Strong Muslim Women

Strong Muslim Women

You’re an amazing Muslim Woman and you’re a Boss!! This page is for you!


Describe your 2023 in 5 words or less
I’ll start: started well, ended in heartache


Piers Morgan sarcastically said so many women are converting to Islam because “they like to be oppressed”.
What are the real reasons?? 🤔


If you could make one dua that you knew with certainty would be granted, what would it be?


Asalaamu alaikum everyone

I have an announcement to make. It's something I'm very proud of.

I would like to introduce....

The Muslim Woman's Leadership Academy (MWLA).

Since October 7 I have been struggling to figure out ... well... everything.

Like what am I supposed to do?

And it all came down to who I actually am. My whole adult life I have been committed to becoming the best that I can be career wise. And I've done ok Alhumdulillah.

I have worked for major Australian and International Banks, for two Big 4 consulting companies, and am part of the original leadership team currently working to bring Australia's first Islamic Bank to the public.

I've been fortunate enough to be a part of, and to lead, successful high performing teams, and been involved in the implementation and oversight of multiple major projects across banking and consulting.

I've fallen down more times than I can count, but I've managed to get up more than I fell. I've learned so much along the way about how to be successful while being true to yourself and your beliefs.

And if I can do it, then so can you. It's time for me to give back and to show others the way. It's what I can do.

MWLA has been established to help Muslim Women gain the confidence that they need to be successful in whatever they put their minds to.

With a focus on building resilience, overcoming limiting beliefs, and developing an unstoppable mindset, MWLA has a firm base in the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and helps to propel Muslim women to success in a way that is consistent with Islamic beliefs.

To join me on this journey, click on the link below.

This is going to be fun. Let's get started and through MWLA create a wave of Muslim Womens success.

Together we rise 👆

Remember - you were born to be extraordinary 🥰❤💕🤲


Oh please no
I feel physically ill
Ya Rabb protect them


At last. Alhumdullilah. “Hostages” being swapped for “prisoners”. Worth noting that 233 of the 300 “prisoners” are held without trial. Most are under 18 😞 Language matters.


Salaam alikum everyone

Today I attended a talk that focused on seeking knowledge. It really make me think, particularly in the context of what the world is going through right now.

When I was in high school - I think about age 14 - we were asked to complete a group assignment on media. Within our groups, we were allocated different types of media, and given the task of trying to get ourselves represented in that specific media type.

My group was allocated TV.

I’m not sure if anyone is old enough to remember the Midday show with Ray Martin, but our group wrote them a letter.

The town we lived in was infamous for its alleged Italian mafia and related drug trade. We wanted to show how great our town was, and that it was so much more than that .

We were surprised when the show contacted us, and said they wanted to interview us. Initially they were going to fly us to Sydney to be on the show live, but at the last minute they decided to send a reporter, who ended up being Angry Anderson.

I remember he interviewed our group sitting on the front lawn of the school. Weeks later we were all so excited to watch it when it aired.

It certainly was a lesson.

The interview had been heavily edited . So much so that the answers shown were not even linked to those questions in the original interview. The message was completely different.

Whereas our message had been that our beautiful town was nothing like was represented in the media, the end result was us saying that our fewn had huge issues. Which was not at all what we had said.

This made me very skeptical of the media.

I will never take anything on face Value, without verifying or at least investigating. This is especially true at the moment, where there is so much propaganda and misunderstanding being spread.

Abu Qilabah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “It is an evil mount for a man to rely upon what others merely assert.”

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4972

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

So it is up to us to make sure that we understand the truth. And then tell Others of the truth.!!!!!

Our ummah needs us.

Together we rise ☝️

Remember- you were born to be extraordinary



I want to make a post showing support for Palestine from Muslims around the world.
MashaAllah we have people from so many countries on this page.

Please kindly comment:
I'm from (country) and I support Palestine



My girls used to imagine Jannah with chocolate trees and lollipop flowers.

What would a picture of peace look like I wonder?


