The Reading Muse

The Reading Muse

Laurie Cheriff is a Certified Barton Reading and Spelling tutor specializing in kids with dyslexia, or struggling way below grade level.

She offers both in person and online services.

Do Dyslexia Fonts Actually Work? 02/08/2022

Do Dyslexia Fonts Actually Work? Specialized fonts for students with dyslexia are gaining in popularity. But they’re based on a key misconception, experts warn.


Timeline photos 28/03/2021


Retention is not...

Thank you, Dallas Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, for sharing this graphic.


Never measure your child's cprogress ...


“The National Institutes of Health state that 95 percent of poor readers can be brought up to grade level if they receive effective help early. While it is still possible to help an older child with reading, those beyond third grade require much more intensive help. The longer you wait to get help for a child with reading difficulties, the harder it will be for the child to catch up.”

Hall, S. (2009). Is It a Reading Disorder or Developmental Lag? Retrieved July 12, 2009, from GreatSchools Web site:


I took a simulation exam at a seminar to better understand what it’s like for dyslexics to read, spell and write. It was painfully exhausting!

Timeline photos 02/03/2021

“Your grades DO NOT define how brilliant you are”.
As we come to the end of what has been a most challenging school year, we should all remember that we are so much more than our school grades and our dyslexia does not define us!

Quote: from the awesome & inspiring Henry Winkler

Cursive: Reasons It Should Be Taught Today & the Science Behind It 25/02/2021

Cursive: Reasons It Should Be Taught Today & the Science Behind It It is a grave mistake to believe that keyboard fi*****ng fluency will develop minds of students as much as traditional cursive handwriting lessons once did.


20 Things

Thank you, to whoever created this graphic.


The 4 D’s


Tutors, parents, and teachers are thrilled when Barton students quickly improve. A Barton tutor once shared her wonderful results with me. Here is what she said:

"I have been using Levels 1, 2, and 3 for the last six months with several students, and I am amazed by the results.

My youngest student (almost 7 years old when we started) gained 6 months of reading progress in just 6 weeks! His teacher is astounded. She said she would not expect to see any advances until after the first semester.

More importantly, his confidence is sky-high, and he moved up to the highest level reading group in his class.

My oldest student, who just turned 13, saw a 38% increase in STAR testing in just eight weeks -- and he was a relatively strong reader already! His spelling is improving quickly, and he is now writing more maturely.

Susan, I’m so grateful for the Barton System, and for all the support you provide."

Dawn Tacker, Tutor and Dyslexia Consultant
Silverton, OR