3-D Pet Products

3-D Pet Products

3-D Pet Products contain the finest ingredients you can feed your indoor and outdoor pets.

3-D Pet Products offer premium nutritional food products for caged birds, small animals and outdoor pets. These blends are nutritionally fortified with an added supplement and provide maximum nutrition to attract and feed the most desirable pets.


There’s something stunning about a bright-red male cardinal against a snowy backdrop. Is it just the contrast that makes them look so brilliant, or are they really brighter in winter? The answer has to do with some peculiarities in the way the birds molt. Learn more here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/are-cardinals-brighter-in-winter/


This beautiful bird, the White-tailed Ptarmigan, changes colors depending on the season. During winter they are a stunning white, but when spring comes around they gain an intricate camouflage pattern of dark and pale brown.


Want to get more involved with the birding community this year? Here's how to find a Cornell Lab of Ornithology project that's right for you: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/get-involved/


The Common Redpoll may be a bird of the arctic tundra, but due to their erratic migration habits and food availability in Canada, flocks sometimes make their way much further south than they normally would. Have you spotted one during the winter before?


Observe the birds outside your windows and help researchers learn more about winter bird populations by joining Project FeederWatch! You can join now for the current season, which runs through the end of April. For more information, visit: https://feederwatch.org/join-or-renew/


The Lapland Longspur is one of the most abundant breeding songbirds in North America. The males sport deep black masks and chestnut napes while the look is more subdued in females. These birds filter down to northern United States in the winter months.


The 2023 final results of the Great Backyard Bird Count participation is here! Over 151K photos, 202 participating countries, and more. Check out the 2023 results: https://www.birdcount.org/2023-final-results/


The best place for most people to see the Bohemian Waxwing is during migration and winter (September–March), when they come south from their breeding range and move around in search of fruit. Their nomadic nature makes it difficult to predict if and when they might show up in your yard. Have you spotted one lately?


Do you know how to winter-proof your birdhouse? Here's how to make winter shelters for your backyard birds: https://nestwatch.org/connect/news/winter-proofing-your-birdhouse/


If there was a bird you could spot in the snow in winter and get the perfect picture, which one would you choose?


Track the migration of winter birds with biologist and ecologist Tyler Hoar, who predicts the movements of winter finches by analyzing the status of wild food crops in Canada. If the food supply is not adequate, he'll predict an irruption of birds that will venture down into the United States. Read more here: https://www.birdsandblooms.com/birding/birding-basics/irruption-forecast/


The Evening Grosbeak is known as a ferocious seed cracker in winter months. These yellow-bodied birds show up irregularly at feeders during the winter. Learn more about these birds here: https://www.3dpetproducts.com/animals/evening-grosbeak/


First winter feeding birds? Here are tips on how to keep birds safe this season: https://gl.audubon.org/news/dos-and-don%E2%80%99ts-winter-bird-feeding


Have you ever spotted the northern cardinal’s desert-dwelling cousin the Pyrrhuloxia? Residing in the southwestern United States, these dapper songbirds can be best distinguished from their northern relatives by their gray complexion and short, parrot-like yellow bill.


Did you know? Boreal Chickadees can survive the harsh winter in the boreal forest because during winter nights, they can lower their body temp from 108 degrees to 85 degrees, which helps them conserve their stores of fat.


Most birds flee the northern regions to somewhere warmer in the winter. And some stay and face the dead of winter against seemingly insurmountable odds. Here's a look on how birds survive the winter: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/how-do-birds-survive-the-winter/


In winter, Common Grackles forage and roost in large communal flocks with several different species of blackbird. Sometimes these flocks can number in the millions of individuals!


Here are a few great ideas for the birders in your life:
- Binoculars
- Bird Feeder
- A bag of 3-D Pet Products bird food: https://www.3dpetproducts.com/product-guide/


Winter is the perfect time to observe how nuthatches earned their common name, as they jam large seeds and nuts into tree bark before whacking them with their sharp bill to hatch out the seed from the inside. Each species has a slightly different suite of behaviors to make it through the cold winter months. Here is their strategy: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/four-nuthatches-four-ways-to-make-it-through-a-cold-winter/


While winter is about to begin, that doesn't mean you won't see any feathered friends! Bird activity at feeders often increases in winter! Keep an eye out for these birds:
- Woodpeckers
- Chickadees
- Waxwings
- Grosbeaks
- Redpolls


Whether you want to start birdwatching or you'd like to take it more seriously, binoculars are absolutely essential. Here's how to choose the right pair, so you can always have great views: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/six-steps-to-choosing-a-pair-of-binoculars-youll-love/


If there’s one thing you need to know about seasonal feathers, it’s this: Birds in spring are dressed to kill, while birds in fall are dressed to chill. The Audobon Magazine covers how some birds adopt a new look for the colder seasons: https://www.audubon.org/news/learn-fall-and-winter-colors-these-common-bird-species


Everyone at 3D Pet Products wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! ❤️


Fun fact: a Wild Turkey can have anywhere from 5,000 to 6,000 feathers!


Check out the regional population trends and distributions of your favorite bird species! Project FeederWatch has a tool for you to search bird species and their populations throughout the years in different regions of the US. Learn more here: https://feederwatch.org/explore/trend-graphs/


Can you ID this bird? The males sport a bold black necklace complete with long tassels, a black mask, and a standout white wing patch.

Both sexes of the Magnolia Warbler have a yellow throat and belly.


Although there is evidence that House Sparrows out compete native birds for nest cavities, it’s unclear if feeding them harms native bird populations. Here's how to keep House Sparrows away from your feeders: https://feederwatch.org/blog/keeping-house-sparrows-away-from-feeders/


Fact: A Snow Bunting's body temperature can dip 30 to 40 percent lower than other songbirds their size before hypothermia sets in!


Suet is particularly attractive to woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, and starlings. Animal fat is easily digested and metabolized by many birds; it’s a high-energy food, especially valuable in cold weather. Learn more about the varied diets birds have here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/suet-mealworms-and-other-bird-foods/


BirdNote Daily is a podcast that provides vivid, sound-rich stories about birds and the challenges they face. Listen to how the amazing lives of birds are illustrated here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/listen-to-the-birdnote-podcast-for-fascinating-bird-stories-new-episodes-daily/

Videos (show all)

Being the only Titmouse found east of Texas, the Tufted Titmouse's most distinguishing feature is the pointed feathers o...
Although we may typically think of the House Finch as being red, they can also appear in orange or yellow. This variatio...
African Grey Parrots are one of the most popular pet birds to own, partly because their intelligence has been favorably ...
Brown-headed Nuthatches are usually found in mature pine forests in the Southeast with an open understory. If you're in ...
Though they have survived for centuries without it, winter bird feeding has been proven to help birds survive harsh wint...
Certain birds can be found at feeders more often in the winter than any other time of the year. This just happens to be ...
The parrot family includes 393 species, including parakeets, macaws (pictured), cockatoos, and others. These birds are i...
Common Redpolls are brown and white birds with heavily streaked sides and a small red forehead patch. Most people across...
As winter arrives many earthworms dig deeper into the soil, beyond the robin’s reach. During the colder months American ...
Common Grackles
Northern Cardinals don't migrate, which makes it easy to have them as frequent visitors. They are common at bird feeders...
Can you identify the bird who makes this song?Male Dark-eyed Juncos sing an even, musical trill of 7-23 notes that lasts...
