Fit with Sharon

Fit with Sharon

Fit with Sharon looks at different ways to lose weight and get fit. Fit with Sharon Morning Show explores some of the best ways to lose weight and get fit fast.

I always say there's more than one way to the mall... meaning there's more than one way to lose weight and get fit. We start your day with good news and we also give away great prizes. Join me on the Fit with Sharon Morning Show... Mon-Fri 8:30am,est.


Good Morning Family🌞
Todays Message of HOPE is...
"Thank You GOD I AM FREE."🥳

WHATEVER bo***ge you have been dealing with... pain, people, problems, lack, shame, begging, always borrowing, addiction, depression, sadness, lonliness, insecurity, anger, bad temper, guilt, doubt, unbelief, negative thinking, worry, fear, the I can't, no appetite, not eating, overeating, overweight, obesity, drinking, drugs, lazy, sickness, disease, limited mobility, unable to walk, lame, ungrateful, controlling... GOD Said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and GOD Stepped in and Set You FREE TODAY.

Now Receive It... Say Out loud
And Who the SON Sets FREE IS FREE Indeed.
You Are FREE. You Are Unquestionably FREE

NOW Listen to this... and be blessed

All throughout the day... everyday...
Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE!


Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

The Black Family is Our Foundation. It upholds us... strengthens us... lifts us... keeps us... corrects us... and carries us.
The Black Family was... is... and always will be what determines whether we stand or self-destruct as a race... as a community... as a culture... as a country... and as Black people.


Remember to set your clocks🧭 back before you go to bed😴


Good Sunday Morning🌞 Family

Blessings to each of you. I pray that, today, GOD is showing out for YOU... restoring your health, your money, your business and your family... that GOD'S blessings and favor chase you down and overtake you in every way, today... AMEN.
Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE


Good morning family!🌞
It's Wellness🤾 Wednesday!
Get up💃 and do something!

Too tired, too much pain... too many pills... and too many pounds. You wish you could feel better and look better. You can. Get your health & your figure back! Don't give up... get up! Get up and do something...

Join us tonight for Wellness Wednesday
7:30, Mobile
8:30, Atlanta

Have a Wonderful Well Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday is sponsored by Love Yourself to Health & Feel Good Network


Make the World a Better Place💕

When you feel low and everything is going wrong... get out of yourself and go do something nice for someone else
*Call them
*Visit them
*Buy their lunch
*Give them a $25 gas card
*Smile at a stranger
YOU can be a Blessing to someone today!

This song says it best...

Share Love... Give HOPE
Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE


Wellness Tip:
Gargle with Listerine & never get sick again..
Most bacteria is on the back of your tongue where you can't brush. Gargling with listerine kills that bacteria before it can get down in your throat and, ultimately, your lungs.

Get more tips on Wellness Wednesday
Love Yourself to Health..💞😊
Feel Good Network


Make eating smaller portions fun!

Buy now... and our partner will give a percentage to our charity!

Emoji Pancake Pan
Breakfast has never been so fun! Choose from our 7 different faces to give your pancakes personality.
18.5"L x 10.5"W7 fun faces (approx 3"D) Aluminum, plastic Dishwasher safe

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STOP Dieting; How to STOP Overeating & Lose Weight 16/05/2022

STOP Dieting; How to STOP Overeating & Lose Weight Using the analogy of baking pies Sharon shares how you can STOP Overeating and LOSE WEIGHT!Join the Movement... STOP Dieting.


Watch Fit with Sharon Morning Show and Let's Get Fit Together

If Diets Work... Why Am I Still Fat? It's All in Your Mind 16/05/2022

If Diets Work... Why am I still Fat

If Diets Work... Why Am I Still Fat? It's All in Your Mind On this Episode of Feel Good with Sharon TV, Sharon continues her series on how to STOP Dieting and Lose Weight! Sharon gets to the root of weight... why we ...


Happy Mother's Day to My Mother
MuDear❤... Gone to Soon💔


Good Sunday Morning🌞

Whatever you are facing... no matter how impossible it may look... prayer can change it. The Word says you have not, because you ask not. Let's ask...

Join us tonight for our Sunday Prayer Call

Have a Blessed Day

Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE


You are the Light

Let your light shine everywhere you go..


Good Morning Family🌞
Today is
WELLNESS🏃‍♀️🤾🚴🏄‍♀️ Wednesday!

To be "Well" means to be in good health. To be "Whole" means to be complete. Combine well and whole and it means to be "completely healthy".

On our journey to complete health we will look @
* Being Active
* Blood Pressure
* Cholesterol
* Communication
* Diet
* Disease
* Energy
* Hydration
* Medications
* Meditation
* Pain
* Relationships
* Rest
* Self-Confidence
* Self-Talk
* Sleep
* Stress
* Supplements
* Mind
* Weight

If you try to change all of these at once, or if you dont know what to do... it can be overwhelming. The good news is small changes go a long way. Just doing little things every day will, literally, transform your health and your life. And before you know it, you'll be well... you'll be complete... you'll be "Your BEST Self".

