

Being a fitrunr means you can run into the storms of life with courage and confidence.

Being a Fitrunr means being a part of a tribe of runners committed to improving themselves and contributing to others one step at a time through the sport they love.


Are you fulfilling your active lifestyle with proper hydration?
💧Drink water
Here are some great reminders to keep in mind:
* 2 hours PRIOR to workout: 17-20 ounces
* Half hour PRIOR to warmup: 8 ounces
* DURING workout: 7-10 ounces every 10 to 20 minuets
* COOL DOWN: 8 ounces
What a great chemistry proportion that will keep our bodies happy and working optimally! .
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If it's your jam to run outside, have you noticed the sweet smell of the blooming bushes and trees yet? I recently noticed the delicious smell of lilac on a trail run. It was quite calming and connecting
As they always say: if you're seeing too many of our posts maybe it's time to take a break from social media this week and feet pedal past some roses..because that's the saying right



What types of stretching could make you run faster?

A.) Static stretching- the process of holding a muscle in a lengthened position for a period of time


B.) Dynamic stretching- muscle lengthening achieved through speed and momentum of movement
If you chose dynamic stretching, ding ding ding ! Winner! You are so smart!

•An example of dynamic stretching is a walking lunge that dynamically stretches your hips and legs while you're moving

•Dynamic stretches BEFORE your endurance workout can IMPROVE your performance and running speed

•You may be asking yourself, is there a sweet spot around over stretching? Research scientifically suggests yes

•Too much flexibility can put more stress on your muscles to maintain the same level of contraction needed for running
Fun fact: yoga is an exercise that includes both static and dynamic stretching and benefits multifaceted systems of the body

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It is said that people are either one of two types of runners..

1. They run to think and work through experiences in their life
2. They run to displace themselves as if associating their run with a mediation like state outside of themselves

Which kind of runner are you? Maybe you are a little of both.


What do you know about Pose Running?


Check out this form of running that is known to
1. Amp up your race time
2. Prevent injuries
Where's the beta on more topics like this?
Here's where to find it:
Sign up and join us in one of our membership options.
See more videos and get more tools on injury prevention and form!
We also want to hear from YOU! What can we provide for you that will help you in your journey? Run with us !
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Should we kick the kicks yet?.
Hello weekend warriors!
Do you know how often you should replace your running shoes?.
Or is running your shoes into the ground more your style?
Well, beware, this could be a sacrifice to those feet that do a lot of work for you. Not to mention sacrificing your body mechanics! Old running shoes lose their shock absorption and can put you at a larger risk for injury.
Are you having pains in your lower back? It may be time to change your kicks out!
If you're using the 1000 mile challenge mile tracker, take note of how many miles you put on them in a week. If you run 3-5 miles per day, 4 days a week, you can average about 300-500 miles in 6 months!
What's the prime timing to switch them ole kicks out?!
***3-6 months is the recommendation!***.
Check out website our at and become part of the challenge at !!

Photos from FitRunr's post 26/04/2018

Hello and welcome fellow tribe runners!
We'd like to hit the ground running this year while cultivating a nourishing runner's community! We'd love to hear about how your unique motivations fit you, to get you thinking about your inner groundings. What makes your personalized run mean the most to you?
Here is some food for thought and inspiration:
How do the places you run serve you?
Do you switch trails and change up scenery?
Do the elements ever stop or encourage you?
Are we modifying our run to increase mental stimulation, or less joint impact?
Are we training with varying terrain?
Do you like to run with others?
What typically enhances your motivation?
These are some challenging questions we encourage you to ask yourself and share with us. Monitoring our thought process and being aware of our motivation affects our run and satisfaction with results. Reach out for tips and support; chances are someone has worked through a similar challenge and maybe you have something valuable to share to another.
Find a way to be connected:
Create a team with 1000 Mile Challenge and share some ideas, find out how to earn rewards, and receive some support. Run On!

FitRunr 27/02/2018

Introducing, join the party!

FitRunr Being a Fitrunr means being a part of a tribe of runners committed to improving themselves and contributing to others one step at a time through the sport they love. Being a fitrunr means you can run into the storms of life with courage and confidence...