Yolanda Paulino - Mentor

Yolanda Paulino - Mentor

Angolan • Mentor ———- For FREE ADVICES concerning your personal, spiritual and professional life, reach me please.


Angolan Theater 🎭. 🇦🇴 -°

Você sabia que?

Luís Kifas (Sidónio de Conversas No Quintal) é sub-comissário prisional e diretor provincial do serviço penitenciário do Minint/Cuanza Sul.

Luís Kifas é um ator e humorista angolano, trabalhou com os grupos Horizonte Njinga Mbandi e Julo.

Fez parte da dupla Sidónio e Lembinha com [Josefina Dos Santos], por 15 anos na Televisão Pública de Angola .

Detentor de varias distinções no teatro, sobressaiu também na rádio e televisão, sendo mesmo um dos atores mais respeitados da televisão.

O ator também é formado em psicologia criminal,pela faculdade de letras e ciências sociais da Universidade Agostinho Neto, participou de diversos cursos e açōes culturais no país e no estrangeiro.

Casado com Josefina Dos Santos “Lembinha”, é caso para dizer que juntos formam o casal de figuras públicas mais respeitados de Angola.


Mr. Eliseu, we appreciate your presence = 🎁.

⌚ 2:48pm -


Já elaborei o terceiro teste das minhas *girls* (guêlsse) = raparigas.

_____. ⌚ 6:54pm - 18:54.
I already finished creating a test for my *miúdas* (meeyoodâze ~ Portuguese) = girls.

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 14/08/2024

My new boyfriend: Mr. 20 -•
My mother yesterday said he is now *Mr.21* because he older. Though such nickname has existed forever.

PS: It is an honor seeing you again - my brother - and after a long time ° ♥️

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 12/08/2024

Hoje foi mais dia de encontros:
Today was the day running into:

_____ .

1) I first - about 1:15pm - ran into the young man which is the husband of Miss Cacilda's goddaughter and the same time sister-in-law. The goddaughter is one of the sisters of her husband.

2) The second 🥈 person is my cousin. The daughter of one my father's sisters. Her name is *Marcelina*. Ran into her about 1:30pm.

📸 Picture with the young man ->> 1:20pm.

📸 Picture with my cousin -->> 1:36pm.


_______ My Ex Partner = Meu Ex Parceiro -°


When I left the house 🏠, a motorcyclist was passing - about 3 meters away from me - and called him, but no answer.

Probably he did not listen 👂🏼.
Probably he was lazy 🦥 to stop. 😁

The second I called, was him. I needed to go to an ATM to take some money for my transportation. Usually the motorcyclists have been extremely understanding: They wait until I finish buying something quick from a little store - and I give them *$1* in addition.

However, this time though something quite different I went to do, the line was not long. When I was done taking the money, held firmly - the purse 👜 - to put the money and then before closing it, decided to pay him.

I was going to pay $1 in addition, but he said: "You have to pay me $2 more."

Oh Jesus!
I told him, 'Help people and God me help you more.'

After that I got on top 🔝 of the 🛵 motorcycle and as we were leaving the place, I noticed attentively his driving was so smoothly and complimented him - concerning. Decided - then - to ask for his name.

Name: Damião.

Ps: Told me a colleague of his, weeks ago, told him a client ask about him. The client was me. Of course. I actually asked several colleagues - where he was °

- Know more about him - here:


🤳🏼 August 7th -• ⌚ 1:04pm -

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentora's post 12/08/2024




Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 11/08/2024

We wish you all the happiness - in the world •|✓ Desejávamos 💪🏼♥️ toda felicidade do mundo.

🤳🏼 *Yesterday*


📖 The Holy Scriptures 📖 are contradictory for those that misinterpret them. The capability of interpreting, is *not* attached to everyone's soul. A lot of Blood of Jesus shaking - our soul - In The of the Love for our neighbor - in our heart °

Did you understand?

Hugs of a magnificent Sunday,



A família de Inglaterra veio nos visitar a semana passada, o meu irmão Edson e a familia 🤍♥️🤍


We are here in familiar's house 🏡 to go the house of the presentation °


Respect people's money.
Respect people's *time*. THE RESPECT VALUES MORE THAN 💎 DIAMOND! = Love for your/our neighbor.

| A good-morning during a rich weekend 🌺 |


👏🏾✍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏻👏👏🏾 . .

