Cameroon Celebrity Gala-CAMCEGA. Videos

Videos by Cameroon Celebrity Gala-CAMCEGA.. Cameroon Celebrities and Entrepreneurs in the U.S are coming together for an annual gathering to Reunite, Network and Celebrate their hard work.

I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Other Cameroon Celebrity Gala-CAMCEGA. videos

I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

A little tip of Ebeny Amstrong performing at CAMCEGA2016. Enjoy.

Cameroon Celebrity Gala. Supa Val, one of the special guest artist all the way from Houston Texas Confirmed his presence. Thank You.