Jackson Cyprian

Jackson Cyprian

Founder @elitescontent. Obsessed Content Specialist, inspiring entepreneurs to appreciate life and win BIGGER. It’s ok to get stuck. Its ok to make mistakes.

All these make you a human being. To grow, you need to first appreciate where you are.


This message could only be for just one person and that person might be you.

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Photos from Jackson Cyprian's post 27/06/2024

It’s my birthday, and I am 99.9% grateful because even though I’m not yet where I want to be, I am no longer where I used to be.

Thank God for sparing the life of this imperfect guy called Jackson! 🕺🤗

A big thank you to YOU that have been supporting me. And a sincere apology to anyone I may have annoyed. Remember, I am only a work in progress. 😊

Happy birthday to Jack, son of Cyprian! 🌺


The seventh point speaks directly to me. It made me remember what I told a cousin some years ago while we were shopping. He was so keen on buying flashy things to show off and was on me to do the same.

Here’s what I said— ‘the idea is to be rich, not just to look rich.’

He was amazed and stared at me for some time haha. I’m sure you get the point. 😊

Which one resonates with you the most?

Photos from Jackson Cyprian's post 19/06/2024

What an incredibly insightful book by Gavin Oattes!

The title is truly one of the most amazing I’ve encountered this year: ‘Life Will See You Now: Quit Waiting for the Light at the End of the Tunnel and Light That Fu**er Up for Yourself.’

Ah! What are your thoughts on that title? 😊

I thought it would be nice to share a few tips I’ve come across so far, and I hope you find them insightful too.

Have you come across any book title that you admire? Drop it in the comment section 🙌


The third point resonates deeply with me as it guides me through this challenging world filled with negativity.

Remember, negativity lurks everywhere— at home, at work, and beyond. For your peace and sanity, tune out the noise and concentrate on what truly matters.

Let me know which specific tip resonates with you the most!


The 4th point resonates with me more. It reminds me that overthinking could be a dream killer.

My message for you today is —- stop thinking too much about what you want to do and just do it anyways!

Tap your FOLLOW button, let's grow together!

Photos from Jackson Cyprian's post 06/06/2024

I never thought of this life-changing sketch until I met what Jeff shared in his book.

It's called life structure. Wish this helps you understand your life in a different perspective and take charge.

Let's grow together!


I like the first one more. It reminds me the essence of positive affirmation. When I wake up in the morning, I’ll just recite something beautiful in my mind.

Then, I’ll smile and start the rest of my day. I don’t need to wait for anyone to do that for me.

How about you?

Please feel free to share which phrase resonates with you more!

Photos from Jackson Cyprian's post 27/05/2024

Jeff is really making this month fun for me with his book— ‘Coach Your Own Life.’

Even though I won’t finish reading it this month, it’s exciting to share some nuggets with you to learn from as well.

Let’s grow together!


I was thinking about this some weeks ago and not too long, I saw it shared by Simon Alexander Ong.

The better you differentiate these two words, the easier it is to understand your steps in your personal growth.

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There’re billions of people moving around the earth on a daily basis. It's on you to choose which you will let in.

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This cuts across different angles of life.

Tap your Like button if you found it insightful!


Hey guys! One of the things that made my holiday last week was diving into 'Zero To One' by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters. 😊

I was captivated by the wealth of knowledge shared by Peter, co-founder of PayPal.

Here are some key takeaways so far:

1. Identify your proprietary technology—a unique
advantage that's hard for others to replicate.

2. Start small, but aim to scale quickly.

3. Moving first is a tactic, not a goal. Focus on gaining and sustaining the first-mover advantage because someone else is coming for you.

4. Success in business is no accident—it's the result of careful planning and ex*****on.

5. Planning is often underestimated, yet it's crucial for success.

Tap your like button if you found these insightful and let me know if you need more updates!


Hey Jackson, what do you do sometimes when you feel exhausted and stressed? Good question—I give myself a hug.

Yes, it's that simple but it's very effective.

Sometimes, our stress comes from what we think people think.

My message for you this weekend is to give yourself a hug. Rest and relax.

Because— Most people who think you are lazy or aren’t doing enough don’t know how many mountains you have climbed and come down.

Give yourself a hug!


I almost forgot to keep you updated on this. I genuinely want you reading this to grow personally. Do amazing things, kickstart whatever you wish to start and grow beyond the height you have always wished to be.

So- one of the books I am reading this month is “Confronting Shame: How to Understand Your Shame and Gain Inner Freedom” by Ilse Sand. It’s been very impactful so far.

Here’s one of the interesting quotes I came across today:

“Shame is an obstacle to the free flow of conversation, and it can make you stiffen like a river that suddenly freezes into ice.” by Ilse Sand

What I have learnt so far is- ”if you want to grow, you have to let go of that thing that makes you feel ashamed.