Salaam alikum everyone

I heard a mother talking today. She said not to feel sorry for them. She says that we should look to them to see what faith is. That no matter what is happening, or what will happen, they know Allah us with them.

Her faith lifted me.

She - with all she is going through - gave me strength and hope.

Ya Rabb protect all those who need your protection.

Please say Ameen in the comments 🤲🤲


Salaam alikum everyone 🇵🇸 🇵🇸🇵🇸

As a coach, one of the things that you learn is to stay away from religion and politics in your posts.

So to be clear - this is not a post about that.

This post is because I feel sick to my stomach about what’s happening in G@z@ right now.

As a coach I help people to live true to their values. And so not to speak up would mean that I wasn’t living true to my values.

I have Facebook friends who are in Gaza. They’re being bombarded with air raids and bombs. They have no water, no electricity , and now food has been cut off. They are terrified, but they have great strength and faith. They are stepping in their faith in Allah.

This isn’t something new, although this time it’s bigger. Scarier. Impossible to really comprehend. This has been happening for 75 years. The last 15 years have been unimaginable.

I remember being in Dubai in 2008. There was a March to show support for the oppressed in G@z@, who’s people were once again under fire. I remember there was a P@le5t1n1an guy in my office. I asked him whether he was marching the next day. He asked me why I was marching. I said to show that I cared about what was happening, to support the peolple of G@z@. He smiled and shook his head. He said to me, “Nobody gives a sh** about P@le5t1ne. People march to feel good about themselves, and then they go back home, and nothing changes”.

That can’t be true. If you’re reading this and you’re in g@z@ - I’m with you.

Prophet Mohammad (sallalahu allayhi wa salaam) said:

“Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand; if he is unable to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is unable to do so, then with his heart; and that is the weakest form of Faith.”

Du’a is powerful, let’s use it. Standing up for right even when it’s not popular isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. Living a life true to your values isn’t easy either.

But how can I ask others to do that if I don’t?

I stand with P@le5t1ne. 🖤💚💔


As a kid, what were you most afraid of?


Salaam alikum everyone!
If you’re proud to be Muslim give your salaams back!!


What’s the last photo on your phone? Mine’s in the comments!


What does Rizq mean to you? What is your part to play?


Which Muslim
Woman do you look up to most? And why?


Out of 10, what rating do you give the country you live in?


What’s more important? You can only choose one. 1. Completing all the religious rituals (prayer, fasting etc) perfectly, or 2. having beautiful adhab?


Salaam alikum !

I don’t know about you but Alhumdullilah I’m so busy these days. Sometimes I feel like an elastic band being flung from one place to another!!

I love to cook but I don’t seem to have much time.

Does anyone have some quick but tasty recipes they could share? 🥘 🍱 🍲 🍚 🍜

My family’s tummies will thank you!!

Jazakallah kheyr 😊🥰


🌟 Calling all my amazing friends and family! 🌟

Salaam alikum! 🙂

You won't believe what happened to me today! 😱 As many of you know, I've been busy juggling my roles as a loving wife, dedicated mother, and a career-driven woman. Phew, it's been a wild ride! 🎢 But little did I know that life had a SUPER surprise in store for me!


As I was going about my day, handling the chaos like a champ, I stumbled upon a hidden room in our house. Curiosity got the better of me, and I stepped inside only to be greeted by an ancient scroll. Before I knew it, a burst of radiant energy surrounded me, and BAM! 💥

Lo and behold, I transformed into a Muslim Superheroine with powers beyond imagination! 🌟🚀✨

From that moment, my world turned upside down! I discovered I had the ability to supercharge time, so I can now handle family duties, career goals, and still have time to spare! No more rushing around like a headless chicken! 🐔🏃‍♀️

I've named myself "WonderMum!" 🦸‍♀️💖 Not only can I cook up a storm in the kitchen (literally 😜), but I can also bring peace and love to the world around me! I'm like a blend of Superwoman, MasterChef, and a loving mum, all wrapped up in one awesome package! 🎁💪

