One Is Too Many, A Thousand Never Enough

One Is Too Many, A Thousand Never Enough

I'm an addict in recovery today because I had many people and my higher power help me along the way! and finding ways and means to get more. There is a way out!

I know what it is like to be trapped in an endless cycle of getting, using.


A Full and Thankful Heart
I try hard to hold fast to the truth that a full and thankful heart cannot entertain great conceits. When brimming with gratitude, one’s heartbeat must surely result in outgoing love, the finest emotion that we can ever know.
-As Bill sees it Pge 37
I believe that we in Alcoholics Anonymous are fortunate in that we are constantly reminded of the need to be grateful and of how important gratitude is to our sobriety. I am truly grateful for the sobriety God has given me through the A.A. program and am glad I can give back what was given to me freely. I am grateful not only for sobriety, but for the quality of life my sobriety has brought. God has been gracious enough to give me sober days and a life blessed with peace and contentment, as well as the ability to give and receive love, and the opportunity to serve othersβ€”in our Fellowship, my family and my community. For all of this, I have β€œa full and thankful heart.”
My recovery and Squirrel Daddy's recovery have been such a blessing to all of our family. I am forever grateful for my recovery.
Check out these pages for Recovery and Spiritual support:
Openhearted Juggalos And Recovery Support
Legions Of Love
Wicked Clowns Harm Reduction
Juggalos In Recovery Inc
Never Alone Recovery Support Group
One Is Too Many, A Thousand Never Enough
Dark Lotus Zen
Chris HFH, Mental Health & Recovery Advocate


Good Monday morning! Today is going to be a great day πŸ’œ


I'm willing to do whatever it takes for my recovery πŸ’œ


I can't, but we can πŸ’œ


Another clean and serene weekend!βœ”οΈ
Anyone else?


GBR (Gray Book Reflection)

"God consciousness fills the empty place inside that nothing ever could before."

Gray Book, p. 145
Lines 19-20
Chapter Nine

Our Second Step reminds us that only a Power Greater Than Ourselves, can fill the void left by the drugs. Drugs were our solution for a time, after the drugs stopped working, we were left with even a bigger void. We tried desperately to fill that void with people, places, things and even more drugs. Everything we tried failed us, some served as a temporary relief, but soon our desperation returned. In Narcotics Anonymous we learned that what we had, was a God shaped void. The only thing that could fill this God shaped void, was The God Of Our Understanding. Our complete Surrender must be followed by our Reliance on this Power. As our Faith increases we begin to feel our Higher Power's Presence in our Lives and Hopefully in everything we do. Our Awareness turns to God Consciousness as we have that Conscious Contact with this Power. We develop Trust through our Willingness as we work the Steps with our Sponsors. With each Awakening as a result of the Steps and Traditions, we Share this Gift with others, in order to keep it.

In This Moment; We will develop God Consciousness, by practicing Constant Conscious Contact with that Higher Power.


Yes πŸ’œ


So grateful for my sponsor and my network! This is funny though πŸ˜‚


What does your Sunday self-care look like? Planning on some time in nature today with my kids! πŸ’œ


Good morning! Make it a great day πŸ’œ


I'm learning to use discernment πŸ’œ


It's not where I was that counts, but where I'm going πŸ’œ


This really resonates with me. Before I struggled with my own addiction, I was married to someone who also struggled with substance use. It wasn't super out of control, but I spent all of my time and energy focused on my partner and their happiness. Would he get home in time to make it to work? Would the house be clean enough? What meal would make him happy? Every thought and action was for him and not myself. This is codependency. Many of us learn this from dysfunctional families. It's possible to be a recovering addict and codependent. πŸ’œ

