Nanordica Medical

Nanordica Medical

New nano-based antibacterial products for wound care Nanordica Medical OÜ is a spin-off of the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (Estonia).

Our competitive edge is our unique technology, a mixture of antibacterial nanoparticles that was developed as a result of over 10 years of research. Our first product is antibacterial wound dressing for infected chronic wounds.


📢Nanordica Medical is happy to announce that we closed €1.75M investment round to bring to the patients our first-in-class wound care products curing severe wounds. The round was led by Estonian fund Specialist VC, with the participation of Superangel and Amalfi.

We are excited to start collaboration with our new investors and sincerely thank existing investors, advisors, fans, and everyone, who helped us to achieve this important milestone!

Please find the link to the press release in the comments. 👇

Photos from Nanordica Medical's post 08/05/2024

Nanordica Medical’s team had an exciting time at the European Wound Management Association conference!

We presented the first-in-class wound dressings designed to revolutionize the treatment of chronic wounds with its Premotiv nanotechnology that promotes wound healing while preventing infection.

Dr. Grigory Vasiliev, MD/PhD presented the latest data of the randomized clinical trial showing that with our wound dressing the infected diabetic foot ulcers re-epithelialized two times faster compared to the current most used Ag ion-based dressing.
Anna-Liisa Kubo, PhD presented an ongoing comparative study of our wound dressing in horses showing its efficacy and ease of use compared to the common PHMB-based dressing.
Einar Kaljuveer exhibited veterinary wound dressing Ravimus Vet at the Veterinary Wound Healing Association conference.

We especially thank Eduardo Theiler, Dr. José Luis Lázaro-Martínez, Dr. David Russell, Dr. Eric Lullove, DPM, CWSP, FFPM RCPS(Glasg), Maarit Ahtiala, Dr. Esa Soppi, Dr. Jan Plock, Dominiek Viaene, Kaija Ojala and Craig Wood for the fruitful discussions!


We turned 5 years old today! 🚀

During these years we have grown from a team of 3 scientists with a humble idea of improving wound care management with our invention into a team of entrepreneurs that sets new standards in the field. We built an amazing team, launched the first product, cure effectively the most challenging chronic wounds, present our clinical data at the most influential wound care conferences in Europe and the US, and collaborate with top wound care companies and distributors.

We thank our partners, clients and collaborators for their support and remain committed to our mission: helping hundreds of millions of patients with wounds.


Good start of the spring for Nanordica Medical!

The company was a successful applicant to receive the programme for applied research 1.6M EUR grant from Enterprise Estonia to widen the product portfolio and develop first-in-class wound care products.

Photos from Nanordica Medical's post 29/03/2024

Our Einar Kaljuveer attended the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), congress to introduce advanced veterinary dressing Ravimus Vet in the UK.

It was great to meet old partners from ESU Medical Solutions and new collaborators such as Dr. Julien Hoad, the renowned veterinary surgeon and vice president of BSAVA, who will kindly test our developed advanced wound dressing Ravimus Vet on his animal patients.


Join Nanordica Medical at Dimedium Winter School on the 16th and 17th of February where Nanordica`s Co-founder Anna-Liisa Kubo is a speaker to introduce innovative veterinary wound dressing that cures hard-to-heal wounds.

For more information, please visit the website:


Silver is one of the best antibacterials, silver+copper are better!

Read in the article below, how Nanordica Medical's invention (made at KBFI Keskkonnatoksikoloogia labor) is revolutionizing wound care! 💪


Happy New Year! ✨

Our highlights of 2023:

•Closed an oversubscribed funding round;

•Demonstrated that our first-in-class wound dressing was superior to the comparator in nearly all endpoints in the randomized controlled trial on patients with diabetic foot ulcers;

•Signed the first distribution agreement;

•Submitted two patent applications and published a core scientific article about our technology;

•Were in the Innovation Showcase Final of the Advanced Wound Care Summit in Boston and speakers at the European Wound Management Association - EWMA conference

•Attended Creative Destruction Lab supersession in Toronto

We thank our partners, investors, mentors, and friends for the excellent 2023 and wish you a prosperous year ahead!


Nanordica team wishes you happy holidays!

Photos from Nanordica Medical's post 04/12/2023

Our first product, a wound dressing Ravimus Vet designed specifically for animals, was launched at MEDICA-TradeFair.

It's designed to help wounds heal better and prevent bacterial growth and is available in the Baltics via our distributor Dimedium

With Meelis Kadaja, Einar Kaljuveer, Anna-Liisa Kubo, Olesja Bondarenko


Õnnitlused Tehnopol juhitud Connected Health Klastrile ettevõtluse edendaja auhinna ja Icosagen Cell Factoryle aasta ettevõtte tiitli puhul!

Samuti täname Nanordica innovaatilise haavasideme märkimise eest ettevõtlusauhindade gala videos!


