Wolf Feather

Wolf Feather

What if you could step aside and see yourself through the eyes of your spirit guides? What if your g


Simply put,
There will always be those who are disappointed.
There will also always be those that are enlightened.
Some will remember the smallest and simplest of your expressions.
Some will forget you ever existed.
Some will remember your most profound words and actions.
Some will be changed for life, by you.
Some will never care, and still never forget.
Some will be remembered, just because how much they remember you.

So what does that mean?
Don’t give a f**k about another’s expectations or disappointments, unless what you’ve truly done is disappoint yourself.
Be the purest most authentic expression of self, for yourself. You will attract all the right people and right opportunities.
On your first dates, screw your best first impression. Rather give an authentic impression, then all else will breed beauty, and perfection.
Your legacy rests in everyone you touch. If you seek to always grow, always love, your beauty will always be remembered.

And never forget, everything ever thought impossible was once also either overlooked entirely, or thought to be crazy.

Be ignorant enough to overlook impossibility,
and brave enough to look far beyond acceptability.

Get it?
Got it?
Rock it


If you can’t heal your wounds
You bleed over those that never cut you

Some things in life aren’t optional
All trauma requires safety
Just as wisdom demands humility
Safety within healing and love demand’s transparency

Know this, all else is illusion and deception

If you’re not living in authenticity
You’re living in a lie
Either your own, or the story you’ve been conditioned to believe

The result is patterns of instability and conflict
Seeking others who remain in perpetual drama
And don’t forget, you can also be the abuser as much as the victim

You attract not who you are, but where you come from

F**k hitting rock bottom, there is no such thing
No one can tell you when is “enough”

Rather look in the mirror, look in your own eyes and ask…
Have you suffered enough?
Is this who you are?
Is this happiness?
Is this what you would teach your child to live?
Do you love you, exactly as you are?
Would you marry and cherish the person you see right now?
What truly is love to you?
Are you living it?
Or are you just talking the same s**t trying to make yourself believe it?

Authenticity, like love, is not just what you do, feel or how you act from time to time.
Authenticity IS love, of you, for you
Authenticity is how you live through all things

You can’t live what you can’t give
Start with yourself


Photos from Wolf Feather's post 23/11/2022

If you’re coming from a place of authenticity, another’s response has little to do with you other than a hidden trigger you likely just stumbled upon.

Yes, you’re going to f**k up. You’re going to make mistakes, say the wrong thing the wrong way, and even in the most loving relationship you’ll still take something for granted. Welcome to the world of the human experience.

It is within these moments however, where the synchronized alliance of your journey meets another’s, sparks will always fly. These sparks can light a fire, destroying the old, and creating anew. Or this fire can ignite fear, retaliation and irreparable repercussions.

Another cannot meet you beyond the place they are willing to meet themselves.

It is in this light that they will either allow interactions to become intimate catalyst’s and seeds for the moment and life as they know it, or blame you for being the trigger they’ve always held.

Understand this, all triggers, all fears, all the s**t dumped upon you at one point or another, is part of your life, your journey. Even when some f**ker who’s never even known your name chooses to abuse your innocence, altering your life course, it remains your journey to heal and rise above. Or better yet, your opportunity to change life and start your fire, shine your own light for all to see.

Until then, until this intrinsic recognition, one may only witness triggers, even when being offered virtual flowers. It is within these self deceptions that all can pay the price. And only when one harbours the bitterness long enough, or loses enough do they create yet another “opportunity” to shine.

Know that if you remain authentic, pure in your presence, you will know the triggers of another, as much as your own.

This is where you either light the fire, or be the fire.
Either way, respond with love, because those that are triggered will need it, just as much as you.

Live and love out loud, wild and free. Stay wild moon child


Dam right peeps 🙏🏼🤟🏼😁❤️

Ok all fun vibes aside,
let’s make this easy for those who need it…
I come from the same space, same creator, same source of life as you.

