HOOTERFEST is an annual benefit ROCK concert for orphan owlets at Carolina Raptor Center! Hooterfest Do you love ho***rs? So do we!
That's why these female-infused bands are putting on a ROCK benefit for those cute baby owls! "Hooterfest" is an annual concert festival designed to raise awareness for the protection of owls and other raptors in the Carolinas. As a fundraiser, Hooterfest sponsors the release of orphaned owlets from Carolina Raptor Center. Every spring, a couple dozen baby owls fall from their nests during storms
and high winds (so do baby hawks, falcons, and other raptors), and concerned Carolinians bring these babies to CRC. Once under the wing of CRC, the owlets are fed and raised by "foster parent" owls and/or puppets and taught to hunt and to fly. Once the young owls can fly and hunt properly, they are released back into the world! The cost of fostering for each owlet is at least a couple hundred dollars, so this event seeks to make sure there's enough to go around, so these important citizens of our greater environment are given their best chance at a successful life in the wild! IF YOU'VE FOUND A BABY OWL OR OTHER RAPTOR:
Read this helpful guide that helps you know what to do http://www.carolinaraptorcenter.org/files/Help.pdf