Smith College Weightlifting Club

Smith College Weightlifting Club

A club for all Smithies who wanna lift, regardless of experience or fitness level!


Ok guys I'm doing the most important part of forming this club....making playlists for working out. I'm gonna need ALL THE SONG RECOMMENDATIONS YOU CAN MUSTER. Drop those song recs in the comments!


Also! In continuation of the last post! Guys! I love love love workout selfies!
I don't care if people are like "oooh stop taking selfies in the gym! just do your workout!" Dudes, so much of working out is building confidence and being proud of what your body can do! If selfies are a part of that, and you feel so good in the gym that you wanna take a picture of yourself, then THAT IS AWESOME!
So that being said, if you take a gym selfie and you're super duper proud of your progress or you're really feeling the body peace or you really love your workout outfit and you want the world to know, yo, if you wanna send it to me and you want me to feature you, do it!! Do it do it do it! I would be happy to fill up this page with your awesome selfies!

- Ellie



The Internet Is Loving This Buff Cat 31/05/2018 #.kcxqR64g1


The Internet Is Loving This Buff Cat "That boy is an absolute unit!" —A literal veterinarian


Oh my gosh ya' anyone else having that "post school year motivation crash"? Cuz I sure am. I only did half of my workout yesterday. That's okay though! That's why we're here! To motivate each other! Here, let's shoot out a discussion topic! How do you motivate yourself to do anything? I'll start! My motivation for weight lifting this summer is that I gotta keep practicing my form and maintain all the sweet muscles i got over the school year, so that when I come in and be your president I'm ready!


Spotted on Tumblr. Don't drop the weights. Don't do it. Nope.


Oh yeah I never wrote an introduction for the club here.

Hi! This is the brand new Weightlifting Club! This club is dedicated for people of all backgrounds and fitness levels who want to start or get better at picking up heavy things! Meeting times will be posted once the club, ya know, actually starts this Fall. Let's work together to achieve fitness goals!


Weightlifting Club has now officially been approved! Also, it's the last day of finals here at Smith College! We got a whole Summer ahead of us! I wanna keep this page active during the Summer, so tell me in the comments what you wanna see from this page over the Summer. GymSelfie fridays? Workout inspiration? Memes?


This club is back, ya'll! You'll hear more from us Fall, 2018. In the meantime, check with this page over the summer for workout inspirations!
