SMYLEAN is a revolutionary all-in-one weight management tailored to your needs.
It's a special system that perfectly combines 4 essential elements of weight management: nutrition, supplements, sports & mental support.
Für einen gesunden Körper spielt Wasser eine entscheidende Rolle.
Mangelt es an dem kühlen Nass, treten schnell Schlappheit und Konzentrationsprobleme auf.
Wasser kann aber noch mehr - es unterstützt das Abnehmen und regt den Stoffwechsel an. Dank der enthaltenen Mineralien ist es zudem für alle wichtig, die sich gern bewegen und ihren Mineralienhaushalt auffüllen wollen.
Dass Softdrinks wie Cola und Limonade jede Menge Zucker enthalten, weiß jeder. Aber aufgepasst: Auch gesunde Durstlöscher sind oft richtige Dickmacher.
***432 Hertz die Zauberfrequenz***
Unser Körper und unsere Zellen schwingen auf den Grundton von 432 Hertz!
~...aber wussten sie das Songs von Whitney Houston, Adele, Verdi oder John Lennon auch den Grundton von 432 Hertz haben, genauso wie Tibetische Klangschalen oder das Sonar der Delphine!
Die 432 Hertz bringen somit unseren Körper in Harmonie und lässt in besser heilen, regenerieren und vieles mehr.
Weitere Interessante Effekte zu den Fequenzen auf unsere Bewusdtein und unsere Gesundheit hier:
Menschen werden im ländlichen Raum immer dicker!?
Neue Studie mit 112 Millionen Daten zeigt, dass nicht im urbanen Raum, sondern im ländlichen Raum die Fettleibigkeit vermehrt zu einen Problem wird!🙈
Nur Gemüse aber viel Eiweiß... geht das?
Dass Eiweiß wichtig ist, wenn Du schlank werden und Muskeln aufbauen willst, weißt du sicher schon. Suchst du allerdings Gemüse mit viel Eiweiß, gestaltet sich die Suche etwas schwieriger aber es gibt sie tatsächlich.... eiweißreiches Gemüse!
Wichtig hierbei, unterschätze niemals unser eiweißreiches Gemüse! ☝️😉
Beispiele hier für sind: Kidneybohnen, Sojabohnen, Linsen, grüne Erbsen, Rosenkohl, Grünkohl, Gartenkresse oder auch Brokkoli.
Many of us love the idea of a diverse, colorful salad because it is visually appealing. ...But beyond creating a vibrant plate, did you know varying your colors is good for your health?
Did you know that?☻
Here the full article by Shabir Daya:
Special WATER Detox TIP!!
Here you can check out 4 different ways how to easily make a healthy drink with different effects and nearly zero calories.
The Green Machine! 😎💚
Amazing new study!!👨⚕️👩⚕️
More than 40 push-ups and you have 96% less risk of cardiovascular problems.💪
More than 10 push-ups and you have 64% less risk of cardiovascular problems 🙂
Less than 10 push-ups: you are in bad shape. You need to improve! 😔
Full article:👌
Frohe Ostern!🥚🥚
Wir wünschen euch Frohe Ostern und ein freudiges Eiersuchen! Die allerbesten Ostergrüße von eurem SMYLEAN-Team!💪
Fruites and and vegetables contain some of the most vital nutrients for our health.
A recently published WHO (World Health Orgsnization) report recommends a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables per day (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) for the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, as well as for the prevention and alleviation of several micronutrient deficiencies.
Moreover, insufficient intake of fruit and vegetables is estimated to cause around 14% of gastrointestinal cancer deaths, about 11% of ischaemic heart disease deaths and about 9% of stroke deaths.
Dried fruits vs. fresh fruits!!
Both are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, drying the fruit concentrates many of the nutrients as well as the calories.
The drying process may also cause fruit to lose some of the more volatile nutrients, such as vitamin C.
So to sum up, please be more careful with portion sizes, so you don't overdo it on calories (it's sometimes more then double)!
Please also take a look at the ingredients list of your dried fruit. Unlike fresh fruit, the dried versions may contain more than the fruit listed on the front of the package.
For example pineapple, mango and papaya often contain added sugar or some additives, such as sulfur, which is used to retain color in apricots.
So take care what you eat guys! It cost you just a few seconds to check the ingredients list!
Wenn unsere Darmflora aus dem Gleichgewicht gerät, hat das nicht nur Auswirkungen auf unsere Verdauung und unseren Darm.
Im Gegenteil, bereits mehrere Studien konnten beweisen, dass eine unvorteilhafte Veränderung der Darmflora zur Entstehung von chronischen und degenerativen Krankheiten beitragen und die Immunabwehr unseres Körpers schwächen kann.
->Hier siehst du 6 "Dinge" die deinen Darm zeströren können.
Of course weight management is healthy, BUT NOT if you take it to the extreme!🧐
Just be mindful of what you eat, substitute some healthier foods as a first step and don't let the scale determine your mood.
is giving us some tips and tricks about our nutrition roller coaster!🤓☝️
Winning Wednesday!💪💪
The real way to win the week is to make progress towards your goals, step by step. Wednesday is now your new follow up day, you will see a drastic change in a short period of time.
-Self-confidence will increase.
-Faith in your skills and abilities will increase.
-Clarity of purpose will increase.
-You will start creating your future.
-You will start becoming who you were destined to be!
Believe in yourself!
