Thrainn Hjalmarsson
Photos from Ensemble Adapter’s concert at Hafnarborg last April, as part of the concert series Phonemes.
The concert featured Ensemble Adapter (harpist Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir and percussionist Matthias Engler) joined by composer Celeste Oram and violinist Keir GoGwilt performing their collaborative live radio play “Yunge Eylands Varpcast Netwerkið”.
The concert series continues at Hafnarborg this Sunday, 8th of October at 8pm with a concert by flutist and composer Berglind María Tómasdóttir and cellist Júlía Mogensen.
Five years! My debut album was released by CARRIER Records on this day back in 2018!
To me, this album is an insightful document of the Icelandic contemporary music scene back then. Containing outstanding performances by all those marvellous musicians that contributed to the album: CAPUT, Nordic affect, Icelandic flute ensemble, Kristin Thora Haraldsdottir and Ensemble Adapter.
Ykkar skál!
Leikþátturinn „Hver ertu, helvítið þitt?“ eftir Ingibjörgu Magnadóttur verður frumsýndur á morgun, laugardag 26. ágúst kl. 13, í Ygallery sem hluti af Hamraborg-festival.
Mæli heilshugar með heimsókn enda verk Ingibjargar engum lík.
Höfundur/leikstjóri: Ingibjörg Magnadóttir
Aðstoðarleikstjóri: Fríða Katrín Bessadóttir
Leikarar: Harpa Arnardóttir, Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason, Ingi Þór Þórhallsson, Elva María Birgisdóttir.
Hljóðheimur: Thrainn Hjalmarsson
Hver ertu, helvítið þitt? - a play/performance by one of my favourite artist and playwright, Ingibjörg Magnadóttir, will be premiered tomorrow, Saturday 26th of August at 13 at Ygallery in relation to Hamraborg-Festival.
Author/director: Ingibjörg Magnadóttir
Assistance director: Fríða Katrín Bessadóttir
Actors: Harpa Arnardóttir, Ragnar Ísleifur Bragason, Ingi Þór Þórhallsson, Elva María Birgisdóttir.
Sound realm: Thrainn Hjalmarsson
An excerpt from the work “Doux miroir / Soft mirror”, which Jennifer Torrence and I developed through workshops and conversations over the span of two years.
The work grew from an exploration into the playfulness and sonic realm of the instrument “conical claves”, an instrument developed by myself and artist/design duo Brynjar Sigurðarson and Veronika Sedlmair (Studio Brynjar & Veronika).
The work is a part of a series of performances of a currently untitled performance-installation which revolves around Studio Brynjar & Veronika's instrument Circle flute. The title arrives from Sophie Fetokaki's “Two circular poems”, written especially for the performance- installation.
This marvellous performance by Jennifer is from last March in Linz, Austria.
Link for the full video at
Hljóðön í Hafnarborg annað kvöld, Sunnudaginn 7. maí kl. 20.
Kammerhópurinn Ensemble Adapter, skipaður þeim Gunnhildi Einarsdóttur, hörpuleikara, og Matthiasi Engler, slagverksleikara. Ásamt sérstökum gestum hópsins Celeste Oram, tónskáld og flytjandi, og Keir GoGwilt, tónskáld og fiðluleikari.
Flutt verður samstarfsverk hópsins og þeirra Celeste og Keirs, Yunge Eylands Varpcast Netwerkið.
Phonemes concert series at Hafnarborg tomorrow night, Sunday 7th of May, at 8pm.
Ensemble Adapter with Celeste Oram, composer and performer and Keir GoGwilt, composer and violinist. Performing their collaborative work Yunge Eylands Varpcast Netwerkið.
Looking forward!
Studio Brynjar & Veronika’s Circle flute is currently part of Björk’s Cornucopia tour.
I’ve re-uploaded my article from 2017 on the instrument. Enjoy the read!
The photo was taken in Önundarfjörður, Iceland, in the summer of 2016.
Tonight in Linz, Austria, and this Saturday in Oslo, Norway (at ).
Jennifer Torrence () premiers our co-composed work “Doux miroir / Soft mirror” for conical claves.