March 23 ~ Nar-Anon Daily SESH Reading
I was a person whose life revolved around the addict. It was, I thought, my job to anticipate what he wanted and needed, and to give it to him – no matter the cost. I would have sacrificed anything for him. I would have even chosen him over my children. Certainly, I sacrificed myself for his every whim and problem. This was especially true when I stepped in to save him from the consequences of his drug use. I waited up at night, unable to sleep.
I feared for his life when the runs lasted for days. I called hospitals and even police stations looking for him so I could find relief in knowing he was okay. I was one of those β€œWe have a court date” people. Part of me did not even understand that only his name was on the court’s docket, not mine. My obsession was his happiness and well-being. He had become my world. In Nar-Anon, I have slowly learned to put the focus back on me, one step at a time.
First, I had to learn (it took practice) to take the focus off him. I had to learn to put the focus somewhere else as I could not yet put the focus on myself. Therefore, I started by focusing more attention on my children who needed it, on Nar-Anon service work, on my elderly grandfather, ailing mother, and on my work. That enabled me to slowly take my focus off the addict. I used the slogans: β€œEasy Does It,” β€œKeep it Simple,” β€œThink,” β€œHow Important Is It?” and β€œOne Day at a Time.” These slogans guided me in this long difficult process of turning from the distraction of obsession to facing reality. It was only after I was free from my obsession that I could begin to focus on me and begin my own transformation to a happier and healthier person.
Thought for Today: Obsession leaves as we practice using all of the tools of the program, and change the focus to ourselves.
β€œIf you work on your mind with your mind, how can you avoid an immense confusion?” ~ Seng-Tsβ€˜an
Copyright Β© 2007 by Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters


March 23rd 2024
Happy Weekend..And No More Reservations
We have seen the truth again and again: β€œOnce an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.”. . . If we are planning to stop drinking, there must be no reservation of any kind, nor any lurking notion that someday we will be immune to alcohol. . . . To be gravely affected, one does not necessarily have to drink a long time nor take the quantities some of us have. This is particularly true of women. Potential female alcoholics often turn into the real thing and are gone beyond recall in a few years.
-Alcoholics Anonymous Pge 33
These words are underlined in my book. They are true for men and women alcoholics. On many occasions I’ve turned to this page and reflected on this passage. I need never fool myself by recalling my sometimes differing drinking patterns, or by believing I am β€œcured.” I like to think that, if sobriety is God’s gift to me, then my sober life is my gift to God. I hope God is as happy with His gift as I am with mine.
I am an alcoholic. I have a drinking problem. I will always have a drinking problem. There is no getting it under control. I am not the exception. But it's ok. I'm living a great life without alcohol. I don't need alcohol.
Check these pages out for Recovery and Spiritual support:
Openhearted Juggalos And Recovery Support
Legions Of Love
Wicked Clowns Harm Reduction
Juggalos In Recovery Inc
Never Alone Recovery Support Group
One Is Too Many, A Thousand Never Enough
Dark Lotus Zen
Chris HFH, Mental Health & Recovery Advocate






Have an amazing day πŸ’œ


I can reflect with gratitude on my recovery journey today πŸ’œ


I remember I'm the powerless one and my higher power is in control today πŸ’œ


GBR (Gray Book Reflection)

"We have to learn to maintain our new lives on a spiritually sound basis to insure our continued growth and recovery."

Gray Book, p. 58
Lines 28-30
Step Eleven

Our Program is a twenty-four hour Program, that means we are Granted a Daily Reprieve from our self-imposed life sentences, if we work the Steps and maintain Abstinence. Our Basic Text says that, "Recovery is an active change of our ideas and attitudes." This Process involves action, and an unlearning of our former lifestyle. Since we're powerless over our addiction, we need a Power stronger than the disease of addiction. We suffer from a Spiritual disease, so our Solution has to be Spiritual as well. In Narcotics Anonymous we are given a set of tools that Helps us negotiate the Path of Recovery. We are given a Fellowship, so we won't have to be alone. We are given a design for Living, with Steps and Traditions as a Blueprint and direction. Our Literature says that, " addict who has completely surrendered to this program has ever failed to find recovery." Our level of Surrender is measured by our Willingness to take action, but Willingness without action doesn't get us anywhere. Hope without action, turns to despair and the relapse process begins. We are Responsible for our Recovery and continued Growth. Recovery is an Uphill Journey, so we have to keep moving forward. Even if we're on the right track, we can still get run over because there's always another train coming. This is a We Program; we don't do this alone, and we only have to do it Just For Today. "Today, secure in the Love of the Fellowship, we can finally look another human being in the eye and be grateful for who we are."

In This Moment; We are given a set of Spiritual Principles, so simple that we can Practice them in our Daily Lives.


Quinn Lapeyre 's cat James Catsby made into a meme πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ


Credit -Titsay


345 days of freedom from active addiction! πŸ’œ


Good morning! Make it a great day! πŸ’œ


Practicing independence helps me embrace my freedom πŸ’œ


I can find freedom through self-support πŸ’œ

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