Kambo Kwan
There exists a multitude of ideas surrounding Kambo, and it can often be challenging to know what is true and what is not . At Kambo Naturista, we teach to trace to the source of Kambo-related information to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
When it comes to the vast realm of knowledge surrounding Kambo, it can typically be categorized into three distinct categories: Tradition, Science, and Belief.
Tradition encompasses the wisdom handed down by indigenous tribes who have utilized Kambo for generations within the Amazon jungle. This category includes insights from various tribes, each with its unique perspectives. It is essential to recognize that there isn't a singular tradition but rather multiple traditions. This body of knowledge can be further subdivided into two groups: one based on individual and collective experiences and another influenced by cultural beliefs.
Scientific knowledge, on the other hand, is firmly grounded in empirical evidence and is impervious to cultural biases or personal interpretations. It comprises established facts and replicable experiments accessible to anyone interested. While there is ongoing research to uncover more about Kambo, it is crucial to refrain from labeling something as scientific until it has been rigorously demonstrated and proven.
Beliefs, particularly modern ones, have emerged over the past decade or so. Some of these ideas may draw inspiration from traditional perspectives, while others are entirely new age ideas, rooted in personal interpretations which are not backed up by since or the collective views.
Always a pleasure to serve you my brother 🤗😍