It was such a wonderful process working on this work. Exploring the playfulness and sonic realm of the conical claves. Instrument developed with Brynjar Sigurðarson and Veronika Sedlmair ()
Sharing with you photos from one of our workshopping sessions, that took place in Iceland last autumn.
Conductor Ilan Volkov commissioned the work "As heard across a room" for orchestra a decade ago and it was premiered by the wonderful BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in 2014.
The work has resurfaced on the youtube channel of 5against4.
Critic Simon Cummings reviewed the work in 2017 for his website (5against4):
"It’s achingly fragile, as though by attaining some substance it had practically exhausted its energy, yet at the same time stunning to behold. Its culmination, small pauses permeating feeble cluster-like swells, is really quite moving, music and audience united in a combined superhuman effort to resolve the details of its obfuscated beauty, given extra poignancy by frail little descents from a stratospheric violin."
Review link:
Video link:
Þráinn Hjálmarsson - As heard across a room (World Première) BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ilan Volkov
Á næstu málstofu tónsmíðanema við Listaháskóla Íslands flyt ég erindið „…auðvitað og sem betur fer breytistu eftir því við hvern þú talar." Þar sem ég mun fjalla um eigin tónsmíðar þar sem náið samtal við flytjendur er stór hluti af sköpunarferli verkanna.
Málstofan fer fram nú á föstudag, 3. Febrúar, kl. 12:45 í Dynjandi - sal tónlistardeildar LHÍ í Skipholti.
Lecturing at the music department of Iceland University of the Arts this Friday on my works that explore close collaborations with performers. The lecture will be held in Icelandic.
Photo of “The conical claves”, instrument developed with Studio Brynjar & Veronika. Developed into a performance with Jennifer Torrence.
2022 Recap - September: “Recitar cantando / Speaking in Song” released on Barokkbandið Brák’s debut album “Two Sides” on label Sono Luminus ( )
Marvellous performance by Laufey Jensdóttir, Sólveig Vaka Eyþórsdóttir, Þóra Margrét Sveinsdóttir and Steinunn Arnbjörg Stefánsdóttir.
The album is available on Bandcamp and streaming services.
I wish you a happy new year!
2022 Recap: Phonemes concert series in September - Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir and Matthias Engler.
Premiere of the work “Oddball” by Gunnhildur Einarsdottir and music by Luciano Azzigotti, Matthias Kaul, Matthias Engler, Gérard Grisey, Simon Steen-Andersen and Oliver Thurley.
2022 Recap: “Equivocal”, for viola and playback, premiered by Hanna Hohti at Helsinki Festival in August.
Fjórði og síðasti pistillinn fyrir Víðsjá á Rás 1 fór í loftið í gær. Að þessu sinni var umfjöllunarefnið vettvangur og miðlun sígildrar- og samtímatónlistar. Viðfangsefni sem hefur fylgt mér síðustu 10 árin(!) sem sýningarstjóri.
Sérstakar þakkir til Jónu Hlífar Halldórsdóttur og Atla Ingólfssonar.
Hér má lesa pistilinn í heild sinni:
My fourth and last text on contemporary music for the radio show Víðsjá at The National Radio Broadcast in Iceland was aired yesterday.
In this last text the topic was on on curatorial practise in classical and contemporary music. A topic dear to me, where I celebrate my 10th year(!) as a curator.
Special thanks to Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir and Atli Ingólfsson.
Barokkbandið Brák has just received a rave review in the magazine Gramophone for their debut album, "Two sides".
"There are no doubts about Barokkbandi Brak's virtuosity or musicality [...] The group's chamber credentials are highlighted in the trio sonatas by Corelli and Stradella, and - in a very different vein - Þráinn Hjálmarsson's string quartet "Recitar cantando / Speaking in Song" (2021), a study in ethereal textures, inspired by Giulio Caccini's comment 'music is nothing other than speech, then rhythm, and lastly sound'."
Congratulations Brák!
Tónlistartímaritið Gramophone fer fögrum orðum um nýja plötu Barokkbandsins Brákar, „Tvær hliðar“. Til hamingju Brák!
Þriðji pistill minn af fjórum fyrir Víðsjá á Rás 1 fór í loftið í gær.
