Happy to Heal Wellness Coaching

Happy to Heal Wellness Coaching

Holistic Health and Wellness Support with focus on Regenerative Detoxification. Currently studying I can help!

How would you like to overcome:

- chronic fatigue and overall lack of energy
- sleep problems
- hypertension
- elevated cholesterol levels
- blood sugar swings
- chronic pain/swelling/stiffness
- weight gain
- headaches
-...and so much more

I would love to work with you to overcome these common health issues
and get you feeling your best! No 'diets', just a change to your diet--and food is just


Want to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow? You can increase your nitric oxide levels by eating foods such as beets, garlic, pomegranate, leafy greens, and citrus.

Much of our health centers around circulation... blood flow to the organs... along with flexibility and elasticity in the veins, vessels and arteries.

Yes you can take supplements, but the best source is from food, along with some supplementation since our food sources have been weakened nutritionally over the years.

Think mainly dark RED! Foods darkest and vibrant in color are high in antioxidants as well, and helps guard against the breakdown of tissues.


Ready to SPRING into SPRING?

Did you know that in accordance with Ayurvedic medicine, the Pitta dosha (body type) would benefit most from raw food during the spring/summer?

Why? The Pitta Dosha is most prone to inflammation, competitiveness, anger, aggression, overheating when out of balance, .....primarily in the season which is most hot!

This is an optimal time to consider a heath program... whether a light detox or go deeper experience.

Check out our programs:

Curious about your options? Call 888-658-3324 or complete the consultation form through the applicable website.


Dr. Morse’s Q&A - Spirituality, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Lymph Node Removal and More #707 19/03/2024

Want to learn about regenerative detoxification? In other words, would you like to learn just how simple the return to health can be?

Visit Dr. Robert Morse’s channel. He often says he sounds like a broken record, but that’s because what we know as ‘disease’ (and there are thousands diagnosed) is due primarily to one main system being down…the lymphatic system!!

Have an open mind, listen to 50 years of wisdom. Educate yourself because now more than ever, health is in YOUR hands.

Dr. Morse’s Q&A - Spirituality, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Lymph Node Removal and More #707 PLEASE NOTE: We receive a high volume of submissions and there's no guarantee Dr. Morse will be able to answer yours in a timely manner.


I highly recommend this book written by Dr. Gabor Mate which explains the powerful role that emotional/psychological stress plays in the onset of chronic illness and dis-ease,despite the psychological coping mechanisms we develop early on.


Would you be interested in a conversation in regards to how a typical integrative detox program works?

Fresh Start Health and Lifestyle Transformation Retreat, Vancouver Island, BC Fresh Start is Canada's premier whole-body detox, health restoration and lifestyle transformation retreat for those who are looking to sustain or improve their health using holistic means. The comprehensive program includes all the components you need for your individual health goals, such as body t...


Allison Barlow

Want to strengthen your arteries? Drink cayenne pepper with your water throughout the day. Also consume celtic sea salt with your water—a pinch every half glass!

When we crave salt our adrenal function is low.

But also, we need REAL salt to produce the proper stomach acid, aid the thyroid function and add minerals to our diet.


Want to strengthen your arteries? Drink cayenne pepper with your water throughout the day. Also consume celtic sea salt with your water—a pinch every half glass!

When we crave salt our adrenal function is low.

But also, we need REAL salt to produce the proper stomach acid, aid the thyroid function and add minerals to our diet.


It's a beautiful day here at Fresh Start-Health Retreat. Check out our amazing view! Now is the time to detox and recharge after the holiday season.

Fresh Start Health and Lifestyle Transformation Retreat, Vancouver Island, BC 10/01/2024

If you’re looking for a deeper level of healing, be sure to look up Fresh Start Health Restoration and Lifestyle Transformaton Retreat on Vancouver Island.

Programs offered for a lighter Detox or Recharge are 5 and 7 days, while 14 and 21 day stays are most suitable for those requiring a deeper level of healing, customized protocols and professional guidance.

Choose your path….physical health, emotional wellness, or habits repatterning.

Start by exploring our main website first, and see what resonates with you. SHARE SHARE SHARE!


