Strong After Sixty Videos

Videos by Strong After Sixty. A 73 year old personal trainer helping people be SASSY - Strong After Sixty, Seventy and beYond.

Experimental video

Other Strong After Sixty videos

Experimental video

How strong are you?

Have you got age related Sarcopenia?

If you are inspired to get a new habit for 2022, this shows you how to develop the walking habit.

New Year's resolutions? Develop the walking habit

Do these 8 simple exercises every day to keep your joints mobile and your muscles working. It only takes 5 minutes. Do them when you wake up. Looking back at the vid, it occurred to me that I might have tidied a bit more, but just look on it as part of my lovable eccentricity.

Not all exercise has to be in a formal class. Here is my 'Daily Six' which you can do all at once, or one at a time, whenever the mood takes you. These will keep your joints mobile and help maintain your independence. I recommend you do them in addition to my exercise classes, not instead of.

Getting up and down off the floor
If you want to take part in the Strength class but have difficulty getting up and down off the floor, this video may help you.

Wall press-up
If you can't get down on the floor, a wall press-up may be easier for you to do.

Shoulder mobility: scissor arms
Shoulder joints often get neglected when we exercise with the result that they can get stiff and lose mobility.

Front Plank
Front plank. Not a complicated exercise but you need correct technique to get maximum benefit. We need a strong core, particularly as we age.

Julia Mackintosh-Keillerasked if i could recommend a You Tube vid on how to do squats. I couldn't find one so thought, 'why not do one myself?' After about the 100th take (see how I've already got the lingo) I settled on this. Far from perfect, but I hope it explains the technique. I'd love some feedback on it before I make an ass of myself and post it on You Tube. If it's not clear, it's back to the drawing board.