Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract

Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract, Labor Union, .

We are UFT member-driven community of union proud and union strong paras and other UFT members seeking to fight for a living wage, a fair contract, respect and dignity for New York City Public Schools’ paraprofessionals.


The official results are in… LANDSLIDE!

The Fix Para Pay slate garnered nearly 3/4 of UFT para vote in the 2024 para chapter election.

FPP- 2516
Unity- 892


Mr. Mulgrew, Mr. Barr, and Mayor Adams — Can you hear us now?

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Fix Para Pay Town Halls. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 15/05/2024

MAY 16th 6:30-7:30pm

FIX PARA PAY candidates will be there. They are true unionists with integrity, speak the truth and know what paras need they are paras in the classroom just like you! They get it and know what has to be done.

Bring your concerns, voice what's on your mind about our leaders, you are NOT ALONE.

Share this information with as many paras as you can...TOGETHER AND ONLY TOGETHER we can win this battle once and for all.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Fix Para Pay Town Halls. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Fix Para Pay Town Halls. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.


TWO ADDITIONAL UFT PARA ELECTION TOWNHALL MEETINGS! Join the fight for a living wage for NYC paras.


- Tomorrow, Thursday, May 16 at 6:30 PM
- Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 PM

Spread the word to all your para peeps…

✅ meet the candidates
✅ learn more about our priorities & the voting process
✅ bring your questions and voice your concerns.

To learn more, go to:

Photos from UFT Queens's post 13/05/2024

This is for *school chapter* elections. This is different from the citywide UFT paraprofessional chapter election.

Please consider running for the para representative position in your school.

Be an advocate for para rights and fighting for a living wage, better work conditions, and a fair contract.


How 832 NYC PARAS answered …

Question 2: Do you think the union should commit to raising para pay to a living wage?

99% said: YES!

This is a message to our union leadership that nearly the entire NYC para workforce feels that the union leadership hasn’t achieved securing a LIVING WAGE for NYC paras.

Despite claims that the para chapter leadership and others on the para contract negotiating subcommittee brought it up in contract discussions, NYC paras know they have NOT DELIVERED.

Truth is, those on the para subcommittee report being told they could not discuss wages or healthcare in their talks. That it would be handled elsewhere.

When a March 2024 resolution that called for a robust, comprehensive collective bargaining plan to achieve a LIVING WAGE be developed for our next round of talks in 2027 was introduced, the current leadership voted this language down. They are, undoubtedly, the 1%.

Rather, the current leadership spoke of paras being given a handbook, $60 in reimbursements for school supplies and things being better than in other places, instead.

No more empty words and promises. No more playing their caucus politics. It's time to replace the current leadership that HAS NOT DELIVERED, time and time again.

VOTE FOR THE FIX PARA PAY SLATE in the para chapter election.

✅ Learn more and join the fight at:

✅ Sign the petition for a living wage:

✅ Complete the survey for a living wage:

✅ Share this flyer with your colleagues:

Mail-in ballots for the 2024 citywide UFT paraprofessional chapter elections will be mailed out on May 9th.

When you receive your mail-in ballot, mark your vote for the FIX PARA PAY SLATE with an 'X'.

Then, mail it back to the address provided, ASAP. Ballots must be received no later than Thursday, June 13 at 5 PM.

If you are having issues getting a ballot, contact us immediately at [email protected]


The mid-survey results are in … and, of course, it’s time to FIX PARA PAY!

In the coming days, will be sharing the results of our Fix Para Pay survey, thus far.

No surprises with the answers to our first question. Overwhelmingly, NYC paras don’t believe they are remotely being paid a fair LIVING WAGE.

Over 96% said they are not currently being paid a fair living wage!

Paras are grossly underpaid in NYC and deserve a living wage. Entry level paras are only making about $18.50 an hour. According to the MIT living wage calculator, a single person with no children should be making $33 a hour.

Too many of our paras are forced to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet for themselves and families. This issue alone is at the root as to why there are so many para vacancies and thousands of students with IEP in New York City schools are not being serviced because of shortages.

We must organize and mobilize to fight for a living wage for paras.

No more empty words and promises. No more playing their caucus politics. It's time to replace the current leadership that HAS NOT DELIVERED, time and time again.

✅ Learn more and join the fight at:

✅ Sign the petition for a living wage:

✅ Complete the survey for a living wage:

✅ Share this flyer with your colleagues:

Mail-in ballots for the 2024 citywide UFT paraprofessional chapter elections will be mailed out on May 9th.

When you receive your mail-in ballot, mark your vote for the FIX PARA PAY SLATE with an 'X'.

Then, mail it back to the address provided, ASAP. Ballots must be received no later than Thursday, June 13 at 5 PM.

If you are having issues getting a ballot, contact us immediately at [email protected]


It’s time to FIX PARA PAY! NYC paraprofessionals need a living wage, a fair contract and respect!

