Minda's Golden Touch
Minda has been helping transform lives for over 20 years now. She is the author of the book, Wellness Now: Ancient Cures to Modern Syndromes.
A thank you hug from Uncle Sam after taking time for a relaxing chair massage at the Federal Employees Appreciation Week held at the Mall in Washington DC.
Uncle Sam take time for self care, do you?
Yes, you can freeze avocado 🥑
This was frozen 6 months ago.
Now I know how to have avocado all year round.
Did you know that chamomile tea, chrysanthemum tea and sunflower seeds are members of the ragweed family?
If you are allergic to ragweed, you very well can be allergic to them.
The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest patients in the care of the human frame in diet and the cause and prevention of disease .
Thomas Edison
Nail fungus ?
Honey applied topically will kill fungus
Sweating is a natural mechanism to eliminate toxins to purify the body.
Something to think about…
🌈 Along the journey through life one
will have to detour to avoid the potholes
Beware of cross reactions between latex, chestnut, banana, avocado, and kiwi fruit.
A cross reaction is due to a shared enzyme called CHITINASE that protect plants against pests and insects.
People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will NEVER forget
how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
3 small sardines with their edible bones can supply 370 mg of calcium - that’s more than a cup of milk.
Despite my best efforts to strengthen and build a strong immune system somehow a pathogen was able to sneak in past those defenses. For the first time in 30 years I'm experiencing flu like symptoms. I got the scare of my life but I was determined that my body and mind were strong enough to re-balance itself.
So, at the start of the symptoms I did the home made homeopathic formula - a diluted 10 X saliva. The saliva contains the pathogens that is causing the symptoms.
Then I proceeded to sweat it out of my body by going in the far infrared sauna, hopped into a hot bath then buried myself under several layers of blankets.
After several hours I treated myself with the Ondamed biofeedback machine with the protocol for the current viral infection.
By the time I did 4 sessions I started to feel the symptoms drift away. A good night sleep helped.
The body possesses the innate ability to heal itself.
The next day I was strong enough to go to the hospital to get an Xray and MRI for the pain in my shoulder that I sustained falling off the tailgate of a truck.
You’ve heard it before …
… here it is again
Brush your teeth after sucking on hard candies since they dissolve slowly and surround the teeth with sugar.
By the way, raisins, which are sticky, can cause more cavities than chocolate.
Water is the anti-aging liquid that keeps the skin healthy, resilient and wrinkle resistant.
ACKNOWLEDGE your hurtful memories
Then DELETE them.
Kidney Disease increases with age or could be a genetic inheritance ... this article may help awareness of kidney care ...
Alpha Lipoic Acid - A Star Nutrient in CKD! - Kidney Coach Alpha lipoic acid also protects the kidneys against acute kidney injury by eliminating free radicals, improving glomerular function, reducing renal inflammation and improving blood flow to the kidneys. It has also been shown to offer protection from chemotherapy induced kidney damage.
💕 Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. - Doug Larson