Firewater - Yoga For Athletes

Firewater - Yoga For Athletes

Welcome to Firewater! I'm Justen Naughton, 6'9" pro basketball player turned yoga instructor.

I'm here to help athletes of all stripes gain strength and mobility to optimize performance while maintaining balance for sustained mental health.


💥 Revolved Downward Dog💥 - Instructions ⬇️⬇️⬇️⁠

🧘‍♂️The Best Eco-Friendly Cork Yoga Mats and Yoga Accessories by Yoloha- made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🧘‍♂️👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

~~~Revolved Downward Dog~~⁠

1️⃣ From hands and knees, place palms down under shoulders, index fingers face forward

2️⃣ Tuck the toes under and lift the hips, finding a straight line between the wrists and outer hips.

3️⃣ Inhale, and lengthen the sides of the waist as you press down with the hands and lift the hips high. Exhale, and lower the heels to the ground, okay to bend the knees if hammies are tight - this is DownDog, breathe.

4️⃣ For the twist, reach back with one hand and grab the opposite ankle, opening the chest to the side and gazing under the armpit

5️⃣ Breathe 5-7 breaths and repeat on other side.


Downward Facing Dog is one of the most well-known and basic poses in yoga, yet it is not universally performed with proper alignment. Keeping the back long and not rounded is key

It’s a solar plexus activator, the nerve center between our navel and bottom ribs. By focusing on energy here, we liven up our personal power and strengthen our ability to turn our intentions into reality.⁠

This is the fire in our bellies. Temper it when needed. Burn away the darkness when needed. Sometimes it needs to be extinguished in order to be lit up again. And sometimes you need it to burn it all down.⁠


💥 Triangle Pose💥 to close out week!

👇️👇️👇️ Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🏋️*opens the chest while strengthening the front leg quad and the back leg hammie * 🏋️

🧘‍♂️Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🧘‍♂️👖 Green Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable and breathable, great for any athletic workout -

Now for Triangle!
1️⃣ From a wide stance, point one foot forward and the other to the side, so there’s a straight line between the front heel to the back arch

2️⃣ Front arm extends out as the torso leans forward, bringing the front hand down to the front shin or ankle, keeping the front leg straight

3️⃣ Open across the top shoulder and reach the top arm up into the sky, tilting open the back hip towards the side at the same time

4️⃣ Gaze down at the front foot to gain stability, or turn your head up towards your top arm for a challenge

5️⃣ Slowly raise the torso back up over the pelvis and turn the feet to repeat on the opposite side


To protect the front knee, make sure the knee faces the same direction as the toes. A slight bend in the front knee helps to prevent hyperextension.

Triangle is an athletic pose in that it opens up the chest and hips while strengthening the legs. Try it using 4-5 long, deep breaths per side, with equal length inhales and exhales.


💥 Revolved Triangle Pose💥⁠

🏋️*strengthens the legs and core, evens out the hips, challenging * 🏋️

👇️👇️👇️⁠Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️⁠

🧘‍♂️ Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable and breathable, great for any athletic workout -

1️⃣ From a wide stance, point one foot forward and the other slightly to the side, feet hips-width apart.⁠

2️⃣ With the hips squared forward, hinge at the hips and bring the hands down to the mat, or a block, under the shoulders.⁠

3️⃣ Whichever leg is in front, lift that same-side arm high overhead, twisting the torso open while keeping the hips squared.⁠

4️⃣ Gaze down at the front foot to gain stability, or turn your head up towards your top arm for a challenge⁠

5️⃣ Slowly raise the torso back up over the pelvis and turn the feet to repeat on the opposite side⁠


To protect the front knee, make sure the knee faces the same direction as the toes. A slight bend in the front knee helps to prevent hyperextension.⁠

Revolved Triangle is an athletic pose in that it opens up the chest and shoulders while strengthening the legs. Try it using 4-5 long, deep breaths per side, with equal length inhales and exhales.⁠


💥Side Angle Pose💥

👇️👇️👇️ Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🏋️*tones the glutes, strengthens the core, aids the colon and digestion* 🏋️

🧘‍♂️Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🧘‍♂️👖 Orange Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Side Angle:
1️⃣ From a wide stance, point the front toes forward and the bacck toes to the side, lining up your front heel and back arch.