Now guess what happens next…
You become the creator
Of every conflict
Every shining moment
Every small or massive step forward
Every tear you endure, and every one of them you embrace
Every smile
Every ounce of light you shine
Every life you touch
And the legacy you leave in every moment you allow, as much as every moment you choose

Get it?
Got it?
Go rock it

Stay wild moon child

Photos from Wolf Feather's post 15/10/2022

When you see, experience and feel beauty, love, excitement, and it awakens the inner demons of self or others, you’re being called to awaken and choose. The hidden secret is these choices and beacons calling you from one direction to another, have beckoned since the day of their inception. This apparent paradox of sweet scented delight, shadowed by the stench of motherf**kers both internal and external, is the clearest awakening we can manifest.

Do you tremble and respond to fear and ego? Or do you dance to the echo of an endless embrace yet to come? Do you even know if you’re creating, or reacting? Are you even aware if you’re responding to the shadows of another’s conditioning of mediocrity? Are you living by the teaching of trauma? Or are you creating by the lessons of love it presents?

The key is to listen beyond expectations and the safety of past boundaries. One thing is for certain, the messages you want from spirit, will rarely if ever be whispered within the confines of expectation and need. They will however resonate in a visceral quake of fear, disguised by history, all the while shouting for you to receive the gift of you.

Each experience is always to see the gift of self, and hand it back to you in a light far beyond what you’ve imagined.

Simply put, the next time you experience the excitement and terror of breaching all past boundaries… listen, more clearly and openly than you’ve ever done before.

You are loved, because you are love.
You are created by the very magic and power that lights the sun, and shines on us all every morning. As you shine brightly, there will always be a bigger shadow, they are meant to exist together. The mere acceptance of this universal truth, and the direction choose, aligns you with the magic in which you were created.

Stay wild moonchild 🙏🏼❤️🤟🏼❤️


Life is not made from big achievements.
It is not created from accolades or applause.

Life is consists of days, hours and moments, habits, experiences, beliefs, learning, meaning and emotions.

How we use and embrace each of the seemingly smallest experience, and find beauty and purpose within the passing shadows, determines our destination.

One can reach the highest goals and most powerful positions, entirely removed from peace and all connection.

Destinations void of harmony, humility and wisdom, are void of love and power, and die with our physical presence.

We give that which we live. Our connection in life begins with our own reflection, and is experienced and learned through everything and everyone we touch.

Look at your world, where you find joy and passion, and where you fear conflict and anguish. Embrace that which they hold, and as you alter your future you will alter your past, and your existence.

Magic is eternal
Magic exists in every moment for those only willing to see
Magic exists in every emotion
Magic exists in every experience

YOU, are f**king magic.
And I believe… in you

Stay wild moon child
Live and love wild and free


You were born with your light,
but your power took time to grow,
time to see, and even greater time to embrace.

Maybe we aren’t born with our wings.
Maybe we grow them through trials, through bulls**t, the many truths hidden beneath life’s social constructs and corruption.

We grow them through learning and love… we learn to see them through blood and tears, loss, lust, lies and life.

Put simply, never be afraid to show the f**kers what it’s like to fly.

When they try to put your lights out, remind them with your smile, with your heart…

I own this s**t


Here’s a hint,
Fate is always with a sense of irony.

We can rarely ever connect the dots looking forward, looking back however, you will always see how the picture came together.

When you process, and emotionally allow yourself to connect to where you are with where you’ve been… you will see you’ve never been alone.

We are supported at every step. What’s more, you are guided.

Just like a politician, despite the normal rhetoric, the antithesis is often a greater reality. We typically don’t really fear the unknown… we rather fear the history of cumulating experiences, and simply project them forward.

You can keep reading an old chapter and expect a different outcome, or pay attention to the emotional guidance it provides.

F**k fearless… fear is your signpost, and it whispers more beauty than shadows if you just learn to hear it.

Stay wild moonchild 🌙 ✨


Perception is instant reality, but rarely ever truth…
Truth doesn’t change based on your need to avoid it. It rather only displays your fear, or authenticity.

