Fusion Endurance Coaching

Fusion Endurance Coaching

Fusion Endurance creates your endurance sports lifestyle through communication and collaboration. Let Fusion help you build your vision for the future.

North Carolina Triathlon Training Camp 06/08/2024

An epic training weekend and definitely some new tips and a course preview. You don't want to miss it!


North Carolina Triathlon Training Camp The North Carolina Triathlon Training Camp is on Friday August 23, 2024 to Sunday August 25, 2024.


Let's continue the topic and talk training camps. A triathlon training camp offers an opportunity to work on your fitness, triathlon specific skills, and check out fantastic venues and new surroundings. Come train with professionals, that know the NC course, inside and out, but can also offer tips for many late season IRONMAN events. Spaces are limited to keep this unique and oh what fun it will be. See you in August (if not before :-)



A fabulous weekend impacting 16+ athletes and watching everyone thrive in the pool and OW. It was an honor to be hosted by Oakland Tri Club for a Swim Stronger Weekend and everyone became stronger, more efficient and there was lots of fun to be had. Thank you OTC for a great weekend and here's to the Swim Stronger Solution. Unlock the secrets!!! 3 C's: catch, cadence, CONFIDENCE! Onward and Upward we go.

Photos from Fusion Endurance Coaching's post 24/04/2024

Looking good Elizabeth!! With a new exciting job in place, and military obligations, we worked together to get you to Belews. Always some challenges and you navigate well. Congrats on a fantastic day!! Passion, Vision, Lifestyle.


Sometimes you just get the best pictures! 8 years in the making and check out this Rockstar athlete crushing her swim/run adventure. Always find the joy in racing! Love coaching such inspiring athletes.

Photos from Fusion Endurance Coaching's post 04/03/2024

So proud to coach these 2 Rockstars! Different training plans and solid results at Tokyo Marathon 2024. Christina received her 6th star and Tami her 5th. Such dedication to the process and a passion for performance. A day for the ages and I loved sharing the course and being part of the journey. The next adventure awaits.


Come join us this Sunday! Want to get prepared for triathlon season or you just want to swim to enjoy the endurance journey? A chance to Swim Stronger and Swim more confidently. Swim Stronger is Coach Sami, a USAT Level III Triathlon Coach who is Swim Speed Secret Certified and Coach Beth, a USAT Level II Triathlon Coach who is the current coach of the YW Swim Group. We can't wait to see you there! (only a few spots remain as we are keeping a small coach/athlete ratio for maximum improvement).



STRENGTH, STRENGTH, STRENGTH. This is your secret sauce and no way to get around it. Dare I say that strength can even replace a swim, bike, or run and you can truly maximize the benefits of physiologically growth. But, so much information is out there, how do you choose? Fusion is collaborating with Coach Brandon, of Change the Game, for a short session on specific strength training for athletes. Take the time to come out and discover your secret sauce for improvement! See you there.



And just like that we are back to Racing Rockstars for 2024. Who's D***y? Jeff Eudy is D***y and for multiple times over! Wake up call 2 am! (4 days in a row). Let's go! Watch the Magic happen. ***y

Photos from Fusion Endurance Coaching's post 02/01/2024

Yesterday was Day 1827! What is that you ask? Well, Angela Leonard has been running 1 mile/day for 5 years! We are celebrating strength, resilience, tenacity, determination and a little bit crazy! We love a little bit crazy. Congrats on a huge achievement and we'll check in somewhere along the way of 2024. Hope everyone got out and started the year off perfectly with 1 mile or 2.4 miles :-). Let the running streak continue!


Happy 2024! One focus, one word, one intent! The beauty of the new year and proverbial chance to improve and change. Instead of resolutions choose your own path for the year. What do you aspire to? Anything you want to change? How can you be 1% better every day. Did you know the human brain is wired to remember 3 things: Performance, lifestyle, vision! Fusion's core tenets. Start with 3 words for 2024 and then see if they can be combined into one or keep 3 :-). Courage, Celebration, Contentment=RENEWAL! Happy 2024 and remember, The best is yet to come!


Getting a PR in the last race of the year and celebrating a tradition for this picture. Sarah Michelle Anderson finishes this year strong with big goals and big dreams for 2024! Another awesome volunteer squad today too. We can't do this fun without you! Onward and Upward we go!


