Wendy Kay

Wendy Kay

Nationally practicing, Certified Life Strategy Coach
& Author of "Mastering the Art of Feeling Good"
***Currently off in reflection & introspection.


I'm on a Crazy Ride, folks . . . Anyone else?! :D
Having FUN!


QUOTE: "Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better than right now—until it gets better right now!"
~ Abraham/Hicks

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - The Shift Movie - FREE - In His Memory 08/09/2015

Wow! An Exceptional communication.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - The Shift Movie - FREE - In His Memory Learn to go from Ambition to Meaning in your life through this amazing full length movie featuring Wayne Dyer and Portia de Rossi

Timeline photos 13/08/2015

I just felt compelled to share this . . . (my website is being reconstructed - and no blog!) I spent an hour on the phone this morning with a special woman who I've referred to over the years as my "surrogate mother" and "spiritual advisor." You can tell me after reading, if you understand why. She knows everything about me - and loves me anyway. She's always had an unparallelled ability to help me reach a higher ground during times of struggle. I call her one of my living angels too! This woman lost her uterus about 20 years ago. Then about 10 years ago, she lost her bladder and colon, now having to have procedures done every 3 months - which may turn out good, or be painful for the next 3 months. So during our talk of this and that, she tells me, "My life is Great! First, I'm alive. I have friends who want me in their lives, and want to be in mine . . ." and the list went on for at least a minute. And with all that she endures as a part of her life now, she ALWAYS takes out time for TWO things . . . listening to others without judgement about their lives and issues and offering fresh perspective, and creating a daily Gratitude list on her own life experience. She's the most Joyous person I've ever met, with the biggest heart, and always just so glad to see or hear from me - EVERY Time!! So, I wanted to share with you, how grateful I am to be so fortunate to have someone like Tina in my life. It FEELS GREAT to have someone genuinely care!

August 2015 Astrology & Numerology forecast 09/08/2015

I really like the energy she brings to her insight and knowledge. Have Fun with it!!

August 2015 Astrology & Numerology forecast FREE Numerology ebook: http://bit.ly/1tVK6Dx For daily forecasts, join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karisamuels.intuitivecounselor August 2015 As...

Timeline photos 08/07/2015

SEE who you've become, get in touch with your authentic self, and then create who you want to become.

8 Signs That YOU May Have a Hormone Imbalance - Global Vitality Resources 07/07/2015

HAD to Share This with You all!

8 Signs That YOU May Have a Hormone Imbalance - Global Vitality Resources Hormones run our lives . . . Many more men and women are experiencing hormone imbalance at any age . . .

Timeline photos 07/07/2015

If you can't find the possibilities, or enough to find one you like or will work: take a walk, talk to someone, read something, listen to something. . .then you'll realize.

40-Something & Ready for MORE! - Global Vitality Resources 06/07/2015

Who's READY for MORE in their Life? You can be ANY AGE Really! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT ENDS FRIDAY!


40-Something & Ready for MORE! - Global Vitality Resources GROUP COACHING ~ Exclusively, for Women A Time for…Self Assessment, Self Discovery, Aspirations, Expansion, Creation, Transformation, a Bit of Indulgence, and … MAKING CHANGE That’s RIGHT FOR YOU It’s Time for a New Beginning & to Have Some FUN Every Other Thursday You Might Be Asking: “Is t…

Timeline photos 29/06/2015

Use your Creativity - that's what it's for!!

Timeline photos 26/06/2015

I LOVE this one!!

Timeline photos 17/06/2015

Be determined to live your life understanding that possibilities are endless - unlimited. You won't ever be able to allow yourself boredom.


Thought You might enjoy checking this out! :)

Authentic You WEB TV Directly aimed at those who are ready to take steps to create change in their lives, but are perhaps

Timeline photos 15/06/2015

.....whether it be in your relationships, your health, your career, your education, your finances, pursuing your dream . . .

GreenSurance is Now Here! 13/06/2015

Still NEED 139 VOTES by Friday 6/19 to Qualify for this Grant Funding. PLEASE VOTE it Benefits Everyone's Choice!

GreenSurance is Now Here! Two years of dedication and we're here! GreenSurance Natural Medicine Healthcare Co-op is now a reality. And to help the co-op that's ours we need everyone to help qualify GreenSurance for the Chase Mission Main Street Grant. It's a simple click of your mouse for our great cause. Here's the link to…

Timeline photos 27/05/2015

When you are Grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.

Timeline photos 26/05/2015

You can't measure your lovability by someone else's ability to love.
YOU ARE LOVE - - - Stay connected to that!

Timeline photos 06/05/2015

If you'd like to be different in an area of your life, open your mind to new perspectives. Become a student again, stay alert and contemplate new ideas. You will intuitively know what's right for you when you contemplate in quiet time ~ that's when you can hear the best.

Timeline photos 05/05/2015

Kindness is its own reward. When it occurs, a mutual moment of love also occurs. Treat others with kindness and experience the gift of your own creation.

Timeline photos 04/05/2015

We are all doing the best we can with what we have at any given moment. Take the time to allow your expansion always, so that you are steadily moving into a better experience for yourself and, as a result, those around you. Complacency tends to end bitter and unhealthy. But don't just do to do; be mindful and purposeful.....goal for personal responsibility in your life.

Just remember, you will always be a work in progress until you take that last breath before transformation, so enjoy the journey.

Green Festival - Washington, D.C. 2015 01/05/2015

Green Festival - Washington, D.C. 2015 Green Festival, America's Largest and Longest-Running Sustainability and Green Living Event.

Empowerment With Wendy Kay 01/05/2015

Empowerment With Wendy Kay www.WendyKayLifeCoach.com Meet Wendy Kay the Life Coach. Self Empowerment is the key to Confidence, Happiness, and Feeling Good! Find out how Attitude and a ...

Timeline photos 30/04/2015

Success is self-defined.

Timeline photos 29/04/2015

Don't be afraid to let go of what's not working or feeling good - staying stuck is not the life you're meant to live.

Timeline photos 28/04/2015

You are ALL THAT IS in this Oneness that is Life. In reality, you are everything. It's OK to express what's natural to you; that's why you're here, to live a life of purpose and to contribute your uniqueness to the mix. That's why you're so important. What other people say, or you think they might be saying, is only significant if you allow it to matter and get in the way of you being authentic you.

Timeline photos 27/04/2015

Your challenges are equal to the the task and goal you've set forth. The greater distance between where you are now and where you want to be, the greater degree of change and transformation required - most people don't go too far because of that. There has to be a real burning desire inside to keep going.

Find something that creates such a burning desire within you that you can barely stand the thought of giving up. Then you'll know you've really found it and you're going to do it, because you'll no longer have a choice. When you've made the choice, that leaves you no choice, THAT is when you KNOW you're ready to become the "butterfly." FIND THAT ONE THING.

Earth Day - April 22, 2015 - Global Vitality Resources 22/04/2015

TODAY IS EARTH DAY!! What are You doing to Honor Mother Earth?
You could plant something, pick up some trash, or leave the car in the garage today - doesn't take much really! Much LOVE

Earth Day - April 22, 2015 - Global Vitality Resources (Hope you enjoyed the video from Earth Day 2013) Earth Day – April 22, 2015 FIND AN EARTH DAY EVENT Through the Earth Day Network at Earthday.org The Earth Day Network: The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with …

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