Our world holds many evolving realities, and unchanging truths…

Despite technological evolution, mankind has failed to evolve as a whole.
Tyranny, desire for power, dictatorship, remains present in all history, and will remain in the future of all current societal systems.
Love is mankind’s first emotional language, and their last.
Knowledge without wisdom is solely information.
Courage is not the absence of fear.
Fearlessness is bulls**t, to fear is to learn and actively know one’s self.
Pain will always occur, the opportunity to grow and learn is entirely choice.
All lessons will continue to present themselves with increasing gravity, until the lesson is learned.
Vulnerability is one’s most accurate measure of courage.
A man’s ability to display vulnerability to their partner, matters more than their ability to show the same to all.
A women’s ability to balance strength, and softness, is their key to lasting love.
Time does not heal, rather what you do with that time can change everything.
Magic rests in the smallest smile, to the biggest miracle.
Every trauma, turmoil, or mistake, can evolve to infinite talent, power or ability,.
If your life holds patterns of conflict, look at your choices, and self, and not at your enemies… rather embrace the reflection they provide.
Apparent evil will always be present, as much as we seek to create peace.
Dictators are the result of a belief that freedom is a system of simplicity and complacency, rather than respect of individual growth and identity…. the dichotomy of which is obvious, in the contrast of a system lead by a single chosen power, given by faceless individuals accepted as merely numbers.
Spirit will communicate in the language most familiar or valuable to you, not in the manner you expect.
Love and hatred cannot occupy the same space within.
Indifference is the opposition to love.
The most powerful thing man can do is not in the magnitude of their actions, but in the authenticity of their gesture and intention.
Men and women will never be equals, but will equally contribute in vastly different ways, this is harmony.

Peace out




And that is that,
Know it
Love it
Live it


In the face of adversity,
people will always show you who they are…

I recommend you believe them

Here’s a hint on how to do it…
It starts with believing in YOU

When there is peace within,
there are minimal worries without

Go unapologetically kick ass
Much love my peeps


How often has the comfort of what you’ve known, become the fight against what you dream…?

How many times have you created conflict, and steadfast idealism, not in the name of authenticity but rather the need for complacency?

What have you lost, pushed aside, hurt, amid the delusion of another’s selfishness?

How much of the conflict you’ve seen, experienced, perceived… is in fact your own antiquated reflection disguised as morality and passion.

How much of your perceived passion is in fact safety, shadows that hold you in place, rather than lift you higher…?

When you ask yourself what you want, do you know what you truly want from it? Can you feel the visceral connection of an unwavering momentum, that both frightens and excites? Or do you feel the energy of something you’ve always fought due to need, and loss?

To see one’s way forward, we must have an innate clarity of where we come from, how we respond in the present, and it’s congruency with our past.

This essential vulnerability is your most precise, compelling measure of courage, movement, and authentic direction. This is your souls roadmap, an Intrinsic emotional GPS meant to passionately guide every step you take. It is the abolishing of repetitious drama and conflict, particularly where you either engage or defend in self-righteousness and arrogance. Ones truest direction breeds a peaceful bliss, even if momentarily in a mere thought or discussion. Conflict shifts to fear and mental overload solely in the remaining incongruent nature of one’s alignment with your journey.

Listen clearly and carefully, free from judgment of self or others.
Feel your direction passionately.
Express it openly and authentically.
And most of all, live it, love it… and just simply, love !
Actively engage in your life, your fears and passions…

And while you’re dancing in the stars, hugging the tree, conversing with bird on the side of the road that no one appears to even see… and just allowing yourself to laugh, smile, or even just shut the f**k up…
I’ll join you there
With love
With peace
With passion
With a smile
And l’ll be your biggest f**king cheerleader

Stay wild moon child


You are love
We are never alone


Our world, this world, has become one masked by idealism, judgment, fear, and indifference as much as hatred. Idealism separates us, principles unite !

Idealism breeds judgement, separation, conditions for acceptance or rejection. It is a subjective position set to validate one’s need for control, disguised in sanctimonious platitudes. It is external validation as long as one’s environment can be conditioned to their sense of lack, apposed to innate need.

Principles are the platform that embraces life, one’s view and being within the world. Principles are a core level of humanity, one’s place of harmony within their environment. It embraces and unites a place within the world we all share. One can always share principles even while failing to l share another’s approach or personal methodology.

If you are reading this, hearing it, then you are my brother, my sister, and my soul knows you and sees your perfect imperfections. We share Mother Earth, we share this journey, and I will continue to love, value and respect the path you choose.

