Beyond Diets

Beyond Diets

Healthy weight loss & eating, recipes & menu planning.

Weight management expert, Dorene Robinson RD CDN shares reliable information on healthy weight loss, healthy eating, menu planning, and a recipe here and there! Feel free to join this page [Like it] to get these tips in your Facebook feed.
*PLUS, for weight loss professionals see my website: for continuing education opportunities.

What's up with plastic tea bags? - Nutrition Action 10/02/2020

I never heat anything in plastic. I stopped in 1990 when I had noticed a difference in the taste (of the same food) between cooking in a "microwave safe" plastic food bowl or a covered piece of Corningware. I reasoned that the heat was allowing some plastic to leach into the food. Later I switched to glass containers for storing food, and trying to avoid buying food in plastic containers (especially anything fatty such as oil).
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) come from numerous sources in the food supply and environment.They are implicated in obesity (via alterations in appetite regulation and metabolic rate), type 2 diabetes (via insulin resistance) and inflammation (via disruption of a healthy microbiome). EDCs are any exogengous chemical that interferes with any aspect of hormone action. Most are Persistent Organic Pollutants (manufactured chemicals now prevalent in the environment (food and water) and food packaging. EDCs are just one of many reasons why eating a predominantly whole foods diet (avoiding processed foods) is the prescription for a healthy weight as well as longevity.

What's up with plastic tea bags? - Nutrition Action Some snazzy teas come in plastic, rather than paper, tea bags. Skip ‘em. When Canadian researchers steeped empty plastic tea bags in water heated to almost boiling for five minutes,…


Thinking about trying a Ketogenic diet? Here's everything you need to know.

A physician's warning on the keto diet 20/07/2018

There is no magic, no free lunch, and no miracle pill, for weight loss-management. The topic invariably is dominated by fad, and keto is the current one. Joshi Shivam MD's recent blog details the assessed benefits, concerns and the (boring-reality) that weight loss still comes down to calories:

A physician's warning on the keto diet Let food be thy medicine – but not if it involves a Faustian bargain of your health.

Artificial Sweeteners Impact Metabolic Health Even on Cellular Level 28/03/2018

Why don't I recommend artificial sweeteners despite their "GRAS" (Generally Recognised As Safe) FDA status? This question was recently posed by industry-representing dietitians on a professional list I subscribe to. I didn't respond, but my thinking is this: although FDA approved noncaloric sweeteners are considered safe... there is actually no evidence from long term studies in humans confirming that. Along with that, I subscribe to the notion that it's not smart to mess with mother nature, and therefor I recommend NOT eating anything that your great-great grandparents couldn't eat (ie. fake food).

Artificial Sweeteners Impact Metabolic Health Even on Cellular Level Not as healthy as consumers may think, researcher says

Why the media needs to stick to the evidence about diets 14/03/2018

Facts aren't sexy -- and sticking to them isn't always convenient when selling nutrition-books. A recent MedPage Today blog appropriately calls out Gary Taubes and Nina Teicholz for their unbalanced and self-serving condemnation of the Mediterranean and DASH diets. It's worth the two-minutes it takes to read.
That however, is not the end of the story. Unfortunately, Taubes and Teicholz exaggerations, and stretching and molding 'facts' to support their views (books), also closes minds to emerging data that will forever change our view of saturated fats.
What's becoming clear is that the assumption that all saturated fatty acids have the same biological effects (on LDL- or HDL-cholesterol) was just that--an assumption--and is beginning to crumble. Evidence is also indicating that less processed oils (extra virgin olive oil, virgin-unrefined coconut oil or cold-pressed canola oils) proffer health benefits their over-refined counterparts do not. Furthermore, evidence is piling up that dairy fats somehow improve metabolic syndrome or CVD risk markers in diabetics. Researchers are waking up to the fact that real foods are complex matrices that can't be reduced simply to grams of fat, carbohydrate or protein.
I'm not a fan of Teicholz (if you ever tried to read her book you know what I'm talking about). I am sorry to see that her excesses cloud a topic that is long overdue for an overhaul.