Dji Tafinha e Fly Squad são os famosos angolanos ‘jovens’ mais visionários da atualidade

Muitos não sabem, mas Dji tadinha é um Dji Tafinha é licenciado em Ciências Humanas pela Universidade Católica de Angola.

cantor com 19 anos de carreira, produtor, multi-instrumentalista de 38 anos que já escreveu sucessos para vários nomes grandes do mercado angolano.(Anselmo Ralph ou Ary).

Ele também fundou a sua produtora Galáxia que abrange da música ao cinema e já conta com um vasto nome no mercado nacional, o artista também é frequentemente visto promovendo ações sociais, debates em universidades e doações.

Dji Tafinha foi a primeira figura pública angolano a lançar um tennis oficial. É o segundo a ter seu nome em um smartphone.

O cantor tem ainda o projeto crescer juntos, para promover o investimento social, uma parceria com um dos maiores bancos do país, ele também pode ser mencionado como o artista angolano com mais contratos de parcerias.

Fly Squad

Felipe Quiala, de nome artístico Fly Skuad, é um conhecido rapper, empreendedor e influenciador digital.

No rap desde 2002, proveniente do movimento hip hop underground, Fly começou a dar os primeiros passos em freestyles nas ruas e lá permaneceu por muito tempo.

Uniu-se a rappers como The Hot Mc, Subversivo, Infinito, New Man, Negrado, Perispírito e para criar o grupo com o nome Caixa de Pandora, no ano de 2004. Em 2006,os MCs Lucassio e Balta P integraram o coletivo.

Depois de cimentar o seu nome como um rapper de língua afiada e barras pesadas, Fly criou a Reis do Rompimento Primeira Liga (RRPL), em janeiro de 2013.

A principal liga de rompimento em Angola foi dando os seus primeiros passos de forma tradicional, começando nas ruas de Luanda, com o apoio de uma câmera para captar os rompimentos e colocá-los no YouTube.

O engajamento massivo da comunidade hip hop fez da RRPL um dos principais movimentos de entretenimento urbano em Angola.

No YouTube, as batalhas acumulam milhões de visualizações, deram popularidade nacional a pessoas como Medusa, Paizão, Mente Mágica, Tanay Z, Rei Salomão, entre muitos outros.

Alguns dos “gladiadores” conseguiram criar negócios próprios, como Jeo MC, ou garantir algum sustento através do dinheiro conquistado nas batalhas.

“Isto acaba por ser a principal ou a única fonte de rendimento” dos gladiadores, além de que também ajudou e ajuda vários jovens que “andavam por caminhos não recomendáveis”, afirmou o artista.

Fly Skuad não é apenas conhecido pelos dotes artísticos no rap ou pela criação da RRPL, é também um dos impulsionadores dos podcasts em Angola.

O Fly Pocast é famoso pelas personalidades convidadas, conversas descontraídas e, muitas vezes, polémicas. Atualmente, é um dos programas digitais de maior audiência em Angola e de grande popularidade nos PALOP.

Fly Squad já ganhou vários prêmios e é uma das figuras públicas mais amadas de Angola.


Sejamos Luzes ✨.

Viagem ~ *Voyage* para as mentiras vividas ° Que é que você acha?
| '' |

Em Português:


Sometimes the company of an irrational animal, brings more Peace ✌🏾 🕊️ than of such of a human-being.

This sort of thought, r***d the cardial brain ~of mine~ by entering in a few ~ to my page and saw *the stories* of the marvelous Calema's page °

I did not open, however, *Fast Furious* and came to write ✍🏾.

Two Musicians with A Very Clean Soul. They did not share the same womb in vain. What I remember is that they are twins --°


May *The Love for Our Neighbor' be our *Voyage* forever; not even our external beauty that does not save any marriage. Inner-beauty ~ yes. An extended hand not to just ask, but to help as well. Extended for the handshake and not to beat up. To Truly hug someone. Love makes us Adequately use our mouth. Not to be boss of gossips. Liars.

