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☓ Sustainability + self love 🍏
☓ Recipes | workouts | mindset

Photos from MYA Fit's post 17/07/2024

Life as of late 🫶🏼 been soaking up every bit of my family lately. These days are passing me by and I don’t want to miss them. Been really feeling the need to slow down lately and I have. So grateful for this season of life that’s busy, crazy and beautiful in every way. I love my people and summer 🤍


Maybe the answer to your problem is to change what your goals and habits are. They may not be ultimately what you wish you could do in this busy season of life, but what are 1-2 things that you CAN stick to no matter what?

We get caught up in this all or nothing mentality and think if we can’t do it the best then we may as well not do it at all. But that’s actually not what gets us to our goals.

Progress is not linear. Read that again.

Some phases of life I can check off all my goals and habits every single day and some I can just do a few. But guess what? I’m still progressing because I’m doing SOMETHING. Not nothing.

Remember that it’s you against you. Nobody is you. So don’t compare to others that are completely different than you 🫶🏼✨🤎

Photos from MYA Fit's post 13/05/2024

When did my little man get so big? 🥹🤎

Life lately has been weird. Busy and unexpected things and sickness and changes and hard moments. Been trying to remind myself of these little things and that this stage is temporary while also trying to soak up every minute I can of this beautiful, messy life. Letting go of the perfection I’ve always held myself to.

Sorry I haven’t been as good at posting my usual content. I feel like I’ve been in survival mode and taking care of me and my family is top priority.

It’s okay to rest, it’s okay to change, give yourself grace 🫶🏼But also work hard when it’s time to work ✨ Which pic resonates with you?

Photos from MYA Fit's post 12/05/2024

Motherhood. My greatest calling in life.

I feel so honored to be this little boy’s mom. There’s been some hard days, but most days are days filled with the greatest joy I’ve ever known.

Baylor, thank you for making me a mama I love you beyond words 🤎

Happy Mother’s day to all you moms whether you have a baby, are praying for one or are a mother figure in someone’s life. We’re all needed and these little humans are so lucky to have you 🫶🏼

Photos from MYA Fit's post 08/05/2024


6 weeks to help strengthen your core, decrease low back pain, improve posture, strengthen pelvic floor, improve balance and stability.

The program is 15% off for 24 hours 💥


Photos from MYA Fit's post 05/05/2024

I’m so passionate about my health and feeling good in a body that doesn’t always want me to. Living with autoimmune diseases can be so hard, I get it. I live through it. I see you 🫶🏼

I know how hard it is to get through the day when you’re completely fatigued, when you have pain, when you have brain fog, when you feel like you’re not accomplishing anything because you’re just trying to survive.

But, I always believe there’s something you can do to change the story you’re in and make it better. This is why I made my program. For women. For women with autoimmune diseases. To help you feel better, help give you more energy, help decrease your pain and to ultimately feel strong. You’re in charge and you get to choose what you do to help yourself.

This is what my app is all about. It has a 7-day free trial, come join our team of strong autoimmune women 💪🏼


It’s easy to go grab a candy bar from your pantry or the gas station instead of making a healthy snack or meal. It’s easy to sleep in and miss your workout instead of getting up. It’s easy to sit there and break promises to yourself that might be convenient in the moment, but later on you have lower self esteem and you’re further from your goals because of it. Start focusing on a habit that will serve the future you 🫶🏼 your future self is begging you to stick to your goals and do the hard thing that benefits you later on.


I was telling Jake the other day how sometimes I wish I could just be one of those people who at the end of the day, sat on the couch and watched my favorite TV show and relaxed all night until bed. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that if you do that, but in my case it wouldn’t help me reach my goals.

Watching TV at night and relaxing would make me happy for a moment. But, what I get done instead helps me be successful for the next day and leads to so much more happiness. Same goes for exercise, work, eating healthy, etc.

Don’t be mistaken for what you think is “normal” will bring more happiness. A happier, more successful, joyful and healthier life is on the other side of your excuses 🙌🏼


So many people think there’s some “secret” that they’re missing out on that’s keeping them from reaching their goals. When in all reality, it’s just sticking to the basics, consistently.

Truly ask yourself, when have you been consistent for years with the basics?

If you haven’t, today is your start date 🫶🏼


You’re blessed with a beautiful body to move and take care of. Don’t take it for granted.