Why the media needs to stick to the evidence about diets In the midst of a worldwide obesity and diabetes crisis, we don't need more input from industries or from people selling books. - BeyondDiets Blog - CLAIM #4: Drinking Water Boosts Your Metabolism 17/02/2018

In summary, the vast majority of studies have found a tiny (if any) increase in REE from water drinking (0- to - BeyondDiets Blog - CLAIM #4: Drinking Water Boosts Your Metabolism This is entry #4 in a 9-part series on Metabolic Myths. Metabolism-boosting hype generally has a... - BeyondDiets Blog - Claim #3: Eating More Frequently Boosts Your Metabolism 27/01/2018

Here's the short version of my latest blog:
Despite the fact that digesting and assimilating what you eat DOES burn calories, it does NOT affect your underlying metabolic rate. By definition the thermic effect of food (TEF) is the measured energy expenditure above Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) in response to eating. TEF averages 10% of calories consumed for “mixed” meals (combinations of protein, carbohydrate and fat). The number one determinant of TEF is calories. For a given number of calories TEF remains the same whether those calories are divided into 3-meals, 6-meals, or eaten all at once. - BeyondDiets Blog - Claim #3: Eating More Frequently Boosts Your Metabolism This is entry #3 in a 9-part series on Metabolic Myths. Metabolism-boosting hype generally has a... - BeyondDiets Blog - Claim#2: Adding Muscle Boosts Your Metabolism 22/01/2018

The problem with myths and misinformation is it takes your focus off the things you actually can control (what you eat & drink, and how much you move). We all wish there was some magic key, but there just isn't. There's just consistency and moderation in doing the basics. - BeyondDiets Blog - Claim#2: Adding Muscle Boosts Your Metabolism This is entry #2 in a 9-part series on Metabolic Myths. Metabolism-boosting hype generally ha...

Alkaline water—find or fraud? – Nutrition Action 21/01/2018

The old saying, "there's a sucker born every minute," and a lot of chutzpah, are the keys to successful gimmicks making their purveyors rich. I'm passing along this blogpost from CSPI just FYI...

Alkaline water—find or fraud? – Nutrition Action Posted on January 15, 2018January 12, 2018 by Caitlin Dow Alkaline water—find or fraud? The internet is teeming with claims that alkaline water does everything from killing cancer cells to providing superior hydration. Here’s the evidence. “Ideally, I recommend water that’s at least [a pH of... - BeyondDiets Blog - "Boost Your Metabolism" Claims - That Are Actually False! 20/01/2018 - BeyondDiets Blog - "Boost Your Metabolism" Claims - That Are Actually False! Metabolism-boosting hype generally has a grain of truth behind it that has been way overblown. In ...

Family Meals May Keep Kids, Parents at Healthy Weight - MedicineNet 15/11/2017

I've seen little research on this, but don't find these results surprising: Eating actual meals, together as a family and without the TV on, is better for everyone's weight.
Getting this done in today's hectic society is easier said than done. So as with all lifestyle changes, remember that just getting closer to the goal (rather than hitting it) is where you start.

Family Meals May Keep Kids, Parents at Healthy Weight - MedicineNet Kids are less likely to be overweight if they eat meals with their families, according to a new study.

Running on empty - Nutrition Action 31/05/2017

Should you eat, or not eat, before morning exercise? The truth is there is no magic. You cannot outsmart mother nature. Two points from Nutrition Action's attached post accurately sum up the problem with claims otherwise:
1. You have to look at fat burning on a [minimum of a] 24-hour basis
2. It’s the number of calories you burn that determines how much fat you lose over time.
Forget about exercise, or diet advice, sounds like magic or special-secrets as it never stands up to a closer look.

