Inner Revolution

Inner Revolution

Inner Revolution is a space to deepen your authentic self and explore your life purpose.

You will be guided as you connect with your whole being: body, mind, soul and spirit.

A Daoist Approach to Leadership 19/06/2024

What makes an effective leader? In western societies, it is becoming more common to seek leaders with authoritarian leadership styles accompanied by charismatic and powerful traits. Some leaders adopt the role of master or teacher, imparting their knowledge onto others, knowingly or unknowingly creating an unspoken declaration, “I have the answers. Allow me to explain”. At the most extreme, some can raise themselves to godlike or messiah status....

A Daoist Approach to Leadership What makes an effective leader? In western societies, it is becoming more common to seek leaders with authoritarian leadership styles accompanied by charismatic and powerful traits. Some leaders ad…

19/06/2024 11/02/2024

My website is now LIVE!! Check out: Christina Bame, LCSW, RYT

You are Stardust 10/02/2024

Everything is connected. We are all stardust…Our atoms and molecules…our entire being is the STARS. We started together and we will return together. At the moment of the Divine Bang, we broke off from the divine oneness. We are finding our way back. We feel we are an individual ego. We are the all. We came from the same source and we will return to the same source. The original divine spark that created all things and all of the universe. We can ignite this spark within us here and now.

You are Stardust Everything is connected. We are all stardust…Our atoms and molecules…our entire being is the STARS. We started together and we will return together. At the moment of the Divine Bang, we broke off f…