Now, I'm on a mission to use my powers for good and inspire all the superheroes out there—especially fellow Muslim women—to embrace their super abilities and conquer the world! Together, we can make a difference! 🌍❤️

So, brace yourselves for the adventures of WonderMum as she brings laughter, love, and superpowers to our everyday lives! Stay tuned for updates on my crazy capers and feel free to join me on this extraordinary journey! 🌈🚀

PS -the Adventures of Wonder Mum are to be continued in my private Group - "Strong Muslim Women" (link in comments). If you are also a Superheroine - or would like to be - I look forward to seeing you there in our amazing community!


Salaam alikum everyone 👧🏻 ⚽️ 🥅 🧕🏼

I’m have to say it.

I’m a bit mad 😡

And disappointed 😔

And sad 😢

The Women’s FIFA (football/soccer) World Cup is currently taking plane in Australia/New Zealand. Nouhaila Benzina from Morocco has made made headlines for being the only woman in the whole competition to wear hijab.

But the message I keep seeing most is posts tearing her down. “That’s not hijab”, “She should be ashamed”, “How can she even think for one minute she’s dressed properly?”

But for goodness sake - she’s trying! She’s showing the world that she’s Muslim, and she chooses to cover. Something no other woman in the history of the World Cup has ever done.

(And I know what is required for hijab - this is not the purpose of the post please 😔)

What do we gain by trying to pull her down?

Why not encourage her? Praise her courage in doing something that hasn’t been done before - EVEN THOUGH SHE KNEW SHE WOULD BE CRITICISED!!!

It’s not just Nouhaila. So many times I’ve heard women trying to pull down other women who are trying to be their best

👦 I can’t believe she’s staying at home with her kids - she’s lost all her drive
👩🏽‍💻 She’s gone back to work?? But her kids are still so young?
🧕🏼 She got a promotion? All she does is work - what about her family?

❌ She’s not a good Muslim
❌ She doesn’t care about her kids and husband
❌ She only cares about herself

❌Shes not enough. She’s not enough. She’s not enough.

What about if we were to flip that? What about if instead of pulling other women down, we lifted them up?

✅ I’m so proud of you - I can see how hard you’re trying
✅ You’re doing so well - is there anything I can do to support you?
✅ I’ve been where you are - I can help you go faster and show you the way.

✅ I see you. I appreciate you. I’m here for you.

Imagine the difference. What would
It look like? What would it feel like? How much further could we go?

Tag a person who pulls you up, to show your appreciation 💪 💪💪❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪

Remember - you were born to be extraordinary

💪💪🧕🏼🧕🧕🏻🧕🏽🧕🏾🧕🏿 👧🏻👧👧🏼👧🏽👧🏾👧🏿💪💪


What’s the hardest thing about being a working mom?


What is the best advice someone has ever given you?

Photos from Strong Muslim Women's post 25/05/2023

Salaam alikum everyone 🕋 🤲

Alhumdullilah I completed my Umrah yesterday

May Allah protect, forgive and guide all of the Ummah.



I’m in Australia. Where are you from?


Salaam alikum everyone 😊😊❤️❤️

As you may know, I am a life coach for Muslim

I would really like some feedback in the comments as to how I can beat add value to this community.

Your comments and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Jazakallah kheyr

Nicole x


Eid Mubarak to everyone all around the world. Insha’Allah you are covered with blessings, joy, peace and prosperity 🤲❤️💜❤️💜


Ramadan Kareem 😊
What do you enjoy most about Ramadan?


Who prayed fajr on time this morning?


Exciting news!!

Put an emoji in the comments if you want more information 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


Which one is better?
Tea 🫖
Coffee ☕️


Salaam alikum everyone 📖 🕋 🕌 🖊️ 🤲🏼

Do you have a favourite ayah? What is it?

Videos (show all)

#muslimwomen, #muslimah, #selfcare, #beachvibes



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00