Pistillinn bar yfirskriftina „Tónlist handan ritunar“ og fjallar samstörf flytjenda og höfunda innan samtímatónlistar þar sem sneitt er hjá nýtingu nótnaskriftar.
Hér má lesa pistilinn í heild sinni:
My third text, out of four, on contemporary music for the radio show Víðsjá at The National Radio Broadcast in Iceland was aired yesterday.
The topic was on "post-notational practice", that is on close collaborations between performers and composers where any form of notation is avoided.
Fyrir ári síðan var Sequences Art Festival hátíðin á fullu skriði. Þær eru ófára hlýju minningarnar frá samstarfi okkar Þórunnar Björnsdóttur og allra þessarra frábæru listamanna sem tóku þátt á hátíðinni.
Til gamans má benda á nýlega frétt á síðu Félags íslenskra safna og safnamanna (FÍSOS) um þátttöku nemenda 6. bekkjar í Fellaskóla á hátíðinni. Nemendurnir fengu það verkefni að sýningarstýra verkum úr safneign Nýlistasafnsins sem hluta af samsýningu hátíðarinnar SKÖPUN / EYÐING.
„Þátttaka nemenda í 6. Bekk í Fellaskóla í sýningunni SKÖPUN / EYÐING færði safninu nýtt sjónarhorn á safneignina. Undir umsjón Gretu S. Guðmundsdóttur, myndlistarkonu og kennara, kynntu þau sér hina umfangsmiklu safneign Nýlistasafnsins, sem staðsett er í næsta nágrenni skólans við Völvufell, með það fyrir augum að velja úr verk til sýningar í sýningarrými Nýlistasafnsins í Marshallhúsinu. Nemendurnir tóku að sér hlutverk sýningarstjóra og höfðu frjálsar hendur með val verkanna og báru þau á borð verk sem vakið hafa áhuga þeirra og hylli. Nokkur verk sem merkt voru óþekktum höfundi voru valin, en slík verk fara sjaldan fyrir sjónir almennings. Verkin voru sett í nýtt samhengi og fyrir vikið öðlaðist safnið mikilvægar upplýsingar.“
Mynd frá undirbúningi verkefnisins.
How time passes. The festival, Sequences X - Time has come, happened a year ago. I have so many warm memories from the collaboration with curator Þórunn Dögg Björnsdóttir and all the involved artists!
Among many projects at the festival, was the involvement of 6th grade students of Fellaskóli. The students curated their own exhibition with works from the archive of the Living Art Museum and exhibited at the Museum as part of the festival exhibition CREATION / DESTRUCTION. The following article is about how their contribution gave the museum a new perspective on their own archive.
Photo taken during the preperation process of the student's exhibition.
Annar pistill minn af fjórum fyrir Víðsjá á Rás 1 fór í loftið í gær.
Pistillinn bar yfirskriftina „Tónlist í augum véla“ og fjallaði um nýtingu vélnáms við listsköpun.
Sérstakar þakkir til Ragnars Árna Ólafssonar, Luke Dean og Jennifer Walshe!
Hér má lesa pistilinn í heild sinni:
My second text, out of four, on contemporary music for the radio show Víðsjá at The National Radio Broadcast in Iceland was aired yesterday.
The topic was on the use of machine learning (artificial intelligence) within the arts and how it affects the arts. Mentioning Ragnar Árni's and Luke Dean's inHail project, Holly Herndon's Holly+ and Jennifer Walshe's Text score dataset 1.0.
Special thanks to Ragnar Árni Ólafsson, Luke Dean and Jennifer Walshe!
Fyrsti pistill minn af fjórum hljómaði í Víðsjá á Rás 1 á mánudaginn síðastliðinn.
Pistillinn bar yfirskriftina „Samtíminn og nýja snilligáfan“ og lauk á þýðingu minni á stefnuyfirlýsingu Cat Hope og Louise Devenish; „Nýja snilligáfan: stefnuyfirlýsing fyrir samtímahljóðsköpun“.
Hér má lesa pistilinn í heild sinni:
Last Monday, my first (out of four) texts on contemporary music was broadcasted at The National Radio Broadcast in Iceland.
This first text revolved around Cat Hope's and Louise Devenish's manifesto; "New virtuosity: a manifesto for contemporary sonic practice" and included my translation of that manifesto.
