Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations

Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations

An honest page about living, observations, courage, food and life in general; it’s ups and downs, pains and pleasures, high and lows. Totally raw & revealing.

You can sure be RAW and REAL here!



Happy New Year Everyone! Wishing you a happy, joyous, prosperous and healthy 2024!!

2023 was officially the most revealing year ever! It challenged me to be better every day and supported me to be stronger and proved to me, the work of transforming the planet, one person at a time, begins with one’s self, the people around me and it is far from over. In fact it has just begun.

2023 was also the year I met some amazing amazing people, gained heaps of experiences, gained a beautiful nephew in Malaysia, a beautiful Kenyan niece in PNG, met an amazing magical celestial angel who just lifted me to the sky and above, reconnected with real friends, bonded with my baby brother and his wife, my first niece, saw my son soared in his basketball career, my daughter living her best life, all my grownup baby dolls studying and scaling Europe being the best versions of themselves, all the “sortie mobsters” rising and being the top in their classes, living their passion, being role models and recording artists, touched the lives of thousands more people through my passion in the context of my career, doing ACDP work and the Amazing Port Moresby branding, organising world class events, private life coaching and yoga sessions and consciously grew to a level that made me just want to do nothing in 2024. Hahaha …. that will be a nice dream.

2023 also threw life’s hardest challenge, with low mindset’s, differing perspectives, power dynamics and having to manage this was interesting. 2023 also showed how power and greed can destroy lives, create wars and destruction to human lives. It’s sad what is happening in Gaza, in Ukraine and other parts of the world is insane.

And it was also the year that God Almighty showed up the most. It showed the strength and value of friendships and how it can even transcend fear of death. My God Almighty kept coming through for me like, surprised me with grace, wisdom, patience and kindness and good vibes. I am grateful for all the energy (there is no good or bad), it’s all blessings. The best gift you can give someone is your attention. So thank you.

Life is so wonderful it just keeps taking my breath away. I am so grateful and eternally blessed. If I can sum 2023 in one word, it’s TRANSFORMATION.

To all my students, teachers, co-workers, performers, walkers, coaching clients and professionals I have met to make the world a better place, I am blessed and privileged to be able to work with you, to serve, to love and to give a little bit of me and to be a part of greater change and growth. Your success and happiness is my success and happiness. Thank you for sharing your life with me and allowing me to make a difference in your life and work space we share. I am eternally grateful and humbled.

Achievements and highlights of 2023:

- ACDP was completely managed by my students, and they achieved to record levels with more women and men and youth participating in conscious growth and ethical living embracing the spirit of positive values realising the importance of health, positive lifestyle, non-violence and really helping people to take ownership of their life and their destiny. Please visit the ACDP YouTube, FB page to watch all our videos and stories.


- Extended our collaborations and our tribe internationally with UN Agencies, Embassies, our teachers attending conferences and contributing positively, teachers given scholarships to further their studies in India,, they also was part of the Urban Youth Development Initiative, volunteers from Australia, Brazil, Britain, arriving at the shores of Port Moresby to serve in our program, Pikini Pilai officially an NGO and we served more kids in the space of child development than in previous years, supported juvenile rehabilitation both in Bomana Prison and street kids, I know 2024 will see more success unfolding just as effortlessly in this space. Thank you to my sister from another mother, Shirley Kaupa for your support in this space.


-2023 also got a personal video of me for a Uni Project. It’s about my work, my passion and it’s just following my usual life journey including my conservation project. Thank you Batrisyia Razak and thank you Dania and UCL Anthropology. Here is the link to the video.


- Spent the best summer holidays with my family in the USA and met families whom we haven’t met in years , spent beautiful times with spiritual friends in paradise Chombon Islands and having great memories with old friends in truly magical places. Thank you, thank you to all of you, you know who you are.