The last contract didn’t cover the cost of living increases paras and other educators need to survive in NYC.

Lip service about needing better pay, luncheons, certificate awards are nice BUT doesn’t pay the rent, bills and other skyrocketing costs.

No more empty words and promises. It's time to replace the current leadership that HAS NOT DELIVERED, time and time again.

✅ Learn more and join the fight at:

✅ Sign the petition for a living wage:

✅ Sign the survey for a living wage:

✅ Share this flyer with your colleagues:

Mail-in ballots for the 2024 citywide UFT paraprofessional chapter elections will be mailed out on May 9th. When you receive your mail-in ballot, mark your vote for the FIX PARA SLATE with an ‘X’. Then, mail it back to the address provided, ASAP. Ballots must be received no later than Thursday, June 13 at 5 PM.

If you are having issues getting a ballot, contact us immediately at [email protected]


Strengthening TRS: Our Pension System - Virtual Town Hall, Thursday, 5/2 at 5:30 PM

RSVP here:

✅ Did you know for the first time in over 30 plus years there will be an election on May 8th at your school to vote for Teacher-Member TRS trustee?

✅ Both candidates were invited to take part in this forum. You deserve to hear from both, Christina McGrath and Ben Morgenroth. Bring your questions.

✅ Vote for Ben on May 8! He’s the only candidate with financial and investment expertise and experience. He answers to you, not the political machine.

✅ Help spread the word to your UFT and CUNY colleagues and friends!

Strengthening TRS: Our Pension System - Virtual Town Hall, Thursday, 5/2 at 5:30 PM

RSVP here:

✅ Did you know for the first time in over 30 plus years there will be an election for Teacher-Member TRS trustee? And that it will take place at your school on May 8th?

✅ Both candidates were invited to take part in this forum. You deserve to hear from both, Christina McGrath and Ben Morgenroth. Bring your questions.

✅ Vote for Ben on May 8! He’s the only candidate with financial and investment expertise and experience. He answers to you, not the political machine.

✅ Help spread the word to your UFT and CUNY colleagues and friends!


Another day, another important information you need to know about BEN. The more you read, the more you know…the more you read the more you realize what you didn’t know!!! ITS YOUR MONEY…PAY ATTENTION
UFT Queens
District 75 UFT
Paraprofessionals for a Livable Income
UFT Paraprofessional Chapter
UFT Middle Schools Division
UFT - United Federation of Teachers
UFT Staten Island Borough Office
Vote No on the UFT Contract
UFT District 25/26 Paraprofessionals
UFT - Speech Improvement Chapter
Uft Brooklyn Borough Office
Uft Bronx Office
UFT District 25
Uft Disaster Relief Fund
UFT Solidarity


Join us in the Boogey Down Bronx! Meet the Fix Para Pay candidates.


Thursday, May 2, 2024
American Legion Hall
2151 Newbold Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462
4-6 pm
Free entrance!
*** Food will be served ****

Bring a UFT friend/colleague


Mulgrew, and his proxies that he wants to place in charge of our para chapter, keep spreading more misinformation.

Despite claiming that over 60 paras were represented on the last contract negotiations (down from their first claim of 70) and that they aired their concerns for a living wage for paras, the truth is very different.

❌ Those paras in the paraprofessional subcommittee tell us that much, much fewer attended the meetings.

❌ Paras at these meetings were specifically told that they should not bring up wages or healthcare at the negotiation table since those items were being discussed ELSEWHERE.

❌ Mulgrew and his leadership caucus did not deliver a living wage or make any significant changes to the pay structure for paras exclusively in the last contract.

❌ They didn’t even use the words: LIVING WAGE in regards to paras at the last contract negotiation.

We need chapter leadership that will prioritize fixing para pay ONCE AND FOR ALL. That will fight for us.

✅ Vote for change. Vote for the Fix Para Pay slate in the upcoming para chapter elections.

To learn more, go to:


Yes, I was one of the paras on the contract negotiation team. What they are putting out DID NOT happen. Its time to stop this insanity

Paraprofessionals for a Livable Income
UFT Paraprofessional Chapter
UFT Queens
District 75 UFT

Photos from Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract's post 23/04/2024

When you run for office you should know someone’s going to FACT CHECK you.

Paras, this should have you shaking your head and asking how did this leadership even get in office in the first place…oh yeah, they were hand picked 😡…but it should be telling you to VOTE for the FIX PARA PAY slate!

Paraprofessionals for a Livable Income
District 75 UFT
UFT Middle Schools Division
UFT Paraprofessional Chapter
UFT Queens
New Action-UFT Caucus



It’s time to FIX PARA PAY! NYC paraprofessionals need a living wage, a fair contract and respect!

The last contract didn’t cover the cost of living increases paras and other educators need to survive in NYC.