Fresh Start Health and Lifestyle Transformation Retreat, Vancouver Island, BC Fresh Start is Canada's premier whole-body detox, health restoration and lifestyle transformation retreat for those who are looking to sustain or improve their health using holistic means. The comprehensive program includes all the components you need for your individual health goals, such as body t...


A really nice sentiment I got the other day while consulting with the health retreat "I didn't necessarily feel comfortable putting down a minimal refundable deposit prior to a conversation, but after 20 minutes of talking to you, I was prepared to put down a deposit of $7000."

This is a place like no other in North America. Take control of your health with our programs - 5 to 21 day stays.


Photos from Happy to Heal Wellness Coaching's post 24/10/2023

Highly recommend!


For many this is the case. Just be careful that you don’t become so focused on helping others that you forget about yourself.


I’ve built a huge part of my career around the idea that nothing is more destructive than a wrong belief. Often, these come from a misinterpretation of something that happened to us in the past… but what about those instances where to do something that really is self-destructive or just plain immoral?
Read the full article here: https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/blog/the-lie

Heal Your Mind 12/10/2023

Are you struggling with your emotional health? If you can appreciate that our physical health has everything to do with mental health, then this might just be the right program for you.

This amazing health restoration and lifestyle transformation retreat located on Vancouver Island offers 7, 14 and 21 Go Deeper Emotional Wellness programs and the testimonials absolutely speak for themselves.

The level of expertise and planning that goes into customizing the right experience for you is absolutely top notch.

Go Deeper to gain access to professional services and customized protocols. Our amazing team will guide you through health assessments (start and end), be there to monitor your success daily, plan your customized health plan weekly, and send you home with tools, education and support.

Book a one-on-one consultation to learn more.

Heal Your Mind Most comprehensive and individualized holistic program in Canada for those who suffer with depression, emotional trauma, PTSD, anxiety, grief, post-divorce recovery and other emotional health issues. Founded in 2005. Easy to get to Fresh Start Emotional Wellness Retreat from anywhere in North Americ...


Are you wanting to overcome an unhealthy habit and don't know where to start?

Visit https://www.healthretreat.ca/habits-repatterning-package/ to see how Fresh Start Health Retreat can help you to get you on solid footing with the Habits Repatterning Program!

Fresh Start Health and Lifestyle Transformation Retreat, Vancouver Island, BC 15/09/2023

What exactly is detoxification?

Many equate it to rehab for drug or alcohol addiction.

When we talk bodily wellness detoxification we are talking about simply removing the obstructions to the body's innate ability to clean itself out and heal!

In other words, we just need to get out of the way! How do we do that? Avoid the lifestyle, foods and emotions that result in an acidic environment and thereby create obstructions to flow of the nervous system, blood or lymph! Or simply engage in a cleansing diet and herbal protocol that will invoke the body's natural healing abilities.... and even regenerative abilities depending on how far you are willing to go!!

A great place to start that is super supportive and willing to customize to your health needs is Start Health Retreat based out of Campbell River, BC Canada. This a program unlike any in the country. And I have personally been through it!

DM me for more information or visit www.healthretreat.ca for a consultation. Let them know who referred you!

Fresh Start Health and Lifestyle Transformation Retreat, Vancouver Island, BC Fresh Start is Canada's premier health restoration and lifestyle transformation retreat for those who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and are ready to start gradually and naturally improving their health. The comprehensive program includes all components you need for your healing, such....


Look what I found 9 years later? This was an amazing experience in my journey to wellness back in 2014!

- the right program recommended for you based on your health concerns
- everything planned out for YOU based on the guidance of program consultants and program directors!
- an amazing group experience so you and others can go through your journey together
- education along the way to help you understand where you are and where you can go
- a binder full of valuable information to send you on your way when you finish the program

I would highly recommend a consultation with Fresh Start-Health Retreat. There is nothing like its kind in Canada.



Fun fact about honey: did you know that eating it out of a metal spoon kills the rich enzymes that are in it? I didn't know this in my 50 years haha! Soooooo! I went out and bought a wooden spoon to enjoy it with.

Raw unpasteurized honey is full of antioxidants and has been shown to increase insulin and lower hyperglycemia when consumed. Just be sure to avoid the complex refined sugars and stick to some beautiful local honey and fruit!

Of course Winnie the Pooh just enjoyed it straight out of the pot!
