D-Caf Jazz

D-Caf Jazz

For the proper compensation, we will perform most anywhere in New England!

D-Caf Jazz consists of local, Southern New England based professional musicians who love to entertain audiences with the best in jazz standards across many styles.

From the beginning:
D-Caf Jazz

D-Caf jazz began as a quartet of four guys - all professional musicians - who have interacted with each other professionally across various musical endeavors over the years. For two years before our founding, there was talk among some of us about starting a new jazz group. Then an opportunity was presented to Scott, who immediately contacted Peter, Rene and Mike. Intense rehearsing began, and then followed the live performances. Much applause. The group earned a following of supporters.

Life transformations brought about changes to the ensemble. It was decided by Scott, the group leader, that the name would be changed from D-Caf Jazz Quartet to simply D-Caf Jazz. This would reflect the groups ability to meet client and audience needs by adjusted instrumentation.

The original founding members are Peter DOIRON, Mike CONRAD, Scott ABRAHAMSON, and Rene FONTAINE. We are D-Caf, and we are “naturally chock full of energy!” Come hear us, and let us give you one of the best live music experiences in New England!

General Manager

Scott Abrahamson
