I am B-

I am B-

Page to promote and inform about blood donation


From Conéctate Soluciones y Aplicaciones we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year full of health.
Remember that at Christmas there is still a need for blood donations!


Hello everyone,

Today I am going to tell you the necessary requirements to donate blood.

You must be of legal age (in some countries this age varies from 16 to 18, sometimes with parental consent), and under 65 if it is the first time you are going to donate.

You also need to have had breakfast beforehand if you go to donate in the morning, and if you go in the afternoon it is preferable that at least two hours have passed after you have finished eating.

It is also important to have drunk enough fluids before going to donate and NEVER forget an official identification, if possible with a photo (DNI, NIE, Driving license, etc.)

If you have doubts, ask them with confidence, I will answer you as soon as possible.

I hope this post has been useful to you and that you give it to share and follow so that more people know us and know the importance of voluntary, altruistic and safe blood donation.


Hi all!

In these times of pandemic, we want to remind you that blood donations are still needed. Find out in your donation center about the places and times to go to donate and remember to wear a mask, wash your hands or use hydroalcoholic gel and keep a safe distance.
Protect yourself so you can help save lives!

Photos from I am B-'s post 14/06/2020


Blood is what unites us all and gives us life.
Today, 14th June, is the international day of the blood donor.
Put your group as your profile picture to help raise awareness of the importance of blood donation.

Share it!



Hello everyone,

In some countries, a research study is being carried out to see if the plasma of people who have suffered Covid-19 can help others fight the disease thanks to its antibodies.

We recommend that if you have had Covid-19 disease and are interested in participating in these studies, you should contact your nearest blood donation center to inform you about the possibility of being able to donate plasma to help other people. , time and place to do it.

Thank you all!


Hello everyone,

Because of Covid19 crisis, it is recommended to go to donate blood only when you are called from the donation center, or if they send you an SMS so that you can donate.

If you want to donate, it is advisable to call your donation center so that they indicate the measures to be taken, time and place to do so.

Try to take extreme hygiene measures (hand washing, use of tissues, etc.) and try to bring your own pen.

Taking care of yourself and keeping you safe is taking care of EVERYONE


Hi everyone!

Today I am going to tell you the latest recommendations to donate blood in relation to the coronavirus.

According to European health guidelines, it is recommended to delay the blood donation to 21 days after the last risk exposure, and 28 days the donation of organs and tissues.


Our team wishes you a merry Christmas, and a new year full of health and success! 🍾🥂


Hi all,
We are very proud to announce our collaboration with the IFBDO (International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations) to implement our blood donation promotion and management tool: Dón@te, in Algeria and Ivory Coast. We will keep telling you!


Hi all!

Next Friday, June 14 is the world blood donor day. This year, the Slogan of the World Health Organization is "Safe Blood for All".

The best way to collaborate is to get more and more voluntary and altruistic blood donors, who donate regularly during the year to be able to cover the transfusion needs of patients every day, regardless of where we were born or where we are living.


Hi all!
Thank you very much for staying there and sharing our contents so that we will reach more and more people every time.
Today we are going to talk about another of the most frequent doubts regarding donation.

Can you exercise on the day of the donation?
The answer is that it is NOT recommended.

The year has 365 days and if you donate 4 times a year, it is only recommended that you do not exercise those 4 days a year. I think the cause deserves it, right? ;)

When exercising and sweating we lose mineral salts and if you have donated that day it can give you a "slump".
I hope you find this small post.lin interesting.


Hi all!
We are going to solve another of the most frequent doubts. Can you donate blood if you have a filling or tooth extraction?
If you have done a filling or dental cleaning it is necessary that you spend 24 hours from it until you can donate.
If you have had an endodontics, or dental extraction, etc. The exclusion period before being able to donate again is one week.


Hi all!!
Today we are going to talk about one of the fears of some people when they think about the blood donation.
"If I donate blood, I can get HIV or Hepatitis." FALSE
All the material used during the donation of blood is sterile and single-use, so you can not get any type of transmissible disease.


Are you B-? Welcome to your group!
You can give blood to the groups: B+ B- AB+ AB-.
You can receive blood from the groups: B- O-.




I am B- Page to promote and inform about blood donation