While you walk this journey, as long as you choose love, then all our sisters and brothers will always shine. As each star sparkles in their own light, it is the united beauty of the entire night sky that remains humbling, and inspiring.

Peace out
Stay wild moon child


Imagine how that world could be
How it will be
Then, how will you allow it to be

As much as this journey is all your own, we share the story


Healing can often appear worse than the wound… it’s the process we anticipate that we fear.

Know this… the mind that created and allowed the problem to fester, will never be the mind that can fully perceive the way out of the tunnel.

True vulnerability is the ultimate measure of courage, and freedom.
The road less traveled is the path to extensions of self, that surpass all dreams

Dream bigger
Love brighter
Live free

Stay wild moon child


Boundless love doesn’t mean void of conditions.
Love is and will remain free from boundaries. Your life however, your value, passion and dreams are manifested through conditions that support them. To accept and allow less, is determining your price…
Ones greatest fear is not love, rather it merely reveals that which you are afraid of. Love exists before, and remains long after a person or situation is gone.
Happiness, joy, is the greatest fear for most. Once joy is removed, it is the test of how one experiences, or gives love.
Live and love wild and free
Stay wild moon child


The only hell is the one we either allow, or create.

We choose our tribe, as much as we choose our perspectives on life. We choose our systems, our belief that we need to follow rather than create in Unity. We choose to listen to subjective and suggestive ideals, often overshadowing our own objectivity and identity. We follow patterns both observed and experienced, failing to even ask what truly guides our heart, our soul, and the very life we’re BORN TO LEAD.

We are as much the same as our brothers and sisters, strangers and acquaintances as we are uniquely individual and beautiful.

We can live, love, lead, and create, together. We are here ALL for the same purpose, to experience, share, learn, love, and create.

We all share this Mother Earth, and we need to remember how to do so, in Unity, side by side. What we give to this life and each other, is what we receive.

If we follow the constructed hatred needed by those that feed it, and feed off it… so shall you be. If your choices have ever aligned with another’s fear, or even resonated within, there is your gift through the chosen tunnel of darkness and s**t. There is your path… walk through it, the light you seek is on the other end.

That light, is YOURS
That light, IS YOU

F**k the system
We are the system

Position yourself,
Own it & receive


Our history is merely time, a chapter, a portion of a story.
The creator doesn’t give a f**k where you’ve been, he cares who you are.

Wisdom demands humility
Vulnerability demands courage
Authenticity demands congruency

We all have our demons, and ALL give us purpose, to stand stronger. To learn your true reality, passion, and principles. Demons appear in our anger and pain, as much as they do in tyranny, abusers, and in the mirror.

All are signals, pathways, signposts showing us the way, to your light, your power.

Stand up
Step the f**k up and step in…
Own it
Learn it
Share it
Live it
Only then will you start to love it


Your legacy rests in everyone you touch. Live and love real and free.
Shine your fire so bright, that when the flame burns out, stars remember your light.
Stay wild moon child ❤️🤟🏼


Your legacy rests in everyone you touch.
Live and love real and free.
Shine your fire so bright, that when the flame burns out, stars remember your light.
Stay wild moon child ❤️🤟🏼


If you don’t know which one you’re doing, then it’s time to shake s**t up.

If you’re choking on what’s come to pass, then it’s time to choose what comes next.

If you believe you’re giving it all, and nothing has changed within, or even in the reflection in the mirror… then allow this to be the validation that there is no right time to be true to you other than now.

Your time is now.
Our time is now.
If you don’t choose you, don’t expect anyone else to.
The time is now.







2022 is shaking things up



2022 is coming in hot

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Cuz you know, keeping it positive and taking ownership and all that…😁🤣😂🤟🏼✌🏼❤️
Love gives, period.When another is truly capable of love, they see it in another. They see it, feel it, and share it in ...
LOL🤪🤣🤣🤣🤟🏼Oh sad but true but I dig it 😁😁😁keep smiling and uh, keep shining, or else we will crack you up 😲🤣🤪😁🤟🏼✌🏼❤️lolTo...
... do I really need to say anything? Hello peeps...This speaks for itself ✌♥️🤗