Chilulumo ii Farms

Chilulumo ii Farms

I aim at taking farming to another level.Do not turn lack of finances as an excuse for not venturing into farming.No farmer-No food!

Photos from Small scale farmers,farming as a business.'s post 01/03/2023

Just because I give you advice doesn’t mean I know more than you. It just means that I have made more mistakes in my PIG FARMING JOURNEY.

ba Nkumba


A little motivation from your friend, vaMudhumeni💪🏽.

Farming is the art of patience, faith and hope, it is life-fullling in itself.



New project.
Free range village chickens.

Photos from Pilato's post 14/10/2022



Good morning


Saturday Motivation
"I can accept failure.Everyone fails at something sometimes.But I can't accept not trying."Michael Jordan

Photos from Civil Engineering Discoveries's post 20/09/2022

Data Sana


Good morning Zambia 🇿🇲,
time to start field preparations.


Not taking a risk is also a risk .


Crop Rotation

Photos from 𝐕𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬's post 18/07/2022
Photos from Usman Bello Poultry Farm's post 12/06/2022

Good morning, another chance to go out there and smash your goals.
Our tasks today:
✍️ Watering r**e and Chinese potions.
✍️ Harvesting soya beans.
✍️ Acquiring Impwa seeds for a 50m×50m.
✍️Inspecting the maize field.
✍️ Meeting with an Agriagent.


05:30hrs,we are up.Short days and long nights, you better start early.


Good morning,small progress is still progress.


Thank You Just Fresh Farms, & CEO Twaambo Chulu for your efforts.

We have gotten this award for the second time, thank you every one for the love and support.



1.deep plough with a tractor

2. Make planting stations of depth 20cm.

3. Put heaped shovel of well rotten manure of either cattle, poultry, pig or goat.

4. Put (60g) of Compound C on each planting station and mix with the manure and soil within the planting station

5. Put the soil to almost level of the planting hole.

6. Irrigate to field capacity on each planting hole. The following day plant 3 plants on each planting station

7. Do a light irrigation regularly until there's good germination. Check cutworm effect on young seedlings and if any, spray any one of the following insecticides:

Decis forte, chloroprifos, lambda. For me, l prefer decis forte since it is persistent in the soil compared to other insecticides. After 7days of seedlings emergence, remove one seedling per planting station leaving two seedlings per planting station.

8. 2weeks after germination, top dress with AN (34.5%N) cup 5 per plant not pagomba pagomba plus winstart (160g per 16 litre of clean water) or omni boost (300g per 16litre of clean water) for root development

9. At 4 weeks.Top dress with Pottasium nitrate at cup 2 per plant plus start to apply winglow at 160g per knapsack or 16 litre of clean knapsack.

Winglow promotes vegetative cropping

At 5, 6, 7weeks start to apply winbloom at 160g of clear water or best broom from zfc. It promotes crop flowering

At week 6, apply cup 2 (2g), potassium nitrate.

At Week 8, apply calcium nitrate. During this crop stage- crop flowering, irrigate daily becaus crop water requirement increases.

10. Watermelon is very prone to attack by fruitflies hence there is need to spray the following insecticides:

1) thunder

2) Acetacure

3) Malathion 50EC

4) Nemesis

5) Cartap hydrochloride

NB: Rotate at three of the above insecticides at day 3-4 interval.

11. From a 2-leaf stage of the crop, spray Preventative fungicides in rotation:

1) copper oxychloride

2) bravo

3) mancozeb

This should be done on weekly basis on crop under drip irrigation

If the crop is under overhead irrigation, spray should be done on every 4-5 day interval

12. For curative fungicides, use at least one of the following:

1) chemlaxyl / ridomil gold

2) -tebuconazole / folicur

3) otiva

4) Bion

This should be done for every fortnight on crop under irrigation

If the crop is under overhead irrigation, apply for every week.

13. Spacing is 150 cm between the rows and 75cm from plant to plant

After practising these activities. You will be amazed with the results. Very big watermelons.!

I am assuring you to get 22kg per fruit with crimson sweet variety.

The agronomic practises and crop protection is similar for other cucurbits such as pumpkin kayla, Butternut Waltham Plus and cucumber.

At cucumber, spacing is 40cm x 100cm but placing one seed per planting station. This means that application rate per plant will be +30g of compound C.




1. Pigs require a lot of drinking water to aid their digestion. You must make sure it’s well supplied. In a case where ni***es are not used, Change the water of the wallow regularly and replace with clean, neat and cool water.
2. Make sure while formulating their feed, a good quality fiber is included as this is a very important part of pig feed (feed conversion rate). Nonetheless, fiber is kept low in piglets formulae.
3. Routine vaccinations (deworm them regularly)
4. Disinfect your piggery, pig pens, storerooms, etc at regular intervals to make it germ/bacteria free and clean.
5. If in any case chances occur that you have to change their feed, do so gradually so that their digestive system will be able to take it easily without any gastro—disturbance.
6. Animal record keeping (keeping records and not using them is as bad as not keeping records at all). Keep records to monitor developments in your pigs.
7. Stable environmental temperatures (The bodies of piglets are only able to properly maintain their body temperature at the normal temperature when they are about One month old or more).
8. If there should be symptoms of sickness or in-activeness among the pigs, separate the sick animals and consult your vet doctor immediately.
9. Pigs are sensitive to heat (they have no sweat glands) and they can die from heat-stress so their house must be well ventilated.
10. Maintain a Clean environment. Before feeding them, make sure you clean up their litters and their pens, get rid of all dirt in the feeders and drinkers.

ba Nkumba


We are here it's just that we have been very busy trying to make maximum use of the rains.
Set goals,getup in the morning and smarsh them.

Photos from Chilulumo ii Farms's post 22/12/2021

Turkey project progressing well.