Move it, fuel it, let it rest and most of all, love it 🫶🏼 When you take care of yourself, so many things in your life get better in so many ways. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

If you’re struggling to start, get real with yourself about why you want to be healthy and feel good. And most of all, remember that motivation won’t always be there. You have to start to get the motivation most of the time 💪🏼

Photos from MYA Fit's post 14/02/2024

All I need 💕😍💗🤍💞❤️🫶🏼

Photos from MYA Fit's post 01/01/2024

2023 was a year of pure joy and healing. Being a mama to the most wild, loving little boy has been my greatest blessing. I reached goals, crossed things off my bucket list and my life feels so rich. I love these boys and the other people in my life that make such a big impact. SO excited for this next year ❤️‍🔥✨ happy new year!

Photos from MYA Fit's post 18/12/2023

Sometimes you feel like your daily efforts aren’t enough. Here’s your reminder to take progress pictures. The last few months I’ve been focusing on more food, protein and lifting heavier when I can. There’s 5 months between these pictures. And although they’re still small, I’ve grown and gotten stronger 💪🏼

Imagine what you can do in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years… if you focus on the little things each day.

I’m just a couple short weeks the gyms will fill up with people trying to hit their New Year’s resolutions. It’s great, but why wait a couple weeks? Start today. It’s not about “waiting after the holidays” or “working off all the crap you ate”. You’ll feel better when you move your body and you get a head start on building healthy habits 🙌🏼

Focus on those daily things and you’ll see change over time ✨

Photos from MYA Fit's post 09/12/2023

Merry Christmas from us to you ❄️ the happiest and most magical time of year ✨ These boys make it 10x better. I love them more than words.

Photos from MYA Fit's post 07/12/2023

I’m just over 13 months postpartum. I realized I don’t take enough pictures of my progress but just looking at these pictures compared to a year ago are crazy.

Today —> 1 week PP —> 36 weeks pregnant

I’m not where I want to be, but I know little changes everyday make big ones overtime.

I wish I could say I was extremely disciplined over the last year worked out consistently 5 days a week, are really clean and got all the sleep I needed.

Buttttt… having a baby really hit me with real life. I had a hard few months after recovery from losing a lot of blood and trying to keep my lupus under control. I really learned the value of doing the best you can in the circumstances you’re in. Each month I felt more like me and a little bit stronger.

Our bodies are amazing with what they’re capable of. It still blows my mind we can grow babies and keep them alive inside of our bodies. I’m so grateful for all that my body did to give me my biggest blessing.

I hope you know how strong, incredible and capable you are. No matter what phase of life you’re in. You are amazing if you need that reminder 🤍

Photos from MYA Fit's post 06/12/2023

Struggling to get enough protein in? I think snacking is hard for a lot of people.

It’s so easy to grab the crackers and treats and all the high carb snacks… protein makes you more full, helps with your blood sugar balance and helps build a strong body.

Save this little cheat sheet to look back on when you need protein snack ideas💪🏼🫶🏼

Photos from MYA Fit's post 28/11/2023

Refuel and recharge with these Autoimmune-Fit approved post-workout snacks! From Avocado Toast to nutrient-rich quinoa salads!

Each snack is to support your recovery and keep you fueled for your day to day fitness!

Share your favorite below!

Photos from MYA Fit's post 25/11/2023

We had the most fun week with fam and ate all the yummy food. I’m so thankful for my boys and the people in my life, my body, that I can be a mom and work on my goals and business everyday. I feel so blessed. And yesterdays sunset was INCREDIBLE ❤️‍🔥

Photos from MYA Fit's post 21/11/2023

Meet Vitamin K, the best!
From healing wounds to boosting bone strength, this nutrient is a true health ally.

Found in green veggies like spinach and broccoli, plus nuts and fruits, it's time to give our bodies the love they deserve.

What have you heard about Vitamin K?

Photos from MYA Fit's post 14/11/2023


This mighty antioxidant boosts your immune system, promotes glowing skin, and supports overall vitality.

Here's how to make it a delicious part of your daily routine:

Load up on vitamin C-rich foods like colorful bell peppers, citrus fruits, and leafy greens.

Or, simply add a refreshing glass of fresh orange juice to your morning ritual.

Your body will thank you for this burst of help!

How do you get vitamin C in your diet?

Photos from MYA Fit's post 07/11/2023

Boost your immune system with vitamin A!

Learn how to get your daily dose of this essential nutrient and support your body's defense against illnesses.

How do you get your Vitamin A?

