Deep Philosophy

Deep Philosophy

Deep philosophical ideas have a special power to touch us, inspire us, and make our lives deeper. Thi


From our new book, CHAPTER 5: Anaxagoras – The Cosmic Mind

Anaxagoras (around 500 BC, ancient Greece) believed that the world is ruled by NOUS, or the Cosmic Mind. As he says:
“All other things contain a portion of everything, while Nous is infinite and self-ruling, and is mixed with nothing, but is alone by itself. … Because Nous is the thinnest of all things and the purest, and it has all knowledge about everything, and has the greatest power. Nous has power over all things that have life, both greater and smaller.”

If, as Anaxagoras tells us, NOUS controls the universe, then how does it effect me and my individual mind? And how should I relate to it?

Drawings for contemplation by Karin Fechner

Available on Amazon, or by ordering through bookstores.
Loyev Books:

Inspired by Martin Buber (1878-1965) - Guilt Feelings 16/12/2023

NEW DP VIDEO: Martin Buber (1878-1965) – “Guilt and Guilt Feelings”
In this video-interview, Ran Lahav interviews Linda La Pena, a member of the Deep Philosophy Group, about what inspired her in the essay “Guilt and Guilt Feelings” by philosopher Martin Buber (1878-1965).

We all know what it means to feel guilty about something bad we did in the past, perhaps even years ago. Importantly, what was done was done, and we cannot erase our actions from the past. Buber discusses the meaning of such guilt feelings and what they tell us about human life.
Martin Buber (1878-1965) was a Jewish Austrian-born Israeli philosopher, writer, and activist. He is best known for his dialogical philosophy, which understands human beings in terms of their relations with each other.

Inspired by Martin Buber (1878-1965) - Guilt Feelings Ran Lahav interviews Linda La Pena, an Italian member of the Deep Philosophy Group. Linda explains what she finds inspiring in Martin Buber's philosophy of G...

What is Deep Philosophy? Ran Lahav explains 10/12/2023

A new video: Ran Lahav explains – What is Deep Philosophy?

What is Deep Philosophy? Ran Lahav explains Deep Philosophy is an approach to philosophy practice, in which small groups of participants (online or face to face) contemplate from their inner depth on p...


From our new book, CHAPTER 4: Empedocles – Love versus Strife

Empedocles (5th century BC, ancient Greece):

“Twofold is the birth of things, twofold is their death… Sometimes the elements unite through LOVE and become One, while at other times they separate again through the hate of STRIFE.”
Empedocles’ view on the forces of Love and of Strife was intended as a general theory of the world, but we can ask ourselves how it applies to our own personal lives. To what extent can we understand our lives as characterized by those two forces??
Drawings for contemplation by Karin Fechner
Available on Amazon, or by ordering through bookstores.
Loyev Books:

Inspired by Zuurdeeg (1906-1963) - The Human Cry 25/11/2023

NEW DP VIDEO: Inspired by Zuurdeeg (1906-1963): “The Human Cry”
In this video-interview with Ran Lahav, Alejandro Rodríguez, from the Deep Philosophy Group, explains what inspires him in the idea of "The Human Cry" by philosopher Willem Zuurdeeg.
Willem Zuurdeeg (1906-1963) was a Dutch philosopher and pastor, who wrote about life, philosophy, and religion. In his book "Man before Chaos" he argues that philosophy emerges not from cold analysis, but from a deep concern, or cry.
Alejandro Rodriguez is a Mexican member and facilitator of the Deep Philosophy Group.

Inspired by Zuurdeeg (1906-1963) - The Human Cry Ran Lahav interviews Alejandro Rodríguez, a Mexican member and facilitator of the Deep Philosophy Group. Alejandro explains what he finds inspiring in the id...