Loe Nanordica kliinilisest katsest ja plaanidest värskest Tehnopoli artiklist!

Tehnopol, täname toetuse eest!



Dear friends! Your support is needed!

Nanordica Medical has been pre-selected to compete for the prestigious Innovation Radar Prize 2023 in the category "Female-led"!

But we need your support to get there! Please take a moment to cast your vote:

The Innovation Radar Summit, co-organized by the European Commission, is a remarkable event set to take place on November 13th, in Lisbon, at Microsoft Lisbon, alongside the WebSummit. It's a unique opportunity to showcase our innovation, connect with potential investors, and build partnerships that can drive our success to new heights.

Discover more about the event here:

Don't miss out on this chance to be part of our journey!


On 25th August 2023 co-founder of Nanordica Grigory Vasiliev successfully graduated from Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and received a Ph.D. degree defending the concepts of our nanotechnology.

By the end of the Ph.D. defense, one of the opponents was interested in testing Nanordica's technology and products on herself. We are proud of such a recognition and proof of our highest scientific standards!

Congratulations to Grigory, his supervisor Olesja Bondarenko and the opponents Prof. Vilma Petrikaite and Dr. Kai Künnis-Beres!


We warmly welcome Einar Kaljuveer, an expert in the wound care industry!

With a Marketing master’s degree from TalTech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool and a background in the Medtech industry, including 7+ years in the wound care company Mölnlycke, Einar brings to Nanordica a wide set of skills. His expertise spans across various crucial domains, from relationships with clients to new product launches.

The main strength of Einar is the development and ex*****on of impactful marketing and communication strategies, resulting in brand visibility and market pe*******on. He is proficient in cultivating Key Opinion Leader (KOL) relationships that have proven instrumental in driving industry insights and collaborative ventures. Einar has a track record of balancing financial growth with the cultivation of thriving partnerships.

At Nanordica, Einar will be responsible for relationships with distributors and KOLs and will participate in product development.


Kutsume patsiente osalema ainulaadse antibakteriaalse nanotehnoloogial põhineva haavaplaastrite kliinilises uuringus!
Oodatud on osalema diabeetilise jalahaavanditega patsiendid ning uuring viiakse läbi Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaiglas.


Nanordica Medical made it to the TOP3 final of a highly competitive Arctic15 pitching contest (out of 180 startups!), one of the largest deep tech startup events in Europe! We received so many positive emotions and incredible public support!

We thank the organizers and investors for selecting us to present our solution that aims to save millions of lives.


European Wound Management Association - EWMA conference was very well organized and exceptionally productive for the Nanordica Medical team!

Dr. Grigory Vasiliev presented the interim results of our clinical trial, showing that Nanordica wound dressing can cure chronic wounds that cannot be cured with other methods.

Olesja Bondarenko attended EWMA Innovation Forum and discussed collaboration opportunities with wound care companies and investors.

Anna-Liisa Kubo together with the manufacturing partners, planned the next steps for the development of our wound care portfolio.

Meelis Kadaja met business collaboration partners.

We thank all the old and new partners we met and the EWMA team for the interesting program and smooth organization!


Dear friends and fans!
We made it to the top30 in the ArcticStartup pitch competition (out of 180 applications!)
Listen to our pitch and help us to get on the stage by voting!


Koostöös Eesti terviseidu Nanordica Medical’iga kutsume ka Tallinna Eriarstikeskuse diabeetikutest patsiente osalema ainulaadse antibakteriaalse nanotehnoloogial põhineva haavaplaastrite kliinilises uuringus!

Kliinilisele uuringule on oodatud osalema diabeetilise jalahaavanditega patsiendid ning uuring viiakse läbi Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaiglas.

Tallinna Eriarstikeskuses tasub küsimuste puhul pöörduda meie jalaravi- ja diabeediõe Svetlana Kinderova poole.

Karise Lõuna-Rootsi visiidi keskmes on teadus- ja majanduskoostöö tihendamine 06/04/2023

Käisime Eesti äridelegatsiooni kooseisus Eesti Presidendi Alar Karisega Lõuna-Rootsis, et teadusarenduse võimalusi uurida ja ärisuhteid arendada.

On 3.-5th April the President of Estonia Alar Karis was on an official visit to Sweden to explore ways to strengthen scientific and economic cooperation. Nanordica Medical is happy to be a part of the Estonian delegation, together with other entrepreneurs, university rectors and scientists.

Karise Lõuna-Rootsi visiidi keskmes on teadus- ja majanduskoostöö tihendamine President Alar Karis on teisipäeval ja kolmapäeval koos ettevõtjate ja ülikooli rektoritega ametlikul visiidil Lundis ja Malmös, et otsida võimalusi teadus- ja majanduskoostöö tihendamiseks.