- 2023 was also the year we managed to fulfil our goals in the space of environmental conservation and preservation at the Chombon Islands with 4 bungalows. Nothing gives you more joy than seeing the turtles coming to lay eggs, fish galore, happy sharks and nature preserved. This is personal, communal and an achievement for the next generation to enjoy. This is a what it means to live life off-grid and enjoy simplicity at its best with nature providing the sustenance. Thank you to the people of the Mbuke Isles for giving me an opportunity to be a part of your lives for community empowerment. Too good. Thank you 🙏

-Achieving my NLP Master Trainer Year 2 certification from the BEST Master Trainers in the industry, attended the Accelerated Personal Evolution Program 1 and learnt so much more than I can even begin to express here. It’s just magic what this God given brains can do to us. Under utilising them is just a tragedy.

- Delivered all professional handlings, acquittals and deliverables for the year with distinctions and high standards and great impact. My best team, thank you. As it stands, funding has not been extended for 2024 and we are still grateful for 10 solid years of support and of being of service to city residents from our hearts.

- Connected with amazing coaches, teachers and workers of light from all over the world. OMG you guys are truly inspirational in what you do and too many of you to mention. I hope our paths cross again and I know we will always be connected in our work of transforming the planet. Thank you to you all my Yoga, NLP and APEP family.

- Organised 5 big special projects events that brought the city to a stand still and what needs to be said was heard without any security incidences. Thank you to the best team and other support service providers. Looking forward to see this continue, maybe with new people organising it with their fresh ideas and new talents and inspiration. I wish for greater bigger mind blowing events for the city in 2024.


- Built an amazing business relationship with so many people, understanding the nature of what collaboration and partnerships look like. Thank you, ya’all. You guys are phenomenal.

- Focussed on my trainings at the gym diligently and coupled weight and cardio training with my yoga classes and woohoo gained my ideal weight and body strength and endurance and posture woah…. being flexible was easy, strength, speed, agility, resistance was another. I am so so proud of myself. Check my muskles baby….

- Worked and partnered with the BEST boss ever the Governor of NCD Hon. Powes Parkop and the best team of loyalist, great leaders and influencers. I learnt never to leave one detail behind and to do my work to be the BEST and of high standards. Thank you Governor, Ministers and leaders. I salute you and I look forward to continuing working with you all.

- 2023 was also the year I detoxed sustainably and dropped drinking coffee for good. I hate any form of addiction. I also dropped all other forms of addictions especially to people. I trusted my instincts more and was fearless to make decisions for ME, for a change. I honoured ME mostly and constantly allowed time and tide to take its course. Ah I was so guided and protected. Thank you YaAllah, you always showed up when I needed you most. You can read all about it at

📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mci96v9ACmtZhEpB/?mibextid=WC7FNe

Special thanks to my people without whom I can never be able to achieve anything. Ezra, Cindy, Ahia, Liti, Joel, Melisa, Shabana, Mariana, Juan, Sammy, Steven, team NCDC, team APOM, team ACDP and my amazing grounded sisters, house managers, June, Joyce and Susan, who keeps me well nourished and safe and spends sleepless nights when I needed someone most. Thanks so much for your support. Some of you have moved on to greater greener pastures, I wish you all the best. There is a season and reason for everything and those who are still around, lets move 2024 to greater heights.

Special thanks also to the hardworking ACDP Mamas and women mobilisers of 2023 who without you there will be no tribe. Thank you Kathy, Maryanne, Rose Hagua, Rose Kripo, Letame Bomai, Rita and Patrick Heroma, Judy Bomai, Ila Rigana, Vero Kai, Elise S**i, Julie Ambi, Alice Kondai, Margaret, and so many more of you sorry if I don’t mention you here. You guys ROCK like big time and I am learning from you all the time. Thanks for the support and the great time we have had together. Thanks also to the Papas for supporting your woman and standing by their side throughout.

Last but not least to the VVIP’s of my life, thanks to my Super Mom Bashira and her tireless prayers for me, my sisters and brothers, my children, Elyas Barth and my late Dad, my aunties and uncles, cousins and nieces and nephews, my entire family - YOU are my solid ROCK. Thanks also to my besties, Crystal, Tazim and Elyas, who just know what to say and do and don’t ask questions or ask for anything, I love you till the Crawdad Sings.

