Universal Energy Healer

Universal Energy Healer

Laura is a certified reiki practitioner. She also uses crystals in healing sessions. Intuitive tarot is used as a tool to guide in a positive way.


Offering readings! 20$ a reading via PayPal. Readings include guidance, and answer to questions. Past present and future. Reading provide insight and advice to the current energy. Message to book a reading!


Life throws us curve balls, and challenges us. Stay strong in your faith with universe and yourself. We are all learning, growing and changing. Be confident in the challenge. Love and light to you!


Our pain. It runs so deep. But have you ever given it a thought that your suffering has made you who you are today? All the beautiful things about you, could have directly resulted from the pain you have experienced in your life. By changing your perspective, you can learn from it and then transform it into something incredibly healing and positive. Even in the darkest days, there is hope that you can take that darkness and have the strength to turn it into something amazingly positive and transforming to heal yourself and to heal others. There is a reason for everything! Remember that you are love, no matter what the circumstances! Love and light to all!


reading Week of August 12-18. This is a general reading, so what resonates please take, and what doesn't let it go.

In the beginning of the week, there is a sense of boredom. No inspiration, and discontentment. We arent interested in what life or anyone has to offer. This "lack of " feeling, is causing us to hold on tightly to relationships, situations or material things. But, there is a brand new opportunity that will get us thinking and brainstorming to make a decision about where we are heading in life. To set out and follow our dreams, and to be inspired again! To be the star again in our own lifes play. .
This brand new journey, has had you taking that big leap of faith!! You arent interested in the people, places or things that were shady, and having you feel miserable, left out, and uninspired! By trusting your gut instincts, and following your true north, you are now able to start again. .
All of your inner work, is opening the doors for divine support! Keep it up! .

There is also a reconciliation with a soul mate. You both are forgiving, and learning and growing. This allows you to feel more love on your present moment! .


And this is why I do what I do! Namaste!


Channeled guidance
Today's message is to not back down, and standup for what you believe is right in your situation. Once you have clearly decided what is acceptable, you will become bright and this passion is like a fire and it will burn inside of you. This passion propels you forward in many ways!! Even in the face of adversity, you can face it with the strong faith in your truth! You are always guided and protected in this! Do not waver, and make your stand for your truth!! Love and light to you all xoxo


New! Weekly collective tarot readings! It is a general reading, so what resonates please take with you, and if it does not apply then let it fly! All who share this post will be entered into a drawing for a free tarot reading! Winner will be announced Friday!

WEEK of August 5-12

We all seem to be working hard on having a stable foundation. To the point where we are quite obsessed. We are working so hard on our new endeavours and becoming out of balance, and actually causing our abundance to slow down a bit.

There is healing on the horizon from a certain heartbreak. This could have been from a third party situation. Or just a certain person or situation that caused a great amount of pain.

Trusting our intincts and coming out of illusions will lead us to our truth, almost to the point where we cut certain people, things, or situations from our lives. So that we may be in alignment and balanced with ourselves.

This will lead into us digging deep and studying ourselves. Some to the point of doing this on a spiritual level. Gaining knowledge will help us learn, and this we have gained from our instincts. With this knowledge we are able to then make out our plans in life, to make the proper decisions and set the proper intentions so that we can allow the universe to supply our truest desires.

I hope you all have a great week, and that you are on the path of your highest good, and for the good of all! Nameste!


Its when things go wrong that you must not quit!....stay strong, being human is not an easy task at times. Love and light to you always.


And so be it!


Do you, or a loved one suffer from addiction? Energy healing can be a great treatment for those battling their addiction. Depending on what addiction, it will effect a certain energy center in the body. Once you can heal the energy flow, patients start to feel better energetically.

Addictions can include all of the following:

Cigarette smoking
Runners high
Nasal inhalants
Caretaking ( yes that can be an addiction )
Complusive cleaning
Compulsive exercise

Some arent even aware that they have become addicted to certain situations, things, or people in their lives. Once you can acknowledge, then you can bring about the change. Namaste


Each of the 9 chakras holds certain emotions and energies. If you have any blockages, energy therapy will help you shift the energy, and remove blockages. This photo, shows,you what the emotion is that is in result of a blocked chakra.Your body yerns for healing. Through GOD, all healing is possible!


What is Reiki? So many people ask me! The more I talk about it, the more I realize that I need to educate and spread the word, about this therapy! This page will consist of education, videos, and encouragement! Everyone can benefit from energy work! I will start with my own personal story!

I first came to know reiki, after my second daughter was born. I suffered terribly with post partum depression. Anti- depressants would not work! So, I went to a holistic doctor, and with counciling and reiki/energy work, along with weekly meditations, I was starting to feel better then ever! I didnt have any idea how it worked, and I didn't care, I was just happy to have relief!

My 4th pregnancy was very challenging, and I was feeling the pull to get reiki/energy work again. I was so sick and stressed. I received therapy every 2 weeks for 3 months, and it helped me tremendously.

Life as a busy mom of 4 girls, with many animals, and responsibilities can be very challenging, if I don't keep my energy in check! This past fall, I became overwhelmed, overworked, and miserable. I was at the end of my rope, and my relationships were suffering, along with me. Once again, I could feel reiki pulling me. But, this time it was different. I wanted to heal myself, once and for all, and keep reiki in my life forever. I wanted to be a certified practitioner. By healing others, I could heal myself, and my life around me. I could get a better grip, and understand how it worked, so that I could help myself and those around me.

I started with reiki phase 1, and this really was an amazing time for me. I was new to practicing reiki, so I wanted to reiki EVERYTHING! My family, my animals and plants, and my extended family! But more importantly, by doing this, I was also healing my energy, almost daily! I would even practice on myself on a regular basis! I started to see a big shift in my world. The way I looked at things, and my perception had changed. The situations and people that used to upset me, no longer bothered me. Emotional situations surfaced inside me that I was holding onto, and I was able to process them and heal them once and for all....GOD has also placed new friends, places and situations, that have encouraged my growth, and placed me in situations to help others as well!!

Within months, I was ready for phase 2! This time, I saw an even broader scene. I wanted to help people understand, this therapy, and receive it, so that they could heal their life, like I have experienced. Things still pop up, and I am challenged still, but I am able to shift my energy a lot quicker, so that I can heal from situations and feel joy in my life, again.

Reiki has changed my life, and still continues to amaze me. Reiki is GOD, universal energy. Just a Japanese word. God has given me a beautiful gift of healing, to help myself and others. Thankyou for reading my story, and I am looking forward to going into detail, of what exactly reiki is! Until next time! Namaste!!

Please add your friends and family to this page, who are looking for alternative healing.
People that are suffering from anything, be it depression, anxiety/overwhelm, grief over loss, physical pain, migraines.
People suffering from addictions.
Cancer patients, the terminally ill also benefit.
People that are also looking to connect spiritually can benefit.