Let it go and move on. Shame doesn’t help but hides your inner ability from making manifest.

Tap your like button if you find this insightful.


I value my future more than my past but my past is as important as my future.

You know why?

Because my past gave my future the beautiful colour that I admire today.

Wishing you an amazing weekend!


Here comes the first fresh sunlight I've ever seen in 2024. 😆

I took a long walk on Saturday to enjoy it. I guess this is my first selfie for the year and thought it nice to share with you haha.

The first quarter of 2024 is gone. I am not going to beat myself up for not having achieved much.

Please don't as well if you feel you haven't achieved much so far.

Wishing you all the best.

Let's spread positivity, not fears!

Photos from Jackson Cyprian's post 14/11/2023

The biggest tech project that crossed my path in 2023 is TransformBase.

It was exhilarating to engage with global business and tech experts about harnessing the power of emerging technologies.

Had fantastic conversations and formed connections with an audience that was incredibly enthusiastic about transformative technology.

This is what orchestrating serendipity is all about!

Kudos to the amazing team at EdenBase. We achieved it, and it was a resounding success. I am confident that this remarkable experience will be replicated, and I eagerly anticipate it. 😊🕺

Let's continue to evolve and leverage emerging technologies for a more prosperous world!


This should be one of my most inspiring videos so far.😊

Everyone, especially entrepreneurs, need to learn from Household Brands like Google, Uber and Adobe Inc (Photoshop).

What other lessons have you learnt from household brands?


In 2007, Steve Jobs revolutionise the mobile phone industry with an “Anchor”.

The world is still feeling the effect till date.

So what is an anchor and what can it do for you especially as an entrepreneur?

Find out in this video 😊

Let me know if you found it valuable


I told you that everything is marketing in the previous video but someone didn't believe me.

Could that be you?😄

So I took less than a minute to show you another dimension of my thought.

Tap the LIKE button if you found this valuable

P.S. Feel free to let me know if I confused or convinced you this time 😂


What’s the simplest way to make you see marketing as you should see it?

I did that reflecting on an old piece written by Regis McKenna in 1991 (it sounds old but new).

Glad I did that in less than a minute. Hahah😊

Let me know what you think in the comment section.

Tap the LIKE button if you find it valuable!


Have you ever missed an opportunity as an Entrepreneur or a human being😊?

I have missed loads of opportunities and I can still remember how I felt in most cases.

But remembering stories of great guys like Bill Gates makes me keep calm.

Bill Gates would have missed the opportunity of being one of the richest in the world if he stopped at Traf-O-Data.

Gates and his friends founded Traf-O-Data but it didn't really go well. He learnt from it and later transferred the experience to Microsoft that you know today.

Microsoft is the 3rd largest company in the world by market capitalization in 2023 according to Statista.

The big deal is—- as long as you are business-minded, you have a series of business opportunities looking at you.

The ability to discover them one after the other is what you need.⠀

Importantly, you don't need to feel too bad when you tried out one and it didn't turn out as expected.

Richard Branson simplified it when he said that:

“𝑩𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆’𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈.” ⠀

Even if you think you missed the first, second, third or even tenth one, be positive in following another one.

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Did you know that Instagram was first known and called Burbn?

Is it hard to believe? 😀

Well, read on let me quickly explain.

In 2009, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger founded Burbn as a location-based check-in app and photo posting.

As time went by, they discovered that users were not really using the app as a location check-in app. Instead, they seemed to be using the photo sharing feature.

Kevin and Mike continued to make tweaks to suit users’ needs. It got better on a daily basis and was renamed to Instagram.

After 3 years of hard work, Burbn, (known as Instagram), was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion.

Now Instagram gave birth to that hit over 100M users in few days.

Here are 3 take home lessons for entrepreneurs:

1.Be passionate about your product: Kevin and Mike never got tired of Burbn. They had passion for it.

2.Be customer-focused: As an entrepreneur, focus more on users’ experience and not the money.

3.Never settle for less: The moment they realised Burbn wasn’t really doing well, they became restless and eager to make a great product.

Hit the LIKE Button if you found this inspiring!

P.S. Feel free to drop a comment on other lessons you learnt from this.


I woke up yesterday and saw an update from Facebook (Meta) that they have launched a new social media app called Threads.

As a tech enthusiast, I dived into it, set up my own account ().

Shortly, I realised the app looks almost like Twitter. I saw some posts about Elon Musk feeling twisted, lawsuits, and so on.

I started asking myself- was it why I saw two people fighting in my dream last night?. Haha 😃

The new app hit over 10M users in just 7 hrs and about 30M users in less than 24hrs.