CHAPTER 3: Parmenides: Being is One

Parmenides (5th-4th century BC, ancient Greece)

“What is, is. … Being is complete, immovable, and without end..”
The awareness of the is-ness of everything is a special state of mind that seems marvelous, but it is short-lived. If I happen to experience it, then sooner or later it is bound to dissolve, leaving me again in my ordinary affairs and states of mind. Should I be disappointed that I lost so quickly the sense of Being? Indeed, is the awareness of Being something valuable? Should I seek it?
Drawings for contemplation by Karin Fechner

Available on Amazon, or by ordering through bookstores.
Loyev Books:


CHAPTER 2 From our new book: HERACLITUS: All is in flux

HERACLITUS (around 500 BC, ancient Greece)

“The way upward and downward are one and the same.”
“Into the same river you could not step twice, because other waters keep flowing.”

Consider Heraclitus’ view that everything keeps changing. This applies to my everyday life too, to my moods, my body, my friends and colleagues, my house – they all change from day to day and from moment to moment. If I was fully aware of the cosmic flux, how would I live my life? Indeed, what is wisdom in a world that offers nothing stable, no ground to stand on, no fixed facts to grasp?

Drawings for contemplation by Karin Fechner

Available on Amazon, or by ordering through bookstores.
Loyev Books:

Inspired by Iris Murdoch (1917-1999) - Attention 11/11/2023

NEW VIDEO: Inspired by Iris Murdoch (1909-1943): “Attention” as a “fair and loving gaze”
In this new video-interview with Ran Lahav, Karin Fechner explains how philosopher Iris Murdoch inspires her with the concept of ATTENTION. Attention, for Murdoch, is "a fair and loving gaze". Through Attention we gain a deeper understanding of other persons, and this enables us to make ethical decisions in a deeper way.

Iris Murdoch (1917-1999) was an Irish-British philosopher and novelist. She was born in Dublin, studied philosophy at Cambridge, and became a philosophy professor at Oxford. She gained fame for her many novels.

Karin Fechner is a German / Italian DP member and facilitator.

Inspired by Iris Murdoch (1917-1999) - Attention Ran Lahav interviews Karin Fechner from Germany / Italy, a facilitator and organizer of the Deep Philosophy Group. Karin explains what she finds inspiring in...

Photos from Deep Philosophy's post 05/11/2023

From our new book:
CHAPTER 1 – The first philosophers: Theories of the world

ANAXIMANDER (6th century BC)
“The Non-Limited is the origin of all things. … It is the source from which things arise and into which they return once more when they pass away, as is determined by necessity…”

Theories are a great tool. But can theories apply to everything? Even to myself?
Drawings for contemplation by Karin Fechner

Available on Amazon, or by ordering through bookstores.
See Loyev Books:


Video: Nietzsche on self-creation
Here is another video which I originally made in 2014, now with English subtitles on our Deep Philosophy YouTube channel. It explains the 3 stages of Self-Creation according to Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), one of the most influential thinkers in modern times: The Camel, the Lion, and the Child.

For Nietzsche, most people tend to live a shallow, trivial and empty life, motivated by weakness, fear, and herd mentality. He therefore envisions a process of self-creation, in which the individual overcomes her own small self and creates a new, noble self that is full of life and creative passion.

Inspired by Simone Weil (1909-1943) - Love 29/10/2023

NEW VIDEO: Inspired by Simone Weil (1909-1943) – on “Love”
In this new video-interview with Ran Lahav, Juan José Grande describes what inspires him in Simone Weil’s conception of “Love.” The interview is based on the chapter “Love” from Weil’s influential book “Gravity and Grace” (1940-2).

Simone Weil (1909-1943) was a Jewish-born French spiritual philosopher and a political activist. Her writings are among the most influential philosophical-spiritual writings in the 20th century.

Juan José Grande is an Argentinian DP member and facilitator.

Inspired by Simone Weil (1909-1943) - Love Ran Lahav interviews Juan José Grande from Argentina, a member and facilitator of the Deep Philosophy Group, who describes what inspired him in philosopher S...



En entradas anteriores hemos visto la visión de Filosofía Profunda: se trata de una actividad donde filosofamos en búsqueda del contacto con los aspectos fundamentales de la realidad humana, pero lo hacemos de una manera peculiar, liberados de fines utilitarios y pragmáticos, y esto es porque se trata de un ejercicio performativo. Así, en Filosofía Profunda hacemos filosofía ante todo, pero de un tipo muy especial: filosofía contemplativa. ¿Y qué es lo que hacemos en la contemplación filosófica?

