NextRep Health

NextRep Health

Are you a gym owner, personal trainer, or one of the 1.8 billion people who have downloaded a fitness app? Great! You've come to the right place. Come in and see.

NextRep's software platform is here to change exercise for the better.

Timeline photos 17/09/2018

Just saying.

Timeline photos 20/08/2018

Tag some with the willpower of a 5 year old in a room full of chocolate. 😉 follow for actually useful fitness content.

: how to get it and keep it
Willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals. So is yours up to the task?
If you’re like most people, you probably think life would be much better if you had more willpower. With greater self-control, you’d move more, drink less, spend less and weigh less. You could be onto something, with studies linking willpower with a more successful and healthier life. Whatever we choose to call it – determination, drive, resolve, self-discipline, self-control – willpower can make our personal and working lives easier. Try these three simple ideas to strengthen yours:
1 Practice makes perfect. Researchers say that with a little practice, you can improve willpower. Make a concerted effort to exercise your willpower and in time it will become easier. According to US weight-loss researcher Tricia Leahey, “Our findings suggest that self-control is potentially malleable and the practice of inhibiting impulses may help people lose weight, eat healthier and increase their physical activity.”
2 Go easy on yourself. Our willpower is tested each and every day, around the clock – you drag yourself off the sofa, resist that second biscuit with your morning cup of tea, or stop yourself pouring another glass of red with dinner. But if you’re too hard on yourself day in and day out, you could be going about it the wrong way. Alternating between times where you exercise willpower –say, to get yourself to the gym – and times where you give in to your wants and desires – say, to enjoy a few squares of dark chocolate after dinner, will further strengthen your resolve in the long term. Psychology experts believe that:
• Muscles get stronger when exercised.
• Muscles can be overworked, leaving them weak until they have a chance to recover.• This is also true of willpower.
3 Find ways to manage stress...

Timeline photos 13/08/2018

How much sugar is too much?‘Sugar is as toxic as alcohol’ say the headlines. Are we really putting our health at risk whenever we eat a chocolate bar? We naturally feel good after eating something sweet. But sugar is bad for our health when it’s eaten to excess, says the World Health Organisation. It recommends no more than 10 per cent of our energy intake comes from ‘free sugars’.
Nutritionist Catherine Saxelby explains that ‘free sugars’ includes all sugars added to foods. Naturally occurring concentrated sugars and syrups also come under the free sugars umbrella – honey, syrups (agave, rice malt, maple syrup) fruit juice and fruit juice concentrates.“Importantly it does not include sugar naturally present in milk (lactose), whole fruit and vegetables, as these are deemed safe to eat in any amounts,” says Saxelby. What does 10 per cent look like?
For the average adult in Australia eating around 8700 kilojoules a day, 10 per cent of kilojoules equates to about 12 teaspoons of sugar a day. But it’s easy to eat more than that.We often don’t realise a pack of Asian stir-fry sauce could contain up to 12 teaspoons of sugar, or that the chilli sauce we add to our steak gives us another three. A 375ml can of soft drink contains around 10 teaspoons of sugar. Soft drinks, it seems, are the most dangerous way to consume sugar.
Professor Marion Nestle, author of Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning), explains why.Soft drinks are easy to consume, and rapidly deliver large amounts of sugar into the bloodstream, says Nestle. Anyone drinking more than one can a day would be getting up to 25 per cent of their energy intake from sugar, a level considered risky to health.
Another problem is that consuming sugars as liquids, rather than solid foods, bypasses the body’s appetite and fullness signals.
This means the more sugary drinks people consume, the more kilojoules they consume from any source. Sugar alone or in solid foods does not have this effect. Reduce added sugar by reading nutrition labels and avoiding soft drinks. Try to aim for less than 12 teaspoons a day.

Timeline photos 08/08/2018

How to use your body weight to work out.You don’t need a gym to get a good workout. Your body is all you need to build strength and improve your fitness.
Here we show you how to create a circuit session using only your body weight and the occasional chair.
1. Pushups
The flagship of all strength exercises. Start on your knees if you need to – the important thing is to make sure your back doesn’t sag.
While on all fours, place your hands under your shoulders, a little wider than your shoulders. Rise up onto your knees or your toes. Keeping your back flat, lower your body until your chest grazes the floor and then push yourself back up.
For extra intensity, try diamond pushups, where you bring your hands closer together to make a diamond shape between your thumbs and index fingers.

2. Squats
Squats work the biggest body muscle, the gluteus maximus, or glutes. Keep your heels on the ground and bend your knees as though you’re about to sit down. Make sure your knees don’t go over your toes and keep your back straight and your core switched on. When your hips are at or below your knee level, push yourself back up through your heels.
Too easy? Increase the intensity with squat jumps, where you burst up into a jump from the lowest point of your squat.

