beyond Repair & Restore Workshop is tomorrow!

Great for new moms and 'seasoned' moms too (like me...6 years postpartum..because once postpartum, always postpartum. :) )

April 27th; 1:30 - 3:30pm
Montclair BABY

Can’t make it live? The recording is available to all attendees with 24/7 unlimited access for 30 days. Submit your questions ahead of time.

Register here!:


🚨Postpartum Mom Workshop Alert! 🚨

Postpartum (& Beyond) Repair & Restore Workshop

Saturday April 27th
1:30 - 3:30pm
Montclair BABY + livestream

Perfect for moms ANY stage postpartum - let's get your pelvic floor and diastasis challenges SORTED!

Register here:

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 13/04/2024

Honoring Black & Brown Maternal Health in NJ

During this week of Black Maternal Health Awareness, nothing brings us more hope for the future of Black and Brown Mothers and more joy than to see the strengthening and organizing of communities happening now in New Jersey.

We honor and celebrate the importance of COMMUNITY.

Because it is through community that we can create safer, more empowered, more respectful, and more fully supported experiences for birthing and new mothers.

Major appreciation to The Partnership for Maternal and Child Health for creating this opportunity for sharing, connecting, and collaborating among Black and Brown Mothers and those who advocate and support them. 🤍

“Restoring Our Joy Retreat”
, , .



It might be one of the most important words in your motherhood journey.

💕 Poem by McKayla Robbin ‘We Carry the Sky’

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 22/12/2023

This client came to us with a 4-finger wide and 2-knuckle deep diastasis. She felt frustrated that her belly shape was not improving and she couldn’t access her entire core.
In the first few weeks of working with us, she felt big shifts happening inside - more energy, less pain, less squish, and feeling more capable to get through her day.

Then, by six months postpartum, she was showing significant progress externally too! Her waist whittled down right alongside her diastasis gap closing. And she’s still making progress.
We couldn’t be more excited to see her build on THIS incredible foundation of strength. 🚀
Whether she wants to have more babies, up her endurance game, put her best foot forward for that promotion at work, or stand proudly for those forever family photos...whatever she wants, she can have it now.
What’s even cooler?
If she can do it, you can too.
If you’re struggling with Diastasis Recti, AND are serious about getting on the right path to repair your body so you can show up for motherhood and life feeling strong, this can be your story too.
Want to read this client’s whole story? Comment “DR” below and we’ll send you the link!

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 12/12/2023

It’s Nicole’s birthday today!! 🎉✨

She is the most beautiful, loving, understanding and patient sister one could ask for. Since day 1 of our lives together, she’s always been my biggest cheerleader.

She brings every bit of this to her work with moms too - creating safe space for moms to heal and uncover their best selves.

We have some exciting new offerings coming soon that we know you’ve NEVER seen before…all offered in Nicole’s loving and supportive way.

Until then, join me in wishing Nicole a very happy birthday!! 🎂🎊🎁

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 30/09/2023

OBs and midwives have so much to address with their patients in a short amount of time, and exercise is often something they don’t have a lot of time to counsel on.

We love filling this gap…

helping moms understand exercise in pregnancy (and how great it is for outcomes for both mom and baby!)

helping moms stay strong through their entire pregnancy (all the way to 42 weeks and into week 0 postpartum +!),

bringing knowledge to moms about birth, so they are coming to their births prepared and open to whatever may come their way (because birth is unpredictable!)

AND helping moms get back to exercise safely in postpartum ✨✨

If you’re ready for a strong pregnancy and birth and an easier recovery in postpartum, we are here to help. 💕💕

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 21/09/2023

Can you relate?

We know it’s a lot to take in…the reality of what SO many moms are going through.

YES these issues are so common.
And that also leads us to think

💭 They are normal
💭They are unavoidable
💭It’s just what we have to deal with as moms
💭And we have to suffer through, feeling awful about our lives


⚡️They are common but NOT normal (there is a difference!)
⚡️They are completely heal-able issues!
⚡️We don’t have to put up with this just because we’re moms.
⚡️And we certainly don’t have to let these issues bring down our quality of life.

Postpartum can be intense…but can it also be fulfilling and feel good? HECK YEAH!!🔥

You don’t have to stay stuck in a pain or leaking cycle.