May we be Lights ✨.

Viagem [veeãhgêm] ~= *Voyage* = Flight ✈️ towards the lied lives ° What you think?
| 'Voyage to the Love for Our Neighbor' |

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 09/08/2024

Kano, thank you so much for the lunch.

⌚ 17h -√ 5pm | ~~ Benfica|


As pessoas não são obrigadas à aguentar-nos porque somos os mais velhos, porque somos os chefes, porque estamos passando por momentos difíceis & todos ao nosso redor são culpados, porque somos mais lindos, porque a nossa conta bancária brilha mais, enfim.


O respeito é muito crucial.

Uma pessoa *estudada*, é alguém com uma tranquilidade elevada - no seu extrovertimento ou introvertimento. Uma pessoa que na sua personalidade, saber comunicar com todos e mesmo em meio aos momentos difíceis. Mesmo não concordando com certas atitudes.

Esse assunto faz-me lembrar da música do Angolano & Cantor José: *Personalidade*.

_Inteligência emocional_.

O Respeito mútuo ajuda a manter uma família unida. *As faltas de respeito* ajudam à destruir a mesma.

Deus é O Respeito porque Ele É Amor -°

PS: Texto escrito por mim, todavia, o nosso Jornalista Vitor, para além de falar sobre ler 📚 um pouco de livre - cada dia - falou-nos mais uma vez sobre o seu nobre passado. |• O tempo de guerra em Malanje (terra-natal dele) não foi fácil e por vezes helicópteros 🚁 🚁 atiravam comida - a partir dos Céus - para o POVO comer. |• Bem, ele gostava muito de mulheres, embora tenha dito que está arrependido (hoho), mas no direto disse que por vezes permitia que às mulheres trepassem 🪜 🌲 uma árvores, primeiro, para ver o biquíni delas 🩲.

O direto foi ontem --[] 6 de Agosto ° Aniversário da minha mãe biolôgica.

People are not obligated to stand us, for we are older, we are the bosses, we are going through difficult moments & people around us are guilty, we are more attractive, our bank 🏦 account shines more than certain people's and more.


Respect is very crucial.

An *educated* person, is someone with a high sense of tranquility - through is extroverting or introverting mode. A person that though his personality, shy or the opposite - for instance - knows how to communicate with everyone and even in his difficult moments. Even when he is upset.

This makes me remember the music of the Angolan Musician - José: *Personalidade* (Persôhnahleedahdee).

_Emotional Intelligence_.

Mutual respect helps keep family members - together. While *the disrespect* helps topple the same.

God is the respect because He Is Love -°

PS: Text by me, however, the guy is a dear Angolan Journalist and during this live stream, besides talking about reading a book 📚 a bit each day, he took us to his noble past. Again. |• Wartime in Malanje (hometown) was not easy and sometimes airplanes would throw food - from the sky - for them to eat. |• Well, he was a womanizer while growing up and sometimes he would permit the woman to climb 🪜 a tree to see their underwear 🩲. | One of my little comments was: Very good. For me, the best is Ambulant Book. The Vital (Life) Book.

Live was --✓ August 6th ~ my biological mother's birthday 🎂🎉🎉.


She went to church to pray 🙏🏻 for her birthday 🎈🎂 -• on August 6th -°

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 06/08/2024

🎁 | You are Light ✓|

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 05/08/2024


She has A BUNCH OF stories with my biological mother and no one can help.

When I was 5-8 years old, for instance, I remember that she used to offer me different types of dresses and I REMEMBER adoring all of them.

Some were flowering dresses and some came with a hat. Trust me, I will always be grateful.
This little heart of mine appreciates even the little one does for me, but spending a coin 🪙 to buy something for one to eat even, this is demonstrating caress for one.

As the Angolan Musician immensely affirms, "Love saves."

Then she went to live in Portugal and no contact anymore. Well, I do not agree with that, but will always be grateful.

🤳🏻 5:21pm 🩷🤎💛🧡

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 05/08/2024

With my dad Lucas °
Just realized that I arrived on *July 16th* and after 16 years.

| 1 + 6 = 7 ~ Perfection| God's Favorite Number and is mine as well.

