

This page contain many ideas, tips and suggestions to maintain your health.


■ "Drinking tea/coffee increases acid level in body taking a glass of water before tea/coffee reduces the risk."


■ " Eating fruits is more beneficial than drinking juice as it contains more fibre & nutrients . It improves digestion & relieves constipation".


■ " The combination of palak and paneer is a treat to taste buds, plus is very low on calories, has very less fat, and is quite filling. It is also a source of dietary fibre, which helps control your appetite, further controlling diabetes and unwanted cravings. Opt for a low-fat version of paneer and all you are left with is the goodness of palak with the healthiness of paneer. Make sure you squeeze a lemon on top of the dish at the end to help absorb the nutrients better."


■ "Mangoes are natural blood cleaners that reduce excess body heat and reduce body odors."


■ "Oatmeal may help you lose weight by making you feel more full. It does this by slowing down the emptying of the stomach. So include oats in your daily meal in any form."


Snacks under 200 Calories.

Photos from Dietitian's post 18/07/2018

when to Eat.....


■ " your child does not like to drink milk, then try making frozen yogurt and fool him into thinking it’s ice cream. Take any sweet seasonal fruit like mango or banana and blend it with yogurt. Freeze in small cups. You can also pipe them and make yogurt drops."

Timeline photos 07/10/2015

■ " Apple puree is very easy to digest, so it makes great baby food. The BRAT diet (that is, banana, rice, apples, and toast) is popular with doctors for the relief of diarrhea. Pectin, the soluble fiber in apples, also helps fight against constipation."


■ " It is really important to start the day with a healthy breakfast as after a night’s sleep, our energy levels are really low. Breakfast refuels your body and gives you energy for the day.
Plenty of carbohydrates is just the ticket: try sandwich or bread, or corn flakes with milk or simply fruits."

Timeline photos 22/08/2015

■ " As corn is loaded with carbohydrates, eating this food provides you sufficient energy along with filling your stomach. What’s more, the carbs present in corn are such that they are absorbed slowly by your body, thus helping you stay energetic for a longer time."


■ " Herbal tea has curative properties for coughs, colds and sore throat — common ailments during the rainy season.
To make it extra good for your body, you can add body warming ingredients like cloves, ginger, pepper, basil and mint.


■ " Carbonated drinks reduce mineral levels in our body also reduce enzyme activity leading to indigestion. Hence it is better to avoid them, especially in monsoons, where digestion is already weak."


■ " Never eat if you are not feeling hungry, this is a solid cardinal mantra in monsoons. Doing so results in indigestion problems and illness."

Timeline photos 30/06/2015

■ " Pudina is packed with antioxidants and phytonurients that can work wonders for your stomach. The menthol present in pudina helps the enzymes necessary for digestion."

Timeline photos 23/06/2015

■ " Mango contains enzymes that help in breaking down protein. The fibrous nature of mango helps in digestion and elimination."

Timeline photos 07/06/2015

■ " Litchi normalizes the blood pressure and heart rate thereby protecting against strokes and coronary heart diseases. 1 glass of litchi juice daily normalizes the heartbeat."

Timeline photos 27/05/2015

■ " Muskmelon's high water and dietary fibers content help people to get relief from the constipation and other digestive disorders if consumed regularly."


■ " Cucumbers are your best bet in summers as they are 96 per cent water and eaten in raw green state. They contain vitamin C and silica which are known for tissue growth and skin cleansing properties. Their high water content makes them ideal for summers. It is important to eat cucumbers with the skin because their outer skin is rich in potassium, magnesium and fibre which has tremendous health benefits for the body. "

Timeline photos 16/02/2015

■ " Cottage cheese contains all the essential amino acids needed for it to qualify as a complete protein. One cup of creamed cottage cheese has 23 grams of protein, which is 41 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 50 percent for women."


■ " It is best to slowly reduce your intake of caffeine and coffee.
Make sure you drink at least six to eight glasses of filtered water daily. Instead of coffee in the morning, take some warm water with freshly-squeezed lemon juice."

Timeline photos 30/01/2015

■ " Peanuts contain a good amount of folate. Repeated studies have shown that women who had a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduced their risk of having a baby born with a serious neural tube defect by up to 70%."

Timeline photos 10/01/2015

■ " Carrot contains a variety of nutrients and antioxidants along with Vitamin C and these will boost your immune system. Regular consumption of carrots creates a protective shield for our body."

Timeline photos 05/01/2015

■ " Ghee is regarded very highly in ayurvedha. Ghee is rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E, all of which gives us healthy bones and keep us from falling ill. Try consuming homemade ghee along with your dals. Dals digest better, when consumed with ghee.

Timeline photos 09/12/2014

■ " Have a small bowl of low-calorie soup before your main meal to help manage your weight."

Timeline photos 06/12/2014

■ " The stronger the color of the bell peppers, the higher the concentration level of anti-oxidants. A small bell pepper could provide up to three times more of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, much more than any citrus food."

Timeline photos 04/12/2014

■ " Fenugreek is one of the healthiest foods that a diabetic person can consume. It has been found to lower the blood sugar level in the body and increase the tolerance of glucose."


■ " You are 80% more likely to get a cold in winter, so making sure your immune system is in tip-top condition is important. Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt are great sources of protein and vitamins A and B12.
They're also an important source of calcium, which helps keep our bones strong. Try to go for semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, rather than full-fat and low-fat yoghurts."