A esta pregunta responde el siguiente texto, escrito por Ran Lahav que compartimos ahora en español. Aquí el autor desarrolla la idea de por qué a través de la contemplación filosófica entramos en un nuevo "ordenamiento del mundo", o, como dice con una bella metáfora, cómo es que nos descubrimos siendo olas dentro de un inmenso océano de significados filosóficos.

¡Que disfruten la lectura!

Dancing with philosopher Ortega y Gasset 21/10/2023

Dancing with great philosophers!
A philosophical dance by my friend Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer and my colleague in the Deep Philosophy group. Here she dances to the deep words of the influential Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1881-1955).

In his philosophy, Ortega seeks to describe human experience as it is lived. The quotations in this video are taken from his essay "Features of love" that appeared in his book “On Love: Aspects of a single theme" (1939).

This video is the fourth of 5 philosophical dances by Beatrice, recorded earlier this year in Germany by Karin Fechner and me. Thank you Beatrice!

Dancing with philosopher Ortega y Gasset Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer and Deep Philosophy member, dances to the inspiring words of José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), an influential Spani...

Inspired by Henry Bergson 15/10/2023

Inspired by Henri Bergson (1859-1941) – video-interview with Lena Marinova
In this video-interview with Ran Lahav, Lena Marinova describes what inspires her in Bergson’s idea of “Intuition.” The interview is based on an excerpt from Bergson’s major book “Creative Evolution” (1907).

Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was a French philosopher and Nobel Prize laureate in literature, very influential at the beginning of the 20th century. "Intuition" is one of the central notions in his understanding of human experience or consciousness.

Lena Marinova is an Austrian member and facilitator of the Deep Philosophy Group.

Inspired by Henry Bergson In this interview by Ran Lahav, Lena Marinova, an Austrian member of the Deep Philosophy Group, shares what inspired her in Bergson's text on INTUITION. Henr...

Marcus Aurelius and the true self (2014) 25/09/2023

Video: Marcus Aurelius and the true self (2014)
Here is another philosophy video which I made in 2014. It is about the great ancient philosopher and Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD).

As a philosopher of the Stoic school, Marcus Aurelius believed that we must awaken our true self, or “daemon,” in order to find inner peace, freedom from our psychological mechanisms, and harmony with the cosmos.

But what exactly is the true self, and how do we cultivate it?

Marcus Aurelius and the true self (2014) This video was created by Ran Lahav in 2014. It presents the ancient philosopher Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) and his view about the true self. Marcus Aurel...


My Italian friends - I would love to see you in this event!


I am delighted to announce A NEW BOOK by Ran Lahav (Text) and Karin Fechner (drawings)!

Now available on Amazon, or ordered through your local bookstore.

This book presents the great ancient philosophers in an accessible, readable way. But it is not an ordinary history book! It is also a book of contemplation on life’s basic life-issues.

Each chapter invites the reader to a personal creative contemplation on a fundamental life-issue, with the help of a short text by the philosopher, and an artistic drawing by Karin Fechner.


The Milesian philosophers (the idea of Theories); Heraclitus (All is in flux); Parmenides (Being is one); Empedocles (Love versus Strife); Anaxagoras (The cosmic mind); Democritus (All is atoms); The Sophists (Is truth relative?); Socrates (Caring for your soul); Plato (The ladder of love); Aristotle (Flourishing); Epicurus (True and false needs); The Stoics (My true self); Neoplatonism (The divine within); The Skeptics (Can I ever be sure?)


Inspired by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) – video-interview with Jairo Sandoval
In this video-interview with Ran Lahav, Jairo Sandoval describes what inspires him in an essay on SILENCE by Maurice Maeterlinck, a Belgian thinker, poet, and Nobel Prize Laureate. Jairo Sandoval is a Mexican member of the Deep Philosophy Group.

Inspired by Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) - Ran Lahav interviewing Agatha Liu 09/09/2023

Inspired by philosopher Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) – interview with Agatha Liu

In this interview with Ran Lahav, Agatha Liu, member of the Deep Philosophy Group from Taiwan and England, describes what inspires her in the writings of German-Swiss philosopher Karl Jaspers (1883-1969).