Welcome 2024, I am looking forward for you to be another great epic year to move forward with more love and courage, with humility, gratitude and God forbearance. May the Almighty God guide me in my steps always.

Please let me know if I can help you in any way to make your life purpose driven, blissful and conscious. As a professional Life Coach and Yoga Teacher, (besides my day job) this is what I do best.

All My Love ❤️
Fazilah Bazari


So happy I have been coffee free for almost a month and 3 days.


10 Oct 23


I had a great time today playing basketball with my son, had a nice vege soup with tofu, I had the best lymphatic massage in the world with the best therapist in the world and worked hard solving issues. All in a day’s work. Just as well as the Detox is over. Life goes on.

In the midst of all the bustle, there was a moment when I saw how beautiful the sky was, I even saw a butterfly, so preety, I am happy to be loved and to love in return, I saw the ocean so blue so beautiful and the hiss of the wind is the most calming sound ever.

Note to self: Chase what makes you happy like the butterfly rides the wind. It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone as long as it inspires you to live your best life. YOLO ✌️

60.9 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches) Now 78 CM
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches) Now 94 CM
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches) Now 54 CM
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches) 28 CM

Photos from Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations's post 09/10/2023

8 Oct 23


Today I had soup with actual veges in it. I chewed slowly like I am eating baby food. It’s just boiled veges in water and it tasted so yummy without any flavouring or seasoning. The natural taste of sweet potatoes, pumpkins, radish, carrots and tomatoes with Kombu seaweed is just so delicious.

And guess what, eating made me tired. Had an orange for breakfast, a banana, some vege soup just totally made me so full I had to lie down. I thought it was going to give me energy to go for a long walk and I ended in bed.

What an irony? I felt more light and energetic without food than with food. And this is how we will retrain our body to start eating more and more, till eating becomes mainstream! Not necessary at all. And all those bottles and bottles of sauces and flavourings in your fridge, let me tell you, I am living proof that those are all a waste of money and possibly harmful to health.

Note to self: Don’t have to convince anyone about your experiments and journeys. Everyone to themselves. So y’all do ya”all. And I love you deeply no matter what your choices of food are!

60.2 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches) Now 78 CM
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches) Now 94 CM
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches) Now 54 CM
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches) 28 CM

Photos from Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations's post 08/10/2023

8 Oct 23


I lost 4KGs, reduced my waist line by 3CM and my upper arms by 2CM. In only 8 days. Weirdly, just coz I had a banana, 8 grapes and some clear vege soup today, I put on 900 grams hahaha … this hard work, starvation and hunger didn’t do much externally for me. I was happy with my body and anyways, all that I lost can be easily gained back.

During this detox I learnt a lot of things. Being persistent is so important. Persistence is often the key factor that separates successful people from those who fail. Then believing you can do it and setting clear goals are also important. I also learnt that following the rules and guidelines from what’s best to do, knowing the preps and the post detox and how to continue to sustain it is also crucial. Otherwise it might be detrimental to your health. Then we must take action. Taking action is everything. Talk is cheap. Yeah everyone say, I gotta do a detox , I want to do it, without taking action, you won’t achieve nothing.

Note to self: One of the most hardest thing to fight is your own gut feeling. If your feeling is telling you something, please listen to it. It’s your best guide. Never let yourself down.

59.9 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches) Now 78 CM
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches) Now 94 CM
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches) Now 54 CM
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches) 28 CM


5 Oct 23


Waking up seem easy with this detox. I am always waking up with a smile on my face grateful for another day of lightness. And my skin seem to be glowing and so oxidised, eyes not so sticky and I guess I am just getting the hang of it after 5 days. The body odours are strong and tongue is slowly less white. Headaches are gone! Lost an entire KG and today the scales was below 60…. At this point I don’t want to loose anymore, anyways, I am sure putting them on again will not be a problem ! Had a beautiful one hours walk as well and stayed close to the trees and remembered my late best friend Njeri Rionge. Spoke to my mom too which is very nice. All very healing.

