Kentucky Unclaimed Property

Kentucky Unclaimed Property

Page is NOT affiliated with the KY St Treas, or the Commonwealth of KY, Views expressed herein are not those of the KY St Treas or anyone assoc with KST


Recently I found an owner of UP related to a CD that had been turned over to the KY UP fund. I was able to connect with the owner and they logged into KST and we walked through the process of filing the electronic claim! Pretty cool.


Found an item for a nonprofit in Northern Ky. A donation from one nonprofit to another. In excess of $500 but maybe $10-15,000! Hope to find out and post info about.


The KY General Assembly has closed, and the damage is done. Help us pick the worst bill of the session. Don't worry, we've narrowed it down for you. Link to vote in comments.


To the person who messaged KUP: how to find out if you have collectible items: and/or can be used along with an individual State search on unclaimed property. I would suggest searching on any State where you have lived. Good luck! | Search for Unclaimed Property
