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Drug Rehab

Drug Rehab that really works for drug addiction is something that is needed today like never before. Find a Treatment Center, Therapist or Sober/Life Coach Now

Instagram Photos 13/12/2022

Hats off the the... Regal for her coverage of the Red Carpet and much more at 10th Anniversary! Jen rocks the house.

Here's a few shots from the event.

More footage of the event to come soon!!!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ β€” view on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CmH-_pkvluI/

Instagram Photos 12/12/2022

We're sponsoring snoring Rock to Recovery's 10th Year Anniversary at the Avalon Theater in Hollywood.

β€” view on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CmDQMv1rjXI/

Instagram Photos 06/12/2022

Issue 82 is now out, Live and it ROCKS!Download Now FREE at https://ift.tt/1e2NfI0 or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†Our friend, Rockstar, Guitarist, Songwriter, Producer, and Founder of Rock to Recovery, Wes Geer graces our cover! Wes drops nugget after nugget in this Interview by Recovery Today Correspondent, Jen Sugermeyer Other Interviews this Month:Good for the Soul - John Holien of Costa Rica Recovery .sanjose and his team share how US Veterans can get elite care with NO doctor referal & NO insurance! Treatment, food, shelter & Love! Just show up to their gorgeous facility!Five-O. Sheriff, Inmate, Governor? Kyle Overmyer was the youngest Sheriff in Ohio before he was busted & sent to prison for his addiction. Free now, he shares his amazing story.Laugher Detox - The gorgeous Jessica Landon shares her crazy, crazy story, her TedX Talk and how Laugher really is medicine!War Refugee! Slovenian War Refugee, Danny Star shares how his therapist asked him to get leads on line. The start of Reputation Rehab .rehabAddicted Biker to Pastor - Anthony Torres shares his miraculous sober journey from su***de to Pastor!Also this month:David Essel shares "ALCOHOL is not the problem in alcoholism!"Mary Beth O'Connor shares from "Ju**ie to Judge"Hope Though a Lens - Michael Blanchard shares "What are Addicts & Alcoholics Thinking"Darrel Fusaro shares"Receive More by Demanding Less"Recovery Today Book Club - Andrea Seydel reviews "The Power of Regret"Clean Cuisine with Cordon Bleu Chef, Susanne Wilder .wilder.wellness shares "Renew. Replace, Recover"Maxim Furek shares "Cocainne's Rock & Roll Fantasy"Sober Birthday Shoutouts w JR Weaver The greatest Recovery Poet shares "Sober is Sexy"

Thank you to all our contributors!
β€” view on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/Cl1ZTC4LI-H/

Adam Jablin "Shorty,". Recovery Today Issue 81 05/09/2022

Check out my new video πŸ‘‡

Adam Jablin "Shorty,". Recovery Today Issue 81 Release of our next issue is ... imminent and it is ... GREAT!!! Subscribe Free for this interview, a ton of others in every issue we've ever published at ht...

Dave Manheim of D***y Podcast "Shorty" Issue #81 05/09/2022

Check out my new video πŸ‘‡

Dave Manheim of D***y Podcast "Shorty" Issue #81 Release of our next issue is ... imminent and it is ... GREAT!!! Subscribe Free for this interview, a ton of others in every issue we've ever published at ht...

Instagram 22/08/2022

Congrats bro!!


Instagram 27/06/2022

I’ve had the honor and privilege over the years to interview quite a few amazing people who are selfless enough to not only give to others, in person, what has been so freely given to them but also to take their time and energy to share themselves with our audience in an effort to give some nugget of hope to even a single person. Many, I’ve become very good friends with such as and

Catch the full interview: Link in Bio Issue #73

πŸ’ͺ https://instagr.am/p/CfUV2faO1oy/

Instagram 23/06/2022

sat down with Recovery Today correspondent Rebecca Ponton to share her incredible story and what she is doing to give back and help empower others.

Catch entire conversation: Link in Bio.

πŸ’ͺ https://instagr.am/p/CfJyVNwu6eW/

Instagram 23/06/2022

I’ve had the honor and privilege over the years to interview quite a few amazing influencers who are selfless enough to not only give to others, in person,
what has been so freely given to them but also to take their time and energy to share themselves with our audience in an effort to give some nugget of hope to even a single person. Many, I’ve become very good friends such as and

Catch the full interview: Link in Bio Issue #73

πŸ’ͺ https://instagr.am/p/CfIIkPIN-hc/

Instagram 16/06/2022

I remember like it was yesterday, it’s been just over 4 years since Recovery Today Magazine featured on the cover of issue #38. His story of recovery and continued sobriety is an inspiration to us all. - Link in Bio https://instagr.am/p/Ce4RQfKOpZo/