2024 is coming and with it some new and exciting changes! Changes in attitudes and changes in latitudes and nothing remains the same. Fusion Endurance has been quiet for a few months, but only on the outside and not from within! Stay tuned this week for some recaps of the past few months and then some changes on the horizon!

Jen Barker, Sarah Michelle Anderson, Melissa Reeves, Jacob Williams and Genie Griffin created some amazing races this past weekend. They have worked hard and crushed their goals!


Step aside because it is my day!!! Time for the Chattanooga Choo Choo party known as IRONMAN 70.3. We have first timers and seasoned veterans joining the Fusion party. May the water be swift, the hills roll all downhill and the find your rhythm in the run. This team has put in the work and can't wait to have an amazing day. Onward and Upward!

Photos from Fusion Endurance Coaching's post 14/05/2023

Today we celebrate all of the Mothers; All of the women that have given to others, helped with planning, nurturing, loving and so much more. Being a Mother often means giving away all of your time to watch others grow. Here's to you Moms of the endurance world and beyond and at Fusion today we celebrate you!! A few pics of Moms who are doing amazing things in this world. Taking some time for themselves to grow, so they have the bandwidth to be so giving and loving!! We salute you. (Fusion has many more Moms and so many pics to post!!).


Get registered and let's collaborate together! Together we can overcome challenges and improve!

Timeline photos 03/05/2023

Super excited for this. Collaboration with some amazing coaches and a fantastic company working to grow our sport! Promises to be a fantastic experience.

At Varlo, we seek to empower all athletes to conquer the goals of tomorrow. We formed the Collab as a space where Varlo Custom coaches and teams can network and collaborate to grow their organizations. On May 9th we are thrilled to host a panel discussion on the Business of Coaching -- led by Coaches Meg Tobin (), Michelle Lake (), and Sami Winter ( and Race Director for IMNC 70.3). This is just one way that Varlo serves as a partner to support its Custom family. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Creating your roadmap and getting you on your way!


It starts with a vision, a dream, a goal. Then we add hard work, a strong belief system, running friends and an amazing running community. Soon we are running Boston 2022 and 2023 and then we're headed to a Boston-London combo. Fusion and the team are behind you 100% CV! Make today amazing!


How about some throwbacks to older editions of the Boston Marathon. Each year being different with new faces and new friends and so many memories!! So many great memories. Some thoughts for first timers from some Fusion athletes:
1. Eat breakfast! In fact, eat 2 breakfasts! Lisa Macpherson and Coach Sami
2. I wish I had known the hills started so early. Everyone talks about Mile 20, but they are there earlier. Nadine White-Boyd
3. I wish I realized that getting to be there that day was the real win. Enjoy the race, enjoy the event, enjoy the day for what it is. Your time time that day will never define the day. The memories and interactions will. Natalie Turner
4. I remember Boston 2009. As I made the final turn, I had found a seasoned Boston veteran to run with the last few miles and he looked at me and said, "Slow down, young lady, and in fact, let's walk for 20 sec. You will never have the experience of your first Boston ever again and this moment is special. Take it in and let's look at the crowds cheering for you and cheering for everyone and pulling us to the finish line. He was right!!! Take time to savor the moment. Coach Sami

There is a pull to the finish line and you can get energy from the crowds. The win is the challenge you took to get that qualification. Fusion has been honored to be on the journey with some amazing athletes getting to Boston. Some returning in 2023 and some new faces in 2024! What a ride it has been. Christina, Lisa, Doug, Mark, Stewart, Terri, Nadine, Larina, Joanne, Natalie, Pam, Cathy, Brian, Renee, Emma and every friend, running partner that has been a part of this adventure.

People ask if I will ever go back to Boston. I had the perfect experiences in 2009, 2011 and then again in 2014 running with my best running buddies, Shannon and Val. We trained together, we stayed together in Boston, we had story hour the night before, we experienced that day together. Ha, 26.2 miles. Could not have been more perfect and I love remembering it that way. (Val gets to return in 2024 and go Val!).

Good luck to all Wilmington runners!! May the wind be at your back :-)


From the mountains, to the Piedmont, to the sea. From the ocean, to the road, to the trails. We're going to see it all this weekend. Life, love, laugh and challenge yourself to live with intention. Going for it. Not missing one moment. Fusion Rockstars have an amazing weekend and Onward and Upward we go!