I highly recommend reading Hope's and Devenish's manifesto, which is available online. First published in the 11th issue of ADSR Zine in 2020.
Hljóðön: Ernste Musik - á sunnudag kl. 20 í Hafnarborg. Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir, hörpuleikari og Matthias Engler, slagverksleikari koma fram á tónleikum Hljóðöna. Spánýtt verk eftir Gunnhildi ásamt verkum höfunda á borð við Luciano Azzigotti, Matthias Kaul, Gérard Grisey og Simon Steen-Andersen, auk annarra.
Phonemes concert series at Hafnarborg continues this Sunday at 8pm. Harpist Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir and percussionist Matthias Engler premiere a new work by Gunnhildur written especially for the occasion, along with works by Luciano Azzigotti, Matthias Kaul, Gérard Grisey, Simon Steen-Andersen and more.
Hér má hlýða á hljóðritun Finnska útvarpsins YLE, frá tónleikum Hönnu Hohti, SEIDR í Kalliosali á Helsinki Festival í ágúst sl.
Hanna frumflutti heil 5 ný verk frá Norðurlöndunum, þeirra á meðal verkið „Equivocal“ fyrir víólu og rafhljóð.
Umsjón rafhljóðanna var í höndum Anders Pohjola.
Hljóðritunin er aðgengileg til 15. október nk.
Available for listening until 15th of October! Yle 's recording of Hanna Hohti's SEIDR project at Helsingin juhlaviikot / Helsinki Festival from last August at Kalliosali
Music by Tine Surel Lange, Jesper Nordin, Perttu Haapanen, Josefine Opsahl and Thrainn Hjalmarsson.
On electronics: Anders Pohjola.
Happy release day! Barokkbandið Brák's debut album, "Two sides", has just been released! Congratulations to everybody involved!
The album is compact with music from the baroque period and new Icelandic contemporary music. There amongst is the string quartet "Recitar cantando / Speaking in song" (stream on youtube: )
More on the album here:
Looking forward to this release in September!
Packed with music from the baroque period to the present! There amongst is the string quartet "Recitar cantando / Speaking in song" performed marvellously by members of the ensemble.
Það styttist í magnaða og metnaðarfulla útgáfu Barokkbandsins Brákar!
Available everywhere 9/9/2022 - Two Sides from Barokkbandið Brák
Pre-order here:
From the ensemble on the album:
"Tvær hliðar/Two Sides presents two contrasting sides of our music-making. On the first CD we perform our core repertoire of Italian and Swedish Baroque music, but Barokkbandið Brák also seeks to expand the repertoire for historical instruments by commissioning new works by up and coming Icelandic composers, and the second CD showcases new Icelandic music written specially for the ensemble. All of these works share the same sound world as all the music is performed on historical instruments from the baroque era"
Violist Hanna Hohti premiers the work "Equivocal" for viola and playback at Helsingin juhlaviikot / Helsinki Festival next Saturday, 27th of August.
This is a remarkable project by Hanna and I'm looking forward to see and listen (and of course visit Helsinki). Congratulation Hanna on this project!
Further on Helsinki Festival website:
Finnski víóluleikarinn Hanna Hohti frumflytur verkið „Equivocal“ fyrir víólu og rafhljóð á Helsinki Festival þarnæsta laugardag, 27. ágúst nk.
Hanna vefur hér ólíka þræði frá Norðurlöndunum og hlakka ég til að sjá og heyra útkomuna (sem og auðvitað að heimsækja Helsinki). Til hamingju Hanna með verkefnið!
Nánar um tónleikana á heimasíðu Helsinki Festival:
Síðbúnar sumarkveðjur! Einsog að venju er hér hinn árlegi sumarlagaspotti og sá fimmti í röðinni(!). Að þessu sinni, að frátöldum hugljúfum opnuar- og lokalögum sækir listinn inn á mið skruðsins. Hentugur fyrir síðsumarnæturnar sem eru í vændum.
Tónlist eftir Hans Otte, Petru Strahovnik, John Croft, Scott McLaughlin, Bethany Young, Maggi Payne, Laetitia Sonami, Merzbow, Lawrence English, Aaron Dilloway, Lucreciu Dalt og Walter Zimmermann.