I felt overwhelmed a bit yet I think this brings lots of lessons to entrepreneurs and business-oriented individuals.

Here are 3 lessons to take home:

1.No body is above the market: Twitter has been a king in it's “microblogging” category but, Threads shook its leg like a mighty wind.

2. Attention is the new gold in business: if you can get customers’ attention you can easily get other things from them.

3. Your competitors are not sleeping: Twitter never saw another look alike but here comes it like a dream.

Threads is a “surprising-shock.”

If you are there already, give me a shot. Let's Thread together.🕺

Tap the LIKE button if you found this valuable.

P.S. I'm still in a Thready-Shock! Have you started using the app or not? I'd like to know your thoughts.


Hello Entrepreneur! Do you know about the paradigm shift?

I mean the shift from the usual industrial revolution to what I call the “Generative Revolution (GR).”

GR is simply an era where generative artificial intelligence (AI) is taking rapid dominance across industries.

I chose to call it GR because we are shifting to a state where AI will generate everything we need at work. It’s the prompt machine era.

This revolution gained more momentum after the launch of ChatGPT on 30 November 2022.

There are lots of generative AI that have shaped the world beyond human imagination. For example:

Midjourney——— image anything
Google’s Bard——- writing anything
Jasper ——————writing anything
Soundraw—————sound anything
PlayHT——————voice anything
Wordtune—————write anything
Adobe’s Firefly ———-image anything
Adobe express ———design anything
Heygen———————video anything
DragGAN———proposed to image anything

So many to mention. So many to think about.

So what should you do as an entrepreneur?

You need to join the trend.

Start learning and incorporating at least one of these game-changing tools in your business.

That’s the way to future-proof your brand and stay ahead of your competitors.

Tap the LIKE button if you found this valuable.

P.S. I took this picture during London Tech Week. It could have been generated by AI anyways haha 😆


The choice is yours, you can either choose depression or appreciation.

As 2023 became about 5 months old. I asked myself how many of my goals I have achieved?

It's been a bit funny so far.

But I remembered that my mental health is more important than other goals.

I decided to smile in this photo like this 😅.

Sharing this photo is an achievement too. Haha 😆. Sounds funny, right?

Well in reality, things sometimes don't go as planned. I have learnt not to over beat myself. Instead, I just shift my mind to something positive and remain appreciative.

I’m not anywhere close to perfect but I have my own way of ensuring a positive mental health.

A study by WHO noted that about 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity.

You and I can increase global productivity with a positive mentality.

Whether you are into marketing, tech, entrepreneurship or anything at all, having a positive mental attitude will guarantee you productivity.

Align with your own ways of keeping it cool and also try to help someone when you can.

Tap the like button if you found this valuable.


I have learnt that sometimes all you just need to do is smile at that difficult situation and see how your brain refreshes with a positive energy.

I wish you well


I remember my mum will often tell me, Jackson you talk too much.

Haha that sucks right 😊? I didn’t understand it until later.

Growing up and mingling with people through work, travel, education and life activities, my mum’s statement started making sense.

Sometimes, communication is not about how many words you have said. It’s about how much you paid attention and listened.

When you listen well, you understand well, and you communicate well.

I still apply the principle while working with clients, friends and teammates. It’s a real banana for me.

How about you?

Do you think listening plays a big role in all you do?


How can you be different as an entrepreneur?

If you are stuck with doing what everyone is doing, you will only be like them.

It may sound good to do what others are doing.

WHY—-It’s easy! haha 😊

But, it’s better to do it differently. You’ll stand out!

When you stand out, you have the chance to lead in your own space.

See Apple Inc, see Tesla. They liked it different and they stood out.

To stand out—- Think innovation.

Steve Jobs made it clear when he said:
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

Think of another way to get it done, that’s how innovation comes and that’s how you get a chance to take the lead.

For example, if you are trying to build an online presence for your business, you can spice up your content with a distinct colour and tone.

You can also add new features to the same product your competitors offer. That’s how you have a chance to lead.

Who else agrees?


The question I usually ask myself is— what will make you happy today? The answer is not really what you think.

So let me explain real quick.

After spending some time in this movie zone we call the planet. I mean, a world with so much drama😃.

I realised that your first source of genuine happiness is within. Yes!

So back to the question. What makes me happy each day is what I did today that I couldn’t do yesterday. It may not be huge. It may not make sense to anyone else.

It makes so much sense to me when I see myself knowing or doing something new everyday.

That’s how I maintain my creative energy and enjoy the process as a content specialist. That’s how I move on and enjoy the world too as a human being.

Please feel free to share with me your thoughts!

What really makes you happy each day?

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