Photos from MYA Fit's post 31/10/2023

The sunshine vitamin!

Vitamin D is more than just bone health; it's your immunity booster, mood lifter, and overall wellness vitamin.

From stronger bones to a happier you, make sure to catch those rays, savor those fatty fish, and don't forget the supplements if needed.

Photos from MYA Fit's post 24/10/2023

It's a superhero in the formation of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin, keeping your vital organs in top shape.

Want more energy?
Iron is really the way to go!

Utilize iron-packed foods like lean meats, seafood, beans, and more to keep your blood strong and your energy levels high.

Photos from MYA Fit's post 17/10/2023

Power of Calcium!

This essential mineral not only keeps your bones strong but also supports muscle function, aids blood clotting, and facilitates cell signaling. Load up on calcium with dairy, leafy greens, fortified foods, and more for a lifetime of healthy bones and a stronger you!

Photos from MYA Fit's post 10/10/2023

Magnesium for autoimmune wellness!

From muscle relaxation to heart health and mood improvement, magnesium offers a bunch of benefits! 🌟

Here's a quick breakdown:
💪 Muscle & Nerve Function
🦴 Bone Health
❤️ Heart Health
⚡ Energy Production
🩸 Blood Sugar Regulation
😴 Relaxation & Sleep
😊 Mood & Mental Health

And the best part?
You can find this mineral in everyday foods! 🍃🥜🍫 From leafy greens to dark chocolate, the options are deliciously diverse.

Don't forget to nourish your body with magnesium!

Photos from MYA Fit's post 03/10/2023

Embracing budget-friendly health habits like meal prepping, weight training, walking, and breathwork on my autoimmune fitness journey.
Share your favorite and message me with any questions!

Photos from MYA Fit's post 28/09/2023

Fiber is so important in your diet!
Fiber is a must for digestion, weight management, and more.
Incorporate things like: whole grains like quinoa and whole wheat pasta, colorful fruits and veggies, protein-packed legumes, crunchy nuts and seeds, and even high-fiber cereals.

Keep it balanced and hydrate for a fiber-packed, healthy lifestyle!

Photos from MYA Fit's post 26/09/2023

Sharing some of my favorite gluten-free staples!

From Canyon Bake House 7-grain bread to Applegate chicken tenders and so much more.

These are my go-to's for delicious gluten-free goodness!

What are your must-haves?

Photos from MYA Fit's post 22/09/2023

Little photo dump of life lately ❤️‍🔥 Been soaking up every little bit of Bay that I can cause he turns one soon. This year flew. So many good days and also hard days. Learning to balance life being a mom, wife and work is not easy. I’m still learning so much and just when I think I have it figured out, I don’t. I’m learning how to take life one day at a time and just roll with what it gives me. Being a mom brings the most happiness. Now I’m gonna go cry cause I don’t want him to grow up 🥲

Photos from MYA Fit's post 19/09/2023

Costco lovers, are you ready to fuel your gains? Say hello to your new favorite high-protein Costco finds!
From egg bites to salmon, this place is a protein paradise. Check out these power-packed options:
Egg Bites: A protein-packed breakfast that's quick and delicious.
Hard-Boiled Eggs: Nature's protein snack, ready to go!
Just Bare Grilled Nuggets: Lean and mean chicken protein.
Chicken Burrito Bowls: A tasty protein-packed meal in minutes.
Kevin’s Meals: Healthy and satisfying protein options.
Egg Whites: Versatile and perfect for cooking.
Archer Beef Sticks: A protein snack on-the-go.
Greek Yogurt: Creamy, rich in protein, and perfect for breakfast.
Albacore Tuna: Packed with omega-3s and protein.
Salmon: A heart-healthy protein source.
Mozzarella Snacking Cheese: Protein-packed cheesy goodness.
Pumpkin Seeds: Crunchy, nutritious, and high in protein.
Street Tacos: A delicious way to get your protein fix.
Whether you're hitting the gym, chasing your fitness goals, or just want to snack smarter, Costco has got you covered. Stock up and power up!

Videos (show all)

“My ultimate goal is to have a space where people feel empowered to improve their health while being surrounded by a com...
NEW PROGRAM LAUNCH + my autoimmune story
LP Full body workout.You can still get such a good workout with just bodyweight. I was dead, this was my last round, let...
Try this at home workout tomorrow 🙌🏼 It had my legs DED.Repeat 3x through.10 Weighted pulse jump squats10 Rotational lun...