

SLOStringer covers breaking news, special events and other happenings in San Luis Obispo County, CA. Photos/videos not allowed to be used without prior consent.

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Videos (show all)

Felony DUI Red Light Running Collision 2AM SLO Downtown 3/11/17
SLOPD Probable Burglary Suspects Mar 6, 2017
***UPDATE: The CHP unit in charge of this investigation has just made an arrest.  9:06AM.  Cambria Fire Dept being assis...
Solo Vehicle Collision Fully Engulfed NB Hwy 101 Cuesta Grade ...
Pismo Beach Suicidal Jumper Into Ocean Save Feb 17, 2017
CHP Helicopter 70 Montana De Oro Rescue Hoist Ops Feb 5, 2017
Edna Road Commercial Structure Fire Feb 8, 2017
Feb 6 2017 San Luis Obispo Water Rescue & Storm Damage
Major Injury Vehicle Vs. Motorcycle Higuera St SLO Feb 6, 2017
Loose Horse Causes Collision SB Highway 101 Avila Beach 2/5/17
Broad St. San Luis Obispo DUI Headon Collision Jan 29, 2017