Feel Good Lactium

Feel Good Lactium

FEEL GOOD LACTIUM is a new and unique food supplement made of milk protein hydrolysate that helps r Are you STRESSED?

Beat Stress Naturally with FEEL GOOD LACTIUM! Call Our "Feel Good" Hotline at +632 801 93 12 to know more about our product.


Hope everyone will have a Stress-Free Weekend!


Do you know that laughter can actually improve your health? Have a good laugh, it's fun and healthy!


How Does Stress Impact Breastfeeding? 08/08/2020

Recovering from having a baby and taking care of a newborn (along with your other children), coupled with sleepless nights, can cause even the most prepared mom to feel overwhelmed. Adding the stress of work, illness or financial problems can take its toll on your life and your body. This stress can also affect your breastfeeding plan. Read more to know how does stress affect breastfeeding.

Source: https://insured.amedadirect.com/stress-impact-breastfeeding/

How Does Stress Impact Breastfeeding? Recovering from having a baby and taking care of a newborn (along with your other children), coupled with sleepless nights, can cause even the most prepared mom to feel overwhelmed.


Calming the mind allows you to solve problem in a more relaxed way. Visualization can help. You can often achieve a sense of peacefulness through imagery, the process of picturing a tranquil scene or location. This practice can reduce tension in both your body and your mind by challenging neurons in the less-dominant area of your brain.

The less-dominant side of your brain is the area that controls feelings of self-confidence and optimism. When you think about something other than your daily worries, you increase activity in the neural structures of that area of your brain.

Ultimately, visualization can boost your emotional well-being and calm you down mentally.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/mental-fitness


Surprising ways to get more energy!


Not only is talking face-to-face with a trusted friend or loved one a proven means of stress relief, but speaking openly about your financial problems can also help you put things in perspective. Keeping money worries to yourself only amplifies them until they seem insurmountable. The simple act of expressing your problems to someone you trust can make them seem far less intimidating.

* The person you talk to doesn’t have to be able to fix your problems or offer financial help.
* To ease your burden, they just need to be willing to talk things out without judging or criticizing.
* Be honest about what you’re going through and the emotions you’re experiencing.
*Talking over your worries can help you make sense of what you’re facing and your friend or loved one may even be able to come up with solutions that you hadn’t thought of alone.

Source: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/coping-with-financial-stress.htm


Stress is inevitable. There are days you wake up to stressful moments which last throughout the day. These can come from the littlest things such as worrying over what to cook for dinner, or deciding what clothes to wear for the day. You can’t escape stress, but you can manage it. Let go of a little steam once in a while. Here are some tips on how you can reduce and manage stress better:

Source: https://www.wyethparenteam.com.ph/marriage/4-ways-reduce-stress?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsbaFytap6gIVV1pgCh3ppQ2mEAAYASAAEgJm5fD_BwE


Understanding debt is the first step to getting yourself out of it. Once you know how to break out, you can start building toward your future in a more positive way with simple habits that are easy to maintain.

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/understanding-and-preventing-financial-stress-3144546


It's okay not to be okay. Feeling sad or anxious is normal during a health emergency or crisis.

Do you need a health professional to talk to?
Call the National Center for Mental Health hotlines: 0917-899-USAP (8727) or 989-USAP (8727)

Source: Department of Health (Philippines)


Money is a common source of stress, whether it's worrying about paying rent or feeling bogged down by debt. This is pretty significant given financial stress is linked to so many health issues.

Financial stress can lead to:

*Poor physical health - Ongoing stress about money has been linked to migraines, heart disease, diabetes, sleep problems, and more.
*Delayed healthcare - With less money in the budget, people who are already under financial stress tend to cut corners in areas they shouldn't, like healthcare.
*Poor mental health - In many instances, the link between mental and financial health is cyclical—poor financial health can lead to poor mental health, which leads to increasingly poor financial health, and so on.
*Unhealthy coping behaviors - Financial stress can cause you to engage in a variety of unhealthy behaviors, from overeating to alcohol and drug misuse.

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/understanding-and-preventing-financial-stress-3144546

Reduce Stress to Improve Oral Health (And More) | Hoffman Dental Care 22/02/2020

Stress is intangible on its own, but it has physical manifestations. We all process our anxiety differently, and see it showing up in our lives in unique ways. Some lose sleep, some become irritable, some overeat… and some grind their teeth. Do you wake up with a sore jaw and a headache? You could be clenching without realizing it.

Depending on your teeth and your habits, there are ways to help you relax your jaw, even through the night. Read more to learn about how you can ease your stress in the long term. This will not only improve your grinding, but help make every day your very best.

Reduce Stress to Improve Oral Health (And More) | Hoffman Dental Care Stop grinding your teeth and start relaxing - reducing your stress can improve your oral health, as well as many other aspects of daily life.


Stress is a common cause of health problems, and your oral health is no exception. Stress may contribute to teeth grinding, gum disease, dry mouth and canker sores and may also impact your oral health routine and diet—increasing your risk of tooth decay.