Running on empty - Nutrition Action “There’s actually a lot of research that supports skipping eating before exercise to maximize your fat-burning potential,” claims

More Pasta, Smaller Waistline? 11/08/2016

An excellent 3-min. commentary on a headline-grabbing story on pasta consumption and body weight/BMI. The paper described is a perfect example of the problem with too much of today's published 'research'. Basically, as I remember my intro-to-biostatistics text pointed out (years ago): the majority of research isn't worth the paper it's printed on due to either statistical, design, or bias problems. This means that conclusions are asserted that are not supported by closer scrutiny or follow-up.

More Pasta, Smaller Waistline? Closer look at controversial study

How the Government Supports Your Junk Food Habit 24/07/2016

Just passing this along... while there's nothing new in the shocking data (on how much junk people eat) the overall perspective of governments' (conflicted) role in the food supply may be new for some...

How the Government Supports Your Junk Food Habit The most popular junk foods come from crops that are heavily subsidized by the federal government.

Decision fatigue can lead to poor choices of what to buy and eat - Nutrition Action 11/07/2016

Decision Fatigue explains WHY it's so important to create a healthy food environment at home, it eliminates the cues for decisions. Essentially that means fighting fewer battles to eat well. Whatever you call it: Cue-, Stimulus-, or Environmental-Control, it is a necessary practice to achieve successful (long-term) weight management. For more see my blog: White Knuckles and Willpower :

Decision fatigue can lead to poor choices of what to buy and eat - Nutrition Action What Not to Eat Decision fatigue can lead to poor choices of what to buy and eat What strategies do you use to stay focused? David Schardt • July 11, 2016 Posted in What Not to Eat. Tweet Comment Email Print Email Print “We think that our choices of what to buy and eat are thoughtful and deliber...

Eating 'In Moderation' Is A Fool's Errand 14/06/2016

I've long been in the camp that DOES NOT accept the "All Foods Can Fit" and "there are no good or bad foods" mantras. If you go back to when these ideas were pushed onto dietitians, and the public, they can be traced back to the official sounding (but corporate sponsored) "Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee" which came into existence to 'manage' how the actual government Dietary Guidelines were translated (marketed) to the public. It follows then that 'moderation', if applied to the modern food universe of highly processed packaged junk, is yes, a fool's errand (but good for corporate bottom-lines).

Eating 'In Moderation' Is A Fool's Errand It sounds like wise, low-key advice, but it's actually total B.S.


The findings from this morning's study from Brian Wansink's Cornell Food Lab are not a surprise. As a woman who struggled with her weight from my late teens into my thirties I'm well aware of being on the receiving end of parents' comments about weight. It felt like I was being judged exclusively on my weight, as if that was the most important thing in my life. In a way this made 'me' feel invisible, after all we are not our bodies. My advice to parents is to notice, compliment, and encourage the many other strengths and talents their daughters posess. Feeling loved instead of judged will help them more than anything you can say about their weight.

New Research: What Happens When Parents Comment Their Daughter’s Weight? These new findings show that women who recall their parents commenting on their weight are more prone to being overweight and are less satisfied with their weight as adults. “Commenting on a woman’s weight is never a good idea, even when they are young girls,” says Brian Wansink, PhD. - BeyondDiets Blog - Can exercise work as well as drugs for depression? 31/05/2016

A recent NIH blog on antidepressants and weight gain struck me for what it didn't say. ...exercise performs at least as well as antidepressants in treating (non-major) depression... - BeyondDiets Blog - Can exercise work as well as drugs for depression? A recent NIH blog on antidepressants and weight gain struck me for what it didn't say. “... - BeyondDiets Blog - Does Protein Really Curb Your Appetite? 23/02/2016

It's hard not to get misled by misinformation, or hype, when you're searching for reliable information on weight management. The daily rush to publish makes even seemingly reliable sources vulnerable to "getting it wrong"—because it takes time to do enough research to make sure you've got it right. - BeyondDiets Blog - Does Protein Really Curb Your Appetite? It's hard not to get misled by misinformation, or hype, when you're searching for reliable informa...