Lip service about needing better pay, luncheons, certificate awards are nice BUT doesn’t pay the rent, bills and other skyrocketing costs!

No more empty words and promises. It's time to replace the current leadership that HAS NOT DELIVERED, time and time again.

✅ Learn more and join the fight at:
✅ Sign the petition for a living wage:
✅ Sign the survey for a living wage:
✅ Share this flyer with your colleagues:

Mail-in ballots for the 2024 citywide UFT paraprofessional chapter elections will be mailed out on May 9th. When you receive your mail-in ballot, mark your vote for the FIX PARA SLATE with an ‘X’. Then, mail it back to the address provided, ASAP. Ballots must be received no later than Thursday, June 13 at 5 PM.

If you are having issues getting a ballot, contact us immediately at [email protected]



NYC Summer Rising Each year all Summer Rising applicants must re-register as a new user. Even if you have registered in prior years or BEFORE April 20, 2023, you must register again as a New User. Click the Register link from the left hand menu to begin the application process. If you have already created a username....


It’s time NYC paras get paid a living wage!

✅ Vote FIX PARA PAY slate in the upcoming RTC election.

They are organizing the fight for a living wage!

🗳️ Ballots will be mailed out on May 10th.

Mark an ❌ in the FIX PARA PAY SLATE box only on page 1.

📪 You must mail back your ballot by June 13th.

To learn more, go to:

Photos from Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract's post 12/04/2024

Such a PROUD moment handing in my team’s petitions to get on the PARAPROFESSIONAL CHAPTER BALLOT at 52 Broadway with Teri Belmonte D'Ambrosio. Once our petitions are validated I will announce our team! At this time I can tell you the support we received across all the boroughs is VERY encouraging!! It’s time to FIX PARA PAY and more. STAY TUNED 😎🙏🏻😉


The rally cry from the UFT rank and file to FIX PARA PAY continues to grow and is shaking the earth!

The para shortage crisis is REAL! Even as some think the hemorrhaging can be solved by employee handbooks, parties and empty promises.

That’s just not cutting it. The pay and benefits are no longer competitive. Especially as our healthcare and pension benefits also diminish.

Most NYC paras are now forced to work two jobs to keep up with the costs of living in the NYC area.

Many are walking away from the profession altogether within a handful of years. The attrition and turnover rates are leading to unknown hundreds of vacancies citywide. Even when schools finally staff the vacancies, with little help from central, several months pass into the school year while our students with disabilities go unserviced. Only to see many more leave at the end of the school year. Creating a crippling spiral.

Worst of all … more and more of our students go unserved or underserved for their mandated services, without a full time, qualified paraprofessional.

Despite this, the City, DOE, Mulgrew and his patronage bureaucrats continue to work in partnership to provide very little to fix the crisis.

The current system has created an incentive for many new paras to remain as substitutes, as they make more per diem than the full time entry level paras. With NYS raising its minimum wage a few years ago, some no longer see a compelling reason to stay and decide to find work with big corporate employers.

It’s time to ACT! It’s time to demand change. Make this a viable and sustainable career once more! We need a LIVING WAGE, not just a “career ladder”.

You can take action now by:

✅ Voting for the FIX PARA PAY slate in the citywide UFT para chapter elections, next month.

✅ Signing the FIX PARA PAY petition at

✅ Completing the FIX PARA PAY survey at

✅ Joining the fight for a LIVING WAGE AND FAIR CONTRACT at

WA schools nearing paraeducator ‘labor crisis.’ What lawmakers, Inslee are proposing 12/04/2024

Washington State looking to raise para pay to at least $29 an hour to deal with their para shortage crisis.

We need the City and UFT to take notice.

WA schools nearing paraeducator ‘labor crisis.’ What lawmakers, Inslee are proposing “It’s catastrophic for a lot of people, frankly.”

Photos from Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract's post 10/04/2024
Photos from Fix Para Pay: UFT Paras For A Fair Contract's post 09/04/2024

🚨 How many NYC public schools
para vacancies are there in our schools?

The DOE has refused to share the real numbers with the UFT, advocates and stakeholders.

Hundreds of students are not receiving their mandated services w/o full-time qualified paras!

Now as the results of the FIX PARA PAY survey begin to come in… well over 56% of active paras (500+ polled thus far) are saying that their ***current pay is a MAJOR reason** why they are planning to likely leave the profession within 1-3 years!

Unofficial results show close to 95% believe they are not earning a LIVING WAGE. Nearly 99% of UFT respondents believe the UFT must now commit to fight for a LIVING WAGE for paras.

The shortages are untenable and unsustainable. We must make being a paraprofessional a viable, pedagogical CAREER path.


Take the survey at:

And we must unite to speak up and fight.


2024….history in the making!!

Videos (show all)

It’s time to FIX PARA PAY! NYC paraprofessionals need a living wage, a fair contract and respect!The last contract didn’...
Fix Para Pay Launch