There is a way out.

Which is exactly why we created Postpartum Repair & Restore, our proven postpartum program that is helping moms close their diastasis, and getting them OUT of the pain and leaking cycle that plagues so many moms.

We start our 8-week live-support round this Monday, September 25th where you can start turning on muscles and re-aligning your bones to feel GREAT…with our direct support.

It's like nothing you have EVER seen before, right here at your fingertips.

Tap the link in our bio to find out more. 💕



That’s right. Whether you...

🏀grew a 6 lb OR 10 lb baby (Nicole and her 9lb 11oz baby boy feel ya),

🤰🏽had a c-section OR vaginal delivery,

⚡️stayed uber fit during pregnancy OR were on bed rest the entire time.

🕰️ or are 3 weeks or 3 years postpartum...

It doesn’t matter. 👀

Why? Because every mother's muscles stretched during pregnancy to make space for baby, and ALSO every mother's skeletal system changed.

YES - YOUR BONES moved.🦴

Everyone arrives in postpartum with a few basic - but HUGE - shifts to the underlying scaffolding and deep musculature of their body.

And these shifts need to be addressed in postpartum as part of your core and pelvic floor restoration.

The great news is…Instead of you having to do all this guessing and trial-and-error on your own to figure out how your body shifted…

We’re sharing access to the exact process we use with our 1:1 clients AND
the exact workouts that will help you feel your muscles strengthening + the education and supervision you need to know you’re doing it right.

Our next LIVE round of Postpartum Repair and Restore starts NEXT MONDAY, September 25th. You don’t want to miss out.

By thanksgiving, you could be pain-free, leak-free and feeling those core muscles again. 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Ready? Join NOW in the link in bio!


What do you think?

How would that change how we prepare for postpartum in the first place?

Postpartum 3-day Challenge Registration Form 12/09/2023

Postpartum friends! (And friends of friends! :))

We have a free 3-day challenge for y’a! 💃🏻💃🏻

Starting tomorrow we’re hosting the kickoff to a "Do It Quick! 3-Day Postpartum Challenge" on Zoom.

Tuesday, September 12 at 1:00pm EDT.

We're kicking off Day 1 with a LIVE Do It Quick training, where we'll set you up with 3 "hacks" to getting better results with any postpartum program.

Days 2 & 3 we'll stay in the groove with training emails you can follow on your own schedule. Expect two more power-packed days where you will start to fill in some HUGE missing gaps in figuring out your most direct path to full recovery.

And all of it is based around the Pelvic Floor and Core quiz so you get personalized results. 🙌🏼

Register here! (If you haven’t taken the quiz, you can find that in the comments, and you’ll also be prompted to take it when you register for the challenge. to register!

Postpartum 3-day Challenge Registration Form Know exactly where you’re starting in your recovery (even if you’re years or months postpartum). No more worry about which exercises you should be doing for YOUR stage of recovery. Kickstart a great habit in just 3 days. Connect with us LIVE for a full hour where you can ask ANY and ALL of your ...


What do you think?


Hi! We are the resources! 👋🏼 😉

Moms everywhere deserve to know how to safely stay strong, get through birth as unscathed as possible and recover really well in postpartum.

If you’re pregnant or postpartum, give us a follow and we’ll take care of you. 💕

And then send your sisters / cousins / girlfriends our way (and even your moms too!)

We have to take care of each other ladies. 🙌🏼


For , a throwback to the post-breastfeeding sleepies with my second babe. 😴 (And omg I was soooo sleepy too!)
Breastfeeding was never easy for me - we had tongue ties, cracked ni***es, thrush, mastitis, feeding strikes, too MUCH milk (yes I was grateful for the abundance but too much of a good thing comes with its issues too..), gassy babies from forceful was a struggle. BOTH times.
But what got me through it was my breastfeeding support group. Every Wednesday morning we would get together, sit in a circle and nurse together. It was the best kind of community I could have wished for. Naturally the conversation would start about our babies but eventually it would turn to talking about US. How are YOU feeling? How are YOU dealing with breastfeeding struggles? When everyone else in our lives was talking about how the baby was doing, we got to talk about ourselves, together.
Still to this day, I occasionally see some of the women in my breastfeeding circle and immediately I feel a strong connection of sisterhood to them.
We are meant to do this together. Breastfeeding or not, it's ALL challenging and we need each other to truly thrive.
Together is ALWAYS better.
PS - If you’re ready to focus on YOUR wellbeing with support and community during pregnancy AND postpartum, check out our programs in the bio link. We’re here to support you through it all. ✨


Sciatica pain is REAL during pregnancy, and can sneak up on you as your body is shifting and changing.