Belate summer greetings! (those situated in the north hemisphere). As has become the annual tradition since 2018, I've made a playlist with music to accompany you during this season and this year's list is suited for the late summer days that are soon to come. Beside heartwarming opening and closening tracks, this year's playlist goes back to my musical roots; noise-music (believe it or not).
Music by Hans Otte, Petra Strahovnik, John Croft, Scott McLaughlin, Bethany Young, Maggi Payne, Laetitia Sonami, Merzbow, Lawrence English, Aaron Dilloway, Lucrecia Dalt and Walter Zimmermann.
Sumarið 2016 á Flateyri. Vinnusmiðja með hringflautu Studio Brynjar & Veronika, ásamt flautuleikurunum Bettinu Danielle Berger, Bjørnar Habbestad, Marieke Franssen og Michael Schmid
Nánar um hljóðfærið hér:
Ljósmynd: Emile Barrett
Summer of 2016 at Flateyri, Iceland. Workshopping the circle flute by Studio Brynjar & Veronika, with flutists Bettina Danielle Berger, Bjørnar Habbestad, Marieke Franssen and Michael Schmid
Photo: Emile Barrett
Meðlimir Barokkbandsins Brák frumfluttu strengjakvartettinn „Recitar Cantando / Speaking in Song“ á tónleikum hópsins í Norðurljósasal Hörpu í Mars síðastliðnum.
Kvartettinn skipuðu þær
Sólveig Vaka Eyþórsdóttir, fiðla
Sólveig Steinþórsdóttir, fiðla
Anna Hugadóttir, víóla
Guðný Jónasdóttir, selló
Hljóðritun Rásar 1 er aðgengileg á netinu til 24. maí nk.
[Verkið hefst á 11:58]
Samning verksins naut stuðnings Starfslauna tónskálda - Listamannalauna
Members of Barokkbandið Brák ; violinists Sólveig Vaka Eyþórsdóttir and Sólveig Steinþórsdóttir, violist Anna Hugadóttir and cellist Guðný Jónasdóttir, premiered the string quartet "Recitar cantando / Speaking in song" in concert Sunday 13th of March at Harpa concert hall.
A recording from the concert made by National Radio Broadcast is available online until 24th of May via this link:
[The work starts at 11:58]
The work is written with support from Artists' Salary Fund in Iceland.
Í kvöld kl. 20 í Hafnarborg - Tónleikar Ragnars Árna Ólafssonar, gítarleikara og tónskálds, og tónlistarhópsins Skerplu í Hafnarborg en tónleikarnir eru hluti af samtímatónleikaröðinni Hljóðönum.
Á efnisskránni er að finna verk sem samsköpuð eru með gervigreind í verkum Ragnars Árna Ólafssonar og Jennifer Walshe. Í verkunum spretta fram áleitar spurningar um stöðu listaverksins, lokamynd þess og rödd höfundarins.
Meira hér:
Tonight at 8 pm at Hafnarborg - concert as part of the concert series Phonemes with Ragnar Árni Ólafsson, guitarist and composer, and the music ensemble Skerpla.
The programme features works which are created in dialogue with artificial intelligence, both in the works of Ragnar Árni Ólafsson and Jennifer Walshe. In the works, the listener encounters questions about the artwork itself and its state, as well as the voice of the author.
Íslensku tónlistarverðlaunin hafa tilkynnt tilnefningar til verðlaunanna fyrir árið 2021.
Tónleikaröðin Hljóðön í Hafnarborg er tilnefnd í flokki sígildrar- og samtímatónlistar sem „Tónlistarviðburður ársins - Hátíðir“!
The concert series Phonemes at Hafnarborg has just been nominated as the music festival of the year of 2021 at the Iceland Music Awards!
Á Sunnudag í Norðurljósasal Hörpu, kl. 16, frumflytur Barokkbandið Brák strengjakvartettinn „Recitar cantando / Speaking in song“. En verkið prýðir nýja plötu hópsins, „Tvær hliðar“, sem kemur út í ágúst!