Such a wonderful day with so much love in the air. Wishing you plenty of love and a stress-free Valentines Day!


It’s perfectly normal to feel anxiety about this emerging health crisis. The coronavirus can be a deadly disease, but we also know that it’s most likely to be deadly in people who already have a weakened immune system.

Here’s how to cope with the anxiety and fear surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.

1. Don’t Inflate the Risk - Our brains are used to taking something that is made to sound scary and unknown, and inflating the risk of it actually happening to us.

2. Take Normal, Healthy Precautions - A healthy immune system starts with a balanced diet and getting the amount of sleep you need to feel well-rested every night. Engaging in regular exercise is also important.

3. Avoid Overconsumption of Media - If you need updates, check out a government resource for the best, most accurate information.

4. Use Your Past Coping Skills - Using what’s worked for you in the past to help relieve your stress and reduce your anxiety, try to do more of that in times like this, when you feel like the stress of this virus outbreak is getting to you.


Stress reveals itself in five aspects appearing in physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and
spiritual/philosophical reactions. Because each individual has characteristic ways of reacting to it,
responses to the same situation vary. Responses may also be both gender-specific and culturally
defined or sanctioned. In addition to gender and culture, other factors affecting the number and
intensity of stress reactions may include personality, personal history, training, previous disaster
or humanitarian emergency experience and current life situation. Finally, stress reactions depend
on the type of stress encountered.


Leisure activities can be a wonderful way to relieve stress  Yet, many people feel as though their lives are too busy for hobbies, games, or extra fun.

But building time for leisure into your schedule could be key to helping you feel your best. And when you feel better, you'll perform better, which means leisure time may make your work time more efficient.

Whether you find joy in caring for a garden or you like making quilts, hobbies and leisure are key to living your best life.


If you have been exposed to a natural disaster, it is very important to learn ways of coping with natural disasters and their impact. As with any traumatic event, natural disasters can bring about high levels of stress, anxiety, and anger.

Despite the far-reaching effects of natural disasters, there are steps you can take to cope. Listed below are some ways you may be able to reduce the effect of a natural disaster.

* Seek out and connect with social support
* Identify local support groups or available crisis counselors to talk to.
* Try to establish a schedule. For example, set regular times for meals, waking up in the morning, or talking with family and friends.
* Talk about the effect of the natural disaster. Share your feelings with others, or at the very least, find some way to express your emotions.
* Focus on self-care. A natural disaster can deplete you physically. It is very important that you put aside time for caring for yourself. Make sure you eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise.
* Practice healthy coping strategies. Following a natural disaster, you will experience a number of intense negative emotions. Therefore, it is very important to identify healthy ways of managing these emotions.
* Find ways to help others. Helping others can provide you with a sense of agency, purpose, control, and empowerment.
* Try to limit other sources of stress in your life. Although you may have little control over other sources of stress in your life, try to limit the extent to which you make major decisions or life changes.

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/coping-with-natural-disasters-2797570


While you may have gone to school and been involved with sports and fun activities as a child, it’s important to keep learning, growing, and doing things you enjoy throughout your adult life. Having a regular hobby can provide a necessary outlet for mental stimulation and stress relief, and help you maintain a balanced lifestyle. It can also provide you with an appropriate amount of eustress, the positive type of stress that keeps you feeling vital and alive. From a positive psychology perspective, the right hobby can bring the benefits of flow that all gratifications bring.

Taking care of yourself in this way can be an important step toward living the life you want to be living.

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/new-year-resolutions-for-stress-relief-3144722


Around the first of the year, most of us begin turning our attention to ways we can improve our lives. While resolutions often center on developing new habits that will get us into better physical shape, reducing stress and getting into better mental and emotional shape can provide huge rewards.

Being sleep deprived can be both a cause and an effect of being stressed. While stress can keep people up at night, operating on too few hours of sleep can make people less productive, more emotional, and more reactive to stressful events in their lives. This year, you can gain significant benefits by striving for better quality and greater quantity of sleep at night.



Beat stress and start your year right. Happy New Year!


Let go of what makes you stress and celebrate a stress-free New Year!


Treat yourself with a stress-free Christmas to remember and make some festive memories to keep forever.


Christmas is your holiday as much as everyone else’s. Enjoy the magical spirit of Christmas.


You can shop Feel Good Lactium from the comfort of your own home and you will not only save time but probably be less stressed since it will be directly delivered at your door step.

Take advantage of our Buy 1 Get 1 promo at The Health eStore.


Never forget to take good care of you. When we are in a stressful situation, we end up getting tensed and worried without giving a thought about ourselves. We ignore our own selves either by eating unhealthy meals or by not giving our body and mind enough rest. This ignorance can more harm us greatly and could weaken our power to deal with stress.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/de-stress/top-20-tips-for-a-stress-free-life/articleshow/20984083.cms


Choose well! You have the choice to beat stress naturally with Feel Good Lactium!

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Managing Stress