The Word says...
My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Faith without works is dead.
Some things you have to do... yourself

Come on... let's help each other be our "BEST" together!😊
Join us tonight on WELLNESS Wednesday Call

Thank you
Have a Happy, Healthy Day!


What are You Expecting?
Expect to be fit...

Tuesday Tip...
You Get What You EXPECT!

What are you EXPECTING?

Watch "I CHOOSE", Exclusively, on Feel Good Network on your ROKU TV


Wishing you health, prosperity and happiness in the new year!


Good Morning Family🌞
Sending You JOY & Laughter😁

Laughter😁 is Good like medicine. Everytime you laugh😁 the youth hormone increases 87%, you're 40% less likely to have a heart attack, your body releases a natural tranquilizer that calms you down

How long has it been since you had a good laugh? There is healing in laughter. Many diseases, chronic pain, depression, heartache and heart problems are linked to stress and unhappiness.

STOP worrying. Take your medicine today. LAUGH😁 Out Loud... you'll feel better and you'll look younger too!

Laugh Today
Ha Ha Ha Ha

Have a Joyful, Blessed Day
Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE


Stevie Wonder - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing 04/12/2021

Be Encouraged... It Will Get Better
Don't You Worry Bout A Thing...

Stevie Wonder - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing The 8th track of Stevie Wonder's 1973 album "Innervisions"


Covid Symptoms & Better Health Take ...

*Vitamin D
10,000 IU-30,000 IU a day; get rid of depression, reduce inflammation & feel better instantly

*Zinc 100-200mg a day; for loss of taste or smell and strengthen immune system

*Vitamin C 500mg a day; antioxidant to prevent free radical damage vital to healing (Vit C from food like citrus fruit, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach & broccoli

*Selenium 55mcg-200mcg a day (micrograms)
antioxidant reducee oxidative stress, helps with chronic health conditions, reduces inflammation and known for it's anti-clotting effect

*Get plenty of sleep... body heals when you sleep
*No alcohol
*Potassium heart pounding
*Apple cider vinegar

Watch this...


Happy Thanksgiving!

Good Morning!🌞
Happy Thanksgiving Blessings to each of you!

I just want to thank you for being the best part of my world and for your support throughout this year.
Please remember to pray for and visit the sick and help those who are going through.

GOD Bless You


Remember to
Set your Clock Back an Hour...


CONGRATS Atlanta Braves


Good Sunday Morning!🌞

I'm Cooking Sunday Dinner Today LIVE on Facebook ..
Fried Chicken Wings
Candied Yams
Plus My Delicious Desssert Lemonade

Please Join Me
To watch, click this link...

See you there...
Finger Lickin Dishes


United We Stand...


Good morning family🌞
Happy Fall🍁🍂

Today's Good News!
"Flip the Script"

Do you know that problems in life are simply distractions?
It's true.
Distractions are a trick... they come to stop you.
But the good news is... they dont have to... Not Anymore. From now on any time a distraction comes at you, i.e. sickness, pain, lack, anger, despair, fear etc. Dont give in... and don't give up! Instead... GET EXCITED!
Flip the Script on it by, simply, thinking and speaking the opposite.
Instead of allowing distractions to stop you... use them as a trigger to Start You.
Right NOW... start to think and speak the opposite of the distraction. When you do this, you'll stop distractions in their tracks... change how you feel... change your cirmstances... and change your life faster than you, ever, thought possible.

Choose this day whom you will serve.

Have a Beautiful, Blessed Day!
Watch "I CHOOSE", Exclusively, on Feel Good Network



Have you ever dreamed of having your own TV Show but didn't think you could afford it? Well, now you can.
Whether it's a cooking show, reality TV drama, movie, music, religious, comedy, sports... you can have your own TV Show up and running in days.
Plus you can, also, make money through ad sharing.

Message Me to get your own TV Show on Feel Good Network!


Good Morning!🌞
It's Terrific Tuesday!

Be encouraged... GOD is in control. Whatever problem (s) youre dealing with know that GOD can turn it around on a dime. When you're about to give up... GOD shows up. Give it over to GOD. Even if you don't see a way... know GOD has already made a way.

Remember Daniel. The angel told him GOD heard and answered his prayer the first time he prayed... and GOD sent the answer. It just took 21 days. GOD, also, hears and answers you when you pray. Regardless of what it looks like... hold on to your faith... the answer is on the way.

Have a Beautiful, Blessed Day!
Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE

Photos from Love Yourself to Health's post 21/08/2021

Photos from Love Yourself to Health's post 14/08/2021

Hello Facebook Family🌞

I just want to remind you GOD knows your name. He has not forgotten you

GOD knows what you're going through...

Someone needs to hear this... click to listen

Hold onto HOPE
GOD knows your name
Addie Mae Jackson 4HOPE


Take your health to the next level and look FABULOUS at the same time.

Designer yoga jumpsuit is perfect for stretching, pilates, dancing... and for, just, looking FABULOUS!

A portion of each sale goes to help eradicate cancer.

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