Beth Caughley

Beth Caughley

Jack of all trades
Master of none

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 09/06/2024

I've been a bit distracted recently but over the last couple of days I've grounded myself. 😊 Mushroom Foraging, a good walk, spent some time in the garden and painted this. It's painted entirely with mushroom & water. I've posted photos representing the cycle of Coprinus comatus aka the shaggy ink cap. They are an edible mushroom younger the better however you can use the dissolved mushroom as you would squid ink😊recipes on my recipe page. I cooked it my way.


Know anyone who fits the bill?
I'm working on this project as part of a team with Indi Fiji Nova Ward & Mark Bradshaw, it should be a lot of fun. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸΏ
Feel free to share. 😁


Inspired by a funny I posted yesterday about a foreigner enquiring about riding roos.

Big Red.

I came to Australia
in twenty twenty two
Headed down to Bendigo
to hire a big red roo.
The bloke behind the counter
eyed me up and down
He said "you can't hire a big red roo,
what ya thinking? Ya bloody clown".
I'd read I could on the interweb,
only a few weeks before.
Hire a roo, go for a ride,
I was certain I knew the score.
He then went on and told me,
a license I'd have to acquire,
So after 5 days of lessons
and me arse feeling like fire
I got my bloody licence
and I strode on back to get
A big red roo to ride on,
a decision I'd regret.
I'd learned on a little fella,
who couldn't go high or fast
But this thumping, big red roo
was out to have a blast.
It stood and stared in the distance,
looking at a tree
Then off at a rate of 3 metres per jump
the bu**er took off with me.
I could only hold on with one hand,
I had my camera in the other
My feet were planted in it's pouch,
& I screamed out for my mother!
It bounded through the long grass
which ripped my legs to shreds,
And up the hill, towards the tree,
behind the equipment sheds.
It knew what it was doing,
I could see the grin on it's face.
I clung on for grim death thinking,
it can't keep up this pace.
But boy was I mistaken
'cause before I could count to three
The bloody bu**er had me planted,
in the bloody tree.
It wasn't just my ego,
my gems were bruised as well
I did ride a big red,
But it was as scary as all hell. .
I had my camera in my hand,
but not a single photo was taken.
No way I could have got a shot,
an hour later I's still shakin.
My girlfriend laughed at me having fun,
she didn't understand
It wasn't remotely amusing,
my life was in my hand.
Then when I finally fell,
from tree to swampy ground
To add insult to the injury,
the roo mob gathered round.
They tutted in the same way
Skippy did on the telly.
A pitiful "help" to the roo rancher dude
was all that I could rally.
There's a lesson to be learned here,
by the tourists yet to come.
When Aussies say to you, you can ride a roo too,
tell em stick it up ya bum!

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 21/08/2023

Autumn muses. Wineglass holder, epoxy. And book, mostly recycled. 😁

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 21/08/2023

Plaster. Will be decorating these with a mate. Will post results in a couple of weeks probably.

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 21/08/2023



I stopped worrying about how much sleep I was getting a few years ago, I figure I'll have plenty when I'm dead. However...

There's a hiccough in the matrix

There's a hiccough in the matrix
I think perhaps it's me
I go to bed at 11 o'clock
But I'm still awake at 3

I toss and turn and burb and fart
And try to count some sheep
But the glitch in the matrix
Won't let me go to sleep

Could it be the light from the full moon
Seeping through my window pain?
My bodies nackered, ready for sleep
But I can't switch off my brain

It jumps from one thing to another
Nothings digests it goes full speed.
Just switch off you crazy bitch
It's simply sleep you need

So.. out of bed I get and stealthily creep outside
The moon is full, no clouds around
Nowhere it can hide

I gaze at it, the pain in the neck
Hanging there so proud
So this is why you got me up
I find I'm speaking out loud.

You look so brilliant hanging there, you're a truly astronomical sight
I admire you, I'm talking to you, I'm bathed in your cleansing light

I answered your call, now I'm heading inside,
And down the hall I'll creep.
My brain is calm, the night is too
The time has come to sleep.

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 29/05/2023

Yesterday's muse.


The darkness comes as a sigh of relief
It cloaks the weary day
Be Cool
Be calm
Be quiet
And in the clover lay

Be still the day is over
lights from thousands of years gone by
pierce the blackness, Winking, blinking
Wishing I could fly

Don't look away, Search the sky
The next shooting star is mine
I need a wish, dandilion didn't work,
I'm running out of time.

My life is less and it was more
My body has betrayed me
This blubbery mess around these bones
Has physically enslaved me.

The clover cool, the sky no moon
thoughts brushed away to wonder
The stars begin to disappear
Clouds gather, lightening, thunder

A crescendo for my wild mind
I'm cleansed Body and soul
Droplets trickle down my face
The sky now black as coal.

As quickly as they gathered
The Orchestra leaves the stage
Rejuvenated stars shine brighter
And write upon their page

It rains, this time with meteors
I wish on every one
Physically peaked, brain compensates
My next phase has begun.



I have no idea what this is called, picture & words. πŸ˜πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

The moonlight beckoned me as if I were a moth.
Drawn by it's light I wonder into view.
It's not quite all there tonight.
I can't help but think, 'it's nice to have something in common with my favourite celestial body'.
I always feel he's worthy of a photo.
I go inside to retrieve my camera hoping he will still be visible when I return.
He has a tendency to cloak himself with clouds or duck behind roofs or trees.
Camera in hand I hurry back to find he was not so quick tonight.
My palm has captured him, holding him for me.
Patiently waiting as if it had all night.


My latest muse, polymer clay & backflow incense.

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 27/09/2022

Painted terracotta posts & another back scratcher.

Photos from Beth Caughley's post 27/09/2022

Terracotta pots quilted. 😊


Dedicated to Ivar & Wayne.

Cameras are a clicking.

Cameras are a clicking
Paparazzi are about
Looking for the perfect shot
Scared of missing out

Cameras are a clicking
I wonder what they see
Staring down their tele-lens
Pointing straight at me.

Cameras are a clicking
Something specials going on
Or they're Capturing the moment
When it all went f**ken wrong

Cameras are a clicking
Honing in on the scent,
Who's the focus of attention?
a 1,000 photos each event

Cameras are a clicking
For the happy and the sad
Collecting memories for us all
Of the good times.. and the bad

Cameras are a clicking
There's nothing here to fear,
The camera captures moments.
It documents who's there

Cameras are a clicking
Please, PLEASE, don't shy away.
So it can be recorded
you were here, on this day.
B. M. C

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