📸 July 16th at 7am °

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 05/08/2024


*Em Português*:

Muito grata pelos ensinamentos.

Tudo isso foi ensinado pela minha querida tia - no dia 19 de Julho ~• Clique no link a seguir - para conhecê-la: _____|_____ Everything was taught my dear aunt - on July 19th •~ Click on the following link to know her - please:


Each plant has - obviously - a name/a meaning, but I do not remember the name of the second plant 🪴, for I just took a picture it for appreciating its beauty.

(1) The first plant is *The Thorn Crown 👑 of Jesus*. You can easily notice what is for the thorns on the plant. THANK YOU KING JESUS 👑 FOR STANDING SUCH HUMILIATION - IN THE NAME OF LOVE! WE THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS!

📖 Luke 9:23 📖

You taught us how to Love Our Neighbor regardless of their race, religion, sexual-option, criminal registration, region/nacionality and more. *Tuapandula* (TooAnpahdulah) ~• = Thank you in Kimbundo or Umbundu -• Angolan dialects!

(2) On the third photo, there is the plant ☘️ with the name: Bloody Crown of Jesus/Blood of Jesus. The little red ♥️ flowers, symbolize The Precious Blood of Mr. Jesus.

Thank you so much my aunt for the lecture. Click on the link above to know her.

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 05/08/2024

My dear niece *Euzamara* °
This time - July - that I went to Huíla, was the first I saw her personally. Now she is 11 years.

Time flies °

I love you girl.

🤳🏻 18 July -


Uncle Manuel & Niece Zuriela: 🤍💚🌷🤎💛🖤💙❤️🧡🩷🩵 ° ° °

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 04/08/2024


"Queda de avião MATA 3 pessoas .."

Imagens, frutos de um vídeo - capturadas por uma câmara da tal fazenda: |• Those images are from the video a countryside captured:



"Plain crashed caused the death ☠️ of the 3 people .."

I opened the notification and started watching the video: SAD! IT HAPPENED in the state of "São Paulo" (Saint Paul), in Birigui ~ Brazil and I believe it happened yesterday in the afternoon when little airplane 🛫 ✈️ fell.

The noise of such occurrence was too high ° The flame on the last photo demonstrates when it fell down and dispersed the animals and the arrow on the second photo, shows when it fell. Good Sunday. May the three souls rest in the Light of THE LORD! It is a crossover. Jesus won the death.

PS: The reason is not known by me. 🫂

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 04/08/2024


|-| 🤳🏻 July/Julho 19th -•

Yes, I've got a vaste family.
On such day, I went to one of my families' houses to have a lunch °

Mr. Adérito, thank you much for the ride.

What a grand pleasure was to inhale - again - such air from Huíla, what can serve as an example for the rest part of Angola.

An example of:

(1) Much true laughter,
(2) TIGHT hugs,

(4) A land of sleeping early, for tomorrow will be another day thank God,

(5) Land of *delicious/fresh* food,
(6) Trankil neighborhoods, neighborhoods without sounding pollution and no garbage 🗑️ on the ground,

(7) Land of very respectful people and more.

Photos from Yolanda Paulino - Mentor's post 03/08/2024

- 🤳🏿 19h - 7pm

Videos (show all)

°     - Uncle Manuel & Niece Zuriela: 🤍💚🌷🤎💛🖤💙❤️🧡🩷🩵 ° ° °
Address: Marginal ~• City: Luanda. Country: Angola. ______. Date: 07/26 💜 __ 🍿 🎥 Äntüänë. 🤳 Tecno from 2023 -
Went to get my *English* tested -
My President ☀️✍🏿🇧🇷☀️
Hey Brazil & the world 🌎,   Seek the way of the Light 🕯️. The Light, for THE LORD Is Love! Help your neighbor, HUG 🫂 you...
"... Those wearing a police uniform that has shed innocent people's blood, will be locked. I have already did to some .....
Helping her *mommy* and she said:    "I cannot take it off. Could you help me? . . . I will call grandpa Paulino to help...
Daughter, what is Love?           "... Love is the eyes of the ghost ..."