So my therapist explained to me why there is the body odour. Apparently having body odour during detox is a sign that animal proteins, heavy metals, additives, and allergens accumulated in your body that cannot be digested is being purified. It is a sign that the body and the internal organs are functioning and detoxing. Wow 😯

She added: “When the internal organs are cleaned, the intestines are cleaned, blood is cleaned, the brain is cleared, and a new world opens” - Shizuka Nakahigashi

Note to self: How exciting it is to think there is a new world opening..Everything feels so beautiful and loving. 5843 Thank you ❤️

59.0 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches)
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches)
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches)
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches)


4 Oct 23


I was woken up again feeling so much love, loved and loving and wanted to just smile the whole day. The massage made me sleep really well. My body was a bit hot which is really nice to feel warm.

And when I woke up I smelled coffee which made me have coffee craving then for some reason, I just felt like something sweet. I could eat a whole watermelon or an orange. Today also I had headaches, weird funny body odours I don’t usually have and tongue still white.

With all that hunger and headaches, I just rested and worked from bed. So glad day 4 is gone. Looking forward to seeing how next days gonna be. Oh also lost another 800 grams - which means I am healthy, and not dropping weight too fast. Yes 👍

Note to self: The art of purification is so essential. It teaches you to NOT GIVE A F**K. With this much of self control, nothing f****g triggers me! Ya’ll do you. I am sitting in my happy space.

61.0 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches)
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches)
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches)
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches)

Photos from Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations's post 03/10/2023

3 Oct 23


So today I woke up really happy, filled with so much love and so proud of myself! Lost another KG so I am 61.6 KGs now…. yes I ll put some back on once this is over so whatever 🤷‍♀️

And it was the day I was going to experience a Yomogi Mushi experience and a lymphatic massage to aid further detoxification. Yomogi mushi promotes blood flow, removes fatigue, adjusts hormonal imbalances and just a good stress releaser not to mention heals all woman’s health issues generally.

How does it work - : 5 minutes of face steaming with neem or mogwat leaves. So fragrant and so healing. Then 30 mins of steaming my entire body with the same neem leaves allowing the steam to go through inside my body, yes I was naked duhh. 5 mins feet soak and cleanse. Then 1 hour of the most healing lymph massage - it’s not your usual massage, it’s literally a special kind of massage that awakens your internal organs and promotes removing of toxins etc. My therapist and friend of 10 years Shizuka Nakahigashi is just the bestest.

Yep tongue still white. Zero hunger. Cravings still get me and I am determined. I have done this before and I thought it was going to get easier, I love food too much. I just looorve FOOD.

Note to self: Resisting temptations is so powerful. Giving in to short term gains may make us suffer in the long term. You only have one body. Care for it.

61.6 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches)
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches)
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches)
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches)


The amount of food things in my head right now….I can even smell them. Food have so much power. See how we are enslaved to eating?


2 Oct 23


One of the symptoms that you are really detoxing is that your tongue get really white. Like yuks! My poor tongue scraper had to work hard today. Apparently it will be there, or I should continue until my tongue is red again. 🤷‍♀️

Headaches magically disappeared. I lost 1 KG not that I won’t put that back on when I am done. And I wasn’t doing this to loose weight. Just to keep my body healthy. Best medicine! I worked, went for a slow walk, did some yoga and I wish I could have a nice bowl of noodle soup 🥣 right now but hey…...8 more days to go.

Note to self: How you do things is how you do things. If you can have so much will power over food (when you don’t even need to but you do it anyways coz it’s good for you) then you can do anything. Trust in your own power.

Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches)
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches)
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches)
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches)



1st Oct 23

Today was hard. I had lots of orange juice, lemonade and splitting headaches. I think it’s coffee withdrawal symptoms. I survived 2 days without coffee and didn’t die fuhhh what an achievement. All addictions are detrimental so it’s good to taper off sometimes.

Spent the days avoiding cooking videos, read, slept and ignored every one. Told them to get out of the way! And Panthers winning the GF’s just made my day.

Note to self: In 3 days you gonna be flying light and easy so just enjoy being in jammies and observe all your cravings having no power over you!

63.3 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches)
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches)
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches)
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches)

Photos from Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations's post 30/09/2023


30 Sept 23
63.5 KGs
Waist: 81 CM (32 Inches)
Hips: 94 CM (37 Inches)
Thighs: 54 CM (21 Inches)
Upper Arms: 30 CM (12 Inches)

So I have decided to do a detox again as I do every year during Autumn to keep my body cleansed from the inside. I will journal daily on my experiences, both physical, mental and emotional. I will also observe if there are any changes to weight and body circumference.

I ll do the lemon water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper detox - the lemonade master cleanse. It involves drinking 6-8 glasses of lemonade and lots of water in between and no food, coffee, soda or any other food. Mint tea is okay and that’s it ya”ll. So i am going to start from Monday to Friday and I have already prepped my body yesterday Friday with just liquid soups, today soups and fruits and tomorrow I ll just be on orange juice and fruits and from Monday on just lemonade and water!

Why: No idea. Just listening to the body’s impulses and out of sheer boredom maybe 🤔
How: How? It is how it is. I ll see how it goes ! 🤷‍♀️
Who: Me myself and I (sorry wasn’t inviting anyone else coz doing it for me is hard enough so maybe later I shall invite more people)
When: 1st to 10 Oct (10 days)
What: Body cleanse to ease the digestive symptoms, give body a rest from eating, allow all the internal organs to cleanse itself and just hydrate the body for a complete internal cleanse.

For more information: Google the Master Cleanse so you can do it yourself too on your own. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment your questions or message me privately. Thank you.

Note to self: Don’t give up no matter how tempting it is to quit.

Photos from Narendra Modi's post 22/06/2023

This in New York! International Yoga Day celebrations. 🙏



Many of us struggle with expressing ourselves like mature adults, simply because we were never taught how to communicate effectively.

Instead, we resort to passive-aggressiveness, expecting others to read our minds, or even worse, avoiding issues altogether, hoping they'll magically disappear. It's no surprise that such practices often lead to strained relationships and misunderstandings.

But here's the good news—communication is a skill we can cultivate with practice!

Next time you're upset and tempted to say, "I'm fine," try this instead: "I feel a little hurt about what happened last night. Can we have a conversation about it?" It's a small step that can make a world of difference.

When you find yourself decoding someone's behavior with your friends, pause and say, "I'm telling myself a lot of stories right now, and I don't want to assume. I've noticed you've been kind of distant. Is there something going on for you?" This direct approach opens up avenues for understanding and connection.

If you feel neglected because your partner doesn't initiate contact, don't silently shut down. Instead, express your needs: "I love hearing from you. Being in contact with you makes me feel connected. Could you try to text or call me when you have a break in your day?"

Let's break free from the exhausting cycle of guessing, assuming, and overanalyzing. By embracing open conversations, we save energy, gain clarity, and foster healthier relationships.



Just like a merry-go-round, life takes us on a whirlwind of thrilling ups and downs, joyous moments, and exciting adventures.

Sometimes we find ourselves riding high, other times, we may feel like we're descending, facing challenges and uncertainty. Embrace each twist and turn, cherish the laughter and memories created along the ride. Hold on to the friends and family who support and celebrate you every step of the way.

Life is a merry-go-round, and we are here to make the most of every exhilarating spin!

Photos from Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations's post 17/06/2023


Today, as I gaze upon the captivating sunset, it reminds me of the profound wisdom it holds. The setting sun teaches us the invaluable lesson of letting go. Just as the sun gracefully goes down, we too must learn to release what no longer serves us.