2️⃣ Bend into the front knee, bringing the front hand to the ground, or a block, inside the front foot

3️⃣ Inhale and reach the top arm to the sky, making a straight line between your hands, arms perpendicular to the ground

4️⃣ Breathe into the front leg glute, engaging the thigh and working to bring it parallel to the ground.

5️⃣ For an added shoulder stretch, extend the top arm over the head on a diagonal and gaze up. Repeat on other side.


Stay for 5-7 breaths each side. Wonderful pose, all kinds of benefits from toning up the ankles, knees and thighs to reducing fat around the waist and hips to relieving sciatic and arthritic pain.


💥 Toe Stand💥 ⁠

💥 challenge that's also a hip opener, excellent for runners and field athletes!💥⁠

Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️⁠

🧘‍♂️👖 Cotton Men's Yoga Pants by FASKUNOIE - super breathable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Toe Stand:⁠

1️⃣ From Standing, lift one leg and cross the ankle over the opposite knee. Flex the lifted foot and open the lifted knee out to the side⁠

2️⃣ Flex the lifted foot and forward fold the torso over the crossed shin, bringing the fingertips to the ground beneath the shoulders

3️⃣ Rise to the ball of the standing foot, and slowly lower the hips down to sit on the standing heel - this is very challenging, so take it slow and use your hands as breaks

4️⃣ Carefully bring the shoulders back to stack on top of the hips, using the fingertips on either side for balance

5️⃣ 💥 Next Level 💥 (not pictured) Bring the hands together at the heart and balance on your the ball of the standing foot, centering your energy at the bottom of the pelvisI If you fall that just means you're trying! Repeat on the other side.


While the full expression of this pose is extremely challenging (hence the lack of a picture of me getting there), the steps leading into it are all beneficial poses for athletes, especially runners. It reminds the body that the perfect running stride happens when the body crosses over the stride at the exact moment when the ball of the foot reaches the ground.

This makes the entire body lighter and protects the knees and ankles, whether you’re jogging or sprinting, speeding up or slowing down.



💥Figure Four/Whooping Crane Pose 💥 ⁠

💥 week challenge that's also a hip opener, strengthens the glutes, quads and ankles💥⁠

👇️👇️👇️⁠ Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️⁠

🧘‍♂️Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🧘‍♂️👖 Green Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Figure Four:⁠
1️⃣ From Standing, lift one leg and cross the ankle over the opposite knee.

2️⃣ Flex the lifted foot and open the lifted knee out to the side⁠.

3️⃣ Bring the hands to the heart in prayer and bend the standing leg knee.

4️⃣ Sit the hips back like you're sitting in a chair. Lower down to where you feel engagement and hold.

5️⃣ Hold for 5-7 breaths and repeat on other side.⁠

This is an investigative pose. Find your limit, without pain, and hold there. Inhale to create space, exhale to hold and maintain strength. Focus on middle of your pelvis staying directly above your foot. Find a rhythm.⁠


💥Reverse Warrior Pose💥⁠

👇️👇️👇️ Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️⁠

🏋️strengthens the low back and stretches the side core/obliques🏋️⁠

🧘‍♂️Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -⁠

🧘‍♂️👖 Orange Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Reverse Warrior:⁠
1️⃣ From a wide stance, point the front toes forward and the back toes to the side, lining up your front heel and back arch.⁠

2️⃣ Bend into the front knee to 90 degrees, arms out to the sides from the shoulders - this is Warrior 2

3️⃣ Inhale and reach the front arm up to the sky, dropping the back arm to the back knee and keeping the deep bend in the front knee

4️⃣ Inhale, and lengthen the space between the front armpit and the front hip.

5️⃣ This is a transitional pose, so no more than 1-3 breaths are necessary. Repeat on the other side.



💥 Half Moon Pose 💥

*🏋️***strong hip opener for week! Half Moon works the glutes, knees, and core using body weight strength***🏋️

🧘‍♂️👖 Orange Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Half Moon:
1️⃣ From a wide-legged stance, point one foot towards the front end of the mat, tighter bodies place a block 1-2 feet in front of the front foot

2️⃣ Bend the front knee and reach the front hand forward and down to the ground (or block), lifting the back leg up to parallel with the ground

3️⃣ Root down into the strong standing leg to straighten, and turn the back toes to the side, flexing the back foot and opening the top hip

