Unofficial AshW
Hi I am Ash (I am new to this but I want to be able to share some things that hopefully might help p
This is someone I know far too well. My depression and self -worth makes me automatically believe that I’m not nice or good enough because when people say things and do things at a young age it’s almost like it’s programmed into you to know yourself as such. But you’re not, sometimes people around you need to remind you first so that it can break the cycle of you thinking you’re not good enough it’s not because you need their approval, it’s like a step up or a helping hand just to be able to see what you are worth. I give a lot because I don’t want people feeling how I do. I don’t want people to think we’re not close but they don’t care. I’m not close to a lot of people but I do little gestures or big gestures because sometimes when you’re suffering it’s nice to be thought of, it’s nice to be noticed. People don’t realise how even a handmade card can be a massive gift of kindness. If we spread kindness as much as we gossip the people in this world would probably think and feel a lot different. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money or anything, just start with something. One good deed or act of kindness goes a long way. ~ A. 🖤x
Oh my gosh it’s been a while. It’s been a very tricky few years but I would be so pleased to be back so keep your eyes peeled as I have a lot of experiences to share, and I do hope to make a difference or just to create a safe space for someone in need like I’ve wanted. ~ A. 🖤