Emom Nutrition

Emom Nutrition

Real strength training made real simple.

Photos from Emom Nutrition's post 18/01/2024

This snowman has been alive for like 2 hrs and even he knows the importance of big strong glutes.

What's your excuse?! 🤣


900 calorie breakfasts are not required to build muscle but I'd rather eat 4 large meals than 6 small meals.

Eat big and lift heavy and you'll build muscle.

Eat big and sit on your butt and you'll gain fat.

It's an over simplification but my point is don't be afraid to eat big if you're lifting weights and building muscle is your goal. You're going to gain zero ground in your muscle building endeavors if you continue to eat like swimsuit model.

Photos from Emom Nutrition's post 11/11/2023

Did you know rogue monster racks are transformers? I'm gonna get real weird with this setup. Stay tuned......


If you don't come by the Health Shoppe today do you even lift and like free energy drinks??!!


Heavy weights, loud music and coffee.

It's good coffee. It's great training.😉

Photos from Emom Nutrition's post 05/01/2023

Be a in 2023 and you'll be blown away by what you've accomplished by the end of the year. If it sounds very simple it's because it is. Big goals do not need complicated plans!

If you don't drink enough water or get enough sleep or eat fruits and veggies or eat enough protein or walk x amount of steps a day then trying some advanced diet protocol like intermittent fasting, keto or tracking macros is 100% going to backfire.

All the habits mentioned above is what we're going to work on and anyone can hop on! Just follow me, tag me and


Elemental (adjective): primary or basic.

The root of better health, fitness and ultimately longevity is strength.

Strength must come first. All other forms of physical activity are improved with increased strength.

Running, cycling, swimming, hiking, are all improved when strength is also improved. So.....

With this fundamental fact and my own personal beliefs with exercise, I'm naming my gym and personal training business: "Strength First" or a.k.a, "St1".

Spread the word Knoxville!💪

P.S.- RIP Emom Nutrition 🪦


Eat a cookie. Drink a cookie.

Eating is fun. Fun as hell. Why take that enjoyment away and only look at it as "fuel"?

Whether your food is super delicious and processed or whole food and bland as s**t it can still "fuel" you so wtf?

I'm so glad I've decided to get out of nutrition coaching except for a very small group of people.

Saying the same s**t over and over has been exhausting.

I'm just gonna continue to eat how I do and stay stronger, leaner and healthier than the majority of the population that's still arguing about fasting vs. keto.

Newsflash: they're both dumb as s**t.


I don't think any other movement has improved my deadlift like implementing 6 to 8 weeks blocks of deficit deadlifts.

Deficit deadlifts create a longer pull since you're essentially making yourself 1-3 inches taller and a longer pull is going to strengthen everything from your grip, your leg drive off the floor to your lockout.

The trick is to continue to keep your hips low and to not turn it into a stiff leg deadlift.

This was my first time using a 4 mat deficit which is about 2 inches. Pretty pleased with how this felt.

335 x 5 x 5 was on the docket yesterday. Followed by stiff leg deads at the same weight which absolutely smoked the 'ol hammies. Then some more lower body accessories to make sure walking was a challenge today.


465 x 5

Did a couple drop sets after @ 405 x 5 then some lat pulls then ✌️out. I typically don't do many accessories after 10 rpe days

These weren't pretty but what evs. I mainly pull conventional anyway.

I'd prefer my hips lower and closer to the bar at the start. I'll work on it. Like I said, conventional is my bread and butter pull so no rush on sumo.

Here's a little deadlift tip if you want to improve your 1rm: treat multiple rep sets as singles.

Nothing wrong with touch 'n go's. I'd put them on hypertrophy days/blocks though not during strength specific ones.

While I'm at it, notice how they are called touch 'n go's and not bounce off the floors.

I'm no deadlift pro by any means but I see some fugly "touch 'n go's" on the ol' socials.

Please try to clean' em up or let me help.


Expect a litte soreness sometimes but debilitating ongoing soreness is a 🚩

You're either doing too much in the gym, eating too little, lacking in the sleep department or a little bit of all 3. (Or a lot of all 3)


Fat burning ≠ fat loss.

Lift weights to get strong.

Lift weights to build muscle.

Lift weights in a calorie deficit to lose fat.

The moral of the story is to always lift weights.💪

Photos from Emom Nutrition's post 08/04/2022

It's time to let the cat out of the bag!