Í formála verksins er vísað í bók Caccini (1551-1618) „Nuove Musiche“ frá árinu 1602: „... tónlist er fyrst og fremst talandi, svo hrynjandi og síðast hljóð...“
Samning verksins naut stuðnings Listamannalauna árið 2020.
This Sunday at Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre at 4pm. Barokkbandið Brák premiers the string quartet "Recitar cantando / Speaking in song". Which is part of their upcoming debut album, 'Two sides', to be released in August.
The work seeks inspiration in the words of Caccini (1551-1618) from his book "Nuove Musiche" from 1602:
" is nothing other than speech, then rhythm, and lastly sound...“
This work was funded by Iceland Artists' Salary fund in 2020.
A far too late shout out to Sequences Art Festival ! Which, for a pure luck, we managed to make happen without any pandemic-related restrictions last October. This warms my heart seeing this video summary from the festival.
Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir and I curated this tenth version of 'Sequences - Real Time art'-visual art biennal that took place 15th-24th of October 2021.
The festival included multiple exhibitions at venues such as The Living Art Museum, Kling & Bang, ELKO Grandi, OPEN, FLÆÐI and Billboards in Reykjavík, cinema screenings at Bíó Paradís, 24 hour film screening at Tjarnarbíó, multiple performances, book releases, music releases and educational projects and many more.
We are grateful for the collaboration with all the wonderful participating artists, venues and supporters!
Festival manager Helga Björg Kjerúlf managed to catch some of the magical moments that occurred during the festival on video that can be seen above.
Thank you for the collaboration:
ARTISTS Agnes Ársælsdóttir, Andreas Brunner, Anna Margrét Ólafsdóttir, Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, Bára Bjarnadóttir, Berglind María Tómasdóttir, Bergrún Snæbjörnsdóttir, Björk Guðnadóttir, Borgar Magnason, Dagur Hjartarson, Darren Mark, Dodda Maggý, Dýrfinna Benita Basalan, Éliane Radigue, Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir, Erik DeLuca, Freyja Reynisdóttir, Guðlaug Mía Eyþórsdóttir, Gunnar Jónsson, Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir, Helena Jónsdóttir, Ida Juhl, John McCowen, Julia Eckhardt, Lucky 3, Matthías Rúnar Sigurðsson, Melanie Ubaldo, Miles Greenberg, Pétur Magnússon, Ragnar Helgi Olafsson, RASK collective, Sæmundur Þór Helgason, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Skerpla, Skólahljómsveit Austurbæjar, Sóley Sigurjónsdóttir, Nemendur í 6. bekk í Fellaskóla, Svanhildur H. Haraldsdóttir, Nýlókórinn/Íslenski hljóðljóðakórinn, Tunglið forlag, Vala Sigþrúðar Jónsdóttir.
VENUES OPEN, FLÆÐI, Post-húsið, Bíó Paradís, Tjarnarbíó, Gallerí Úthverfa, Kaktus, Skaftfell, Herðubreið, Listasafnið á Akureyri, Listaháskóli Íslands, University of Iceland, National Archives, Billboard Buzz, Hafnarborg, Seltjarnarnesbær & Luna Flórens.
SUPPORTERS Reykjavíkurborg, Myndlistarsjóður, Safnaráð, Tónlistarsjóður, Menntamálaráðuneytið, RANNÍS, Íslandsstofa & Nordisk kulturkontak.
Thoranna Bjornsdottir (co-curator), Helga Björg Kjerúlf (Festival director), Eyja Orradóttir, Sunna Axels, Kamilija Teklė Čižaitė, Nýlistasafnið, Sunna Ástþórsdóttir, Sigthora Odins, Birkir Karlsson, Þorsteinn Eyfjörð, Dorothea Olesen Halldorsdóttir, Una Björg Magnúsdóttir, Logi Leó Gunnarsson, Steinunn Marta Önnudóttir, Icelandic Art Center, Auður Jörundsdóttir, Galadriel Gonzalez, Camilla Holm Ra******rg, Weronika Gołaś.
Sequences X - Time has come [Festival excerpts] Sequences X - Time has come15-24 October 2021Video by Helga Björg Kjerúlf"Time Has Come" is the title for the tenth Sequences art biennale, held between 15-2...