Videos by Mommylogy Diary 妈咪记事本. Blog n Vlog wif #TeachMamaNat, a OutSchool Teacher-Mom who shares Education, Food, Places & Living.
Self Testing 1st !#mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy #eo #EssentialOil
Self Testing 1st !#mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy #eo #EssentialOil
Mommylogy #mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy #eo #EssentialOil
~Friday Life Purpose Card MyZen Collection on WhatsApp. Like 👍🏻 Follow ▶️ don’t miss out any updates from us! #crystalhealing #trustedseller #crystal #天然水晶 #水晶 #能量水晶 #水晶能量 #天然草药 #草药疗愈#Herbalism #myzencollection #myzencrystal #fengshui #healthnwealth
I truly appreciate every week’s Family Day together. This is my simple requirement weekly (Alone Family Time) #mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy
~ #MyZenEO [Ovarian Oil] ✴️✴️We will be Giving out 🆓❗️Ovarian Oil to Ladies 👠 in December ❗️ ℹ️💌The ovaries play a crucial role in the reproductive system of women, producing eggs and hormones essential for fertility, menstrual cycles, and overall health. As women age, maintaining ovarian health becomes increasingly important for hormonal balance and general well-being. Essential oils offer benefits for hormonal support when applied topically as ovary oil. incorporating this routine “not only” for the young & beautiful but also beneficial for menopause ladies. 👍🏻, FOLLOW, SHARE 2Get 🆓 products❗️ #wellness #wellbeing #essentialoil #eo #essentialoilpractitioner #eopractitioner #纯精油调配 #personalizedeoblending #纯精油 #私人调配 #myzeneo
~ Cream Product (Non Oily) (Plant Based & Food Grade). Using Pure #EO ➕ (✴️Health History) ➕✴️Formula (Adult / Child / Senior) #mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy #EssentialOil
10/11/23 - Hubby business work at mall. I went shopping ….. walao ….. (Buy 5 Free 1) 4 doggies to my collection, 1 hamster for my car, Free 1 car for my boy! (Rm20) ….. Simple life happiness depends on how you look at Things! 人生简单的快乐至于个人怎么去看待。 比上不足,比下有余。一家人健健康康,快快乐乐,完完整整。我就知足了。 #mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy
~ Spray Product making ~ ~喷雾制作过程 ~ Using Pure #EO 2 blend into individual needs product. 使用纯精油,计算与定制调出各种产品。#mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy #eo #EssentialOil
人生可以很简单,看个人怎么去看待和对待事物!Life can be simple & meaningful depends on how you look at it! Le Maridian Hotel #mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy
Love is just sooo simple! Pet shows you love is as simple as sticking with you. #petlover #mumblogger #parenthood #mommy #bloggermom #mummyblogger #mommyhood #digitalinfluencer #homeschool #montessorimom #mamateachernat #artncraftmom #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #mommylogy
Nurturing other’s SEN child is not that difficult for me, but to Nurturing own SEN child is really a Challenge, it’s my Responsibility as an Educator, but a Duty as a Parent! #MamaTeacherNat #ArtnCraftMom #DerekLSH #SEN #AlfNatLittleFamily #MontessoriMom #HomeSchoolMom #SENEducator #TFHM#EarlyYearsEducator#SpecialNeedMusicTrainer #MommylogyDiary妈咪记事本 #Play2Learn #Learn2Play
Organized item in the house produce Positive Vibes, less stressful and makes you Happy! #MamaTeacherNat #DerekLSH #SEN #CraftMom #MontessoriMom #HomeSchoolingMom #ExNurse #SENEducator #EarlyYearsEducator #SpecialNeedMom #CollectorMom#SpecialNeedMusicTrainer#Mommylogy #MommylogyDiary #妈咪记事本 #Play2Learn #Learn2Play #Learn2Improve #SEN #NicuMom #HomeschoolMom #TFHM #HomeEducator
Have it Once in a Blue Moon! . 烧🦀️ . 一只🦴 。 虾米🦐生肠 。炒芦笋 . 荷叶饭 #妈咪记事本 #MommylogyDiary #foodrecommendation #GoodFood #DineIn #MamaNat
#3 #Organising & #Tidying When we start to have Children, we accumulate more n more toys, day after day, year after year. From full moon, birthday, educational to we who think the toy is Cute! Yes, it's the same to me! My son has many toys too, Excluding the ones I used to teach (Hahahaha). As our child grows up, toys tend to be everywhere in the house ONCE they wake up! Oh yes! Every inch of the house, from room, bed, storeroom, hall even to the kitchen we cook in. Omg, it's a frustrating! When ever u r in a rush, to open the door (Lazada / Shoppee) n u step onto the toys. Ouch ! It hurts! Oh yes! We all been in this shoe. This is what Derek needs to do EVERYTIME before Food, Before Bath and of coz Before ZZZzzzz (including Nap n Night) Means:: total of 4-5 times a day he needs to keep all his toys by himself. How? . At 1st We need to guide and also help him to keep the toys TOGETHER! (YES, 4-5 times a day) . Then slowly, we as parent start to keep the toys slower but keep supporting him by praising him n say he did a good job. . Slowly, we start to ask him to keep the toys by himself, but we r at the side to accompany him . Then slowly we move away. . Lastly, he can independently keep his toys by himself n we get to rest a little. Aim: . He will learn to choose n decide on which toys he really need and want to play. . #Discipline to tidiness. . #Responsibility to the things he had done. (U take it out, you keep it back) . To notice n #understand which kind of toys is his favourite. . Less burden, less work for mommies. ** Please "INVITE" your friends into our Page if you feels that our article is useful ** We welcome mom to be, New mom. #mommylogy #妈咪记事本 #MamaNat #MommylogyDiary