I'm out of the house and into an actual space! .systems and Emom Nutrition are doing a mash-up and sharing the space off of papermill drive.

Nutrition will be taking a back seat moving forward for me. I'll be changing the business name to reflect that soon. It's get strong or bust from now on.

A flexible approach to high protein/fiber diets that include plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains while also NOT categorizing any foods as good or bad IS THE WAY TO ACHIEVE TOTAL FOOD FREEDOM!!

That's the very last time I'll comment on the socials regarding nutrition besides how I manage mine.

If you want to talk strength or need help with your strength training let me know. I currently have some morning slots available but that's all I've got at the moment. Afternoons/evenings are full!

Thanks to my wife, , my kids and Matt for helping me get moved in this week!


Consistency is key, right?

Sure it is.

Consistently making positive choices with your meals.

Consistently showing up and trying to better yourself in the gym.

Consistently getting 7+ hrs of sleep.

All these things move you in the right direction.

Consistently dieting?

Well, you tell me. How's that working for you?

If you want the most out of your body (the best you can look/feel, the strongest you can be) then why do you consistently give it so little?


I'm just not in the mood for nonsense today.

This idea stems from the fact that we do only use 25 to 30 g specifically for MSP (muscle protein synthesis) BUT the body uses the amino acids that constitute protein for other things than just muscle repair and building.

While I'm at it, there is no evidence that eating a high protein diet has a negative effect on healthy kidneys either.

In conclusion, eat a s**t ton of protein.


Fun fact:

Protein powders, fiber drinks/powders and vitamins are also processed.

Just because something is processed it doesnt make it bad, and just because something is natural that doesn't make it good.

Pay attention to who you get your information from and be very skeptical of people talking out of both sides of their mouths.


Yes. It's true.

Food companies want you to repurchase their food. Crazy, right?

It's definitely easier to blame the company for the fact that you just demolished an entire bag of cool ranch doritos but.....

YOU bought it.

YOU opened it.

YOU went full send on it.

YOU need to point that flavor encrusted finger at yourself.


Once you hit depth with the back squat the goal is to stand back up, right?

You'll have a better chance of doing that if you focus on pushing your feet into the floor vs driving your knees out.


Just work dude.


If you have a specific goal, whether it be size, strength or endurance, then you need a plan. A plan more fleshed out than, "I'll go to the gym M/W/F."

Now you may be asking yourself, " This guy seems smart, strong and handsome. I wonder if he offers workout programs?"

First off, you're too kind.😊

Secondly. Soon.


Can increasing your calories, prioritizing strength training and sleep possibly get your hormones in a better place?


Do those recommendations make me or anyone else a hormone specialist?

Not even close.

It should be a big red flag if someone seems to have all the answers.


Just because you've possibly treated your body like a trash can it doesn't mean you need to cleanse it or detox it.

Taking a daily laxative does nothing but dehydrate you (and make you question every fart) and last I checked being hydrated was a good thing.


Lot of talkers. Very few doers.


You'll live longer from over eating than you will from under eating.

Being shredded for the gram year round isn't a long term successful strategy and an actual HEALTHY body weight isn't going to be a shredded one.


Kanye on his bulls**t today!

I tend to agree with Mr. Yeezy.

Progressive overloading is essential for building muscle and getting stronger BUT the weights you use have to be pretty damn hard. Hard enough that you're not sure if you can complete the last set.

Bottom line: Hit your main exercise hard and hit your accessories even harder.

You're in the gym to work. So work.


Kanye dropping bombs!

If you aim to get anywhere from 25 g to 50 g of protein per meal along with some fruits and vegetables then I promise you'll snack less.

Constantly snacking, especially if it's mindless eating, makes over consumption of calories a much easier thing to do.


If you eat adequate amounts of protein, fruits, veggies and fiber, then the rest doesn't matter as long as you aren't consuming more calories that you need.

Throw in some exercise and you're going to be pretty damn healthy.


Those weekend calories that you "hilariously" post about on Facebook not counting?

They count big time.

If you're not willing to make any sacrifices then don't expect to make much progress.


This is my "I want to stay in my pj's but I also want to get out and get donuts" look.


You don't have to drink a gallon of water period.

You guys make somethings way harder than they need to be.

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A marching monologue.
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A new bar means new gains, right?
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