To get the best bodyweight workouts you can generate an A.I. powered bodyweight workout fully customised to your goals, abilities, equipment and more. Just follow this page and stay tuned for the NextRep App launch.
Tag your gym or friends to let them know we’re partnering now.

Timeline photos 08/08/2018

The 4 minute workout: really?
Surely you can’t really get a decent workout in four minutes? Most people’s warmup takes at least that long!
Yet this ‘4 minute workout’ idea is pervasive and persuasive. There are numerous versions, including the ever-so-slightly longer seven minute workout.
It even has a formal name: Tabata. And yes, there’s an app for that. Quite a few in fact.So what is it, and why does it work?
Tabata and the 4 Minute Workout are based on principles of high intensity interval training, or HIIT. HIIT research says short burst of hard exercise will give more benefits then long periods of medium or low intensity.
In a research paper published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Journal in 1996, researchers studied two groups of fit males in their mid twenties:
* Group 1 pedaled for sixty minutes at moderate intensity.
* Group 2 pedaled for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 4 minutes (7 to 8 sets total) at maximal effort.
Both groups worked out for five days a week for six weeks, so group 1 did five hours of exercise and group 2 did just 20 minutes in total each week.
The study found that the four-minute maximal intensity workout had the same aerobic benefits as doing a sixty-minute moderate intensity workout.
How to do it
The 4 minute workout is a simple but flexible recipe: 20 seconds intense exercise, 10 seconds rest. Repeat 8 times.
You can choose any exercise – the same one eight time, or eight different exercises. It’s best if you do exercises which use large muscle groups or lot of body parts. Some good exercises to try are:* pushups
* squats
* burpees
* jumping rope.
What it doesn’t do
Tabata and the 4 minute workout do not give you ‘all the exercise you need’. They won’t make you fit if you’re currently inactive. They are intended for already active people, who want to boost their fitness, or who are occasionally stuck for time.
If you are inactive, get medical advice before starting an intense exercise program.

Timeline photos 06/08/2018


10 likes no way! That's 1.42e-7% of the world's population! World domination here we come!

NextRep Health Are you a gym owner, personal trainer, or one of the 1.8 billion people who have downloaded a fitnes

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

Myofibrillar Hypertrophy... what? Let's get technical, but not too technical. To get big you have to grow. The human body is amazing in that it adapts to be able to better deal with the stresses and demands of life. When you lift weights you are telling your body it needs to get stronger, grow more muscle, better cope with the load. When you tear muscle fibres you are telling you body that it's current fibres aren't enough and it needs more, so instead of just growing back the muscles you strained, it grows even more! The key to growing muscles for size is to find that sweet spot of around 8-12 reps where the weight is heavy enough that it is a demanding, but light enough that you don't exhaust your muscles energy before it starts to strain the fibres. To pack on muscle try doing compound movements that will strain multiple muscles, or target specific areas. Make sure you also eat lots of good food, your body is a machine and it needs fuel to run.
In the everlasting words of Chinese philosopher Confucious "Get big or die trying".

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

Unlimited personal training, progress tracking and health coaching. We use A.I algorithms to generate perfect workouts tailored to your goals, fitness level, medical conditions, and more! Follow our Instagram page for genuinely helpful exercise and health tips and motivation.

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

We don’t just make bold claims, we back them up. We use A.I. to generate perfect workouts every time, track your progress, and help you make real progress. Follow out Instagram page for genuinely helpful health and exercise content and to be ready for launch.

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

Everyone has a mate who swears by it but the rumours abound so you decided to give it a miss. What's the deal? Creatine is one of the worlds most popular supplements, it's widely recognised as being perfectly safe for the majority of users. It's fine for your kidneys, it won't damage your liver. In fact, creatine is actually a naturally occurring compound in all vertebrates. It serves the function of being one of the building blocks of what is called adenine tri-phosphate (Aka ATP). ATP is what your body uses to contract muscles. Therefore, more muscle contracting energy = more muscle contractions = better workout. Creatine also makes your muscles draw up water which just means you should make sure to drink plenty of water which is a great thing anyway. Dosage varies by bodyweight but you should find a guide on the packet. Next time someone has a go at creatine give them a dose of some hard earned fact and then go scoop up the powdery white goodness (the legal kind).

Timeline photos 09/04/2018

Did you know that regular exercise can reduce your biological age by up to 10 years! If every day you commit to being active not only your life but your quality of life will dramatically improve, not only will you be around longer but you'll be around better and happier :)

Timeline photos 26/03/2018