Instagram 14/06/2022

Yeah,..its our best issue yet! Issue 80 is now out and live! The gorgeous/regal/iconic Super Model, Super Mogul graces our cover!!! Interview by Recovery Today Correspondent, Rebecca Ponton.Download now at https://ift.tt/kTj30VS or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†Other exclusive interviews this month are with Todd Hoffman of Gold Rush and Hoffman Family Gold."The Addicted Lawyer" Interview w Lawyer, Author and Advocate, by Recovery Today Advocate "Using the Dark Side" Interview w of Rise Again."From Tragedy to Touring" Interview w Jeffrey Johnston of "The Old School Way" Our own interviews another Super Hero, Chris King of 5A Hope House."The Ling Overdue Interview" with the longest contributor to Recovery Today. Codepndency and Narcissisticm expert and author Introducing "Clean Cuisine" w new addition to Recovery Today, Cordon Bleu Chef, Recovery Today Book Club w Speed Reader and Happiness Expert Andrea Seydel Reviews with a Mindmap. The Four AgreementsFive-O - A Day in the Life of an Undercover Narcotics Cop with The greatest Recovery Poet on earth Jasen Courtepatte shares "The Bottle Tells Lies"The Ansel Adams of Recovery Michael Blanchard takes our breath away again this month.Jr Weaver of Recovery Revolution shares Sober Bday Shout OutsAnd...much much more.Download now. The #1 Addiction,Recovery and Sobriety Magazine and we're Free!
Please share w someone you care about. https://instagr.am/p/Ceyi-mmrblM/

Instagram 08/06/2022

It’s been 5 years since was featured on the cover of Recovery Today Magazine, but her story continues to inspire. Go check it out at RecoverTodayMagazine.com issue #33

πŸ’ͺ https://instagr.am/p/CehhH4Htvp9/

Instagram 04/06/2022

So, so, so, so, so, so cool! Had to repost! One-Zero-Zero baby!! Milestone brother!
Today I am πŸ’― days sober! This was my initial goal. After I would reflect and see if I would stick with it or not.

Fact is I did not reflect at all today because I already knew the answer much sooner. I will not bore you with the details but I know moderation isn’t for me. I’ve tried that before and it never worked out.

I sure do miss my Islay whisky’s some days and it’s weird to reintegrate sober at social events after 20 years of boozing but I just know for me personally the pros of not drinking outweigh the cons.

So I will stick with it. I have to, I need to and to my suprise, I want to.

I know it was getting used to for some of you also but you still showing support means the world.

πŸ’ͺ https://instagr.am/p/CeZRHo3uPgN/

Instagram 01/06/2022

Your Attitude Always Determines Your Altitude. https://instagr.am/p/CeRomjTPFGm/

Instagram 30/05/2022

True Story.

Instagram 23/05/2022

Change the stigma!!! Love this from my AMAZING, AMAZING friend Tina who, among other things, taught me the phrase, "knee prayer." She'd tell me,"Im going to give that some knee prayer." It means what it sounds. I love it.Thanks Tina. Someone is gonna be driving and asking themselves or praying "Maybe my drinking is a problem. Maybe I should quit. Could I do it?" and...They're gonna pull up behind you at a red light!! A sign from above!!Besides transforming her body and being a "knee prayer" warrior, Tina is also an expert on Parental Alienation, which is the weaponizing of your children in divorce. "Mom's an addict" "Your dad is a loser." If that's you, you gotta stop it.

The way back machine TB. We featured Tina in Issue 52, March 2019, page 24 in the amazing Ryan Hughes by our friend Colin Morrison You can, of course download this issue, or any issue at https://ift.tt/nUkzvoH or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†The #1 Addiction, Recovery and Sobriety Magazine and...we're "legit". ;-)Thank you Tina. Much love. https://instagr.am/p/Cd51JnhrdP5/

Instagram 29/04/2022

Our best issue...to date is out and live. Issue 79 is off the press!!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡Download now at https://ift.tt/wFL9aN6 or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†Our cover and cover feature is rock star of ! Amazing story and interviwe by our own, !Interview w Beverly Bucher of BALM about help for the families w loved ones suffering addiction.Can you get sober online? Interview w Ashley Loeb Blassingame of Lionrock Recovery A hopeful discussion about depression with Author Roman Gelperin Psychedelics. Interview w Drew Summey of 35 years sober!! Happy Birthday to !!Mice who don't like coke! Interview w Dr. Vivek Kumar of the Jackson Laboratory
Five-O "Oxy addiction Changed this cops mind" by Our friend Jr Weaver shares birthday shout outs.David Essel shares "Procrastination. The hidden addiction."Andrea Seydel shares our latest book club book, the Road Less Traveled.Our Poet friend shares "Addiction is serious"And...much much more!! Download now...free.A huge thank you to alllll of our contributors. We love you!! https://instagr.am/p/Cc875oNLO2V/