Join Nicole for this 35-minute practice that will become a go-to to help you alleviate sciatic pain when you need it most (especially great early in the morning, but also perfect for helping relieve back pain before you sleep!).

Find the link in stories or in our bio link.

Are you having sciatic pain during pregnancy? Drop a ✋🏼in the comments!


THIS SATURDAY! Livestream OR in-person at Alluem Yoga in Cranford, NJ!

Learn the essential techniques to keep your core (safely) strong throughout your pregnancy, so you have less back pain in pregnancy, an easier birth, and full recovery postpartum.

If you are someone who...

😱 is afraid of doing core work during pregnancy because you don’t want to hurt the baby (or yourself!)

😱 doesn't want to end up with Diastasis Recti (significant abdominal separation) in postpartum

😱 feels like you’ve never been able to recover your core muscles from your previous pregnancies

😱 has been told “don’t do core work during pregnancy,” so you're avoiding engaging your core and instead just 'letting it all hang out'...

You are not alone. It's really common for expectant mothers to feel hesitant about using your core muscles during pregnancy.

The good news is that you CAN stay connected to and strong in your core through your entire pregnancy. AND it’s incredibly beneficial to you, your baby and your life as a new mom.

Join us in this Saturday's workshop and you will learn how to:

✅ Minimize postpartum Diastasis Recti by starting in pregnancy

✅ Correctly & efficiently keep your core muscles awake and strong during each trimester

✅ Integrate this core engagement into your prenatal workouts (and life!)

✅ Learn the important role of your core muscles in birth

✅ Train your deep core muscles to help with the pushing phase of labor (and the early days of postpartum recovery!)

You’ll be able to stay in touch with your deep core muscles, minimize back pain, have a more efficient labor AND have a great foundation for a smooth postpartum recovery.

Register at to join us livestream or in-person! Looking forward to a great day of live connection!

💕 Kendra + Nicole


Exciting things happening this week!

WEEKDAY Prenatal/Postpartum Classes (ongoing):
✨ Garwood, NJ at M Pilates and Yoga NJ or Livestream
Register through our website:

✨ Virtual 8-week Series starting June 4th (if your clearance date to exercise is between now and June 18th, you're welcome to join us late and we'll catch you up!)
✨ Conquer abdominal separation, leaking, aches, and pains; restore your connection to your amazing body; receive personalized feedback from yours truly, and connect with an amazing group of moms from across the world!
✨ Send us a DM or an email at [email protected] to inquire about joining us before June 18th.

✨ Two-hour workshop to clarify safe movements during each trimester and empower you to feel strong and pain-free during pregnancy and birth.
✨ Join us in person at Alluem in Cranford, NJ or Livestream from any time zone. Register for this fun and informative experience at

✨ Episode #21: Building the Foundation for a Safe & Empowered Fourth Trimester
✨ We are beyond thrilled to be in conversation with the two magnificent women who created the Fourth Trimester Foundation. Carly and Meg are registered nurses who work on the frontlines - they are present with moms in labor and delivery every day. They’re also moms themselves, and have experienced firsthand the many gaps in the healthcare system that doesn’t prepare people for the fourth trimester experience.
✨ Find the Being in Motherhood Podcast on your favorite streaming platforms or at

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 28/05/2023

June Events and Weekly Schedule! ✨

WEEKDAY Prenatal/Postpartum Classes (ongoing):
✨ Garwood, NJ at M Pilates and Yoga NJ or Livestream
Register through our website: .

✨ Two-hour workshop to clarify safe movements during each trimester and empower you to feel strong and pain-free during pregnancy and birth.
✨ Join us in person at Alluem Yoga in Cranford, NJ or on-demand from any time zone. Register for this fun and informative experience through the link in the comments!