Inspired by Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) - Ran Lahav interviewing Agatha Liu Ran Lahav interviews Agatha Liu, a member of the Deep Philosophy Group from Taiwan and England, who describes what inspired him in the German philosopher Kar...

Dancing with Philosopher Emerson 07/09/2023

Dancing with great philosophers!

My friend Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer and member of DP, dances to the poetic words of the wonderful American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882).

Emerson was an inspiring writer and speaker, and leader of the 19th century movement of “Transcendentalist Philosophy.” Here he talks about the hidden sources of inspiration within us, which he calls “The Oversoul.”

This was one of 5 philosophical dances by Beatrice, recorded earlier this year in Germany by Karin Fechner and me. Thank you Beatrice!

Dancing with Philosopher Emerson Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer and Deep Philosophy member, dances to the inspiring words of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), an important American...

Inspired by Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) - Ran Lahav interviewing Kirill 01/09/2023

A NEW VIDEO: How philosopher Hannah Arendt inspires me – interview with Kirill

In this video, Ran Lahav interviews Kirill Rezvushkin, a member of the Deep Philosophy Group from Russia, who describes what inspired him in the Jewish-German-American philosopher Hanna Arendt (1906-1975).

Inspired by Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) - Ran Lahav interviewing Kirill Ran Lahav interviews Kirill Rezvushkin, a member of the Deep Philosophy Group from Russia, who describes what inspired him in the Jewish-German-American phil...


Si en el texto anterior, veíamos la respuesta a "¿Por qué practicar Filosofía Profunda?", en esta ocasión la pregunta que orienta el presente texto es: "¿Qué obtengo de practicar Filosofía Profunda?"

Invitamos al público a leer la respuesta de Ran Lahav, y descubrir por qué estamos ante una "filosofía performativa", actividad más cercana al arte y la poesía, que a lo productivo y utilitario de otros quehaceres.

¡Disfruten el blog!

Inspired by Simone Weil (1909-1943): Ran Lahav interviewing Alice Cova 24/08/2023

How philosopher Simone Weil inspires me – interview with Alice Cova

In an interview with Ran Lahav, Alice Cova, member of the Deep Philosophy Group from Italy, describes what inspired her in the French philosopher Simone Weil (1909-1943)

Inspired by Simone Weil (1909-1943): Ran Lahav interviewing Alice Cova In an interview with Ran Lahav, Alice Cova, member of the Deep Philosophy Group from Italy, describes what inspired her in the French philosopher Simone Weil...

Dancing with philosopher Plotinus 18/08/2023

Beatrice dances with the great ancient philosopher Plotinus (204-270 AD).

A second philosophical dance, which I produced together with my DP colleagues – Beatrice Magalotti (dancer) and Karin Fechner. Plotinus describes how the soul rises to spiritual heights, and then falls back to ordinary life.

Dancing with philosopher Plotinus Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer and Deep Philosophy member, dances to the inspiring words of the ancient philosopher Plotinus (204-270 AD). This vi...


Escrito por Ran Lahav. Traducido por Jairo Sandoval.

Compartimos con el público hispanohablante este texto de Ran Lahav, publicado originalmente en inglés por el autor en febrero de 2020, en donde se responde a la interrogante básica de “¿Por qué (hacer o practicar) Filosofía Profunda?”

A través de breves pero lúcidas reflexiones, el autor nos acerca al corazón de la filosofía contemplativa que practicamos en nuestro grupo: no depende de demandas o exigencias utilitarias ni pragmáticas, y sin embargo, una vez que se experimenta, no se puede sino sentir su necesidad para engrandecer nuestra vida… ¡Que disfruten el texto!

Henri Bergson (3): What is Intuition? (2014) 08/08/2023

Henri Bergson: What is Intuition? (2014)
The third video (out of 3) on the French philosopher Bergson (1859-1941), which I made in 2014.
The concept of "Intuition" is important in Bergson's philosophy. What is Intuition, according to him?
Included is also an exercise which you could practice by yourself.

Henri Bergson (3): What is Intuition? (2014) This is the third video (out of 3) on the French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), created in 2014 by Ran Lahav. The notion of "Intuition" is important ...