www.youtube.com 07/04/2022

Check out my new video πŸ‘‡


Instagram 24/02/2022

What a PHENOMENAL Issue!!! Every month we try to make each issue better than the last one. This is no ex exception! Issue 78 is out and LIVE!!Thrilled...THRILLED to have our friend, Best Selling Author, Master Life Coach,...he's the guy the coaches go to for coaching, as our Cover and Cover feature!David's feature is called "Helping Americans Heal" which is the name of David's, soon to be 12th Best seller and a program he's put together for these times.Download Recovery Today Magazine Now. The #1 Addiction, Recovery and Sobriety Magazine and we're FREE!! https://ift.tt/nwZiP5z or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†Former Dealer and rising RAP star, new best friend, Jevon Barnes of shared Ch 1 of his story!The amazing .hari gave an interview on his new book, "Stolen Focus"
interviewed of the metal band, PRISON.
continues her series Boots on the ground as she interviews, Keys to Serenity about the children of those who die or are incarcerated because of addiction.We interview Actor, Playwright, about his show, "When Harry Met Rehab"The greatest Recovery Poet, , Jasen shares "Im Feeling Quite Grateful"
Michael Blanchard, the "Ansel Adams Of Recovery" shared more of his incredible photography and inspiration.
, founder of Recovery Revolution continues Birthday shout outs. So, so, so much more!!
Thank you to all our contributors and subscribers. We adore you. https://instagr.am/p/CaXWflorKfS/

Instagram 16/01/2022

Happy 16th Sober Birthday to our friend and TWO-TIME Cover, Jennifer Gimenez !USA Today (I think) coined her the first Recovery Influencer! She is. She's also been a valuable part of Recovery Today with her feature, "The Real, Real". She's also one of my good friends! Much love!! Congrats!!!!She was our Cover for issue 43 in December, 2018 and the Cover again, with her very and sobriety expert husband, Tim Ryan for Issue 73, April 2021 **in https://instagr.am/p/CYxTQC5vQO9/

Instagram 11/01/2022

Had to repost a a throwback to Issue 47 October 2018 with and cover.So glad youve stayed sober Kyle!You can download this issue and every issue free at https://ift.tt/2Gz29yW or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†REPOST

with .repost
No pics from when I was 18 but here's my almost 9 year challenge. 113 to 190 lbs. Grateful to be alive & healthy after years of sticking needles in my arms every day. Blessed with a second chance at life. πŸ™ https://instagr.am/p/CYmxWFNLW9N/

Instagram 08/01/2022

Happy 9th Sober Bday to our friend ! From Su***de attempt, DIVING out a 3 story window, to sober father, super-fit, author, speaker, purposed filled man serving others! Well done!!Rob's interview and full story is featured in Issue 75 ( Tom Arnold Cover). Download Free Now at https://ift.tt/2Gz29yW or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰The #1 Addiction, Recovery and Sobriety Magazine and we're Free! ***deawarness ***deprevention ***de https://instagr.am/p/CYeY2Xsri7b/

Instagram 07/01/2022

From our friends we LOVE. First featured in Issue 72 ( Cover) Full Story page 28. Download now Free at https://ift.tt/2Gz29yW or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
REPOST Message from Wife to Husband on 9 Years Sober:Please give a hand.

Today is significant.

9 years ago I found the last hidden bottle.
9 years ago I said β€œWhat are we going to do?”
9 years ago was your rock bottom.
9 years ago you said β€œenough”.
9 years ago you started your sobriety journey.

Today is also significant because we have been together for 18 years. Today marks a pivotal moment. I have known you longer as a sober man. Today the script flips and sobriety wins!

β€”I support you, walk alongside you, and celebrate you today. Thank you to everyone that has shown up for Ryan on this journey. And for those that see and acknowledged me & shown grace to me as the loved one, thank you.

The journey as an addict or a loved one of an addict has highs and lows and is full of daily choices. That’s why we don’t do this alone…that’s why we journey together, we do grace together, & we don’t do shame.

If you are an addict or a loved one of an addict, say β€œme too” so others know they don’t walk alone.

Today could be significant for YOU tooβ€”
Maybe today you say β€œenough”.
Maybe today you walk into your first 12-step meeting.
Maybe today you reach out.
Maybe you have been watching what we are up to at FREE & need a community that will walk with you. If so, you found it.