4️⃣ Open the top arm to the sky, finding a straight line up and down between the hands - Half Moon Pose. Hold for several breaths and find your balance

5️⃣ Gaze down at the standing foot until balance is achieved. Then, play with looking out to the side, or up at your top arm.

6️⃣ Repeat on other leg.


Tremendous hip opener and leg strengthener. Your standing leg might do a little dance to find balance. But the awkwardness goes away once the mind focuses on the power center of the pose, which is the hips. The bottom hip strengthens while the top hip creates more space.

Strength leads to greater creativity, and creativity leads to greater strength.


💥Flying Crow Pose to close out 💥

👇️👇️👇️ Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🔥💦 Yellow Cuffed Yoga Jogger Pants by 4-rth - super soft, comfy and durable, made of birch tree fiber -

🧘‍♂️ Aura Cork Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, with a larger size available for long legs like mine -

Now for Flying Crow!

1️⃣ From a Plank or Push-up pose, pull one knee into the tricep of the same side

2️⃣ Gaze down at the mat beyond the fingertips and rise to the ball of the back foot

3️⃣ Engage the core, bend the arms and shift forward to lift back foot to the sky

4️⃣ Point the toes to engage hamstrings


The higher you lift the back leg, the easier it is to find balance. Make sure the elbows bend straight back, not splayed out to the sides.

This is a tremendous pose to work the core, as each time you perform it you are contracting one side and engaging the other. This helps the body balance itself naturally, while building strength.

Solar Plexus activator, builds confidence and aids digestion. Takes a strong focus and power of will to rise up, and to hold. With the toes pointed to the sky and the hands rooted in the Earth, it’s an energy receptor.


💥Flying Pigeon Pose 💥

💥 challenge that's also a hip opener💥

Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🧘‍♂️Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🧘‍♂️👖 Orange Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Flying Pigeon:
1️⃣ From Standing, lift one leg and cross the ankle over the opposite knee. Flex the lifted foot and open the lifted knee out to the side

2️⃣ Fold the torso over the lifted shin and place the palms on the mat shoulder-width apart

3️⃣ Hook the lifted foot around the opposite tricep. Breathe here, pressing back with the elbows as you lengthen the spine and bend your arms into your shin - This is a strong pose to hold if it's as far as you can go

4️⃣ Finding equal weight in your hands, lean forward and lift the standing foot, pulling your heel into the butt and pointing the toe

5️⃣ If you can hold here for several breaths, lift the back knee off of the tricep and straighten the leg behind you. Hold for 3-5 breaths and repeat on other side.


For beginners, work thru the steps slowly. Breathe into each level of the pose. The journey is what matters. The present moment. Accept where you are, to allow for growth.

This is an investigative pose. Find your limit, without pain, and hold there. Inhale to create space, exhale to hold and maintain strength. Focus on the arms, the core, the hips. Find a rhythm.


💥Boat Pose💥
Detailed Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🔥💦 Unity Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, nonslip, nonstink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🔥💦 Cuffed Yoga Jogger Pants by 4-rth - super soft, comfy and durable, made of birch tree fiber -

Now for Boat Pose:
*tones the area around the waist, reduces gas and bloating, and keeps the kidneys healthy*

1️⃣ From seated, knees bent, palms on the ground next to hips

2️⃣ Engage the core and lift the heart, lean shoulders back and lift the feet to balance on your butt

3️⃣ Bring shins parallel to the ground, find your balance with a strong core, and lift your hands, bringing your arms parallel to the ground

4️⃣ Gaze up, firm the thighs in, point the toes. If your balance is strong, straighten the legs


Hold for 3-4 breaths. Visualize your body making a V, your spine and legs at a perfect right angle. No matter where you actually are, holding that image in your mind will make a difference. Your core will strengthen and your posture will improve.

This pose activates the solar plexus chakra between our belly button and bottom ribs. By inviting energy into this area our thoughts, desires, intentions, and visualizations slowly become our realities.


💥 1-arm 1-leg Downward Dog💥 for !

🏋️ strengthens the shoulders, hips, hammies using body weight 🏋️

Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🧘‍♂️Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

🧘‍♂️👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