“Deep Philosophy” invites you to contemplate online on the topic of MY LIFE - THE SPIRITAL DIMENSION. Registration:
FORMAT: 3 meetings online (zoom) – reading, contemplating, and conversing.
TIME: Fridays, once a week, starting August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Central Europe Time (CET). Each session about 60 minutes.
PARTICIPATION: All are invited – no special background is needed. Participation is free.
LANGUAGE: Simple English.
DEEP PHILOSOPHY means thinking in togetherness from our inner depth on basic life-issues.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DEEP PHILOSOPHY: Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you online,
The Deep Philosophy Group.

Dancing with philosopher Marcus Aurelius 05/08/2023

Dancing with great philosophers!

My friend Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer, dancing to the wise words of Marcus Aurelius, the great philosopher and Roman emperor (121-180 AD).

This is the first philosophical dance which we recorded earlier this year in Germany (Beatrice, Karin Fechner and me).
Thank you Beatrice!

Dancing with philosopher Marcus Aurelius Beatrice Magalotti, a professional dancer and Deep Philosophy member, dances to the inspiring words of the ancient philosopher Roman Marcus Aurelius (121-180...

Henri Bergson 2: The Conscious and Non-Conscious (2014) 02/08/2023

The second video (out of 3) which I made in 2014 about the wonderful French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941):
“Henri Bergson 2: The Conscious and Non-Conscious (2014)”

Henri Bergson 2: The Conscious and Non-Conscious (2014) This is the second video in a series of videos on the French philosopher Henri Bergson, created in 2014 by Ran Lahav. Here he reflects on Bergson's view on o...

What is DP in 1 minute 28/07/2023

“What is Deep Philosophy” in one minute!

What is DP in 1 minute In this brief video (1 minute), Ran Lahav, founder of Deep Philosophy, explains what Deep Philosophy is.As he explains, Deep Philosophy is in approach to phi...

Henri Bergson (1): The deep self (2014) 25/07/2023

Here is an old video which I made in 2014 about the wonderful French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941). Click to view it on YouTube!
Here I explain Bergson's idea of the deep self, and read from his book"Time and Free Will."
This video is subtitled.

Henri Bergson (1): The deep self (2014) This is the first of three videos on the philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), created by Ran Lahav in 2014. Here Ran Lahav explains Bergson's idea of the d...


A new “Deep Philosophy” course online: Contemplating on My Life. Reading from philosophical texts, contemplating, and conversing.
TIME: 3 meetings, Fridays, once a week, from June 16, at 5:00 pm Central Europe Time (CET).
PARTICIPATION: No special background is needed. Participation is free (Contributions accepted).
THE DEEP PHILOSOPHY GROUP is an international community of thinkers, devoted to thinking together from our inner depth on basic life-issues.

Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]
See you online this Friday!
Ran Lahav

Deep Philosophy course - On Divinity and Spirituality (Registration Form) 11/04/2023


“Deep Philosophy” invites you to contemplate online on the topic of DIVINITY AND SPIRITUALITY. Registration:
FORMAT: A course of 4 meetings online (zoom) – reading, contemplating, and conversing.
TIME: Tuesdays, once a week, starting April 18, at 4:00 p.m. Central Europe Time (CET). Each session takes about 75 minutes.
PARTICIPATION: All are invited – no special background is needed. Participation is free. (A small contribution would be appreciated at the end of the course. Deep Philosophy is a community of thinkers, not a business!)
LANGUAGE: Simple English.
TO JOIN THE COURSE: Fill out the registration form at:
You will receive instructions and a link for participation.
DEEP PHILOSOPHY means thinking in togetherness from our inner depth on basic life-issues.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DEEP PHILOSOPHY: Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you online,
The Deep Philosophy Group.

