Michigan Rising- Wayne County

Michigan Rising- Wayne County

Official page of the Wayne County Team for Michigan Rising. Check us out at www.michiganrising.org.

Postcard Promotion Kit 12/07/2024

Here's an idea for those that want to help Biden get elected, but don't like making phone calls or door-knocking.
I signed up and got the cards quickly along with the mailing lists and suggested messages. Stamps ran around $100 for 200 postcards.
I've completed 50 cards so far. It takes about an hour or so to do 25 cards. I have until October to complete this set.
The people on the list are past voters, but may not be consistent voters. The goal is to get these folks out to vote.

Postcard Promotion Kit Postcard Promotion Kit We need your help to spread the word so that we can reach our goal of sending 26 million postcards to rally Democrats to vote this fall. These resources are designed to make it easy for you to tell others about our program via email, social media, or with printable flyers...

Postcards to Swing States - Progressive Turnout Project 09/06/2024

We can help stop Trump and save democracy by writing postcards to millions of Democratic leaning voters. This group sends FREE postcards - you provide the stamps. See www.turnoutpac.org/postcards for details and to sign up.

Postage for 200 cards is a little over $100. They provide the cards, the message to write and the mailing list for left-leaning voters who do not always vote. Swing voters and these voters are important to get out to vote. The cards will not need to be sent out until October, so if you start now, you only have to fill out about two cards a day! Easy! A link to data supporting this strategy is at the link.

Postcards to Swing States - Progressive Turnout Project Voters who receive handwritten postcards are significantly more likely to vote. We proved it in 2020.