Hello Smyleaners!
We talked already about our 80/20 rule, which is one of the easiest ways to reach and maintain a lean body.
The simple plan requires that you eat a clean diet 80% of the time and then allow for a few more “fun foods” 20% of the time!
So ENJOY the WEEKEND and a little bit of fun food! 😉😎
Please try this Southwestern Taco Salad!!🥑🥒🌶🥬🥦🍄
for 1 serving
• ½ avocado
• ½ cup cilantro, chopped(25 g)
• 1 tablespoon lime juice
• ½ cup low-fat greek yogurt, plain (140 g)
• ⅓ cup water (80 mL)
• ½ teaspoon salt
• ½ tablespoon garlic
• ½ tablespoon cumin
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 chicken breast, diced
• ½ packet taco seasoning
• 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped
• 1 cup cheddar jack (100 g)
• 1 cup black beans (170 g)
• 1 avocado, diced
• 1 cup corn (175 g)
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved (175 g)
• 1 cup tortilla strips (25 g)
1. To make the avocado cilantro lime salad dressing, combine all the ingredients for the dressing (avocado, cilantro, lime juice, greek yogurt, water, salt, garlic, and cumin) in a blender or food processor until smooth. Set aside.
2. Pour 1 tbsp of oil into a pan and bring up to medium heat. Add the diced chicken breast and taco seasoning, stirring until all pieces are well-coated with the seasoning. Cook through and set aside.
3. Assemble your salad with a bed of chopped romaine lettuce on the bottom. Then, lay out each topping (chicken, cheddar jack cheese, black beans, avocado, corn, cherry tomatoes, and tortilla strips) in rows or blend it all together.
4. Top off with the avocado salad dressing and cilantro then serve immediately.
5. Enjoy! 👨🍳👩🍳👨🌾👩🌾
Recipe from
Everyday we are doing multiple tasks and a lot of different activities, but many of us forget one important thing: TO DRINK ENOUGH WATER! 🚰
Please try to answer this questions, if you are able to... if not check out the full article from Kris Grunnars, link below ⬇️:
1.)How much water should you drink per day?
2.) Does water intake affects the energy levels or brain functions?
3.) Does drinking a lot of water helps you to lose weight?
4.) Does more water help prevent health problems?
5.) Do you trust your thirst- It's there for a reason
6.) How much water is the best?
Full article written by Kris Grunnars: link below ⬇️
Getting on a diet is hard, but eating is easy?!? Do you think the same?!
That means the easiest way to drop pounds and get in shape is to do exactly what you’re already doing: EAT... but eat smart and healthy!
Just make sure you’re getting in the right foods. Above, we show which nutrients deserve a place in your daily meals.
Are you also one of persons who believe that if you eat carbs after a certain time at night, usually after 8 or 9pm 🕑, it's all going to be stored as fat??
This is NOT true. Calories in food does not change after a certain time.
390 calories of a bar of chocolate are 390 calories no matter the time of the day!!!
Eating carbs at night will not make you fat, unless you constantly end up eating too much (too many calories).🥙🌯🌮🥪🌭🍕🥪🌮🌯🥙🍔🍟🍟🍔🥓🥩🍗🍖🧀🥞🥯
The 80/20 rule or also known as the "pareto principle" is in general one of the most helpful concepts for life and time management.
This rule suggests that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results. .
That's a great principle for time management, but it's not applicable with a healthy lifestyle.
The 80/20 rule here is a good start into a healthy lifestyle. As a first step you start to eat 80% of the week healthy and then 20% you are allowed to cheat. Immediately you will feel a difference.🥦🥬🥒🌽🍉🍆🥔🥑
We are still in our fasting periode and we all know that fasting help you to lose weight, but there are other benefits that come with it!
Check out the full article from the breeze:
50€ Fasting period discount code: SMYLEANfasting2019
"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." 🕕
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are 10 science-based ways to be happier 😊 from Belle Beth Cooper, check out our graphic and read the full article below!
Full article by Jeff Haden:
Did you know that for the Christinas the fasting period is a preparation for Easter 🐇, involving fasting and penitence. In the Catholic Church the fasting period runs until the Thursday before Easter (Holy Thursday).
So it's fasting time now!!! 🆕️ Use your code "SMYLEANfasting2019" for a 50€ discount on your Smylean Fasting Package.🔝
Happy Woman's Day!
Oscar Wild said once: "women are made to be love, not understood."
In 1942, Lindlahr published "You Are What You Eat: how to win and keep health with diet."
Food can have different positive side effects on your body, here some great examples!
The legendary Brazilian is the only man in history to win three World Cups!
You want to speed up your weight loss for 2019?
Remember one rule: "It’s not just about reducing your food intake, or cutting things out of your diet. It's actually all about what you can add to your diet to help you lose the extra kilos."
Here are 11 foods you can eat, that will actually help you to lose weight.
Here the full article:
Published: February 24, 2019
Yousra Zaki
The system once used by professional athletes is now available to YOU!
The system once used by professional athletes is now available: SMYLEAN is a revolutionary all-in-one weight management program tailored to your needs. It targets all the essential elements of weight reduction: nutrition, supplements, sports & mental support. 100% natural supplements and cutting-edge app create a unique system that gives fast and lasting results with recipes and exercises customized to you.
100% natural supplements and cutting edge app create a unique system that gives fast and lasting results with recipes and exercises customized to you.