✨ Virtual 8-week Series starting June 4th - conquer abdominal separation, leaking, aches, and pains; restore your connection to your amazing body; receive personalized feedback from yours truly, and connect with an amazing group of moms from across the world!


Mothering takes massive strength. Not only do we carry around 15-30 pound babies, car seats and bags all day long, we carry the emotional weight of the house too. ⠀

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙢 𝙤𝙛 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙢 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙪𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙝 𝙬𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙙. We’re told ‘just rest’ and ‘all in due time’ after having a baby and our bodies will naturally go back to the way they used to be. Meanwhile, our backs hurt, our muscles ache, and we leak when we laugh. How are we supposed to feel strong enough to carry all the physical and emotional weight that is expected of us?

𝙒𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝. You don’t have to ‘get your body back’ - a phrase that really drives us nuts. What if you don’t want that body back? What if you want to be STRONGER than that pre-baby body?

You CAN be. It IS possible, and you don't have to struggle with wondering what to do or where to start. We are here to GUIDE you and help you set a strong foundation for massive strength.

Enrollment in our 8-week LIVE Postpartum Repair & Restore online program is now OPEN and begins June 4th. You get weekly classes, 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱 to get you connected to your pelvic floor and deep core, 𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 and best of all - 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗕𝗢𝗧𝗛 𝗼𝗳 𝘂𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝟴 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀, answering your questions, looking at your form and helping you advance your progress FAST.

As soon as you register, you get access to the course so 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝘆 𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧. Check the link in the comments to get started now!

P.S. Know a postpartum person who could benefit from this program? Tag them below!!

Photos from Devoted Mamas's post 25/05/2023

Hormones can get a bad rap, but every BODY needs them to function. Hormones are the messengers within our body that regulate mood, sleep cycle, heart beat, digestion, and more.

The amazing news? In birth, hormones help labor PROGRESS. Hormones also RELIEVE PAIN.

Hormones can make birth feel PLEASURABLE and SATISFYING.

Even if you struggle with hormonal imbalances, understanding how birth-specific hormones work can help you show up in birth prep with a mission!

Setting yourself up with the right support that helps you feel safe and seen and creating familiarity in your birthing environment will help release OXYTOCIN.

Knowing your body has built-in pain-interruptors - ENDORPHINS - means you can spend less time worrying about birth being painful and more time exploring how you can make it pleasurable.

And envisioning your birth and learning how to use your mind and breath as a tool for productive contractions will help LESSEN adrenaline that could otherwise stall labor progress.

Episode #7 of our Being in Motherhood podcast addresses Six Mindset Shifts for Preparing for Birth and Avoiding a Traumatic Experience. We invite you to listen in and let us know if you have any questions.

💕 Kendra + Nicole


Since the inception of Devoted Mamas in 2017, we've been deeply listening to the desires and needs of expectant mothers, allowing YOU, our audience, to guide us to where you need us most.

Having also spent a great deal of time working with postpartum moms in the last three years, we recognize that what people are receiving in PRENATAL fitness is LESS than what they actually need to be fully ready for postpartum.

☝️Workouts don’t do enough to address the stretching core, weighed-down pelvic floor, and skeletal changes caused by pregnancy

☝️Prenatal fitness routines don’t sufficiently solve the aches and pains that come up (and they are totally solvable in many cases!)

☝️Physical birth preparation (getting your BODY conditioned for birth) is not even mentioned.

☝️Not to mention that pregnancy planners, books and classes tend to gloss over the inner, energetic preparation that’s required to feel equipped for the emotional ride of pregnancy-birth-postpartum journey.


✨✨Today, we’re opening invitations for Founding Members of our Expecting to Flourish Membership.✨✨

Within our Expecting to Flourish membership, we're supporting expectant mothers and birthing people who are:

🧐 Desiring workouts and practices that feel both safe AND powerful.

🧐 Craving CONNECTIONS with other mothers at your SAME STAGE OF PREGNANCY in this post-covid world.

🧐 Seeking ways to GET AHEAD of postpartum diastasis, pelvic floor issues, fatigue and mood challenges BEFORE postpartum.

🧐 Ready to prep for birth thoroughly, so you look back on your birth experience feeling gratitude for how well you showed up for all of it.

By joining as a Founding Member, you’ll get to add your input into how we can best support you (at a very affordable price that will never go up for you once you join.)