~~~ 1-arm 1-leg Downward Dog~~⁠

1️⃣ From hands and knees, place palms down under shoulders, index fingers face forward⁠

2️⃣ Tuck the toes under and lift the hips, finding a straight line between the wrists and outer hips. ⁠

3️⃣ Inhale, and lengthen the sides of the waist as you press down with the hands and lift the hips high. Exhale, and lower the heels to the ground, okay to bend the knees if hammies are tight - this is DownDog, breathe.⁠

4️⃣ Inhale, and lift one leg up to straight, keeping the hips squared to the ground and the lifted toes pointing down. Breathe here, 1-legged DownDog

5️⃣ For the full challenge, come to the fingertips of the opposite arm from the lifted leg. Find your balance, and maybe, lift the arm back next to the hip. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Come down and repeat on other side.


Downward Facing Dog is one of the most well-known and basic poses in yoga, yet it is not universally performed with proper alignment. Keeping the back long and not rounded is key⁠.

⁠Attempting this variation will help you recognize imbalances from one side to the other. Most of us have one side stronger than the other and this pose will help balance that out.


💥Peacock Pose💥
Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🧘‍♂️ Aura Cork Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, with large size available for long legs like mine -

🧘‍♂️👖 Cotton Men's Yoga Pants by FASKUNOIE - super breathable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Peacock!

💥Athletes, esp baseball/softball and basketball players- add this pose to your post workout stretch- it strengthens the forearms, wrists and elbows, and improves digestion by eliminating toxins in the stomach💥

1️⃣ From kneeling, spread the knees wide and bring the inside edges of the feet together behind you

2️⃣ Lean forward and bring the hands to the mat beneath your belly. Turn the hands out and back so the pinkies touch and the fingers point to your hips, bending the elbows to bring them together at the core. Rest the torso on the elbows

3️⃣ Bring the chest parallel to the ground, making sure the elbows press into the abs, not the ribs

4️⃣ Inhale the belly into the elbows, and on the exhale, engage the arms and core and slightly lift the feet off the ground

5️⃣ Find your balance with the knees bent out to the sides, feet together

Challenge! Straighten the legs behind you, making your body a plank resting on the elbows


As a peacock destroys snakes, the Peacock Pose destroys the toxins in the body from the food we eat. The stomach and spleen are massaged and replenished with new blood circulation. Beneficial for those suffering from diabetes.

Goal is to stay balanced for 4 to 7 breaths. Start slow, and build. Your body will thank you with the vitality it brings to your digestive system.


💘 Wild Thing Pose 💘

💘 Happy Valentine's Day! Activate the heart chakra, stretch out the chest, strengthen the shoulders and arms with Wild Thing 💘

Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable and breathable, great for any athletic workout -

🧘‍♂️Meditative Design Yoga Mat by Gaiam -

Now for the pose:

1️⃣ From a Plank/Push-up position, roll to the outside edge of one foot and open the opposite arm to the sky

2️⃣ Bend the top knee and place the ball of the foot on the floor behind the bottom knee

3️⃣ Push down thru the bottom hand, inhale and lift the chest to the sky over the shoulder blades, reaching back over your head with your free arm

4️⃣ If there’s no pain in the bottom shoulder, open your hips and torso to the sky, gazing back at your lifted hand, and turning your pinky in towards your body for an added shoulder rotation

5️⃣ Repeat on other side!


Wild Thing boosts the lungs, stretches the entire front body, and activates the Heart Chakra, settling our emotions and reinforcing the Heart-Mind connection.

Want to improve your stamina and lung capacity? Add Wild Thing to your flow. Perfect transition to add a backbend into a sequence.

Find your freedom. Iron out the details. Refine your search.


💥 Headstand Party 💥

Cap Rock, Joshua Tree National Park

I caught that ball with my feet!



💥 Warrior 3 💥

Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable and breathable, great for any athletic workout -

Now for this incredibly challenging pose:

1️⃣ From standing with toes pointed straight ahead, lean forward with your hands at the heart while lifting one leg back to straight.

2️⃣ Square your shoulders, torso and hips to the mat, pointing the lifted toes straight down.

3️⃣ Find your balance on the standing leg, and reach the arms forward from the shoulders, palms facing in

4️⃣ Breathe. Lengrhen the arms and the lifted leg toes away from another, straighten the standing leg, visualize the body making a giant T.

5️⃣ 4 to 5 breaths and repeat on other leg.


Warrior 3 is a great balancing pose for athletes, particularly for sports with a lot of running. Early on, one leg will be more wobbly than the other. This is common. With equal practice on both sides, the legs will become stronger and more mobile.

Hoopers - want to pat those rebound stats and become impossible to box out? Practice Warrior 3 daily.

Follow for more yoga for athletes!


💥 Strengthen Your Core with Side Plank 💥
Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🧘‍♂️ Hugger Mugger YOGALOVE sale - $14 off purchases of $70 or more - use coupon code YOGALOVE -

🧘‍♂️👖 Cotton Men's Yoga Pants by FASKUNOIE - super breathable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now for Side Plank:

1️⃣ Begin in a push-up position with the hands down under the shoulders, index fingers forward (Plank Pose)

2️⃣ Roll to the outer edge of one foot and stack the feet, lifting top arm up and over the head.

3️⃣ Stack the hips and lift the bottom hip away from the ground, engaging the side obliques

4️⃣ Shoulders, hips and feet are stacked one on top of the other. Breathe 5 to 7 breaths.