COFFEE CHEERS, my love. Here’s to today, and tomorrow. https://instagr.am/p/CYbvPMIr_ea/

Instagram 04/01/2022

Had to repost this one. Way to go!!

Today marks 4 years clean, sober and serene. It's been an incredible journey and definitely the best decision I've ever made. Thank you to everyone that has wished me well and especially my parents I couldn't of done this without you. A special thanks to to whom I made that call to start me on thus journey. and to who has been there with me the while time, love ya brother. Much love and gratitude to everyone else!

Instagram 25/12/2021

A little Christmas Recovery humor. Love. Much, much,...much love!! Stay sober. You're valuable, like treasure you're valuable.


Instagram 17/11/2021

Love love love love our latest issue with...the gorgeous, smart, witty, fun and a tad crazy (which I like), Actress, Producer of ABCs .Great interview! Love her! Issue 77 is out and Live!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
The Number 1 Addiction, Recovery, and Sobriety Magazine and we're FREE!! Download now at https://ift.tt/2Gz29yW or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†This issue interviews Rock star, song writer, singer, guitar and violent player Congrats on 10 years sober!!!Food Fight: The Cure for Bulimia? We interviwed Author and Advocate Roz Sheehy Want to earn your degree in Substance Abuse Couseling? You can. We interviewed Professor George Richardson of about their program.The Amazing continues her "Boots on the Ground" Op**te series as she interviews Luisa Spadafino Ortiz of Palm Desert Recovery.
writes "My first year without alcohol" and also launches his program offering a yr of svcs free to the first 250 to contact him.Our friend Michael Blanchard We Dive into Book3 of the Recovery Today Book Club w Andrea Seydel Shout Out to Sober Birthdays with amazing Vet, The greatest Recovery Poet shares "The Problems in Life"...and much much more. This issue is packed and...its Free!! Download now.Thank you to all our incredible contributors for another great issue!!!


Instagram 22/10/2021

I just love 1 year chips! Repost from our friend
Let’s hear it for Taylor who celebrates 1 Year of Sobriety! Congratulations! πŸ‘πŸ» Please send some love and support in the comments section! πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸ» https://instagr.am/p/CVVSI3rliB0/

Instagram 17/10/2021

93K!!!! This coffee, made w love by women in recovery is called 93K because that's how many overdoses happened in 2020. Every life...valuable. Someone's son, daughter, brother sister,friend, neighbor, coworker. coffee is doing all they can to save every precious life because their damn good coffee benefits women in recovery.Thank you for all you do! Much love https://ift.tt/3pcJCPN **in https://instagr.am/p/CVI2z3aP8lT/

Instagram 11/10/2021

Had to repost.


Instagram 07/10/2021

Throwback to July 2019 with interviewing
By far one of the best interviews I’ve been apart of with one person that has overcome so much in his life, . He is a close friend of mine & someone that is so damn strong & motivational on everything that life throws at him. You won’t want to miss this πŸŽ₯ interview in the upcoming issue of !
Also check out his documentary on , β€œComing To My Senses”.

Instagram 30/09/2021

A little shout out to on 1 year!! Repost from our friend and his work of being a Beacon of Hope, shinning a light on all the amazing people who chose a life of Sobriety. β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š https://instagr.am/p/CUc7Dxrpoh8/

Instagram 21/09/2021

Issue 76 is out and LIVE and it rocks the house!!!Our cover this month is the latest star to emerge in a family of iconic stars. interviwed and wrote our cover feature Jack Cassidy this month! Jack'smusic and the lyrics will inspire you and give you hope to RUN at your GIANTS!Download now at https://ift.tt/2Gz29yW or the direct link in our bio πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†Also interviewed this month, our amazing friend Charlie Smith of Archway Housein a feature called, "What if you can't just punch out?"Terrence McKinney is one bad ass young dude. In his UFC debut, he's knocking guys out fast. His recovery story is inspiring as well.Singer /Performer was interviwed this month and Cris' Recovery Stort has never been shared!We interviwed our friend, Robert Beatty again this month in a feature called, "A NEW hope for the Depression Pandemic" You'll love it.JR Weaver is a vet who's helping addicted vets! Love him!Dona Speir interviwed Holly Cooper of Sabrina Best Foundation .will.rise.againOther amazing features
The Recovery Today Book Club by Andrea Seydel Our friend, Michael Blanchard will take your breath away.David Essel writes about Alcoholism in the Pandemic.The Financial Detox with in a great feature about your emotions and your money.Recovery Poet, Jasen Courtepatte writes, Some Create Problems.Diary of the 12 Steps. Adam Fout writes about the 9th Step..and much moreA MASSIVE Thank you to ALL our amazing contributors
Download now https://instagr.am/p/CUFtjJXJ0Hn/