We’re so incredibly happy to open the doors to the Expecting to Flourish community and welcome you.

Request your invitation as a founding member by commenting FLOURISH below or hit the link in our bio.

See you on the inside -
💕Kendra + Nicole


Here's where you'll find us this week! ✨

WEEKDAY Prenatal/Postpartum Classes (ongoing):
✨ Garwood, NJ at M Pilates and Yoga NJ or Livestream
Register through our website: .

MONTHLY Perinatal Professionals Networking Newsletter
🗞️ If you provide services to pregnant and postpartum people and you're not already on our list, we'd love to hear from you! Use the link in the comments to join our monthly newsletter containing featured providers, upcoming events (both local to NJ and virtual), and opportunities to collaborate!

✨ Two-hour workshop to clarify safe movements during each trimester and empower you to feel strong and pain-free during pregnancy and birth.
✨ Join us in person at Alluem Yoga in Cranford, NJ or on-demand from any time zone. Register for this fun and informative experience through the link in the comments!

✨ Virtual 8-week Series starting June 4th - conquer abdominal separation, leaking, aches, and pains; restore your connection to your amazing body; receive personalized feedback from yours truly, and connect with an amazing group of moms from across the world!


There is such a thing as TMI… but not THAT TMI.

The amount of information thrown at a person the second they get pregnant is bonkers. 😳

Between OB information, the countless visits to Dr. Google, all of the (well-meaning) friend’s stories, late-night scrolling on pregnancy & postpartum discussion boards, and obsessing over every ache and pain, it all leads to one place: overwhelm.

And you know what?

We get overwhelmed when we’re not aligned with what WE truly want, and then too much information = too many decisions. We can’t decide what information is truly helpful, or even what decisions we have to make!

👉 So here is our advice for dealing with all of the information in pregnancy AND postpartum:

Whether it’s for your birth plan, for your postpartum recovery or how you want your motherhood to look, get really clear on what YOU want so you know immediately whether the info you’re getting is valuable to you…or not.

And then, choose wisely.

⚡️You get to choose which information you let into your brain.

⚡️You get to choose which professionals you see and how you are cared for.

⚡️You get to choose whose stories you hear and what you do with them (maybe choosing to say ‘thank you for sharing!’ and then quickly forget it?)

⚡️You get to choose ‘what happens next’ in your birth, in your recovery, and in your motherhood. (For real, you can design your own motherhood.)

⚡️You, mama, are in charge. You make the rules for YOUR body, even if those around you may try to take away your power. YOU have the power, and always will.

Tag or share this with a friend who needs this reminder too 💕 and let us know how you're feeling about this in the comments.

Go at your own pace. Choose your own path. We support you.
💕 Kendra + Nicole

Videos (show all)

What’s Your Score? ⤵️After seeing HUNDREDS of moms at varying stages of postpartum recovery and the repeating patterns t...
Which is why Corrective Exercise and PT in postpartum are so necessary. 🤯As are the RIGHT exercises for getting back to ...
I’m often asked what my workout routine looks like, especially around New Year’s.I’ll be 45 this year. My focus? Longevi...
⤵️ These would have made my own postpartum recovery a lot more manageable.1 -If you stay strong AS your body is changing...
We believe DATA 📈is better than DRAMA 🎭.You know - the stories we tell ourselves that may or may not be true…because we ...
Hindsight is 20/20 isn’t it?❤️❤️What do you wish you had known sooner?#mamalife #momstobe #bunintheoven #momtalk #thisis...
Yep you heard that right, your kid and their kid too.👧🧒Research shows that exercise during pregnancy gets etched into ou...
If you have postpartum back and neck pain that won’t quit…this might be why.Our bodies shift dramatically during pregnan...
⬇️ This is HOW ⬇️You really want to feel strong and reconnected to your body after having a baby, but there is just zero...
Here’s how you do that ⤵️:What we’ve seen in hundreds of our clients (and in our own recoveries too)...First, you have t...
Do you ever think “What am I supposed to be doing to feel strong again after my baby?” or even “Am I EVER going to feel ...
THIS is the problem ⤵️:It’s because you don’t have a POSTPARTUM-SPECIFIC STRATEGY!Most people forget (or don’t know!) ho...