Opinion Makers: A Medical Exam for the Dietary Guidelines 19/02/2016

Politics (driven by private/corporate interests) and the public welfare don't mix. David Katz, MD, MPH, the founding director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University, explains it all in 3-mins.

Opinion Makers: A Medical Exam for the Dietary Guidelines David Katz, MD, MPH, asks if guidelines need a better name

Cluttered Kitchens Cause Over-Snacking | Food and Brand Lab 03/02/2016

Fascinating new research from Cornell links kitchen clutter with consuming more calories (at least in the studied situation). Brian Wansink PhD's Cornell Food Lab has brought forth a lot of interesting research over the years regarding various environmental (and other) factors on calorie consumption.

Cluttered Kitchens Cause Over-Snacking | Food and Brand Lab Lenny R. Vartanian, Kristin M. Kernan and Brian Wansink (2016). Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption: The Role of Mind-Set in Stressful and Chaotic Food Environments. Environment and Behavior, forthcoming.


Since it’s January, I thought I’d take a look at what’s “hot” on the diet landscape (based on Google Trends data on internet searches). The January 2016 data “spike” is for low-carbohydrate diets. While Paleo and Gluten-free are still popular the significant spikes in interest are for generic low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets.
A ketogenic diet may sound new and even extra “science-y” to some. Dieters that have been around the block however, will recognize that ketosis (and using ketone test strips) was something first advocated... - BeyondDiets Blog - The 2016 Dieting Season is Off and Running... After 22 years in this field I have to admit that I periodically get burnt-out on taking the time ...

Timeline photos 25/11/2015

Is FRAUD the New Business Model for (Some) Weight Loss Supplement Manufacturers?

Back in January I wrote about a growing problem—more and more weight loss supplements being found to include illegal drugs. The trend hasn’t let up, and the U.S. Department of Justice announced last week it was taking sweeping legal action:

“As part of a nationwide sweep, the Department of Justice and its federal partners have pursued civil and criminal cases against more than 100 makers and marketers of dietary supplements. The actions discussed today resulted from a year-long effort, beginning in November 2014, to focus enforcement resources in an area of the dietary supplement market that is causing increasing concern among health officials nationwide..."

The Limits of 'Intuitive' Eating 19/11/2015

After 22 years in this field the so-called "non-diet" approach to weight management remains popular among a subgroup of professionals, despite no evidence that it's effective at producing weight loss. Their hearts are in the right place, as they point out that the usual approach (cutting calories) while clearly effective in the short-term, more often than not eventually fails. The failure however stems from people abandoning calorie-restriction and returning to the old routines underlying their baseline (higher) body weight. To me the obvious place to focus is how to help people make permanent sustainable lifestyle changes, which necessarily requires maintaining a lower NET energy balance. So, while personally I agree with intuitive-eating principles, I have long viewed them as high-level-skills, rather than where you start people out.

The Limits of 'Intuitive' Eating Can mindful eating be as effective as calorie counting?

Dr. Steven Blair of Coca-Cola and ACSM's Global Energy Balance Network 10/11/2015

Unusual blow-back against corporate manipulation of academics has resulted in embarrassment for them (Coca Cola) and their corporate-front-group (Global Energy Balance Network). Here's the retraction by one of it's "founders" Dr. Stephen Blair, from the GEBN website. "I regret that a statement I made in this video [] has been used by some to brand GEBN as a network focusing only on physical activity. This is not true and never has been true. From the beginning the mission of GEBN has been to study the science of energy balance which involves both diet and physical activity. GEBN has some of the top nutritionist experts in the world who have published research showing the importance of diet and in particular of soda consumption in causing obesity. My dismissal of diet as a cause of obesity did a disservice to their work. I hope many of you can relate to feeling so passionate about an issue that you say some things that you later regret. I believe that both diet and physical activity are important in obesity and that we must address both together to help people achieve healthy weights. I look forward to working with other GEBN researchers to do this."