I came across this poem and it reminded me of me. It has taken two weeks of discovery and a recommitment to what Fusion is and why Fusion exists. Never stop discovering, never stop learning and never stop believing in different ways to accomplish a goal. Training is not all about metrics, but about consistency, a solid belief in yourself, and a solid belief that hey, let's try something different. Be YOU! Be authentically YOU. That includes when you go race. Do your race! Always reach for new dreams and new goals. We believe no goal is too large! Take the road less traveled.


New beginnings, new tri season and a time to start over. Well, these 2 athletes have not started over, but have been slowly and progressively getting stronger and stronger with big goals and dreams for 2023. Today is the beginning! Let's go Stephanie and Matt. Make today amazing!


Left California with a happy heart having partnered with Oakland Triathlon Club for a fantastic weekend of triathlon education. Presenting swim speed secrets and focusing on bike education and fits. Can't wait to watch Rachel Marullo fly through the courses this year. An amazing group of athletes took to the challenge and the future is bright! Thank you OTC athletes for having me and listening to all of the "samiism's" after 14 years of endurance coaching! Onward and Upward my friends.


What is mettle? a person's ability to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way. Katie decided on a huge goal for a big birthday and here we are in Paris :-)!! What a day, what an adventure! What is a DEW? A Daring Extraordinary Woman! Doing great things. Onward and Upward Katie! The tri will happen this year.


Racing as we speak and let's cheer her on... Go Olivia Go! Serving our country and representing the Army, Fusion and most importantly showing her style, she takes on the Armed Forces Tri. Her #1 goal for the year. Olivia, you show us how this is done. Growing into a strong athlete and strong woman! Onward and Upward.


One of these posts that is priceless!! LOOK WHO IS GOING TO BOSTON 2024! She took a dream, made a goal and in 1 year we dropped her marathon time and away she goes. Crushing her marathon PR and achieving a BQ time in some of her best years. It can be done. It takes a belief in yourself, the process and creating a community to assist in the journey. Gwen has done it all. BOSTON BOUND! I am so excited for her, just so excited.


Proud to partner with USA Triathlon and build our sport through the Women's Series. A passion of mine to integrate this amazing sport into every athlete's lifestyle. Together we can create an amazing community. Thank you USAT for having me on board this journey!

Looking for a training plan to follow for your upcoming Women's Series Race? 💪

Coach Sami, a USA Triathlon Level III Certified Coach, has created an eight-week training plan to help athletes finish an Olympic-distance triathlon ⤵️

🖇️ https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Triathlon/Events/-/media/70403CEEA1514F188D6AA6275D4276EA.ashx


What is mettle? a person's ability to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way. Briana and I began working together last year and she did her first tri in 2022! Look at her now. A Rockstar Swimmer, Winning first AG, heading to USAT Nationals, but most importantly working hard, staying consistent and having a strong mental approach. Doing it all with a smile! Onward and Upward Briana. Big things to come in 2023.

Why Fusion Endurance

Fusion Endurance was started as a vision of creating a coaching company built upon communication and collaboration with the athlete. With a love of the endurance community, we are here for athletes of all levels from beginner to advanced. Whether your dream is qualifying for the World Championships in Kona, Qualifying and racing the Boston Marathon, racing your way to a strong personal best, or focusing on regaining your strength and endurance, we have the education and knowledge to help guide you along the way.

Videos (show all)

It starts with a vision, a dream, a goal.  Then we add hard work, a strong belief system, running friends and an amazing...
Welcome to our new Rockstars taking on 2023 challenges.   We can't wait to see what the year brings!  Collaboration, dre...
2022 has been a year and having the privilege to coach so many amazing athletes has been my gift.  This is only a small ...
Fusion Endurance's youngest individually coached athlete shares some pretty perfect words of wisdom.  Connor displays tr...
Celebrate the wins!   Our theme this is week is small consistent wins!   With a 30 min PR, Emma Quinn is Boston Bound.  ...
Athlete Spotlight
A Double Dipping Day!
Happy Birthday Coach Brandon.
Fusion Endurance welcomes Coach Harrison Brown to the team!   This weekend he is an athlete as he takes on the Oak Islan...

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 14:00
Friday 15:00 - 17:30
Sunday 15:00 - 17:30