Summer Leann
Unlocking infinite potential from within one vision (& board) at a time. Life is not meant to be def
They came out so good!! 🖤🤍✨
They say happiness is an inside job...
And just what do they mean by this..
Well quite simply if happiness is put waiting for the external it will always be fleeting.
It will leave a feeling of emptiness as it passes through.
But when it is truly felt inside from a place of self-love, self-honoring and self-awareness it will not arrive in fleeting state. It will always be something that can be connected to, something that is ours and something that does not need us to wait to feel it.
For years, I recall thinking that when I’d get to a certain place, obtained a certain goal or had certain things happen externally that I’d be so much happier in my life. THAT. DID. NOT. WORK. 🤣 shocking right!
Putting weight in external happiness as means to fulfillment is like eating a happy meal and expecting it live up to its name. It may bring in a few moments of joy but in the long run it’s not going to be truly satisfying.
It can be so much harder to sit with feelings and learn to be our own best friend BUT once we do this the effects are life altering.
For me, once the empowerment of being the controller of my emotions changed my life.
What once felt so personal in the external world was now my own super power from within. I can change my state!! I choose to live fulfilled. I can access the infinite potential within because I have let myself believe in me.
And that is everything!
Side note: who here has read The Four Agreements?
This book hands downs helped me open up to a path that changed my life ♥️
Getting all the goodies ready for marketplace! 🥳🎉
Infinite Potential Within - Chats
Join my special guest and I as we chat about the infinite potential that is within.
Real & Raw chats with a Relaxed Vibe.
Infinite Potential Within
Connection to the infinite
You know what’s fun?!
Embodying the version of you that does all the things she knows she is meant for!
Meaning you listen to your intuition and show up as her!
You go after the things that scare you, make you uncomfortable and also make you feel alive!
Those that know me, know that I truly and 100% believe that we get to make our lives what we decide.
I believe that our past circumstances do not have to determine where we are going, rather they get to be fuel for that fire inside of us.
Choosing to embody the version of ourselves that has learned how to navigate the fire can become our biggest strength for moving forward.
This has been how I have been able to take the Big T traumas and everything in between…and turn it into the desire and passion I have for life.
Through this I have discovered what has worked to help simplify the process forward.
Being able to combine everything I’ve learned from each certification, ridiculous amounts hours of research and personal experience into something that I know works is very exciting!
I am proud of where I am in life!
I am excited to help those ready to embody more in their lives!
It lights me up to see others grasp and own that version of themselves that truly embodies their infinite potential and power within!
Those ready to rise the f*ck up and do the things 👏🏼👏🏼
If any of this resonates with you like it does me than know that I am excited for you!!
These future you Embodiment sessions that I have been booking are truly something incredibly special!
If you are ready for one or for more info leave a ✨ 👇🏼
Excited for you!
Your abundance is your birthright 💜
On a soul level what you desire is already yours, it’s just waiting for you to claim it.
You know this, you feel this.
Something calls to you!
You are ready!
It is time reclaim the vision and rise to your abundance.
You are ready! ✨💜
Want to know the best way to learn?
The absolute best way to learn is to try. Try, see what works, see what doesn’t work, try again, and repeat!
If you don’t ever try how can you learn? How can you grow? How can you succeed?
Failure is NEVER failing, only person who fails who the one who chooses to not show up.
You know you made for more, you know you have a bigger story to tell. So do it! Do it messy, do it before you’re ready, do it while you can!
Don’t let time keeping passing by!
Your dream has faith in you, it’s time for you to have faith in your dream! It’s time for you to step up and take the next step!
You are worth it! 100% worth all that you know is possible for yourself 💜✨
Too often we stop ourselves right before massive success is about to happen! You were meant for more! We are all meant for more! Listen to that intuitive feeling ✨💜
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2022 is all about doing what feels in alignment with my soul
In case no else tells you today, I think you are beautiful, incredible and are absolutely perfect as you are!
I am proud of you for all that you have been through and all that you have overcome.
Now is your time to grasp life and go for it!
Let this be a sign that what you desire is ready for you!
Are you ready to say yes to you?
If only…
For the last two decades I have felt so much inspiration to create things that I felt pulled to. I would be drawn to these things and would learn all that I could get my hands on. My excitement would feel so incredible! It would pull me! Then p**f gone..
And if you know me you know I buy up all the books, read all the stuff I can online and consume all the videos. I dive super deep. The Gemini in me is very passionate! And then there is the flip side I would lose motivation or should I say I would talk myself out of whatever it is because of so many reasons (hello imposter syndrome)
ANY of these ideas would have been really successful if I had stayed consistent, if I had allowed myself to learn from what would have worked and what didn’t work.
I always had that pull to more, I always felt in my ideas truly pull me to them and then I would stop (🐥). Only doing things that on the surface felt like traction but ultimately only providing a feeling of more confusion.
Looking around I saw so many examples of people who stayed consistent in what they felt passion for and I have seen them rise! It’s always been inspiring for me to watch someone’s transformation. Going from the rise to the receiving.
Last year while pursing what felt good and remaining consistent, I was able to create the things that felt aligned. You know what worked for me? Just doing it! Not letting the bully in my head talk me out of things and just going for it!
I learned it does not have to be perfect! It just needs to be out there in the world. Being out there in the world let me learn and I grew! I am proud of myself for having confidence in the unseen. The belief is my vision!
So long story long, I am so excited for the things that coming up! I am so excited that I have to opportunity to be of service! I am so excited to help others with similar paths and watch them rise and receive!
BEST Vision Board EVER
Vision boards are wayyyy more than an arts and crafts project. Yes, they are fun. Yes, they have power to help us create yet they are also so much more. Over 3 years ago when I first had the idea to start doing vision board workshops (and made my vision board) soooo many things have taken place that I couldn’t have predicted, which truly is the most incredible part of creating a board. Since my first workshop to now, I have created a unique method that truly helps you unlock the infinite potential that we all possess within. When you let yourself be the creator it’s absolutely beautiful to watch what happens next 💜
Ready to create a Visual Story Board of your life aka a Vision Board or a Dream Board.
This box is perfect for you! Maybe you have created one before or maybe you have been curious to create and you were not sure where to start. This kit is made for you! This kit is unlike any other kit out there! It has been designed to help you take the shortest road to manifesting/creating the life you love! The life that is created by intention, energy and action.
A perfectly designed vision board is a glimpse of what your life looks like before you have stepped into it, like a movie and you are the star! This movie gets to be anything you want it because it is YOURS! And cheesy but true if you can dream it, then you can take action to step into that story in real time. This kit is here to help you!
What does the kit contain you may be asking:
* One board
* Glue Stick
* Tape
* Notebook
* Pen
* Instructional Workbook w/tips
* Bonuses
* Link to How-to Videos plus bonus coaching videos - (lifetime access)
* Access to support
What sets this kit apart from others out there is it is backed up with step by step support. The workbook was designed with you in mind and we wanted to make sure that receiving this kit would feel like you were attending an in person workshop. We truly want to see you see create and life within a life where your infinite potential has been unlocked.
You are the creator and we are excited to see you live without limitations!