Dr. Steven Blair of Coca-Cola and ACSM's Global Energy Balance Network CrossFit® - Forging Elite Fitness® ( The CrossFit Journal -- ( The CrossFit Games -- (http://games.crossfit.c...


"A new Cornell study found that women who had breakfast cereal sitting on their counters weighed 20-lbs more than their neighbors who didn’t, and those with soft drinks sitting out weighed 24 to 26-lbs more. The good news? Those who had a fruit bowl weighed about 13-lbs less." While researcher Brian Wansink is quick to point out this is an observational study (shows a correlation, but doesn't prove causation) the findings do align with the basic idea that eliminating "cues to eat" cuts calorie intake. It's not just what's on the counter however, it's also what you see when you open the cupboards or refrigerator. That's why some weight loss coaches start the process with a visit to your house to supervise creation of a "clean" kitchen and pantry.

New Findings! Over 200 American kitchens were photographed to determine if the food sitting out on counters could predict the weight of the woman living in each home. The study found that women who had breakfast cereal sitting on their counters weighed 20-lbs more than their neighbors who didn’t, and those with s…

Coca-Cola, Calories, and Conflicts of Interest 24/09/2015

The food and (especially the) beverage industry have long encouraged the notion that CALORIES-OUT matter more than CALORIES-IN. David Katz M.D. points out the trouble with this disingenuous message. First there is the hidden agenda: "don't eat or drink less of our products", second is the practical problem which Katz describes aptly: "it is vastly easier to out-eat exercise than to out-run all those calories." The fact is (and I know this is considered blasphemy by some in my profession) that there is little to no room in a healthy diet for empty calories. The original Coke was 8-ounces and it was a rare (not daily) treat. Add up the number of calories you average per day in sweetened beverages, then divide by 11 for women or 12 for men. That's a ball park estimation of how much weight you'd lose* (over time) by no longer drinking those calories. You can see why a good general rule for weight management is: don't drink calories! [*assumes that the rest of your diet and activity are unchanged.]

Coca-Cola, Calories, and Conflicts of Interest Coca-Cola is a principal funder of GEBN, and a significant sponsor of the scientists leading the effort. That effort, it now appears, was actually directed at obscuring the importance of calories in, and preferentially emphasizing the importance of calories out.

Why You May Want To Throw Out Your Big Fancy Plates 16/09/2015

This may well be the ONLY painless way to significantly reduce calorie-intake. I'm usually quick to point out that there are no "magic bullets" in weight management. If however using smaller plates, bowls, etc., actually leads to reducing calorie-intake by several hundred calories a day (as the review suggests) then this actually would be the closest thing to a magic bullet there is. The beauty in this is it's a simple change to one's "environment" rather than an active effort at "dieting."

Why You May Want To Throw Out Your Big Fancy Plates Portion control is not just a matter of self-control, but also has to do with plate and package sizes.

Is Chipotle evil? This ad campaign says absolutely 04/09/2015

Industry front group (posing as consumer-concerned-org) attacks apparent enemy of big-food: Chipotle. Clearly Chipotle's success with their business model--commitment to sourcing the most ethical ingredients possible, and more recently their plans to go 100% non-GMO--threatens some deep pockets.

Is Chipotle evil? This ad campaign says absolutely What a Chipotle smear campaign with a lot of money looks like.

No, You Do Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day 24/08/2015

NYTs blog gets it wrong. Claiming "there is no science behind" the old "rule of thumb" to drink 8 glasses of water a day is simply wrong. We went through this same "myth-busting" in 2011/12 and here's my blog where the evidence is clearly covered:

No, You Do Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day There is no science behind a formal, one-size-fits-all requirement of daily water consumption.