Red White and Cru

Red White and Cru

The purpose of Red White and Cru is to provide information and education to help consumers make the best wine choices at stores and restaurants.

If You Care About What's in Your Wine, It's Time to Pay Attention to the Workers Who Make It 05/04/2022

Next-level wine production thinking that makes sense.

If You Care About What's in Your Wine, It's Time to Pay Attention to the Workers Who Make It Many wineries are investing in their workers’ quality of life, with creative, thought-provoking solutions being deployed.

Smaller Producers Need Independent Retailers—Now More Than Ever - Wine Industry Advisor 02/09/2021

Really important read on the growing importance of independent retailers to smaller wineries. From

Smaller Producers Need Independent Retailers—Now More Than Ever - Wine Industry Advisor Distributors, brokers, and buyers discuss the importance of connecting with niche-focused wine shops —Jeff Siegel “You’re the only one who can tell your story,” says a long-time broker and winery sales executive.  “You’re the only one who can tell your story,” says a Manhattan wine sh...

How to Not Embarrass Yourself at a Winery 19/08/2021

Wine tasting should be fun and casual, but there still are a few guidelines that are good to know before you go...

How to Not Embarrass Yourself at a Winery Tasting wine isn't about rules. That said, when you're at a winery, you should really follow these 8 rules.

Pinot Noir | Wine Folly 18/08/2021

Wonderful read for Pinot Noir Day!

Pinot Noir | Wine Folly Pinot Noir is a red wine grape now dominant in Burgundy and popular around the world. Pinot Noir wine aroma is cherries, red berries, and stewed fruit.

A Burgundy Wine Producer: Surviving Tariffs, Covid And 40% Loss Of Yields 15/08/2021

Wonderful story of the results of perseverance in Burgundy from :

A Burgundy Wine Producer: Surviving Tariffs, Covid And 40% Loss Of Yields The past year and a half has been a challenging one for many across the world with waves of the tide of coronavirus shutdowns, illnesses and deaths coming and going with intervals of brief breaks that would hint at normalcy here and there. No one can argue with the idea that this pandemic has been a

Lori & Michael on Twitter 14/08/2021

Adding my thumbs-up to the amazing deliciousness of the Dracaena Cab Franc wines. This is an email list worth getting on!

Lori & Michael on Twitter “Do you love ? We are specialists in it! 90+ ratings, Double Gold medals! Sound good? Sign up for our free newsletter and stay in the know. Plus get special discounts!”

The Beginnings of a Very Un-Texas Harvest 14/08/2021

Fascinating perspective from on the state of the Texas harvest.

The Beginnings of a Very Un-Texas Harvest It has been a very abnormal growing season that is downright un-Texan. Despite the odd weather, we're optimistic for a very good 2021 vintage. Here are some highlights for this year's harvest.

What the Biden Administration's Anti-Trust Directive Means for the Wholesale Tier - Wine Industry Advisor 13/08/2021

Will be interesting to follow where this might be headed: What the Biden Administration’s Anti-Trust Directive Means for the Wholesale Tier - Wine Industry Advisor

What the Biden Administration's Anti-Trust Directive Means for the Wholesale Tier - Wine Industry Advisor Experts believe the Executive Order may correct unfair trade practices; few predict any immediate or drastic results. Could the Biden Administration try to break up wholesaling behemoths Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits (Southern-Glazer’s) and Republic National Distributing Company(RNDC), usin...

Severe drought forces one of Sonoma's foremost Syrah vineyards to make no wine this year 13/08/2021

Such a tough decision: Severe drought forces one of Sonoma’s foremost Syrah vineyards to make no wine this year

Severe drought forces one of Sonoma's foremost Syrah vineyards to make no wine this year California's drought has proven so severe for one Sonoma vineyard that it has taken the drastic decision to drop its entire crop for this year, with no water available to keep the vines going

Wine Buyer Beware: Those Sneaky Shelf Talkers Tend to Lie 01/08/2021

Wine shelf signs aren't there to help consumers make decisions, they are there to sell wine. Often they are confusing, misleading or downright wrong. Here's what to look for to not be fooled.

Wine Buyer Beware: Those Sneaky Shelf Talkers Tend to Lie Over the past few months I visited three different Tom Thumb stores, looking to rate a recommendation from one of their store employees. No luck. All three stores were absent any live person who co…