Each sunset is a gentle reminder that everything has its time, and change is an inherent part of our existence. Like the shifting colors in the sky, our lives are ever-evolving, urging us to embrace the fleeting moments and appreciate their unique splendor.

Let this captivating sight be a catalyst for reflection and inner growth. As the sun bids us farewell, it whispers, 'Release what weighs you down. Embrace the ebb and flow of life's currents.'

Let's take the setting of the sun to remind ourselves to let go of attachments, live in the present, and embrace the beauty of change. 🌅💫


Photos from Fazilah Bazari’s Raw Revelations's post 16/06/2023


I stand on my head and I am burdened by fear, doubt and anger.

Please I prayed, rid me from doubt, from fear, from anger
And serenade me with lightness and wholeness, connect me to my heart, lead me to my soul.

Everyday, I hop and I fall through the doubt, the judgement, the fear,
To find my balance with my world turned over

To see the world through the eyes of my heart, seeking peace in my head.

Standing on my head I am now the courageous warrior, whole and complete amidst the doubt, anger and fear. They never left they too just just turned over.


Photos from Pikinini Pilai's post 07/06/2023

This! Why plant based. YES 👍



Live purposefully and appreciate yourself. Remember, true motivation comes from within. While it's great to feel inspired by others, you don't need external validation to keep going. Embrace the power of self-encouragement.

Remind yourself of your goals and dreams. Hear your own voice saying, "You can do it!", "Go for it!", or "Just one more step”, “one more day." Believe in your abilities and keep pushing forward, even when it gets tough.

Remember, no one knows the extent of your inner strength better than yourself. So, be your own cheerleader and uplift your spirit. Remember to encourage yourself daily. Do not expect it from the outside.



It’s natural to have differing opinions and perspectives, but sometimes it can be challenging to express them right? Why is that?

One reason is when we find ourselves in an environment that doesn’t encourage open disagreement. Instead of fostering growth, such an environment focuses on control. When we feel unable to speak up, it limits our ability to contribute fully and hinders personal and collective progress.

So, how can we address this issue?

1️⃣ Foster a safe space: Encourage open dialogue and create an environment where diverse opinions are welcomed and respected. Emphasize the importance of constructive criticism and healthy debates.

2️⃣ Promote active listening: Develop good listening skills to understand and empathize with others’ viewpoints. By showing genuine interest and respect, we create an atmosphere that values everyone’s input.

3️⃣ Lead by example: If you’re in a position of influence, or in leadership, encourage others to speak up and express their opinions. Demonstrate that dissenting voices are valued and that constructive disagreement can lead to better solutions.

Let’s strive for growth-promoting environments that welcome disagreement, foster collaboration, and empower individuals to express their thoughts freely. 🌱



Whether they like you or hate you, what they think about you, or how they feel about you, remember, it's not your concern. We have limited time and energy, prioritise yourselves and focus on what truly matters. Give you back to you.

Instead of seeking validation or approval from others, here's what you can do:

1️⃣ Focus on self-care: Invest your energy in activities that bring you joy, peace, and growth. Nurture your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. You deserve it!

2️⃣ Pursue your passions: Discover what ignites your soul and follow your dreams. Pour your energy into things that fulfils you and align with your values.

3️⃣ Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Build a strong network of friends who genuinely care about your well-being.

4️⃣ Stay true to yourself: Embrace your uniqueness and don't let the opinions of others define you. Be confident in who you are and trust your instincts.

Remember, there is only one YOU. You are precious. Let go of the need for approval and focus on building a fulfilling life for yourself. Stop wasting your energy on other people!

Videos (show all)

DAY 5 - BODY DETOX 5 Oct 23BODY ODOUR Waking up seem easy with this detox. I am always waking up with a smile on my face...
THE SUNSETToday, as I gaze upon the captivating sunset, it reminds me of the profound wisdom it holds. The setting sun t...