5️⃣ For a challenge, gaze up at the top hand. Or, bend the top knee and bring the top foot to the other inner thigh above the knee (as I do in the pic)

6️⃣ Repeat on opposite side.


While this pose is great core work, it takes sharp focus to hold your entire body up on one hand and the edge of one foot. It starts by strengthening the muscles around the hips and pelvis, which will root the energy needed to spread the shoulders wide and keep the hips lifted.

Finding a strong base in the middle of the body leads to greater strength, mobility and balance from head to toe.


💥1-Legged Bridge Pose💥
Detailed Instructions 👇️👇️👇️

🧘‍♂️👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable, great for any type of fitness workout -

Now, for the pose:

Strengthen the glutes, tones the core, and gives the arms and neck a safe stretch.

1️⃣ Begin lying down on your back, bend the knees to place feet hips-width apart on the mat directly beneath the knees.

2️⃣ Root down thru the feet to lift hips, keeping the knees hips-width apart. Roll shoulders underneath the body to interlace fingers below the hips, pressing the pinky edge of the hands down into the mat and rolling the biceps outward.

3️⃣ Spread the collarbones wide, knit your shoulder blades together and reach your chest towards your chin.

4️⃣ Inhale, raise the hips higher, roll the inner thighs down, and firm thighs towards the midline. Exhale, draw ribs and navel in. Make sure knees don’t open any wider than the hips. Keep the neck long and gaze up. This is Bridge Pose.

5️⃣ For the challenge, lift one leg and straighten up towards the sky, flexing the lifted foot and rooting down through the grounded foot. Keep the hips even and breathe 5 to 7 breaths, then repeat on other leg.

6️⃣ Modification: to make more comfortable and restorative, place block under the sacrum.


This pose Makes the spine healthy and flexible and leads to a healthy nervous system. Eases neck tension.

Enjoy where you’re at right now. Challenge yourself, and congratulate yourself. Today is the brighter day.


💥 Revolved Triangle Pose💥
Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️

🧘‍♂️ Unity Extra Long Yoga Mat by Yoloha - made of cork, non-slip, non-stink, and long enough to fit my 6'9" limbs -

👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable and breathable, great for any athletic workout -

1️⃣ From a wide stance, point one foot forward and the other slightly to the side, feet hips-width apart.

2️⃣ With the hips squared forward, hinge at the hips and bring the hands down to the mat under the shoulders.

3️⃣ Whichever leg is in front, lift that same-side arm high overhead, twisting the torso open while keeping the hips squared.

4️⃣ Gaze down at the front foot to gain stability, or turn your head up towards your top arm for a challenge

5️⃣ Slowly raise the torso back up over the pelvis and turn the feet to repeat on the opposite side


To protect the front knee, make sure the knee faces the same direction as the toes. A slight bend in the front knee helps to prevent hyperextension.

Revolved Triangle is an athletic pose in that it opens up the chest and shoulders while strengthening the legs. Try it using 4-5 long, deep breaths per side, with equal length inhales and exhales.


💥 Dancing Shiva Pose 💥⁠
Step-by-Step Instructions Below 👇️👇️👇️⁠

🧘‍♂️ Hugger Mugger YOGALOVE sale - $14 off purchases of $70 or more - use coupon code YOGALOVE -

👖 Athletic Men's Yoga Pants by ONEFIT - super comfortable and breathable, great for any athletic workout -

Now the pose, also called Revolved Standing Big Toe Pose:

1️⃣ From standing, raise one knee to the chest, finding your balance on one foot.⁠

2️⃣ Grab the outside of the lifted knee with the opposite side hand. Lift the same-side arm up over the shoulder

3️⃣ Inhale, and open the top arm behind you, twisting at the core to open the shoulders to the side, keeping the hips squared forward

4️⃣ Root down thru all four corners of the standing leg foot. For a challenge straighten the front leg and look back at your back hand. Breathe 5 breaths and switch sides.


This pose not only strengthens your legs, particularly targeting the calves, quadriceps, and glutes, but it also demands strong focus of the mind.⁠

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💥 Half Moon Roundhouse Kicks to Warrior 3 💥 🥋🥋*martial arts meets yoga*🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️1️⃣ From a wide-legged stance, point one ...
💥 Pyramid Lunges 💥 *Keep the hips and spine aligned and get rid of stiffness after a game or a leg-heavy workout with th...
💥 1-Arm 1-Legged Down Dog to 1-Arm 1-Legged Plank 💥1️⃣ From Down Dog, lift one leg up to straight, flexing the foot and ...