Vaadake järele meie Olesja Bondarenko ja Tehnopol Startup Inkubaatori äriarendusjuhi Martin Gorosko esinemist tänases ETV Terevisioonis!

Räägitakse €1M investeerungust, mida Estonian Business Angels Network EstBAN ja Tera Ventures parimatele Latitude59 iduettevõtetele jagavad ning uudsest Nanordica Medical haavasidemest, mis ravib ka raskesti paranevad haavad.

Eesti terviseidu Nanordica Medicali antibakteriaalne nanotehnoloogia äratab investorites huvi 15/02/2023

We thank Estonian Connected Health Cluster for collaboration and support!

Interview in English:

Eesti terviseidu Nanordica Medicali antibakteriaalne nanotehnoloogia äratab investorites huvi Tehnopoli juhitud Connected Health klastri liige Nanordica Medical jättis seljataha äärmiselt eduka 2022. aasta. Käesoleval aastal jätkavad nad tootearendusega, aga panevad senisest enam rõhku ka äriarendusele.


🚀 We are happy to announce that Nanordica Medical closed a seed funding round at €375k.

The round was led by experienced Estonian health and startup investors: Erki Mölder (Founding Partner of Health Founders and Managing Partner of Verge HeathTech Fund), Heidi Kakko (European Innovation Council IC Member) and Martin Gorosko (head of Business Development Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol).

We thank Health Founders, Tehnopol and P4SY Precision Medicine Accelerator South Yorkshire for their support!

More information in the press release under the link in the comments 👇


Work in progress to bring the best-in-class antibacterial wound dressing to patients!


We are excited to welcome to our team Meelis Kadaja, PhD, MBA!

Meelis is our business champion with core expertise in biotech. He also has a deep understanding of science and technology, which he has obtained from Ph.D. studies and postdoctoral training at Rockefeller University studying skin stem cells and wound healing. Despite the enormous scientific potential, Meelis dedicated his life to bringing scientific discoveries from the lab to patients. In the last 9 years, he has worked as a chief business officer in the top Estonian biotech company Icosagen. Under his leadership, Icosagen has transformed from a local technology competence center to a profitable global pharma company generating revenue of €13.2 million and a net profit of €6.7 million in 2021.

Our journey with Meelis started in 2022, when he expressed genuine interest in Nanordica Medical and gave us several valuable business development tips as a business advisor. From 2023, we are happy to welcome Meelis as our co-founder!


What a year it has been! 🚀

In 2022 the team of Nanordica Medical:
*Hired the first employee, dr. Andres Valkna
*Hired one of the best business developers in Scandinavia, dr. Meelis Kadaja
*Started a pilot clinical trial of the wound dressing in the largest Estonian hospital
*Won EIC Accelerator funding
*Won the sTARTUp Day pitch competition
*Won EIT Health InnoStars Award
*Won Women TechEU Award
*Received Development grant, SekMo grant and Applied Research grant from the Enterprise Estonia
*Received Development grant from the Estonian Connected Health Cluster
*Became a part of multiple accelerators and mentoring programs: UK P4SY Precision Medicine Accelerator, CDL-Estonia, Women TechEU mentorship program.

We thank all our friends, partners and fans and wish you a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year!

With Olesja Bondarenko , Anna-Liisa Kubo, dr. Grigory Vasiliev, Meelis Kadaja, Andres Valkna, Mariliis Sihtmäe , Einar Kaljuveer , Siim Saare , Katrina Laks, Meelis Kubo, Darja Dovbõš , dr. Mart Roosimaa, dr. Valdo Toome.


Nanordica Medical Co-founders Managing Director Anna-Liisa Kubo and CEO Olesja Bondarenko attended Medica Trade 2022 in Düsseldorf Germany to showcase our innovative nanotechnology-based Advanced Antibacterial Wound Dressing. Thank you EAS - Enterprise Estonia for this opportunity and kind hospidality from Karin Alliksaar, Leana Kammertöns, Sten Gavronski and Michael Di Figlia for introducing the contacts. The attendance was utmost fruitful and gave us many important connections.

Timeline photos 18/11/2022

If you are a healthcare start-up who made it to the grand finals of InnoStars Awards 🏆 you probably have a little crush on your product.

We all do! And our next finalist start-up Nanordica Medical from Estonia with their solution for curing infected wounds described as effective, affordable and best in class is not an exception!

More exciting details about their solution at the Grand Final on the 24th of November at 4 pm CET!

Register now:

EIT Health


We are happy to announce that Nanordica Medical made it to the grand final of the EIT Health InnoStars Awards 2022!

More information:

We are not surprised that several companies that reached the final focus on the treatment or detection of infections - this is a huge problem of today and tomorrow with enormous market opportunities.

Videos (show all)

Anna-Liisa Kubo explains the added value of Nanordica Medical to the patients and society.