Deep Philosophy course - On Divinity and Spirituality (Registration Form) April 2023

Philosophies of Love (2.2023) - Registration 04/02/2023

“Deep Philosophy” invites you to contemplate online on Philosophies of LOVE – from Plato to modern times. Registration:

FORMAT: A course of 4 meetings online (zoom) – reading, contemplating, and conversing.
TIME: Fridays, once a week, starting February 10, at 5:00 pm Central Europe Time (CET). Each session about 75 minutes.
PARTICIPATION: All are invited – no special background is needed. Participation is free. (A small contribution would be appreciated at the end of the course. Deep Philosophy is a community of thinkers, not a business!)
LANGUAGE: Simple English.
TO JOIN THE COURSE: Fill out the registration form at:

You will receive instructions and link for participation.
DEEP PHILOSOPHY means thinking in togetherness from our inner depth on basic life-issues.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DEEP PHILOSOPHY: Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you online,
The Deep Philosophy Group.

Philosophies of Love (2.2023) - Registration Deep Philosophy: To register to this course, please complete the form below. You will receive an e-mail response soon.

Deep Philosophy course - Aristotle (Registration form) 09/01/2023

“Deep Philosophy” invites you to contemplate online on great philosophers of the past!
FORMAT: A course of 4 meetings; small online groups on zoom – reading together, contemplating, and conversing.
TOPIC OF THIS COURSE: The great philosopher Aristotle on ethics, happiness, friendship, wisdom.
TIME: Fridays, once a week, starting January 13, at 8:00 pm Central Europe Time (CET). Each session about 75 minutes.
PARTICIPATION: All are invited – no special background is needed. Participation is free. If you continue to the end of the course, a small contribution would be appreciated. (Deep Philosophy is a community of thinkers, not a business!)
LANGUAGE: Simple English.
TO JOIN THE COURSE: Fill out the registration form at:
You will receive instructions and the link for participation.
DEEP PHILOSOPHY means thinking in togetherness from our inner depth on basic life-issues.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you online,
The Deep Philosophy Group.

Deep Philosophy course - Aristotle (Registration form) January 2023

"Contemplating with Great Philosophers": October on Medieval Philosophy I (Registration form) 03/10/2022

“Deep Philosophy” invites you to contemplate with us online on great philosophers of the past!

Our history series continues in October to the next historical period: The early Middle Ages.

FORMAT: Small online groups on zoom – reading together, contemplating, and conversing.

TOPIC OF THIS COURSE: Major philosophers of the early Middle Ages: Augustine, Eriugena, Anselm, Abelard.

TIME: Fridays, October 7, 14, 21, 28, at 5:00 pm Central Europe Time (CET). Each session about 60 minutes.

PARTICIPATION: All are invited – no special background is needed. Participation is free, but a small voluntary contribution would be appreciated to help us operate. (Deep Philosophy is a community of thinkers, not a business!)

LANGUAGE: Simple English.

TO JOIN THE COURSE: Fill out the registration form at:

You will receive instructions and the link for participation.

DEEP PHILOSOPHY means thinking in togetherness from our inner depth on basic life-issues.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you online,

The Deep Philosophy Group.

"Contemplating with Great Philosophers": October on Medieval Philosophy I (Registration form) This is part of the DP "History of Philosophy" series online. Fridays in October.


A new Deep Philosophy course in September – all are invited to contemplate with us!

TO JOIN THE COURSE: Fill out the registration form at:

DEEP PHILOSOPHY means thinking in togetherness from our inner depth on basic life-issues. In each session we use a short philosophical text as a starting point.

TOPIC OF THIS COURSE: The Hellenistic period.

TIME: 4 online meetings: September 5, 12, 19, 26, at 5:00 pm Central Europe Time (CET). Each session about 60 minutes.

PARTICIPATION: All are invited – no special background is needed. The first session is free. For the following sessions contribution is requested: $20 for the entire course, or whatever you are able to pay. (Deep Philosophy is a community of thinkers, not a business!)

LANGUAGE: Simple English.

You will receive instructions and the link for participation.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit us at or write to us at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you online,
The Deep Philosophy Group.

Videos (show all)

Inner Depth by Ran Lahav
"What kind of results is Deep Philosophy supposed to produce?"
We contemplate together
The aspiration of Deep Philosophy.
What is Deep PhilosophyBy Ran Lahav.
COS' E' DEEP PHILOSOPHY? Come può la filosofia toccarci PROFONDAMENTE....